Mayor de Blasio Says Wealth Is ‘in the Wrong Hands,’ Pledges to Redistribute It

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Steve N, Jan 12, 2019.

  1. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Ranting against them doesn't get you any kudos because they are a fact of life. No matter where you live, in any country, in any city or town, there will always be those who, for one reason or another, failed to obtain a decent education and/or have mental, emotional, or psychological problems and so they will live their lives in meager simplicity. They are your countrymen. Many of them fought in wars to keep you safe. Some are victims of genetic misfortune and cannot help themselves. So ranting about them and disparaging them doesn't make a person smarter. They must be accommodated in a humane and rational way. That doesn't mean give them everything. It means they must be accommodated in a humane and rational way. To do otherwise is only a reflection on the one who does otherwise.
  2. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    None of them fought in any wars to keep me safe. I am not talking about vets coming back and having a tough time reintigrating into society. They are still winners because they did something at some point. The people I am talking about are the losers and scum that you see everyday in grocery stores and malls buying expensive shoes while their kids go to school with no supplies, this is why teachers end up spending their own money because of shitty loser parents. Those people haven't done **** other than waste space and resource. They are scum.

    I will rant against them because they are ****ing reprehensible and disgusting and they are dooming yet another generation to irrelevance and uselessness. They are wasting oxygen that should be used by winners. This isn't a zero sum game there is no set percentage of people that have to be losers. We already have lots of examples were virtually everyone is a winner in societies like Japan, Korea, Switzerland etc where the percentage of losers who mooch off of everyone else is very low. Unfortunately we have far to many losers from our inner cities to the Appalachias. Losers should be removed and ostracized from society until they die off.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2019
  3. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    He's worth $145M. When he has distributed his wealth to the poor, I'll listen to him.
  4. struth

    struth Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    He only donated about 350 bucks to charity in 2017
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  5. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    BAHAHAHA! That pretty well sums it up!
  6. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    There are millions of people that didnt graduate high school, had children out of wedlock, are addicted to some drug, and overall make poor choices in their day to day life.

    The hole they dig is conveniently blamed on others.. why wouldn't they be; their lot in life is never their fault, just ask them.

    Look... it's easy to take a very select few CEOs of major corporations that get a good deal with poor outcomes, but the fact remains that the majority of the wealthy in this country are self made and small business. The overwhelming majority are not getting any type of government handout or corporate welfare....

    The narrative you present is overplayed and patently false.
  7. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    It’s immoral to take from someone at gunpoint and give to someone else.

    The mayor is truly demented.
    BaghdadBob likes this.
  8. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    why? It's the truth.

    What you put up does not challenge my narrative one bit buddy.
    The filthy rich have turned the country into a socialist thing. The rich are able to underpay their employers because the government hands out to those same hard working people bloody coupons to buy food. The middle class is disappearing. And the fact is that the US makes enormous amounts of money, but paying a honest day wage for a honest day work.... is out of the question, people like you rather pay taxes so the government has the money to pay for food stamps so the filthy rich (which you're not part of) get to underpay.
    AZ. likes this.
  9. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    In my view the tax laws should treat everyone equally. If that happened, you would hate it.
  10. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    In this case,... the filthy rich are getting massive tax breaks all over.
    They stash their money abroad as good by default to evade paying more.
    AZ. likes this.
  11. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Sorry, I don't make the tax laws. You will have to speak with a law maker.
  12. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I'm responding to your snowflake idea's of how to tax
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  13. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    What is a snowflake idea?
  14. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    That is a very extreme opinion. "Congrats". But it's also entirely fraudulent. There is no way you can look at a person in a grocery store or mall and know that their kids go to school with no supplies. THERE IS NO WAY. PERIOD. But your game is a common one on the right. You pretend to know how many irresponsible people there are and that most of those who are poor fit your group that you really know nothing about.

    Furthermore, teachers spend their own money buying supplies because the right has applied sufficient pressure in various ways in different place to drive down funding for education, leaving teachers to either spend their own money or do the poor job of teaching of which you accuse them. It's not about parents. You DON'T have a situation in which some of the students with "responsible" parents come to school with what they will need in the classrooms while the teacher makes up for the rest by spending her/his own money for supplies. But you sure do seem to like making up categories of people to call "scum" and cast your hate upon. Truth is that the student scores in the US are not as horrible as you pretend. Look at the bottom chart/table on this page:

    In that table, the US is 27th out of 73 in science and reading. Math isn't so good however. But the table doesn't seem to reflect your extremism in the least.
  15. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Does a kid go to school without pens, paper, calculator etc? Do the parents have cable tv, PS4, brand new clothes? If the answer to both of those questions is yes then they are ****ing losers and should have their children removed from them so that the kids can at least grow up to be something worthwhile. Let the parents ****ing die for all I care.

    And yes you can tell. Is babydaddy rocking new $150 Nikes and the babymomma wearing giant ass gold jewelry with fancy nails while the kids are wearing ratty clothes full of holes? I see that all the time in Milwaukee the shitty, useless parents spend the money on THEMSELVES first and the kids are an after thought. Successful families prioritize the children first because they aren't selfish *******s like the losers are. They can die of ****ing cancer and rot on the side of the road while homeless people and street dogs urinate on their useless loser corpses.

    You do realize that 27th out of 73 is ****ing terrible don't you? That would be roughly a 66% percentile which is awful. There is no reason we can't do it because we have states that perform at the top of the world like my state of Wisconsin (minus Milwaukee with is literally the worst school in the entire US) Massachusetts and others. We can do it but we have to be willing to spend the money which Southern states won't due and spend it intelligently which the most liberals states won't due.

    Do I hate these people? You damn well bet I do because I grew up around them and saw on a daily basis their neglect, utter contempt for their children, they literally let their kids walk around in shitty diapers hours before they could be bothered to change them and this isn't just a one off thing it was fairly common. And don't get me started on the drug use IN FRONT OF THEIR ****ING KIDS.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
  16. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Everyone in schools I attended did until I got to college. I'm talking 1954 to 1964. That seems to have changed around 2000. Is that when you started the first grade? If so, that could explain your experience of this.

    Not allowed until college, then it was up the the student.

    There's the bullshit. You can't possibly know that. But you assert it so you can trash them. VERY revealing!

    VERY revealing! And VERY deplorable.

    No you can't tell. And pardon me if I don't believe you about Milwaukie and gaudy costume jewelry. And what about your own parents? Is your failure to use punctuation properly the fault of their neglect or is it your own fault for not paying attention in school?

    VERY revealing! And VERY deplorable when you cannot possibly know this to be true. You're living in your own fantasies, and they're pretty ugly.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
  17. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    ....calculator etc? [/QUOTE]
    Not allowed until college, then it was up the the student.

    There's the bullshit. You can't possibly know that. But you assert it so you can trash them. VERY revealing!

    VERY revealing! And VERY deplorable.

    No you can't tell. And pardon me if I don't believe you about Milwaukie and gaudy costume jewelry. And what about your own parents? Is your failure to use punctuation properly the fault of their neglect or is it your own fault for not paying attention in school?

    VERY revealing! And VERY deplorable when you cannot possibly know this to be true. You're living in your own fantasies, and they're pretty ugly.[/QUOTE]

    And you criticize my punctuation? Attacking grammar and punctuation on a forum is the sign of someone desperately losing the argument.

    I think you need to hang around some low income housing and remove those rose colored glasses of yours. The myth of the poor down trodden inner city (or Appalachian for the matter) who is just minding his own business and making all the right decisions but the universe just isn't letting them succeed is completely horseshit. These people are there because they suck.

    You couldn't use calculators back then cause they were the size of small cars. Also you need a calculator for physics and algebra 2 at the very least. Did you want the kids to use those giant ass slide table thingies?
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
  18. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Yup. You're pretty consistent with it, and with using the wrong words, too. And I only do so because of your extreme rant against people who aren't as fortunate as you. WE ALL have flaws to different degrees. What ever happened to the sense of "there, but for the grace of God, go I"? That seems to have been lost long ago on the right.


    You're moving the goal posts. The subject did not include low-income housing. The subject you raised is "losers" who you see in grocery stores and somehow know about in schools while making false claims about them and pencils and paper.

    Then why do you raise "making all the right decisions but the universe just isn't letting them succeed" now as an issue? Moving the goal posts again.

    When I was in K-12 calculators were eventually developed but they weren't allowed.

    All I said was that they weren't allowed when I was in school.
  19. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I still have the slide rule I used in College and replaced the one that appears more like a ruler with the present one. I believe a bit of brushing up and i can use either.

    My first electronic desk calculator was purchased by me for about half the cost of a new Bridgeport milling machine. Sure it sat on my desk and was virtually instant but today one has one included on cell phones. And the cell phone I use daily cost me about $50. I don't need one costing $1000 to make phone calls.
    Kode likes this.
  20. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I think most of not all republicans will agree with this following assessment of both parties.

    Democrats believe that because a person later on gets rich, earns a high income, now he has qualified to deliver to the impoverished their incomes, their health care and of course homes and food.

    Republicans believe one earns those things.
  21. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    There is a myth that virtually all poor people in this country are only poor because society keeps kicking them down. Its is bullshit. The majority of people I grew up with were in that situation because of decisions THEY made. They chose to not put their kids first, they chose to spend their limited funds on frivolous things instead of necessities. They chose to make shitty life choices and have no one to blame but themselves but to this day we have people like you constantly making excuses for them. In regards to grocery stores and low income housing with the exception of the gentrified areas on the East side the immediate downtown area the entire city of Milwaukee is one giant low income housing ghetto and a flat out warzone on the North side.

    Not as fortunate as me? LOL Literally the only difference was that I was raised by my grandmother instead of my mom who was to say the least never going to win any awards for parenting and the fact that I learned from watching other peoples failure of which there were many. I also compared the habits of people back then with my new friends and noticed several key differences which I alluded to earlier. I helped pay for rent and food since I was fifteen and worked at least two jobs during my 20s. So don't give me any of your crap about how they were just less "fortunate". They were ****ing lazy, stupid, selfish *******s pure and simple. The cases of people with legitimate mental or physical problems were the small minority almost all of them were just despicable *******s. I also had a small group of friends in Waukesha who were winners because even though they were poor their parents kept their kids on track and put them first. Its why Hispanics are going to end up having black and white people working for them one day because their family structure hasn't been shot to hell yet like blacks and whites have.

    Probably because they were ****ing HUGE! For **** sake you need an entire suitcase for that thing. What the hell did you guys do back then?

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
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  22. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Yes that myth is bullshit. There is no truth to the claim that there is such a myth about "virtually all poor people". The fact is that many, -but not "virtually all", who are poor (and that today can be anyone earning less than $40,000) are poor because the economy sucks including a minimum wage that has not been kept up with inflation for a long time. The rich have gotten richer while the rest has gotten nowhere or even poorer, as indicated by the huge income disparity we now have. Heck, a typical family of 3 with an income of $45,000 lives in a hovel costing about $700/month and has so little income that s/he pays no income tax. -

    More and more it's not their decisions that are to blame, but the economic conditions.

    But speaking of a failure to make good decisions, how about the failure of the right to have seen what a liar and unfit "president" Trump is and the damage he's doing? By now it should be obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than that of a turnip.

    You keep saying that but you don't provide any proof, so I represent MY experience, which is that what you say is bullshit.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
  23. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Why is someone a loser because they are on minimum wage?
    Pants likes this.
  24. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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