Writer: Trump Sexually Assaulted Me at Bergdorf Goodman

Discussion in 'United States' started by FlamingLib, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Nunya D.

    Nunya D. Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    So, let me ask you something:

    1. Did you vote for Bill Clinton?
    2. Do you think it is right for a person to come out 30 years latter with a sexual assault allegation?
    3. Do you think it is right that the allegation only came to light during a major conformation hearing?
    4. Does the fact that it came to light 30 years latter and only during that conformation hearing raise any suspicion that it might be politically motivated?
    5. Does the benefit of the doubt go towards the accuser or the accusee when no evidence to substantiate the claim is provided? In other words, do you believe in innocent until PROVEN guilty?
    I'm really am curious as to your answers and ask these questions sincerely. My sister was a die-hard Bill Clinton fan. When he started his first campaign for President, she supported him and even worked for his campaign. I asked her if all of the sexual accusations bothered her and she said "No, because an accusation does not make it a fact". Today, she is very anti-Trump. During the Kavanaugh conformation I asked her what she thought of Dr. Ford's accusations against Kavanaugh. She said "a woman should always be believed". It just seemed a bit hypocritical to me.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2019
  2. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    He lied about a blowjob I don’t really consider that a high crime and misdemeanor. No we don’t worship him we were very angry at his stupidity. If you want to talk about worship talk about Trump and how his pathetic followers believe his lies. He recently made one about how Ronald Reagan shook his hand and said I’m shaking the hands of a you g man who will be president...Reagan never said that..but his base is dumb enough to believe it
    Why do you think we get upset that he got caught?No we were angry that he did something so stupid. But it is obvious you are projecting how you think onto us. Trump clearly said “they let you” but then again his base doesn’t believe what they hear or see.. By the way I don’t believe for a second that you didn’t vote for him
  3. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Let me guess you are a white man who has no concept about the trauma of sexual assault. Yes of course they should take all the steps you wisely suggest, but you have no idea, and from what you say you blame the victim. After all she didn’t come forward , so please don’t tell me you’re not blaming the victim
    Thanks for mansplaining what women should do and how we should react.and Babylonian law is so relevant
    Stop being so patronizing assuming that I’m just stewing about my experience for years. Guess in your world sharing something means stewing ..Lol .You obviously have no concept of what it was like 30 years ago or 40 years ago or even 20 years ago before women shared their stories with each other and with the public. I did tell my husband . Unfortunately you missed the point of that shared experience. It wasn’t what he did it was that I wasn’t believed by a friend of his years later. I had mentioned a sexual assault at the table in my school and there were seven women and three of us have been sexually assaulted. One was violently raped by someone she didn’t know..Too bad you didn’t have your wisdom at the time. It must’ve been her fault because she didn’t take every step.
    You keep assuming the women are wrong by not taking actions and I will assume the men lying..and I am not making assumptions, just reading between the lines. Your “suggestions” or why women didn’t come forward and still don’t
  4. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    He lied about engaging in sexual behavior with a subordinate employee while on the the job, the federal workplace, and rewarding that employee with special favors and treatment and even a better job in return for those sexual favors. Under the Molinair amendment which HE SIGNED INTO LAW he was required to give truthful testimony to such activity when he was sued by another former employee for sexual harassment and sexual assault. He suborned the perjury of another person to do so and engaged in witness tampering and hiding of evidence with another. Those are multiple FELONIES, high crimes.

    Oh spare me the left and the Democrats were SO looking forward to having him and his wife back in the White House and were even salivating at the prospect of Hillary appointing him to the SCOTUS. They just went on their big speaking tour so all the left could put them on the stage once again to ooohhh and awwww over them.

    Not nearly as much as the Clinton worshipers did and still do, look at you you still think it was all about a blow job.

    I'm quoting the reality the Dems thought it a great victory they defeated the removal during the impeachment and have put him on a pedestal ever since. Trump doesn't even come close to Clinton's behaviors. And I wrote in Jeff Sessions.
  5. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    1 Yes I voted for Bill Clinton, but I would not have had I knew about his personal behavior.
    I would not have voted for him if I heard him on tape bragging about grabbing women by their oussies against their will or bragging that he went into teen girls locker rooms .but you did! So don’t try to be morally superior
    2- Yes I absolutely think it is right that a woman comes out after she is sexually assaulted. You don’t understand that it is a different climate. A woman would never have been believed 30 years ago but today she would be believe because millions of women have shared the same experiences and are not ashamed of them anymore
    3 When do you think an allegation about sexual assault by a man running for the court to come out? It is because he was nominated and I certainly don’t want him voting on sexual abuse. When people are unknown it doesn’t make the news
    4 What I believe and what I don’t believe is immaterial.Do you believe OJ Simpson is innocent? I don’t . In most cases I believe the women because one in six women have had that experience.
  6. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I mentioned Babylonian Law because it was the precursor to Athenian Law, which was the precursor to Roman Law, and thus the antecedent to English Common Law, upon which the laws of the United States are based. We are, and MUST be a society built on a bedrock of law, or we are nothing but a chaotic, lawless rabble.... I don't how to add anything to what I've already said, Renee.

    If I were a woman who was assaulted by a doctor in his office, I'd have immediately made one hell of a noisy, ugly scene, making especially sure that the medical office personnel and anyone else present there at that moment saw me, heard me, and was under no mistaken impression that I was completely outraged. That way, I'd have had the testimony of all those people, as well as concrete documentation of the date, time, place, and circumstances. Then I'd have gone to the police, filed charges, and, called my husband with the news as soon as possible. And if my husband didn't support me completely and without reservation, I'd quit him -- because at that moment he would be completely and forever afterwards worthless to me!

    In court, it might still be a case of "he said/she said", but, as the offended woman, I'd have all the circumstantial evidence weighing in my favor, and even if the doctor weren't thrown in prison as a result, his reputation would be justifiably ruined, his practice would be impoverished, and he'd be put through a financial and emotional 'wringer' that he might never recover from -- plus, his own marriage might be destroyed, too. But, as the offended party, it is up to ME to DO something, and not wait DECADES to actually do it!
  7. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    So let me get this straight. Dr Who asked you out...


    ...and you somehow think that being asked out is equivalent to a sexual assault? The Doctor would never do that.
  8. Nunya D.

    Nunya D. Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    1. The sexual allegation against Bill Clinton were on going before his re-election. Also, I did not vote for Trump, so don't be so presumptuous. How exactly am I attempting to be morally superior?

    2. & 3. Sorry, but I do not find any accusation of criminal actions, 30 years after the fact, as being actionable....period. The fact that she had no proof that her accusations had merits even make them less creditable. Kavanaugh was on a court and ruling on sexual cases long before he was nominated for SCOTUS. The timing of her accusations make them very suspect. I understand that it can be very difficult for a woman to provide proof of sexual assault and sometimes is even harder to get people to believe her....especially if it is against a powerful person. However, this does not mean that the woman should automatically be believed. Yes, she should be believed enough that an investigation is warranted, but not in automatically declaring the accused as being guilty.

    4. I really do not know if OJ was guilty or not. The courts said he was not and there are things that allude to the possibility that he was innocent.....and much to allude that he was guilty. However, OJ did have a trial. Kavanaugh did not.
  9. Reasonablerob

    Reasonablerob Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    No, there is no victim here, he was making a move on you to see how you reacted in the hopes of starting an affair. You should have shot him down gently. If he was gay he might do this to a guy and a lesbian might have done the same to you. People aren't mind readers, you can't say 'He should have known' because people don't.
  10. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Conversely too many women have said yes the night before and in the morning claimed they where raped and when those claims prove to be false, it damages the believability of those who where actually raped.
  11. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    First of all I don’t want to go back to Roman law that’s why we have amendments and change the laws. But I’m not surprised that you want to be back in those days.
    And I love when men tell us what they would do in our place. Yeah you would have made an ugly scene.You don’t know what you would do and neither does anyone else who isn’t in that situation. You don’t believe women because if we don’t scream and carry-on it means nothing happened so don’t tell us what to do and don’t tell us what you would do. I would hope if your wife or daughter related a similar experience you would believe them and not blame them for not acting according to your script. It seems that you lack empathy for what women have gone through for hundreds of years where we lacked the power and you illustrated beautifully. Because women didn’t do what you project you would do, they are not to be believed. That’s why millions of women have come forward explaining and supporting other women for going through the same thing they did
    And you men here do not understand the point I was making. It was about not being believed not about the incident
  12. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Too many women? Very few women do that, very few. But too many men sexually assault women and claim the lying. You’re part of the reason women don’t report it but that is changing. Do you believe the man who was molested by priests?
    AZ. likes this.
  13. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    I guess you just don’t understand the power structure, he had no right to touch me. Period! And now men who think like you are thinking twice before putting their hands on someone
    AZ. likes this.
  14. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    We know Clinton had an affair before he was elected. Hillary explained that they were separated for a while. The allegations came while he was in office.
    I am not saying a woman should automatically be believed. That’s the argument men always make which is really saying women should not be believed But it sounds more like a woman should not be believed and you illustrated it beautifully. After all “he was a judge”. I guess you think a supreme court judge is the same thing as a lower court judge. I think if the man who assaulted me was running for high office I might come forward...Though I don’t know if I would have the courage Cause like you are doing, my motives would be questioned
    No Cavanagh did not have a trial ,after all he couldn’t have assaulted her....Must have had an ulterior motive ,right?
  15. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I know of at least two instances and I'm just one person, so that alone indicates to me too many women pull that card trying to save face the next day.

    And some of them are not lying while others are, however forensically the physical evidence can be quite damming against a guy when combined with a lie on the females part.

    Hardly, but I have been the victim of a false rape charge and the only thing that saved me was my consent to having sex with her was recorded, actually everything was recorded but I didn't need to go that far in my defense, none the less it cost me $9K in legal fee's,

    In less than 24 hours she decided I raped her and filed a report , however the reality was she proposed the idea to me, not the other way around.

    Not always and for the same reasons, plus in my twenties I discovered there where guys my age who would have sex with older men for money or a place to live and why would they not do the same with priests and then when the deal was not what they thought they agreed to, claim they where molested, when in reality it was consensual.

    One of the problems with sex is it can be leveraged after the fact and guys need to be cautious about that and known to be recorded video is a good way to stay out of trouble.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
  16. Nunya D.

    Nunya D. Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    I think a crime is a crime and the occupation of the person should be irrelevant. If an event is only brought up during a period where the accused is attempting to advance his career, then it reeks of revenge, not justice.

    Watching Dr. Ford testify made me think that she does believe something happened to her, so I don't think she was making anything up. I just question if her memory of the people involved and the location are accurate after 30 years. She had absolutely NOTHING to support her claims. Also, for a Professor of Psychology to testify with that "whipped puppy" persona really made me question her more. I have a hard time buying that a person of her stature and achievements was so devastated by a 30 year old event, as she described it, to the point where it made her close to the dysfunction she displayed. I have been around many actual rape victims and have never seen such a lack of confidence she displayed, especially after 2 years of healing, let alone 30 years....and she was not even raped, which often is a much more personal violation for victims to recover from. I am not making light of sexual assault not involving rape, but I am stating facts and personal observations. Both can be devastating to people, but rape is often much harder to adjust to.

    p.s. If you would bury the hostile personal attack tone of your posts, you might find the discussion would improve....but you do you.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
  17. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Are you saying no one went to jail for sexual assault or rape more then thirty years ago?
  18. Reasonablerob

    Reasonablerob Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    We don't know that, the vast majority of rape claims never make it to trial because there is insufficient evidence or the victim decides to drop it, possibly because they don't want to go through the trauma of trial but also because they were lying and had second thoughts or just decided they couldn't be sure of their recollection. So we have no idea of the true figure of false claims, the figures often quoted for false claims are just those proven or self-confessed.

    And no, I wouldn't automatically believe a male victim either. The idea that we should automatically believe accusers is fast dying out and not before time.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
    Well Bonded likes this.
  19. Reasonablerob

    Reasonablerob Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Then tell him you don't wish him to! If you had fancied him you would have welcomed it, you didn't so shoot him down, no harm no foul. He was making his move, either accept or refuse but don't go along with it and then cry violation because you never made it clear to him his attentions were unwelcome.
    Well Bonded likes this.
  20. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Excellent advice.

    If it is not desired, nail it off.
  21. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    OK, Rene... I tried. I really did. It did no good. No point on going on with trying to make you see that we, and every other nation on Earth, must live by a code of laws and judicial procedures, or else we would still be living in the 'jungle'. Accusing a person of crimes without proof or evidence is what the worst, most tyrannical, most totalitarian governments in history have always done, and I don't ever want the United States of America to be one of them. You can tolerate a different standard of civilization if that suits you. I'm DONE with trying to make you see the truth or fairness in anything I've tried to share with you....
    Nunya D. likes this.
  22. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Forgive me, but I don’t believe most of what you wrote.
  23. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    You seem to be hung up on the concept that any accusation a woman makes leads to conviction. Most victims of sexual assault never report them because there are no witnesses and we have a government that requires proof. So do you think that 22 women coming forward describing similar MOs are not evidence? What about circumstantial evidence?. Please try not to be such an extremist and think that I believe there has to be no kind of evidence and women are just to be believed. I never said that
    AZ. likes this.
  24. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    I love the mansplaining! I bet the same men who blame the women for not fighting would believe their wives and daughters. This is why we need the #me too movement..women understand powerlessness and not being believed and being accused of lying
    AZ. likes this.
  25. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Typical for a denier of the truth who only see's the world as one wishes to perceive it, versus how it really is.
    Nunya D. likes this.

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