A very Dangerous Game

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by alexa, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. Oddquine

    Oddquine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    Not letters re pensions from anybody in the YES campaign....but letters from the Westminster DWP when asked by Scottish pensioners, and soon to be pensioners, what the situation would be ..and the situation is that the RUK would be responsible for the payment of the current pensioners, like me, and for the proportion of pension entitlement accrued by every Scot who has paid into NI.just as it is for every expat UK citizen. (There's a bit about in Hansard as well, if I remember rightly.)

    Theoretically, that would mean that, Scotland will start out with no state pension payouts, as Scotland will start out with no pensioners. :wink:

    I suspect, however there will be a bit of give and take over that in negotiations over debt, although if rUK decides to pay Scottish Pensions out of rUK income, it is going to be decades before Scotland is fully responsible for the pensions of those ex UK citizens living in Scotland on Independence Day.
  2. diamond lil

    diamond lil Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    A case of "I'm alright, Jack? ", except there is no guarantee from the UK government that your pensions will be paid in exactly the same way as they are now.
  3. Oddquine

    Oddquine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    So they are going to treat us differently from every other UK pensioner who lives outside the UK? How do you mean won't pay them in exactly the same way as they are now?
  4. diamond lil

    diamond lil Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    But you won't be a UK pensioner.

    Westminster haven't guaranteed your pension.

    Something willl doubtless be worked out, but you are unlikely to get the same pension you get now, paid in exactly the same way.
  5. diamond lil

    diamond lil Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Are you talking about the letter supposedly from Westminster, but cooked up by a DWP employee?


    In a subsequent statement, a DWP spokesman said: "We will look into this specific letter in case any misleading information was inadvertently given out.

    "However, what is absolutely clear is that it will be the responsibility of an independent Scottish government, not the UK government, to make arrangement for pensions for citizens of an independent Scotland.
  6. ryanm34

    ryanm34 New Member

    Oct 14, 2009
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    When Ireland left, the free state was left with the pension liability for judges police officers and public services. I would be very surprised if Scotland was left without a pension liability.
  7. Oddquine

    Oddquine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    We will get exactly the pensions to which we are entitled currently in the UK.......from the UK, as people in other countries do........and we'll get it in sterling. The letter was in January 2013......in May 2014, Ian Davidson, not known for being a YES supporter, in the House of Commons, (according to Hansard/You Tube) said we would, after UK pensions minister Steve Webb said so..as in exactly as we do now (at the Scottish Affairs Select Committee, when he was contradicting the eternally (and still) repeated claims of Bitter Together and it was reported in the Scotsman). Increases would likely depend on reciprocal agreements if we were to receive them as and when, but the pensions we currently receive don't. We paid into UK coffers for it.......and if Westminster claims to be the successor state....it takes all the assets...and all the liabilities.of which we state and public pensioners are a cumulative £5 trillion part..

    Don't believe all you read or hear in the media South of the border..or from North of the border either, if it comes to that. They are all toeing the Unionist line with the same alacrity as Cameron follows US dictat. Of the 37 national/daily newspapers in the UK, the only one which isn't blatantly and irrationally against Scottish Independence is the Sunday Herald, which says it is in favour, but still manages to be much more even handed with its reporting than the others.

    I may well get more pension, however it is paid in the end...but I'm not particularly bothered either way..... my personal circumstances are of little importance in the great scheme of things, compared to the future of my grandchildren and great grandchildren.
  8. Oddquine

    Oddquine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    Scotland already has the responsibility and the set-up for the pensions of Scottish police, fire, NHS, teachers, local government pensions etc. Not sure about judges, though as the SG have responsibility for the courts, I suspect they have for them as well, though possibly not for those sitting in the UK Supreme Court.
  9. diamond lil

    diamond lil Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    It doesn't work like that. State pensions are paid by the tax payers today.

    I can't find any info regarding promises made by Westminster to fund state pensions in an iScotland, so if you can give me a link I'd be glad to see it.

    So, not a single Scottish newspaper is for independence?

    Doesn't that tell you something?

    I may well get more pension, however it is paid in the end...but I'm not particularly bothered either way..... my personal circumstances are of little importance in the great scheme of things, compared to the future of my grandchildren and great grandchildren.[/QUOTE]

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