The 5 Trump Amendments to the Constitution

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Patricio Da Silva, Feb 28, 2021.

  1. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    I'd add a sixth about usurping Congress's tax and spending powers whenever he wishes. Both parties have expanded Executive power, but the GOP under Trump cranked that nonsense up to 11.
  2. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    But as he pointed out in that ruling from Heller, it is the right to own arms that are in common use for lawful purposes.
  3. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Like hell there wasn't.
    You can own a gun. You can own two guns.

    If you can own two guns, your RIGHT is still intact. The Constitution says you have a RIGHT to 'Bear Arms', it does not say you have a right to conceal them from public view.

    Well, two guns fulfills that right. Anything BEYOND the mere ownership of two guns is a privilege granted by states.

    Your RIGHT is still intact. There is NO right to CCWs in the constitution because CCWs are a privilege granted by states. Moreover, there is no right to any particular type of weapon, and types, calibers, quantities, etc., all of that is subject to regulation.

    The Constitution doesn't say you have the right to own weapons of mass destruction, either, but are you arguing that if the states say you can't own them, that your 2nd Amendment right is compromised?

    There is only one correct answer to that question, and since the answer is yes, then everything I stated above is correct, and you are incorrect and untruthful.

    Like I said, don't be untruthful.
    ChiCowboy likes this.
  4. Doofenshmirtz

    Doofenshmirtz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    That is another example, but not the one I was referring to. If a rifle has certain "features" such as allowing the webbing between the thumb and forefinger to be below the level of the top of the trigger, it is classified as an "assault weapon". Those who already owned them had to register them and they cannot be sold or transferred. That means they cannot be inherited by children.

    The second amendment will always be under attack. Luckily, there are many quotes supporting the true intention of the 2nd as those who work to destroy rights redefine the wording.

    Heres a few:

  5. Doofenshmirtz

    Doofenshmirtz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    You would have a point if it wasn't a felony to walk out of your home with an unloaded gun. Im surprised you didn't know that open carry was illegal. The right to bear arms has been destroyed. You are stretching with the 2 gun argument. How did you come to that?
  6. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Not so much pointed out as expressed his opinion.
  7. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Awesome. Good for CA.
  8. Doofenshmirtz

    Doofenshmirtz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Good in what way? How does it benefit society?
  9. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    No, as he pointed out. The meaning of the amendment hasn’t changed since its inception.
  10. Grey Matter

    Grey Matter Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 15, 2020
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    Let's get something straight? Really Pat?

    I've tried before to point out to you that the Constitutional foundation of the US is not as worthy of the classic devotion afforded to it by the citizens raised under its authority. How about we get it straight that your idolization of the forefathers is misplaced? The forefathers who "compromised" that "all other persons" were only 60% a person?

    The foresight of the forefathers didn't make it 100y down the road. Their 3/5s compromise resulted in the deadliest war in US history, between its own people no less. Please spare me your apologies for the forefathers and the failings of the Constitution.

    Let's get another thing straight. The Democrats aren't particularly competent when it comes to playing federal hardball politics. You think Biden will push to end the last vestige of 3/5's cloture voting on legislation in the Senate? Manchin has already gone on record that he's not willing to do that. Will Biden be LBJ tough enough to call Manchin into the Oval and dress his ass down? Let him know that he either gets on board or Joe will do everything within his power to f him? Nope, not very likely, is it? He's not even called Manchin into his office over his opposition to Tanden and leveraged that he would flame his ass for the fact that his daughter is the CEO of the EpiPen price hike which Tanden called out, hence Manchin's opposition. Low hanging fruit to leverage from one Joe to another and he couldn't get it done and seemingly didn't even try.

    So, while I completely agree that Rs offer no hope of participating in government for the people, I've not much hope that Ds under Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are likely to get 'er done either. Our Federal government is completely compromised by our corporations' influence on both parties.

    Attached Files:

    ImNotOliver likes this.
  11. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    And when the left can't debate reality they have to make things up, assign them to the other side and say SEE I told you how bad they are. Pitiful.
  12. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    In January of 2020, in poll after poll, Trump would lose to generic Democrat. Of the top six Democratic contenders, all of them beat the Trump. Its approval had been hovering around 40% from day one. The Trump was going to lose no matter what, its incompetence and corruption overwhelmingly evident to the majority of Americans. To the majority of the world’s people. Cory Gardner was going to lose handily to whoever won the Democratic nomination and McSally didn’t stand a chance against Mark Kelly. With the usual Republican shenanigans in Georgia under scrutiny, and thus prevented, the Democratic challengers were sure to win.

    The Trump’s inability to adequately react to COVID 19 was just another example of its ineptitude. Kind of half @$$ed like everything else. Like its great wonderful beautiful wall. What a joke.
    Grey Matter likes this.
  13. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Conformist, authoritarian, conservative, not a lot daylight between them. It is almost funny, the reaction the name anti fascist creates within right wingers.
  14. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Seems to me that most conservatives claim to defend the constitution but oppose the Post Office. Which of course makes me wonder how many have actually read the constitution. Benjamin Franklin would be so disappointed.
  15. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Stick your fingers in your ears, stomp your feet over and over again and maybe, just maybe it won’t be true. But I wouldn’t put any money on it.
  16. lemmiwinx

    lemmiwinx Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 29, 2016
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    Trump had re-election in his back pocket before the China virus hit. Come on admit it. The economy and economic indicators were through the roof.
  17. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    I was never true to begin with however much you might wish it to be so it wasn't.
  18. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I very much agree, the problem with Democrats is that they tend to be too nice. At times to the point of being rather weak. But I think that they are learning. In the effort to get the ACA passed, they made many concessions to the Republicans, who ended up not voting for it anyhow. I think that they would be stupid to attempt any compromise to bring on a Republican or two.

    I find it distressing, that here we are, living in the world’s greatest democracy, and a bill that 3/4ths of the people support, is struggling to get through the Senate.
    ChiCowboy and Grey Matter like this.
  19. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    The Trump was going to lose, no matter what.

    As far as the economy goes, the trajectory that was established under Obama continued under the Trump until the Republicans passed massive tax cut for the wealthiest among us. The economy was mostly flat after than. The massive debt to pay for the tax cuts, that never pay for themselves, taking its toll. The rich got richer, the poor got poorer, and the middle sat still. The homeless became more visible. The Trump was never going to win. The folks on FOX aren’t exactly known for their truthfulness. They just told you what they thought would bring you back.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2021
  20. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    The quotes support only one thing, the wording in the Second Amendment.

    What 2a protects is the RIGHT. No right is given to whatever the hell you want with arms, only to have adequent arms for self - defense to keep them and to carry them, that is protection.

    That being said, Now, the days of the late 19th century, particularly in the west, where going around carrying arms was the way of the land, that world no longer exists, and as much as you long for them days of free wheeling arms, you really seriously need to get over it.

    I've been walking on this earth for 70 years, and NEVER ONCE needed a firearm to protect myself. I never even needed a knife or my fists. There is no need in the modern era to carry arms. And I'm totally against concealed and carry unless it's police or military or authorized personnel ( like a parole officer ). No countries are attacking us, and as long as you stay away from bad neighborhoods, the odds of getting robbed or attacked are very remote. Yes, it does happen, but the odds of injury by other things is far more likely.

    I have been robbed once, at gunpoint, and what saved my life was NOT having one on my possession, because if I had had one on my person, I might have been tempted to reach for it, and I surely would have gotten shot. Where arms are good if you are at home, and see someone coming. where they are not good is you have one on your person and you are caught by surprise and held at gunpoint. In a home, the former is the more likely, but even then it's rare. Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the U.S. gun-related homicide rate is 25 times higher

    Now how could this be? Guns, more guns than anyone, duh.

    Your fetish for arms is about a distant past that does not exist. Get over it.
  21. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    "Bear" has been regulated in many states, as permitted by SCOTUS, to 'bear at home'. Why? Because.......

    the days of the late 19th century, particularly in the west, where going around carrying arms was the way of the land, that world no longer exists, and as much as you long for them days of free wheeling arms, your fetish for arms is about a distant past that does not exist. Scotus and states have spoken.

    Even in the 1800s, in many towns, the town sheriff forbid open carrying of weapons, and nobody in the town shouted '2nd amendment', they just did what the sheriff said because that is what everyone in the community wanted .

    The majority of people in the US don't want concealed weapons carrying, so that is why things are the way they are, the public wills it, as in 'we the people'.

    Get over it.

    And, about your whining about 'destroying the 2nd amendment', you're talking to the wrong person, I believe the amendment should be repealed, and it should be a matter for states to grant, or remove, per will of the public, any 'privilege' to keep and bear arms. What should be a 'right' is healthcare. Funny how liberals are different than conservatives. Simply put, it's a recognition that the we live in a civilized society and the days of the wild west are over. Long over. Gun fetishers be damned.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
  22. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Never in my dreams do I 'idolize the forefathers', and if you have read my many posts on the federalist papers, I have said, many times, that if you read between the lines, it sounds a lot like Hamilton only wanted people like him in as electors, ie. rich property owning white guys.

    That is no idolizing, not at all.

    And no way in hell do I say dems are gods gift to humanity. but, since no way in hell are republicans doing to do it, there is hope, however small, that democrats will, so I'm going with them.

    There are only two parties that have a sufficient caucus in all the legislatures across the land, pick one.

    I'm going with dems, they aren't perfect, of course they aren't, and anything I write shouldn't be interpreted as having false hopes, but the republican party is hopeless. In my view, the democratic party is not hopeless. Yeah, we know about Manchin, Sinema, etc, yeah, we got that, you think I'm oblivious to this crap? C'mon man. And you think I wouldn't have loved to have a stronger guy at the helm? Sure, but none won the primary, and any dem was better than Trump.

    People knock politicians. You know what I say? Run for frickin' office if you think you can do better.

    Somebody has to, and lets' get people in their that have some hope of getting things done, and for me, getting rid of the filibuster is the way to do it, because republicans only want to stop things. To wit:
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
  23. Kal'Stang

    Kal'Stang Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    That's the way its always been, minus the "partisan" bit, which is just your opinion that they were being partisan. The Founders wanted to make sure that it took a super majority in order to prevent frivolous impeachments which would make the President subordinate to Congress, when they're supposed to be equals. The Democrats did anything BUT treat Trump as an equal.

    There's a difference between oversight, and trying to use your power to take down a legitimately elected President. Democrats in Congress need to figure that out.

    You can blame Congress for this. They're the ones that gave the President the authority to appropriate money from one part of the Executive Branch to another in times of crisis. Maybe they should take back that power and get rid of such an ability. Trump just used it. Just like those in Congress (and everyone else that can) would use the law to their benefit whenever possible.

    Yeah, Trump found a loophole and used it. Just like every other politician does.

    If he did this then prove it. In a court of law. Otherwise you have nothing but rhetoric spouted out by those that don't like Trump.
  24. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    I'm not sure that this is a perfect fit for this "amendment" but it is worth noting.

    Maddow: Chao is one of four Trump cabinet members referred for criminal prosecution for corruption

    "Robert Wilkie, Trump Veterans Affairs secretary, investigated for corruption, resulted in referral to the DOJ, Trump's DOJ declined to prosecute," said Maddow. "Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, investigated for corruption. Found to be substantive and serious enough it was referred to Justice Department for criminal prosecution. Trump's Justice Department declined to prosecute. Also, Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta was investigated for corruption. Found to be serious enough he was referred to the Department of Justice for potential prosecution. The Trump Justice Department declined to prosecute him as well.

    When we Dems mention the epic corruption of the Trump admin quite often it is responded to with indignation by defenders of all things Don. Seeing a story like this, it makes me better understand why the Orange Fraud had such a penchant for firing Inspectors General.

    Former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao repeatedly used her staff and her position of power to boost the reputation of her shipping magnate father and otherwise aid her family, the Department of Transportation's inspector general concluded in a report released Wednesday.

    The internal watchdog faulted Chao for four kinds of ethics violations, including planning to bring relatives on an official trip to China and requiring DOT's public affairs staff to help market a book written by her father. It found she also had employees handle personal errands such as shipping Christmas ornaments.
    Patricio Da Silva likes this.
  25. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Which given 100 of thousands of AR15s and similar weapons in use that easily passes the in common usage test...
    rahl likes this.

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