18 murders in 24 hours: Inside the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by nra37922, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I know and I am sure you know as well, that chain of violence will not be solved by tossing social workers at it, that problem can only be solved by totally changing the welfare systems in the US, for that is the largest set of chains the government uses to keep those in the inner city people enslaved to the government.

    If business's did to those poor people what the government does, there would be CEO's in prison from coast to coast.

    I'm not intelligent enough to fully understand the big picture, but I do believe getting people hooked on handouts takes away their sense of existing and they don't realize they are being conditioned to think, it is a normal way of living.

    But the sexiest method of handing out handouts, is one of the driving cause's of inner city violence, females if they remain single can collect much more than if they where married, but males don't get the same deal, this leaves a lot of poorly educated young men with no where to find a job and no assistance from the government, so what do they do?

    They turn to crime, it's all that is left for them to go to and it was engineered that way by the government, not the people living in poverty.

    I think it was Regan who stated the most dangerous statement you can hear is "I'm from the government and I am here to help you."
  2. Gdawg007

    Gdawg007 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
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    People killing other people is never good, obviously. But if two private citizens engage in a fight over whatever and one kills the other, or two gangs get into a fight and kill each other or someone unintentionally, those are both different scenarios that tax funded police offers using deadly force at a much higher rate against a certain race of people...based solely on their race.

    Since are being intentionally ignorant to win the internet, I will spell it out. Murder is about motive and intent. The only motive we can see for the police killing black people at a higher rate than white people is...well race. Most gang members or criminals aren't motivated by race. They are motivated by money, usually. You can't really say that black people should shut up about being more likely to be killed for being black by the police just because criminals killed more people over all. That argument makes no sense and ignores motive. More over, it ignores a violation of basic human rights and dignity simply because other criminals exist. Again, no logic can reach your conclusion.
  3. Gdawg007

    Gdawg007 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
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    Oh? So the entire black community needs to fix it's behavior? Why don't you gather them all together and tell them what fixes need to be made. Go on. Good luck.
  4. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    However that is not happening.
  5. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    ... because that is the standard argument for the left. Corrected it for you.

    He only continued arguing race because you steered the discussion that way. Also SOP for the left.
  6. Gdawg007

    Gdawg007 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
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    Not in your mind, sure. But we live in reality, so sadly, yes, it is.
  7. Gdawg007

    Gdawg007 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
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    Reagan, it has two a's dude, you should learn to spell your hero's name right or at least use spell check which identified it as misspelled, was a politician who conjured up the fear of "welfare queens" stealing tax dollars to support his political point of view. Sorry, but your statements are as tired as Donald Trump looks these days. I've heard this BS for decades and it's never been true. Welfare ensures children have food to eat and a place to live. It ensures that even if their parents make poor life choices, the children who have no means to support themselves, don't suffer. Taking it away won't instantly make everyone your vision of a hard worker. That's just wishful judgement from small minded people who don't understand the world they live in.
  8. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    That would be stupid. They would get violent. Nonetheless though my post stands as correct. I also never said all of them, you misrepresent my argument, typical of the left.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
    Well Bonded likes this.
  9. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    A lot of assumptions for a person who know noting about me, where did I ever state Regan, Reagan or however the name is spelled?

    I would think, as most people who think, if a person is someones hero they would spell the name correctly the first time, but you seem to unable to process that basic logical determination.
  10. Gdawg007

    Gdawg007 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
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    Uh...IN YOUR POST ABOVE...you realize these forums keep what you say, right? Or did Putin tell you it would all be erased?

    And more over, this post is incomprehensible. What is your point again?
  11. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    It ensures people stay married to the state. Some welfare can be good, limited welfare designed to help people get back on their feet. What we are seeing is people marrying the state and staying married to it. Becoming lifetime dependents of the govt. This is leading to people marrying the state and not a good husband. Kids growing up looking in the wrong places for influence. Neighborhoods turn to garbage. Kids turn to crime. And its a self perpetuating issue that builds upon itself, becoming worse and worse.
  12. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Typical "muh russia" lefty lol.

    Your inability to understand his post doesn't make it incomprehensible. Perhaps that is a YOU problem.
  13. Gdawg007

    Gdawg007 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
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    Oh buddy, go back and read your post. You said, "the black community." Please provide a list of black people you were excluding from the "black community." Go on, I will wait again.

    Who said they would get violent? All of them would get violent...? Seems you have a problem with generalizing entire races of people...what's the term for that again...?
  14. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Oh buddy, i didnt say "all of the black community". The list of people i clearly wasn't talking about are the law abiding fine upstanding citizens.

    I never said all would get violent, but if you dont think rounding them "all" up and telling them this wouldn't result in my harm you are not paying attention lmao.

    I dont generalize anyone, I simply accept the world for what it is. THe black community is a statistical anomaly of violence in a way that no other group is. You can make whatever insinuations you want that arent true about me, that doesn't change the objective fact the stats prove me right.
  15. Gdawg007

    Gdawg007 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
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    How so? All welfare is limited and comes with requirements to get it, right or wrong. And all welfare is WORSE than having a job. I've seen it. Have you? I mean, a welfare Christmas sucks a big one. You realize that if you don't have children, you can't get hardly any government assistance, right? Do you even know how it works? Or are you just repeating, again the same old BS I've heard for decades that is false, back to me? Or is it to convince yourself?

    Where should those kids grow up looking for influence if not in their own communities? Should they look in white communities? Where should they look? Go on, give us the list of places they should look.

    So your logic is this. Welfare causes kids to look to the wrong people for influence, neighborhoods then turn to garbage, kids to crime, and the whole thing gets worse and worse. So when I point out that Americans in 2020 live, by every measure, better than they did BEFORE welfare existed, and that crime is falling from historic values again prior to welfare, your answer to that is...? Because google has the data and you can just type it in, so I'm just amazed at your ability to ignore reality.

    Let me clear, welfare doesn't solve crime, nor does it necessarily make people all own their own homes and nice cars and have cook outs on the weekend. But it doesn't make life worse. It does exactly what it was designed to do, keep people from abject poverty which hurts society over all and is more costly. It's pretty effective at what it was designed to do.
  16. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    It isnt based solely on their race. YOu are making that assumption.

    Its because black people fight cops FAR more often per capita. They also commit the majority of violent crime, while being a significant minority.
  17. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Look what Seattle's Council of the Crazy wants-

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    They're proposing legislation designed to abolish the entire SPD, and replace it with non-profit programs and "community-led activities" because the SPD "perpetuates racism and violence" and upholds "white supremacy culture." They also want to replace the police force with a "Trauma-informed, gender-affirming, anti-racist praxis", and they demand that the city conduct an "immediate transfer of underutilized public land for BIPOC community ownership."

    So they want to get rid of the police and replace them with social workers and trannies with gender studies degrees, and also legalize squatting so bums get to live in whatever house they break into, and declare ownership of whatever lawn they flop down on.

    I like it. It's a solid plan.

    They should totally do it, and let the hilarity ensue.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
  18. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Being worse than having a job doesn't refute the fact that its easy money that you dont have to earn at all, and it doesn't refute the fact that people are getting on it and staying on it for signifcant portions of their lives, refusing to marry so they dont lose it. This "same ol BS" is objectively correct regardless of how much it makes you angry. The fact them having kids makes it easier for them to get it is part of the issue. It causes them to have kids, and more kids, and not marry so they dont lose it. Kids grow up without fathers and look elsewhere for influence. This creates the problem I and others have spoken about that is self perpetuating. You prove my point for me without even realizing it.

    They should look to their FATHER, or step father, particularly if they are a young man. Young men without fathers are statistical signficant more likely to go to jail. THIS is the issue and you prove it for me without even realizing it. If you paid any attention to my and others arguments here you wouldnt be so quick to run to racism as the culprit. But you have been trained to do so by the irrational left.
  19. Gdawg007

    Gdawg007 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
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    You said:

    And you somehow think that's not an all inclusive statement? OK...if you say so...

    Law abiding, fine upstanding citizens are excluded? Good to know. So again, what behaviors does the black community need to fix again?

    Yes, you did generalize. And no, your citing of 50 percent of homicides and them only making up 13% of the population is a gross oversimplification often used by racists who generalize against black people. But don't worry, you don't do that, so you're good. Of course you also forgot how black people tend to be poorer than white people, in fact to use your words, in the US, black people are a statistical anomaly when it comes to being poorer. Average white American's wealth 170k. Average black American's wealth, 17k. That's right, a ten fold difference. I presume that wasn't based at all on slavery, racist practices when it came to home and business loans, as well as the proven fact that resumes with names that are considered "too black" are passed over for white sounding names even if the person with the white sounding name turns out to be black at the interview and is then less likely to be hired...I'm sure that's all a results of behaviors the black community has that you are compiling as I type this. So again, what are they?
  20. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Honestly what they are going ot eventually realize is that whoever they use to enforce the laws of society, social worker or police, is going to eventaully be confronted by someone who does not want to comply and they are going to have to use force. At that point, they are police regardless if they share that title or not lol.
  21. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Its not an all inclusive statement, you are assuming that and ignoring the context of my argument all the way up to that statement. That is on you, that is a YOU problem. I was very clear. YOu are just determined to screech racism. Thats not my fault.

    The behaviors the black community need to fix are the statistical anomaly rate of violent crime that it has, that no other community has anywhere close to the same rate of. They need to encourage good fathers, and not single mothers. They have a far higher rate of single mothers than any other population. No, I didnt generalize. I based my opinion on statistics. Your inability to see the difference is a you problem.

    Blacks tend to be poorer because of the reasons I have elaborated on multiple times. Remove the top 1 percent and the avg for whites goes way down lol. You see what you want, not the truth.

    The fact they commit so much vioelnt crime is not a gross oversimplification used by racists, its the objective truth used by all reasonable people tryin gto figure out the issues they face and how to fix it. You simply go straight to racism because you have no good arguments.

    Practices based on wealth are not racist. Slavery ended to long ago to use that as an excuse anymore. It has virttuaallly nothing to do with today.

    Like it or not that is the stem of their issues of being stuck poor, stuck in jail, stuck in **** neighborhoods. It all starts in the home. Its not capitalism, not white people, not the police, not hte govt, its them that are causing their own grief.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
  22. Gdawg007

    Gdawg007 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
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    So the real problem is unwed women. Glad we got to the root of your argument. Here's the problem. That argument has been made before...like for the last, oh thousand plus years. And guess what? Society has gotten better even as more women have gone unmarried than at times in the past! So again, you don't have any real understanding of this issue or how to solve it other than you think how your mommy and daddy look is best. That's great for making you feel good, but it doesn't work in reality. You see, some people abuse the people they are with. I said people, not men. And young men should look up to their MOTHERS as well. After all, some of them hope to marry a woman one day and looking up to one's mother is a great way to not be a turd to women. But I suspect you have a problem with women, which is a topic for another day with your therapist.

    The problem is systemic racism has cost black Americans money and they are poorer than white Americans. As such, they face all the same problems poor people of any race face. Go find poor white people. Guess what? They are more likely to be jailed, struggle to find food, commit crime, and abuse drugs and alcohol. I mean, unless you're going to tell me the whole meth problem is a rich white person problem...

    Until you address poverty, which is what welfare does, you can't start to fix the problem. Until you address the reality that black people were told to race with literal chains on them and a few societal chains still on them, you can't fix the problem. You are in denial of the root cause, so your solutions will be useless.
  23. Gdawg007

    Gdawg007 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
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    I do have a question. Why shouldn't police be civilians? Rather, why should they be paramilitary types that walk around with guns and are so quick to see the rest of us as threats? Shouldn't effective police be part of the community, forge relationships with them, so that when they need to enforce the laws they have more options than to resort to force? And I say that regardless of race because black people aside, the police in this country kill a lot of people.
  24. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    The real problem is exactly what I said, your over simplification is a YOU problem. You are misrepresenting my arguments because you lack the ability to formulate your own good ones.

    No that argument was not used for as long as you say it is. Again, these statistics are fairly new and the objective review of them demonstrates the issue.

    You can do your best to find any reason not to blame the black community for their own strife, and that may make you feel better but doesn't actually reflect the issue in reality nor does it solve it.

    Systematic racism towards black no longer exists and hasnt for decades. That is a cop out. The problem they face is that their single motherhood rate has increased over the last decades while racism decreased. You cannot blame single mother hood on racism becasue of that fact. And seeing as single motherhood is one of the statistical links to violent crime and jail time, then you can't blame that either.

    You cant blame poverty, becasue white people in poverty dont demonstrate the violence the black community does either. Welfare doesn't address poverty, it keeps people in it.

    So ruling all that out it becomes clear this problem is starting in the black community, and will have to be something they solve.

    Its not whtie people, slavery, racism, the govt, police, capitalism, etc thats causing their strife. Its them and the culture of single motherhood creating the self perpetuating issues they face.

    Also that study about names was one of the most garbage studies conducted that didnt at all come anywhere close to being conducted properly. Its contested at every level lol. They did a horrible job assigning names to qualifications in a fair way. Its a useless study to cite.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
  25. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Paramilitary are civilian.

    They should be armed to use force, because like it or not it is necessary. Police are currently apart of the community. There is no difference between having your idea of police and what we have now. At some point they are going to have to use force, and when they do it will be no different than what we have today.

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