About the Holocaust

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by stan1990, Mar 11, 2019.


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  1. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Good Morning Jazz,

    So, here we are back at "About the Holocaust".

    I couldn't watch all of the U-Tube you posted because, like you said, it is full of the same old holocaustian fables, fake - altered photos, residual Allied propaganda and Holocaust Industry fabrications.

    It has been my experience over the decades that if you're looking for honest and objective information about the WW 2 era, you won't find it via MSM, slickly produced U-Tubes, theatrical holocaust theme parks, or melodramatic Hollywood film fodder.

    Additionally, self promoting "holocaust survivors" who are suspiciously eager to lie to schoolchildren and crank out readily published books that are soon exposed as rubbish(1) are a dime a dozen. Book publishers are eager to publish any nonsense that demonizes Germans and conforms to the fraudulent holocaust narrative (FHN) but refuse to publish anything objective that may depart from the FHN or tell another side of the complex WW 2 story.

    For example, historian James Bacque, author of "Other Losses"(2) about Eisenhower's real death camps went through 3 agents and over 30 American publishing houses and no one dared to print the truth in "free speech" America about Eisenhower's dirty genocidal war crimes.

    Canadian news reporter, Peter Worthington, of the OTTAWA SUN did his own research in Canada and concluded:

    "...it is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European Theater."(3)

    So, your search for the truth about WW 2 is not going to be an easy one nor will it come to you in the form of blockbuster Hollywood movies or slickly produced "Best Seller" books. You'll need to dig deep and look to often maligned independent sources that have low budgets and are frequently buried in obscure locations.
    In short, you'll have to adopt the same tenacity of the insatiably greedy Holocaust Industry and its criminal handmaidens:
    "Never give up."


    (1) "Could there be anything more twisted than these Holocaust fantasists? How more and more people are making up memoirs about witnessing Nazi crimes"


    EXCERPT "Unfortunately, despite all these examples, publishers are still wilfully selling suspect memoirs based on the Holocaust and the war.

    No doubt there will be more books of this type. With publishers fighting it out to sell the latest tale of World War II derring-do, or Holocaust misery, it seems unlikely this is a genre that will die out.

    Anybody reading these books should stop and ask themselves whether what they hold in their hands is, in fact, true." CONTINUED

    (2) “Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after World War II”


    EXCERPT “Other Losses caused an international scandal when first published in 1989 by revealing that Allied Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower’s policies caused the death of some 1,000,000 German captives in American and French internment camps through disease, starvation and exposure from 1944 to 1949, as a direct result of the policies of the western Allies, who, with the Soviets, ruled as the Military Occupation Government over partitioned Germany from May 1945 until 1949.

    Bacque flew to Moscow to examine the newly-opened KGB archives, where he found meticulously and exhaustively documented new proof that almost one million German POWs had indeed died in those Western camps.”CONTINUED

    (3) "Eisenhower’s Holocaust"
    Jazz likes this.
  2. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Among the many cruel ironies is that Mr. Ferencz, himself would have been hung by IMT standards for being complicit in torture and murder based on his own testimony:

    EXCERPT "Benjamin Ferencz: “I once saw DPs (displaced persons) beat an SS man and then strap him to the steel gurney of a crematorium. They slid him in the oven, turned on the heat and took him back out. Beat him again, and put him back in until he was burnt alive. I did nothing to stop it. I suppose I could have brandished my weapon or shot in the air, but I was not inclined to do so. Does that make me an accomplice to murder?” CONTINUED (1)

    The Soviet style "Nuremberg Trials" were so corrupt and murderous that they were widely condemned by far more ethical jurists than Ferencz and his criminal ilk.

    For example:

    "Chief US prosecutor Jackson is away conducting his high-grade lynching party in Nuremberg......I hate to see the pretence that he is running a court and proceeding according to common law. This is a little too sanctimonious a fraud to meet my old-fashioned ideas."
    - US Supreme Court Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone

    "... a fantastic desecration of the ideals of Western Civilisation, and appalling miscarriage of justice... a misuse of evidence for vicious ends, all of which will someday be exposed as a shocking travesty of high legal and moral principles."
    - Professor Henry M. Adams, Ph.D

    Finally, even Eisenhower's more ethical brother, Edgar N. Eisenhower condemned the "Trials" as: "... a black page in the history of the world."(2)

    (1) "«Confessions» Obtained By Torture"

    (2) "President Eisenhower’s Brother, An Attorney, Condemned The Nuremberg & Eichmann Trials"


    "I think the Nuremberg trials are a black page in the history of the world…I discussed the legality of these trials with some of the lawyers and some of the judges who participated therein. They did not attempt to justify their action on any legal ground, but rested their position on the fact that in their opinion, the parties convicted were guilty…"

    Edgar N. Eisenhower, American attorney: Brother of President Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Jazz likes this.
  3. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    The Show must go on!!

    Per chance I came upon a news article about the already well known and several times convicted and incarcerated Ursula Haverbeck...

    93-year-old German jailed again for denying Holocaust
    A Berlin court has sentenced a 93-year-old German woman to 12 months in prison for denying that Jews were systematically murdered during the Holocaust.

    The Berlin regional court on Friday rejected an appeal by notorious neo-Nazi Ursula Haverbeck against two convictions for Holocaust denial in 2017 and 2020. Judges ruled that the sentence could not be suspended because Haverbeck had shown no remorse or signs of changing her views during the appeal hearings.

    Haverbeck has repeatedly asserted that the Auschwitz death camp was just a work camp. In fact, historians say at least 1.1 million Jews were murdered there by the Nazis.

    Haverbeck has already paid several fines and served at least 30 months for similar crimes.

    The ruling can be appealed.



    Amazing, she is still alive and kicking!! She has a mission and that's what keeps her inspired and going.
    Luckily, the German prisons are not like Guantanamo!! But still, at age 93/94 one would like to snuggle into one's own comfortable bed at whatever time one feels like it.

    It shows how much the Germans are still under the boot of the victors from the last war.

    Or it could also show how well the new German generations have been brainwashed.

    Grau likes this.
  4. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    The criminal persecution of this courageous, elderly truth teller only reveals the desperate degree to which the Holocaust Industry and Germany's occupiers will go preserve what is possibly history's most egregious conspiracy theory.

    There is absolutely no truth to the myth that "6 million Jews" and about "5 million others" were killed under a genocidal German agenda in genocidal gas chambers and other outrageous ways.

    The whole scheme to further plunder Germany, seize Palestine and extort from Germany's endlessly slandered citizens is based on nothing more than Allied atrocity propaganda, cherry picked fraudulent hearsay and relentless Holocaust Industry extortion.
    If it's not about the money, why, then, is no amount of money enough?

    It should be remembered that the whole holocaust myth has as its foundation nothing more than Allied atrocity lies.
    There were no shrunken heads or lampshades and pocketbooks made out human skin nor was there any soap made from human fat.
    They were all proven to be more grisly lies intended to titillate small, gullible minds just as the inflated body counts and fraudulent means of execution are intended to do the same thing today.

    Some of the absurd things for which thousands of innocent Germans were murdered were the use of a "human vaporizer" (1), an electrified conveyor belt(2) and even a homicidal steam chamber.

    Mrs. Haverbeck has the courage to tell the truth to powerful entities that reap fortunes from peddling profitable lies.(3), (4).
    These same malevolent and fraudulent entities have a long history of deliberately cheating holocaust survivors, industries and governments alike so why would any thinking individual believe an openly fraudulent Holocaust Industry with a proven history of hoaxes and lying?

    If we are to learn anything from this blatant example of elder abuse it is the truth the following maxim:

    “If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticise.”


    (1) "Auschwitz: Myths and Facts"

    EXCERPT "At the Nuremberg Tribunal, chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson charged that the Germans had used a "newly invented" device to instantaneously "vaporize" 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz "in such a way that there was no trace left of them." [8] No reputable historian now accepts either of these fanciful tales."CONTINUED

    (2) "Auschwitz Electrical Conveyor belt of Death"

    EXCERPT "It’s a little known fact that running alongside the scientifically implausible gas chambers at Auschwitz ran the electrified conveyor belts of death. These industrialised slaughter belts, we can assume took the passive cargo directly from the “cattle cars” and electrocuted the hapless victims without struggle then disposed of the evidence in Nazi furnaces. One can only guess at the “special devices” for killing children. Somehow visions of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate/extermination factory spring to mind."CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED
    Jazz likes this.
  5. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Thank you, Grau.
    See the book Ursula is holding up?
    It was written by Wilhelm Staeglich, an officer in WWII, who found that the official Auschwitz story didn't harmonize with his own experiences. Naturally, his book was banned!

    It was translated into English as well, and I wonder, if you had a chance to read it?

    I did find a list of articles to check out:

    Maybe by tomorrow I will have some details.
  6. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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  7. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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  8. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Life also requires a little bit of humor now and then. I came upon a fantastic story:

    Mermelstein, a young Jewish holocaust survivor just passed away at the end of January this year at the ripe old age of 95!!
    He was a gutsy and lucky chap who dared to answer to the challenge the Institute for Historical Review had put out. They would pay anyone $50.000 if they could prove that Jews were gassed in Auschwitz.

    Mermelstein answered the challenge!

    He proved it! The courts approved it! The IHR, after first rejecting Mermelstein’s claim, paid him $90,000 to settle a lawsuit he filed.

    As part of the settlement, IHR also apologized for any emotional damage inflicted on Mermelstein and other former Auschwitz inmates by the initial reward offer.

    Read more and see famous picture here:
    There is some truth to be learned from this story... never argue with a Jew, you lose guaranteed!

    Breaking News:

    Deborah Lipstadt, nominated by President Joe Biden to be the United States Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism.
    Another great success story!

    Does anyone here believe our German Ursula stands a chance to ever being nominated as Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Germanism? Or better yet, being nominated as Ambassador to Israel?

    Good Night
  9. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Hello Jazz,

    No I haven't read "The Auschwitz Myth; A Judge Looks at the Evidence" but it can be found at:


    I have read "HOLOCAUST DEPROGRAMMING COURSE" (1) which is full of heavily censored photos of healthy, well fed inmates either doing routine work, playing soccer, putting on plays, receiving medical care, playing music or other recreational pastimes that were unheard of in Eisenhower's real death camps or Stalin's gulags.

    I don't doubt that conditions in the German work camps were deplorable at the end of the war when Hollywood and Allied propagandists even transported in the bodies of dead German POWs to make already dismal conditions look even worse (2) but there were no homicidal gas chambers or a genocidal German agenda as per holocaustian mythology.


    EXCERPT "Auschwitz personnel on holiday at Solahuette. They don’t look like they spend their time gassing people." CONTINUED (1)


    (2) “The Director of the Holocau$t - Khazar Expatriate Billy Wilder”

    EXCERPT “Almost all the films you've ever seen of the Holocaust were staged. Using Allied propaganda as a rough script, directors from Hollywood were shipped to Germany and Poland to direct propaganda films for post-war use. One of the most notable of these was Billy Wilder, director of meny very well known films, such as "Some Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe." CONTINUED
    Jazz likes this.
  10. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Wouldn't I find the craziest little tidbit in a German headline this morning?
    Since I don't know where else to put it, I thought this thread might as well be the best fitting one.

    German federal court mulls bid to remove antisemitic relic
    BERLIN (AP) — A German federal court on Monday mulled a Jewish man's bid to force the removal of a 700-year-old antisemitic statue from a church where Martin Luther once preached, and said it will deliver its verdict in the long-running dispute next month.

    Placed on the church about four meters (13 feet) above ground level, the sculpture depicts people identifiable as Jews suckling the teats of a sow while a rabbi lifts the animal’s tail.

    The “Judensau,” or “Jew pig,” sculpture on the Town Church in Wittenberg is one of more than 20 such relics from the Middle Ages that still adorn churches across Germany and elsewhere in Europe.

    The case went to the Federal Court of Justice after lower courts ruled in 2019 and 2020 against plaintiff Michael Duellmann. He had argued that the sculpture was “a defamation of and insult to the Jewish people” that has “a terrible effect up to this day,” and has suggested moving it to the nearby Luther House museum.

    In 1988, a memorial was set into the ground below, referring to the persecution of Jews and the 6 million people who died during the Holocaust.
    The federal court, based in the city of Karlsruhe, plans to announce its ruling on June 14.

    Read full article here:
    Never have I heard of such sculptures in Germany! It may be a piece of fine art, but it is rather crude and blunt, in my opinion... and that already for hundreds of years!! What triggered the upset now?

    Come to think of it, now it actually makes sense:
    The sow is representing Germany!!!
    Kokomojojo and Grau like this.
  11. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    which is why they want it removed!
    Jazz likes this.
  12. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Historians lie through their teeth!
    We have the records for auschwitz and only 375000 people TOTAL ever went through auschwitz and jews were the LEAST body count of deaths.

    I thought jews took math classes?

    How can we get 1.1 million with only 375000 where less than 1/2 of the 375000 were jews?

    Must be bad math skills.
    Jazz likes this.
  13. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Or you must be mistaken, Koko.;-) In this new article they are still talking about 6 million.

    Nevertheless, strange things are happening in Germany these days....

    German lawmaker ‘danced’ on Holocaust monument –
    German lawmaker Holger Winterstein has sparked outrage, including a denunciation from Israel’s ambassador to Germany, for posting a picture of himself standing with outstretched arms on one of the concrete slabs at Berlin’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe.

    Winterstein is a member of the AfD Party = Alterative for Deutschland. He says, he did not dance, and I believe him. He wouldn't be that rude.

    The comments at the bottom of the article are quite interesting. For instance, it is mentioned how the Israelis danced when the twin towers got hit. But that was brushed under the rug right away. Actually, it simply doesn't exist.

    Read the complete article here:

    Grau likes this.
  14. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    AfD is the current German lightweight Nazi Party.
    I wonder why German media didn't write about the Winterstein incident.
    They usually love to kick AfD-aXXholes. :)

    Maybe it's ruZZian fake news. RT isn't a reputable source. :(
  15. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I make an effort to respond to all civil and thoughtful Posts but since several Posters have complained about the holocaust being off-topic at the other thread, I moved your Post and will respond more fully after my doctor's appointment this afternoon.

    As you probably know, I do not believe that the Germans committed mass murder using homicidal gas chambers.

    Yes, I believe that there were gas chambers for delousing old clothes, blankets etc but not homicidal gas chambers since no blueprints, work orders, maintenance requests or photos of homicidal gas chambers exist.

    Since it is claimed that millions of people were murdered in homicidal gas chambers, hundreds of them must have existed but I have yet to see even one genuine, homicidal gas chamber.

    I'll respond more fully to your comment later.

    Jazz likes this.
  16. ricmortis

    ricmortis Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2018
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    So, all those survivors who were Sonderkommando's that had to take the gold teeth out of freshly gassed corpses were wrong because 70 years later the internet told you so. Typical how bad society has devolved into idiocracy so quickly. I have read detailed eye witness accounts and if any one of you were brave enough to read one of those 3 books I posted, you would even doubt ourselves as opposed to believing some internet conspiracy website.
    Dayton3 likes this.
  17. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    You have 100% right not to believe, you can believe that the bellow information is fake:



    On this forum we have at least one person who don't believe that Soviet Union killed hundred of thousands of innocent people or that Soviet Union starved to death few millions of Ukrainians and Kazakhs.
    I for example don't believe in Tooth Fairy.

    Good luck with you skepticism!
    Jazz, bigfella and Dayton3 like this.
  18. Farnsworth

    Farnsworth Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    This thread is an example of the low caliber of 'discussion' on this board; it should be in the comedy forum or the Nutjob Conspiracy forum but is allowed to ride along in an allegedly 'serious' forum anyway, like a lot of the idiot Xian bashing thread hijacks and troll threads by assorted deviants and pagan vermin.

    lol the quickest way to turn a forum into a joke is to pander to these stupid holocaust deniers. I'm not a big fan of Orthodox Jews and their bloody history of trying to mass murder Da Evul Xians but please, pretending the Nazis weren't psycho nutjobs and didn't run death camps like Treblinka and Sobibor and the Operation Rienhardt camps along with starving Russian prisoners to death and all the rest is seriously stupid and irresponsible.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2022
    pitbull and Dayton3 like this.
  19. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    It seems like the most terrifying thing to people who actually believe the fantastic myths about "human skin lampshades", "human fat soap", shrunken heads, homicidal gas, electrified(1) and steam chambers is the thought of having to defend the fables they have been duped into believing in a civil, honest and factual exchange.

    These are the same Hollywood educated people who are ignorant of the OWI (Office of War Information) and think that only the "other side" used propaganda and whose insult filled tantrums are heavy on cheap slander but light on salient facts.

    The truth is that most of the world does not believe the standard holocaust narrative(2) that has been created by Hollywood and the proven fraudulent Holocaust Industry(3), (4).

    The truth is that all you have done by slandering those all who think for themselves as "stupid holocaust deniers" is reveal that you are incapable of defending the holocaustian myths that have been poured into your head in a civil and honest debate based on the facts.

    Briefly put, I dare you to refute anything I have written and supported on this topic. Your lowly and sweeping slander reveals only one thing:

    "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"

    (1)"Auschwitz Electrical Conveyor belt of Death"

    EXCERPT "It’s a little known fact that running alongside the scientifically implausible gas chambers at Auschwitz ran the electrified conveyor belts of death. These industrialised slaughter belts, we can assume took the passive cargo directly from the “cattle cars” and electrocuted the hapless victims without struggle then disposed of the evidence in Nazi furnaces. One can only guess at the “special devices” for killing children. Somehow visions of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate/extermination factory spring to mind."CONTINUED



    EXCERPT “Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical

    Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth.

    Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."

    - Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated.

    - people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted”CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED
    Jazz likes this.
  20. Farnsworth

    Farnsworth Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    I'm supposed to read posts from morons now? I'll stick with Jack Handy's books for my comedy literature.
  21. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I don't base my options on residual Allied - Hollywood propaganda or mainstream Holocaust Industry sanctioned books because one of the privileges of the victors of a conflict is that they get to write the history according to their own propaganda.

    It is naive to believe that only the "other side" used propaganda or to think that the same propaganda lies ceased at the end of the war. Once a lie is told (i.e. homicidal gas chambers), it has to be maintained especially by those who profit from it like what Norman Finkelstein called the wealthy and influential "Holocaust Industry".

    It is a fact that America's propaganda agency, the OWI (Office of War Information) worked closely with Hollywood's movie moguls and the fledgling Holocaust Industry(1), (2) that has extorted over $100 Billion from Germany and seeks to extort even more.
    Of course you're not going to read about the fraudulent claims in your Holocaust Industry approved books

    Over the decades, I've found that the people who believe fabricated stories about hauling thousands of bodies out of recently gas filed rooms have never had to carry or drag even one human body anywhere nor are they aware that those who die by cyanide gas turn cherry red(3). I'll bet that not one mainstream "eyewitness account" you've read notes this most remarkable feature.

    The most rudimentary knowledge of the labor, logistics and realities involved in gassing and making the bodies disappear reveals that it's simply not possible to organize, "herd", gas, ventilate the gas chamber, empty it and cremate 10,000 people a day. There would have to have been hundreds of homicidal gas chambers to gas millions of people but not one blueprint, work order, maintenance record, photo or homicidal exists or existed.

    My opinions are based not only on research but having known, worked with and / or lived with about 20 holocaust survivors, German firebombing survivors, and WW 2 Veterans of various nationalities. Not one of them confirms the fables of common holocaustian lore.


    (1) "The Hollywood Directors Who Filmed the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps"

    EXCERPT "George Stevens, John Ford, and Samuel Fuller, best known for their work in Hollywood, all documented the Allied liberation at the end of the war.

    But during this period of war, they were acting less as artists than as functionaries of US propaganda and information efforts, working for the US Armed Forces and Secret Services.CONTINUED

    (2) “The Director of the Holocau$t - Khazar Expatriate Billy Wilder”

    EXCERPT “Almost all the films you've ever seen of the Holocaust were staged. Using Allied propaganda as a rough script, directors from Hollywood were shipped to Germany and Poland to direct propaganda films for post-war use. One of the most notable of these was Billy Wilder, director of meny very well known films, such as "Some Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe." CONTINUED

    (3) "Cyanide Toxicity"

    EXCERPT "Patients with cyanide poisoning will not be cyanotic but will have a cherry red color due to excess oxygen in the bloodstream."CONTINUED
    Jazz likes this.
  22. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Thanks for confirming what I've just written.

    "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"
  23. Farnsworth

    Farnsworth Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    lol people who took Logic 102 would know that in real life ad hom arguments are in many case legitimate and valid. You wouldn't know anything about that, though. Most ignorant dumbasses don't know they're ignorant dumbasses. Thanks for confirming that truth, literally thousands of times here.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2022
  24. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    The best way to find out who is the "ignorant dumbass" is for you to try to refute something I've both written and supported.

    For starters, your reliance on cheap slander is certainly an excellent clue.
  25. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Farnsworth you came on post: 1073786211 to challenge the holocaust deniers on this forum and stated this:

    "I'm not a big fan of Orthodox Jews and their bloody history of trying to mass murder Da Evul Xians but"

    in so doing you engage in the same horseshit anti-semitic hatred which is precisely behind the reason of denying the holocaust on this thread.

    Pathetic, passive, cowardly.


    Here is what makes your comment so cowardly:


    If you are referring to the stoning of St. Stephen and.or the killing of Jesus trying to frame it as blaming all Orthodox Jews as part of a bloody history is bullshit and you know its as bullshit as me claiming no one is a fan of Christians and their bloody history.

    You engage in comments that generalize an entire people in a negative way. That is precisely what caused the holocaust and is why people like me will renounce people like you,

    No I do NOT come on this forum as a Jew to claim all Germans are evil, all Christians are evil, all Muslims are evil, or to defend anyone who is evil. I do not follow Orthodox Jewery and as a Reform Jew am heavily criticized by them for my beliefs that are not that different from most people's today. However to smeer them all as you did is bullshit.

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