Contrasting U.S. Media Coverage of Two Besieged Cities

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Horhey, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    There are too many false assumptions about my views in your post. For example, I never said that there were any moderate rebels and I certainly never suggested that I didn't oppose arming them.

    See here. Second video down: Tulsi Gabbard Emerging as the New Bernie

    And I don't go to Global Research for news because I don't consider them a credible source.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  2. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I see that as a Progressive Horhey, you dodged the entire issue of Left Gatekeepers w/ regards to Progressive media lack of accurate reporting about the war in Syria.

    Have you ever read Eva Bartletts "In Gaza" or the Land Destroyer blog ?

    As for your 500,000 dead in Iraq statistic, aren't you forgetting the Lancet study of Iraqi war deaths, and the study of dead Iraqis from 1990s U.S. sanctions, done by the UN ?


    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  3. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    Do you know who the **** you're talking too? I ignored what you said about the Progressive media because it's from Neptune. Consortium News shills for the establishment? Not everything becomes a conspiracy simply because you disagree with a particular position someone has taken. You must be really really really lonely if just about everyone is "the enemy."
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  4. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Take a closer look at Consortium News and Robert Parrys articles. They are shamelessly partisan. They rarely discuss any issue whether it's Iraq, Syria, or ISIS without blaming the
    entire mess on, or harkening back to the Bush Admin.

    Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party voted for the Iraq War too, you know.

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  5. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    It is fallacy to say - "that source is not credible". I have found some very good material on Global Research. Perhaps they published someone who "stretched the truth" but this does make the whole site not credible. I do not go there that often but have not found anything that is completely made up. In this world of false narrative, mischaracterization and lies .... one should be skeptical of any source.

    I know RT has a pro Russian spin but this does not mean there is not a whole lot of credible stuff on there.

    CNN, Fox, MSNBC are false narrative spin central but this does not mean they do not have good stuff from time to time... same with the NYT, BBC ans so on.

    This rest of the letter is published on Global Research. Suppose Richard stretched the truth a little (which is not the case) but, this does not make the whole site - not credible.

    In your last post you seem to have trouble with the idea that the US was "Knowingly" arming and supporting groups like Al Qaeda - Islamist Jihadists.

    If you want this proven 10 ways to Sunday- let me know. It is not like it is some big secret - It is just kept from the American People because that news is not part of "all the news that's fit to print"
    Monster Zero likes this.
  6. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Because the military/industrial complex requires it.
  7. Thingamabob

    Thingamabob Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2017
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    How brutal truth can be.
  8. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    What matters is not that the information may be true but that you could use it to shut down some partisan hack or persuade someone on the fence. You can't do that with sources like Global Research. Easily dismissed. I have at times used some of the sources cited at Global Research.
    No, I said that they weren't doing it directly. What is most telling is that Washington has not put any pressure on the Arab states or Turkey to stop doing it and that their own actions make it clear that they prefer a jihadi-run state to Assad. ISIS has goals unique to their group as does al Nusra. ISIS wants Armageddon. The AQ-affiliate al Nusra wants to end U.S. influence in the Middle East. The other insurgents are Islamists, which means that their aims are limited to the locality.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  9. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    Robert Parry has not at all been kind to the Obama administration, especially Hillary Clinton. Since 2013, Robert Parry has been the leading contrarian voice on the Ukraine issue, exposing U.S. involvement in the coup there in almost every article. You must be looking at his old stuff, which I would agree was indeed partisan. But he's pretty well above that now. The Obama team's actions in Latin America and Ukraine woke him up, it seems. As for Syria, read Gareth Porter's articles:
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  10. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I hear you and often have this come up. It is a common debate tactic to try and demonize the source. I think the best response is to just point out the "Ad Hom" fallacy in a sarcastic way. " Just because you demonize the source does not make the contents untrue" or some such thing.

    This is the crazy thing is that they were doing it directly. This is what necessitated the "Moderate Rebel Lie". It is true that most of the arming was done in conjunction with other Nation States in the Region (Saud, Turkey, Qatar and so on) but, this is how things are done.

    When Obama stated that we were going to arm the Rebels - the only part he left out was telling the US citizens that the rebels he was arming were Radical Islamist's.

    When Rand Paul says "we are fighting along side Al Qaeda, fighting along side ISIS" -.that is exactly what he says !

    You think - after he says this on CNN's Sunday morning show "State of the Union" - the media might comment further. Would you not ?

    Is this not news ? US Congressman states that we are "fighting along side the 911 Terrorists".

    Is this not friggen news ? Apparently not - complete silence was the response.

    All through Obama's "moderate rebel" nonsense -- Silence

    The DOD - declassified documents from Benghazi showing how arms were being moved from Libya to Syria - Silence (except for a small snippet on Fox) they were mainly focusing on hammering Hillary for Benghazi.

    It is not that we do these things that is the most disturbing. It is the complete complicity of the media in keeping what we are doing a secret.
    Monster Zero likes this.
  11. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    And yet you and a million other monthly visitors read information clearing, and find hundreds of new "Progressive" Op-Eds, chronicling the war in syria, iraq. Or if you'd rather call it - "the U.S. war on ISIS," (aka "Operation Inherent Resolve") and no one is asking the central question I raised:


    After "an estimated 142,503 sorties in support of operations in Iraq and Syria."


    after the "official count of "Inherent Resolve": total of 18,458 strikes (11,160 Iraq / 7,298 Syria "

    (under the Obama Admin.)

    DON'T YOU FIND THAT, AMONGST ALL THE HUNDREDS OF "Progressive" Bloggers / Writers, not asking and not raising that rather obvious question - out of the scores of Left Wing writers - to be more than a little strange or odd?


    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
  12. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - Syrian Crisis & Trump's First Week

  13. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Avoidance of the obvious is the job of the Mainstream media - especially of late. Frick - we don't even have news anymore, its all editorial.

    What amazes me is that we are currently in a war in Yemen - and you do not hear anything about this in the mainstream.
    Apparently being in a war is not news anymore.

    The media is controlled by the oligopolies who are controlled by the board of directors who consist of either the Oligarchs themselves or their appointees. The job of the mainstream media is now to keep the raging masses entertained without giving them too much information.
  14. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Banned

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Perhaps the U.S senator McCain could answer that question for you.

    “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar,” John McCain told CNN’s Candy Crowley in January 2014. “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends,” the senator said once again a month later, at the Munich Security Conference.

    'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback

    U.S lawmakers encouraged officials in Riyadh to arm Syrian rebels. Now that strategy may have created a monster in the Middle East.
  15. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Did you listen to the Sibel /Corbett podcast I stuck on page 1 ?

    You've heard the old quotes, I'm sure:

    "News is what somebody somewhere wants to suppress, all the rest is advertising."

    - Lord Northcliffe


    "The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved."

    Henry Adams

    'The Left Wing Has Placed Itself In The Trash Can Of History' by Paul Craig Roberts, which was well received on Information Clearing House considering the inane nature of the early anti Trump Womens March / Michael Moore inauguration riot fiasco.A touchy article of Roberts telling the Progressives their so called Trump 'resist' campaign led by Michael Moore and his ilk is really just Progressives dancing on the string like marionettes for Soros and the powerful Elites was NOT printed on MOST Progressive websites because Michael Moores Hollywood 'resist' movement is an obvious controlled dissent esp. now that CNN has become basically obstruct / impeach Trump central command, along with MSNBC and silly astroturf agit-prop Democracy Now. Paul Craig Roberts, if you are not familiar with his column, consistently criticized Obama and Hillary for escalating conflicts in Syria, Ukraine and Russia, and is very popular with the Alt-Left and Alt-Right. He is popular like Sibel /Corbett because he is not a Democrat or Republican Party hack like Amy Goodman, and so many others. The essence of that particular piece, now dated for your particular purposes, takes a rather touchy subject (e.g.) Progressive Web Logs being tools merely for the establishment Party to indoctrinate and keep news santized and censored for The Party.

    Lastly, being a Left Winger I am objective enough to realize that most Liberal media shows only exist because some Liberal Elite conglomerate wants to create a Limited Hangout or comedic distraction to bury serious news reporting. Remember the quotes above. Bill Maher, Colbert, Rachel Maddow, are really nauseating baffoonery and there is no audience waiting to hear Glenn Greenwald spout off on Real Time no matter what the ratings hucksters want us to believe. Now that PBS and public radio has been fully propagandized and corporatized beyond any semblance of truth and is a fixture of the govmnts warmongering, like the censorship of CSPAN morning call in show and Morning Joe, free speech is about to curl up and die and be something you can tell as a folk tale to your grand children that used to exist in the past. Wikileaks / Snowden IS a Mockingrbird press method of amplifying or distracting the audience away from more serious concerns, and hyping / controlling the media by changing the subject by re-hashing old facts (govmnt spying) with a new title, (e.g.) the silly titled 'Vault 7' sounds like the "Deep State" ( a ubiquitous term now so over used that it means essentially nothing because it does not indenify the culprits ) took the title of that Vault document dump and borrowed it from Geraldo Rivera.

    Take a listen to some Brandon Turbeville Shows for a good example of pacing yourself and getting in a good amount of Hidden History / Forbidden Truth:

    This is a very good show - Brandon Turbeville, at about 19 min the coup and protests come up -

    Trump presidency, anti Trump protests, the future, coup etc.

    Trump coup , Syria

    Election Results, Riots, Plan Forward

    "Has the War in Syria Really Destroyed Journalism For Good?" The answer is yes. It is also the title of a recent article by Ramzy Baroud.

    Navigating War: Has the War in Syria also Destroyed Journalism?
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
  16. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Thanks for introducing me to this dude ... very good stuff. :)
    Monster Zero likes this.
  17. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    No prob.

    See - this is the kind of news I was talking about - the types of U.S. war stories U.S. intelligence uses psy ops like Snowden / Wikileaks as huge, useless document dumps as a Mockingbird tool to block out ...

    42 killed after US Air Strike near Aleppo!

    Hundreds of civilian casualties’ in suspected coalition airstrikes’-in-suspected-coalition-airstrikes.500542/

    Iraqis Buried By Bombs Were Told Not To Flee Homes


    These stories get buried by some Wikileaks thing usually, or like with Counter Punch Radio w/ Eric Draitser, had Chris Hedges and the description of the program had a few things the show was supposed to cover, but never did. Instead, they went over Climate Change (ridiculous), the Democrats religious worship of Bernie Sanders, patted themselves on the back for going to a march, attacked Trump for his big 2 months in office, and ignored Syria and Iraq. Counter Punch Radio w/ Eric Draitser is Ford Foundation and Soros Foundation funded, like Chris Hedges employer, the Nation Institute. The Nation Magazine, if you recall praised President Obama for the war in completely destroying LIBYA not only not only in its print pages but on MSNBC when Katrina Vanden Hovel commended Obama for mass incineration of the innocent.

    IT IS TOO BAD we lost Eric Draitser of Stop to the Ford / Soros Foundation goons, and the clique of Bernie Sanders, fake socialist extraordinaire, Democrat dittoheads.

    We had already lost radio outlets, and hosts, objectivity to the Ford / Soros Foundation, websites like, and Abby Martin, to be relegated to censored, sanitized, limited hang out shows like her 'Empire Files' Foundation fiasco, and Democrat Party cheerleading bogus broadcasting stations like 'Free Speech TV,' 'the Real News Network' and the Pacifica Foundations Elitist Billionaire Establishment financed travesty of censorship like 'Democracy Now' which is a total Democrat Party astroturf farce.

    Oh well, I guess like everyone else, Eric Draitser and Abby Martin need the Elitist Billionaire Establishment and the 1% to draw a paycheck, bankroll their shows, and pay their air travel expenses.



    supplemental articles:

    ‘The Real News’ vs. The Real Truth
    by Sibel Edmonds

    with a few deservedly strong words on ‘The Real News’ sharing ... this not very realReal Newsnetwork

    (except for mistakenly including Paul Craig Roberts, this sums it up)

    Counterfeit Progressives
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
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  18. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Sick of seeing Hillary - Obamas death squad blood bath ?

    Me too.

    This is why the Hillary sore loser-ville MSM must focus solely on fictional Trump scandals.

    We are sick of that MSM w/ blood on their hands in the Syria - Obama - Hillary coverup too

    Centralized Control of History, Media, & Academia

    "Former CFR member, Admiral Chester Ward, described the CFR’s influence in the mass media, too. He proclaimed, "They control or own major newspapers, magazines, radio and television networks," and "the most powerful companies in the book publishing business." The Associated Press, New York Times, Washington Post, and LA Times have their own wire services, which most mainstream news outlets use. According to Allen, the CFR controls these wire services.

    Ross observed, "The CFR could not accomplish their goals without complicity of the mainstream news media which they absolutely control with an iron fist." He explained that, "Occasionally they will hold a public meeting, and invite the open press (including C-SPAN), in order to give the impression that they are a harmless group engaged only in social activities."

    Allen refers to the mainstream media as "CFR’s ventriloquists," and writes, "At the center of Insider power, influence, and planning in the United States is the pervasive Council on Foreign Relations." He adds, "The CFR was created by the Rockefellers and their allies to be the focus of their drive for a ‘New World Order.’"

    "We are grateful to The Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

    -David Rockefeller, Bilderberg Meeting, Baden-Baden Germany, 1991
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  19. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Progressive Voices / Free Speech TV / Pacifica Liberal talk radio were calling Trump 'a Nazi' a year before the election, with absolutely ZERO evidence to back it up.

    The Democratic Party, and Liberal TV and radio hosts, have been chomping at the bit to bad mouth, obstruct, and remove the Pres.
    from office ,using falsified news reports ever since.

    Maxine Waters and Sen. Diane Fienstein were arrogant enough that they openly stated their objective was to remove the remove the Pres. from office.


    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  20. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Well - several of the best writers ( including Prof. Brandon Turbeville podcasts check his podcast archives ) insist that the U.S. is not really fighting ISIS, but bombing Iraq and Syria infrastructure (i.e.) bridges, hospitals, electrical plants, and oil refineries. Other writers who back this 'Forbidden Truth' in their articles are Michel Chossovdusky, Steve Lendman, Dennis Kucinich, and Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyer blogspot.

    'Conspiracy Theorist' was a phrase coined by the CIA in 1967 to discredit journalists who expose U.S. Government corruption.

    Sibel Edmonds latest whistleblowing at Newsbud - U.S. will attempt to get rid of Erdogan (again) this summer.

    After Sibel Edmonds calling Putin 'a scumbag' and Sibel attacking Paul Craig Roberts generally for complimenting Putin and for his victories over ISIS in Syria in the 2015 Eyeopener Boiing Frogs podcast w/ Corbett (now named Newsbud) 'Final Stages of Erdogans Takedown' ...

    ( Paul Craig Roberts is popular w/ the Alt Right / Alt Left for consistently reporting over the last 8 years against Hillary and Obama escalation with Russia in Ukraine, Syria BTW )

    my question is this ... has Sibel gone completely barmy, and has Newsbud, Boiling Frogs jumped the shark ?

    Paul Craig Roberts is one of the Alt medias best writers !

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
  21. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    RE : 'Alt Left' media meltdown

    CIA-NATO to Eliminate Turkish President Prior to April Referendum

    Also - according to the same Eyeopener Boiing Frogs podcast w/ Corbett (now named Newsbud) ‘Final Stages of Erdgans Takedown’ Sibel makes the astounding claim that "Turkish military doesn't take a pee without U.S. military approval " - if so, what's the point of another Erdogan coup ?

    Still more on the 'Alt Left' going scattergories front - Soros funded Democrat Party front makes 'demands' of Trump (or else) according to anti-war leader David Swanson of 'war is a' ...

    Liberalism's Communications Problem

    "In a typical email, sent out the message this week that nobody should confirm a Supreme Court nominee until it's determined that Trump is a "legitimate president."


    "According to the email, it would take proving that Trump didn't collaborate with Putin to rig the U.S. election. According to the linked video, it would take that plus seeing Trump's tax returns, plus proving that Trump is not violating the foreign emoluments clause. All three demands are given a xenophobic slant."

    This strange hypocrisy follows the illological trend of 'Alt Left' media meltdow

    by the low trafficked Intercepts Glenn Greenwald of Trump on Democracy Now saying: "GLENN GREENWALD: Well, so, first of all, there’s a media issue here, which is that if you look at The Wall Street Journal report, it’s pretty much exactly the same as every other significant report about Russia over the last six months, many of which have proven to be completely false. It’s based on anonymous officials making extremely vague claims. Even The Wall Street Journal says, "We don’t know who’s doing this, withholding information. We don’t know how much information is being withheld."

    "Secondly, the idea that Donald Trump is some kind of an agent or a spy of Russia, or that he is being blackmailed by Russia and is going to pass secret information to the Kremlin and endanger American agents on purpose, is an incredibly crazy claim that has been nowhere proven to be true. "

    but then the hyper partisan 'Alt Left' Greenwald media meltdown again goes against logic saying '"We ought to have a serious, sober, structured investigation of the claims that Russia hacked the DNC and John Podesta’s emails and that there were improper ties between Donald Trump and the Russians," snd Glen considers Trump 'very dangerous' because of, among other things, 'climate change' !

    What !?!

    Why push the obstruction when there is ZERO proof ?

    Glenn you dweeb - this is worse than the times on Democracy Now and Fox when you blamed Bush for ISIS in Syria ...

    Bush wasn't even President you partisan knucklehead!


    Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
  22. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    That is not the reality on the ground, nor is it U.S. policy.

    Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Yemen are considered to be 'free fire zones' by the U.S. military.

    In Yemen for example, any male over 18 is considered a valid target. It was also reported in Yemen and Iraq, that anything that moves is considered a legitimate U.S. bombing airstrike target.


  23. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    That's just the way I'd want it done.

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