Amazon Shutting Down PARLER

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by dadoalex, Jan 9, 2021.

  1. AFM

    AFM Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 15, 2014
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    I wouldn’t be surprised if the Democrats used the 25th amendment to remove Biden for, of course, his own good.
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  2. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Clearly you did not see the term "No Brainer" - adjunct to a comment on Biden's mental Status ...
  3. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    None of Trump's policy positions were "failures" (and I didn't use that word). America First policies actually have a higher approval rate among American voters than anything the Democrat platform offers.

    Trump often spoke when he should have been silent, was sometimes silent when he needed to speak, and frequently divided at times when he had an opportunity to heal. I will applaud him for waking up millions of voters to what is going on in government. That bull in a china shop personality was probably what was needed, at first. I am very pleased that he started a movement which is not going away no matter how much The Establishment tries to demonize and silence people.

    Trump is a flawed human who came along at a critical time when this country needed someone like him. "Trumpism" (government for the sake of citizens, not government for the sake of government/corporations) is an idea which will be around long after Trump is gone.
    joesnagg likes this.
  4. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Yes, well. If Old Joe is known for anything, he's known for plagiarism and/or taking personal credit for other peoples' work.

    I believe the "fact" is that Biden wrote a predecessor to the actual Patriot Act in 1995, but that much of his language was adopted in the final bill which passed.


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  5. AFM

    AFM Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Agreed. Trump had an abrasive personality but sound policies based on business practices and experience. Supply side populism based on American citizens first is a threat to the left and to corporate America. And when the left controls both the main stream media & social media and they are convinced that they represent goodness and Trump is evil the last four years were predictable.
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  6. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    I have read or heard not one thing which shows that international financiers put Trump in office. He had far less "big money" sponsored donations than either Hillary or Biden. Any politician telling large corporations that he will penalize them for building plants in other countries is not "a friend" to corporate America. Rewarding corporations for bringing jobs back to America is not "establishment"; it's for American job creation. Tech corporations, like Apple, do not want to stop using cheap Chinese slave labor, so Trump is seen as an enemy.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
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  7. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Trump was bought and paid for long ago -

    Who bailed him out of his bankruptcies ? >>> Sugardaddy <<<
    Who did Trump make Commerce Secretary Quid Pro Quo Foot Soldier of Sugardaddy who did Trumps Bankruptcies
    Who was Ivanka Shagging -- Son of Sugar Daddy Perhaps ?

    Wasn't Putin's Son, Foot Soldier, or Bank

    Putin is a Social Darwinist - this ideology moulded him and informs his decisions. and perspective and worldview.

    Trump is a "Hardcore" elitist - who believes hierarchy in society is genetically endowed - and that those that rise to the top do so on the basis of genetic superiority .. messing with the "Natural Order" it would be to give too much aid to the poor .. or mess with the Hierarchy.

    This is where Trumps affinity for those in Power comes from - -- they are fellow genetically superior individuals. So you see - Trump is not Racist - but he is very classist.

    You been fooled by a Master Charlatan -- This is not to say Trump did not have a falling out and go off the leash .. but - he did not get there on his charm .. Presidents are Selected - not Elected ... and you do not get to first base .. unless you are vetted .

    There are goblins in the Pride-land and Trump was one of them ..
  8. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    A number of Trump's Policies were abject Failures -

    Economic Policy - Any idiot can increase GDP Temporarily with Massive deficit spending - even with that - he only managed to increase GDP for a little over a year ..and it went not to 6% as predicted - but from 2 to 3-3.5% for a short time .. and then fell back to 2% ..a complete failure

    but that was small compared to his disastrous foreign Policy - He made a bold move on the Chessboard by "forcing" the nations of the world to abide by his unilateral Iran Sanctions using the Economic Nuclear Option - blocking banks/Corps out of the US International System of Payments.

    The move turned out to be a huge blunder - Sure most nations complied - as they were forced but they got back at the US in other ways -

    Trump was going around bashing our allies into submission with the biggest stick he could find - At the same time as having a Trade war with China ... anyone could figure out that this was stupid - beforehand - war on two fronts .. this was a war on all fronts.

    The move turned out to be an unmitigated disaster - while we are running around beating up our allies -- China and Russia - and the EU for that matter - have been going around doing deals.

    While we used to be first place in the VIP line when in came to international business - we are now lucky to get into the line.

    Very bad move... a disaster.
  9. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Trump was the first president to be "elected", not "selected", in decades. The Republican Party Corporation were absolutely horrified when 2016 came down to Trump or Cruz. Left State Media and skewed-left Pollsters were horrified, then angered, when they realized that their strategy backfired. They covered Trump every minute during the 2016 primaries while blacking-out media on other, arguably "more establishment" candidates. Even though they gave him round the clock media attention, they did so in an attempt to beclown him and turn him into a joke with the voting public.

    The more media featured all Trump, all the time, the more people listened to him...and voted for him over Hillary, much to the dismay of the GOP Corporation. MSM spent the next four years trying to make up for their strategic mistake by issuing "All hate, all the time," propaganda against orange man. Fortunately for the country, Left State Media propaganda is only successful with their own left-wing audience.

    Most of the points in your post resemble State Media talking points, and no, no one has been fooled except for people with a severely limited junk food diet consisting of only Left State MSM disinformation consumption to the exclusion of a more broad and varied healthy diet which selects ingredients from across the entire political ideologies menu before determining what ideology "tastes better" than other ideologies.
  10. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    And as a result of the puritan, one-party establishment indoctrination that "Trump is a bad man," Trump has been "deleted" from the internet, followed by a domino effect of Parler getting illegally shut down by the Big Tech oligarchy (the thread topic), following by hundreds of thousands of "nobody's" on the right, which will soon be followed by Totalitarian One-Party Rule.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  11. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    What was so critical about 2016? Things were just fine, and Trump (government for the sake of Trump) did so much damage to the US that its not even funny.

    Worst president ever, and its not even close.
  12. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    A huge chunk of Americans, on both the left and the right, have been increasingly disenchanted with The Establishment governance for several decades before Trump. The DINO/RINO Party was carving middle-class wealth out of the heart of America and serving that heart on a platter to their chosen partners in corporations, banks and foreign countries.

    You may think "things were fine", but no one would have elected Trump if that were the case. Trump started a process of change, giving everyday people some glimmer of hope that the corrupt establishment, which works against us, can possibly be reformed to work for us again. It was half a century of Joe Biden-esqe politicians who ruined America. Trump was just the coroner who pointed out the source of the killer infection. That makes Trump the best a$$hole this country has elected in the last century.

    It may not happen again. Established Power now feels seriously threatened because an "outsider" actually slipped past their gates. Trump took off their "everything is fine" masks, and they appear about ready to unleash the most authoritarian abuse of power against citizens of this country that we have ever experienced.

    And it's not just Trump supporters who see what is about to happen. It is also people on the left who can read the writing on the wall of Chairman Xi Biden.

    Since the 1990's, Biden has been wanting to give Washington elites the power to absolutely squash political dissent for the purpose of continuing the facade that America is "just fine". Now he has the power to do so.

    Dark Winter is coming. Buckle up. Biden's "Domestic Terrorism" law will give the government legal permission to silence and/or terrorize dissenting citizens and wipe out 1st Amendment freedoms.


    Notes from the left-wing populist movement:

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
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  13. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Look around. Things are a heck of a lot worse now than 4 years ago. Everyone is at each others throats, division is off the charts. Its like a war-zone out there. God knows what might have happened if Trump has been reelected, but We The People knew better and fired his lying butt. Not the healing can begin.

    Its rich, and yet typical, that the Patriot Act, which was written and passed by the Republican party and signed into law by a Republican president, is now considered some kind of left wing conspiracy. It never fails. Republicans ALWAYS blame others for the things they do. Such dishonesty is the very reason they have lost me forever.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  14. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    You're not talking about "real life" unless you live in a rough neighborhood or are a political activist. In real life main street, people are still friendly and helping each other. I live in a laid-back "liberal" city and have friends of all political persuasions. We humans are more than just our political ideology. It just doesn't seem that way on the condensed world of a political forum.

    In the purely political world, no healing is going to happen, especially with Dementia Wall Street Joe. There is no profit in unity for our Ruling class: our politicians, our media or our corporate heads. Societal division makes them richer and us poorer.

    Joe Biden is the one who said numerous times that he wrote the Patriot Act. Fact is not a conspiracy.

    Good for you not being a Republican. In addition, I would hope you are not a Democrat, but were simply indoctrinated last year to a false belief that Joe Biden would bring anything but more division and destruction. Independents (and outsiders) rock! :)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  15. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    I am talking about real life. I have never seen such division in this country.

    It was written by Jim Sensenbrenner(R) and was heavily supported by the GOP who passed it and by Bush who signed it into law.

    I am independent, and I expect nothing from Biden. It is not him who will heal the nation, the nation will heal itself now that the poison has been removed.
  16. AFM

    AFM Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Corporations like China for bottom line profitability reasons even though China is doing net harm to the US. Trump recognized the net harm being done to the American people and was working to correct the unfair trade and intellectual property theft. The Democrat Party, once the party of American blue collar labor, is now aligned with these corporate interests and will reverse all the progress made by Trump in trade with China.
    LoneStarGal likes this.
  17. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Sorry for your bad luck. As I said, my friends are diverse and our political differences do not make or break our friendship.

    Yes, that was clarified a couple pages ago on this thread. Joe Biden claims credit for writing the Patriot Act because of a terrorism bill he wrote in 1995 after the Oklahoma City Bombing which was backed by Democrats, but never got a floor vote. The language was largely adopted and written into Sensenbrenner's Patriot Act. The DINO/RINO oligarchy never lets a good crisis go to waste!

    Biden is worse poison than Trump. He's the kind of poison who will smile in your face and wink while planning to stab you in the back. But you are correct, the American people are responsible for coming together and not counting on (or blaming) the government for our personal lives. Good thing we have not one, but two, competing populist uprisings to go against the corrupt Biden-esque oligarchy. As long as Biden doesn't manage to completely stomp out opposing ideologies, America should restart the reform process and come out all right starting again as early as 2024.
    AFM likes this.
  18. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    The Party is not the international financiers who pull the strings - and it not like it is some star Chamber or Cabal pulling the strings .. that is not how it works.

    "The Party" be it Red or Blue - is made up of individuals. The majority of these individuals are aligned with one or a number of "interests".
    in what is best termed a "Pay to Play" system.

    So within the party - each individual is aligned with various interests to one degree or another.

    Sure we have a lone voice in congress from time to time - calling out some well known evil - drug price fixing for example. Everyone then points and says "Look Look Free Speech - What a great system we have"

    That lone voice is then quickly drowned out by the cacophony on the take - not part of their agenda which includes a close relation ship with one of the various Healthcare Oligopolies - and doesn't have to be a drug company - where you will be against any motion that wants to change the Healthcare Status Quo.

    Would you be the one to shoot the golden egg laying goose ? - to run against a herd of Stampeding Bulls ? .. there are a few - but few and far between - and those folks are not rising up in the party - or the elite circles.

    You spoke about MSNBC - Did you see what they did to Tulsi Gabbard ? For her sensible Anti-War message.

    So in Washington - you have all kinds of interests - and sometimes they compete with each other - sometimes disagree.
    The vast majority of disagreement comes in the form of "Hot Button" issues - Abortion - Gay Marriage - The Wall .. and so on.

    The International Financiers care not about these things in general - but they are useful to keep the people divided. So look not to where there is disagreement - as the devil is found in there these interests agree.

    In the case of drug price fixing - The Status Quo is still there and with Healthcare in general - such conversations drowned out by the cacophony on the take.

    You want to "Fix" healthcare ? In 2018 we paid 3.5 Trillion - Total Healthcare Spend .. Total Fed Revenue for the year was 3.6 Trillion - for comparison.

    Tomorrow - we could swap one of the better EU systems straight across the board - still have Private alongside Public - but do it for half the money .. 1.75 Trillion dollars in savings per year.

    As you may have guessed - you will have numbers of people aligned on the same issue - moving up within the party is a function of your alignments - on some of these interests.

    This pay to play system exists not just among the Political Establishment but among the Bureaucratic Elite ..

    Every time some regulation or tax law is being made - the Oligopoly is sitting at the Table - and perhaps has a right to be there.
    The problem is the person who is supposed to be representing the interests of the people is in the pocket of - or influenced by - the Oligopoly. Now - the Oligopoly does not win every table but - over time they win enough so that the rules of the game are skewed towards the Oligopoly.

    So 1) you do not get a shot at being President without the support of at least some of the main interest groups - and one in particular - which I lovingly refer to as "Sugar Daddy"

    2) The proof is in the pudding - if indeed the the Trumper was AE - he sure did not act like it - did nothing to address any of the systemic issues .. of which Healthcare is only one. It was all about the Hot Button issues -- and who cares about those.
  19. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Agree with much of what you have said but , the above does not much relate to my post -
  20. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Just trying to gently nudge the conversation back to the censorship thread topic. Most have already well expressed our feelings about orange man into dead horse beating status.
  21. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Yup. I was watching this, and could think up counter arguments that would likely get them off the hook, until the coordinated like pack wolves to slaughter Parlor. At that point what the did was lawless and undeniable. I was amazed that these fabulously rich people are this ignorant and stupid. Did they not study any history? Even non major History 17B covers the Robber Baron era, and no, it's not a "how too" book, it's a cautionary table. We passed the laws, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and others that are still on the books.

    These dumb bastards are toast and I look forward to their coming dismemberment.
  22. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    They can have a 2-year reign of political terror, or longer if Democrats rule the White House and both houses of Congress. Their rights-stomping actions are being blessed and applauded by every elected leader on the left.

    If Parler can get decent legal representation, or someone like Devin Nunes brings the case directly to the courts, then they may be able to be stopped before 2 years.

    The only thing guaranteed is that there will be law suits which will likely take a slow road through lower courts and eventually reach the Supreme Court.

    Sad days when the 1st Amendment has to "be explained" to people in general, but particularly to these CEO's.
  23. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    State Legislatures can pass laws right now requiring these clowns to apply any rules evenly or be subject to penalties paid to the person they treat unfairly. Poland is passing this right now, with penalties at $2.2M per infraction. North Dakota is working on something similar. Pass that and I'll beg them to treat me unfairly!

    This means we don't have to wait for the Federal Legislature, and they probably have enough folks bought to prevent meaningful reform, and when the tech folks take it to Court, they will either have to demonstrate that they did apply the rules fairly, or, pay the penalty to the party they treated unfairly.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
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  24. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    I did notice a couple days ago in headlines, that Poland now has more respect for civil rights and free speech than America. Ain't that a kicker?
    Zorro likes this.
  25. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Yup. And a Statue of Ronaldus Maximus (The Great One) right in Warsaw.


    And another with Good Pope John, the two of them lifted the Iron Curtain, freeing millions.

    We go through cycles in this nation, we'll right ourselves, and fairly quickly I think.
    LoneStarGal and James California like this.

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