And here is the smoking gun in the newly released unsealed indictment

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Patricio Da Silva, Jun 9, 2023.

  1. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Our borders are wide open. I've been there and looked, from Campo, CA to Calexico, from El Paso to Rio... You can stand there and simply watch folks walk across. No one cares. Today, if you say the border is NOT wide open, all you are doing is proving you are a radical liberal that will deny there is nothing wrong with anything Democrat.

    So... you are a personal friend of Putin? You attend his daily briefings? Or is it that, like most liberals, you just use Tarot cards, Crystal balls and tea leaves. You obviously know little about the world if you think Putin will take on NATO.

    Texas schools here great. I picked up the paper yesterday and found a high school kid from this town was picked up for an internship with NASA. We have a small local college which is very good and the University of Houston is here, including its medical college. You sound like your attitudes about Texas are similar to your attitudes about Trump... devoid of facts but overflowing with emotion. Blue folks have very biased views of the south. Most of them have never even been there. They Hoboken is the DEEP SOUTH. The view of the South from northern blue ghettos is very out of focus.

    We never needed Russian oil imports. Indeed, for most of my life, the Soviet Union was a hostile enemy, including Ukraine. Nothing has changed, except the names and Zelensky's astounding con man ability to sucker us out of billions.

    And what's with that graph? Its depressing. When I was stationed in Germany, gasoline was $8-$9/gal. American prices were about 25% of that. We even received "ration coupons" so we could pay American prices at German gas stations. Your graph says we have sunk to parity with European prices. Democrats in action.

    Which Bide policies cause our runaway inflation? Easy. His war on the US oil industry. He has forced fuel prices up so that anything made from oil (all plastics are) and everything transported to market (which is EVERYTHING) are now going higher and higher in price. Economics 101.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
  2. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    You have an MBA, and an engineering degree , and you make such sweeping statements on complex subjects with little apparent thought to the complex dynamics of the subject?

    Do you mean the Russia Ukraine war was unavoidable? Or do you mean our giving aid to Ukraine was unavoidable?

    If you mean the former, you'll have to explain yourself (nevermind, I see that you have, below). As for the latter, well, this is a foreign policy question, the magnitude of which requires consideration of its relative strategic importance to the United States. Simply put, of course a war can be avoided, one simply chooses not to participate. But such a claim ignores dynamic relationships between countries, the importance of maintain strategic balance and stability free from Russian domination in an important region of the world. one cannot be simple minded about foreign policy. Let's see what you have to say about it, below.
    You are implying all we have is a binary choice, and that is simply not the case. You also oversimply the border issue as being 'wide open', and that's not accurate. Biden's policy is not as cruel as it was under Trump in that his 'zero tolerance' policy led to thousands of children being permanently separated from parents Oh yes, I've heard the argument in reply to that contention, as one Senator stated it to one of our Democratic Congresswomen, "If I were driving and got a DUI, they would put me in jail and my children would be taken away from me" and I was irked because she failed to tell the senator that with a DUI, you are going to be out of jail on bail and get our children back, whereas under Trump's policy, a few thousand have been permanently separated from their parents for a crime no greater than a misdemeanor. Biden refuses to allow it, and that is the right policy, that is, if you are humane and care about the plight of children. And, while we are on the subject, give me the name of one president who solved the border problem? You are quick to criticize Biden but Republicans have held the reigns in Washington enough times that they most certainly are no geniuses of border policy and security they pretend to be, either.

    Republicans want to build a wall, as if a wall were the panacea for the problem of the border. For one thing, critics argue that constructing a border wall is an expensive endeavor. They contend that the cost of building and maintaining the wall, estimated in the billions of dollars, may outweigh the benefits in terms of border security. They suggest that alternative strategies, such as increased investment in technology, personnel, and intelligence, may provide more cost-effective solutions.

    Skeptics question the wall's effectiveness in deterring unauthorized immigration and drug trafficking. They argue that most unauthorized immigrants enter the country legally and overstay their visas, rather than crossing the border illegally. Critics also highlight the adaptability of smuggling methods, including tunnels and other means, which can render physical barriers less effective.

    Not to mention that building a border wall can have significant environmental consequences. Critics argue that constructing barriers can disrupt wildlife habitats, fragment ecosystems, impede animal migration, and harm sensitive ecosystems. They raise concerns about the potential loss of biodiversity and damage to natural resources.

    Then there is the dynamic of diplomatic relations with Mexico. Critics express concerns that a border wall can strain diplomatic relations with neighboring countries. Erecting a physical barrier may be viewed as a symbol of mistrust and animosity, potentially undermining cooperative efforts on trade, security, and other issues. This can affect regional cooperation and partnerships.

    Let us not forget the symbolic Message: Opponents argue that a border wall can send a negative message about the United States, potentially appearing exclusionary and unwelcoming to immigrants. They contend that it conflicts with the nation's historical identity as a land of opportunity and a haven for immigrants.

    In summary, your contention oversimplifies geopolitical and security issues. Border protection involves numerous factors, such as international relations, treaties, agreements, and the specific threats faced by each country. Reducing it to a single sentence is simplistic, and as such, cannot possibly capture the full complexity of the situation whereupon the premise maintains any real merit.

    Excuse me, Ukraine has been independent for 30 years. You seem to imply that it would be acceptable for Russia to invade and conquer Ukraine, because it once belonged to Russia. So, what, should....

    1. Estonia
    2. Latvia
    3. Lithuania
    4. Belarus
    5. Ukraine
    6. Moldova
    7. Armenia
    8. Georgia
    9. Azerbaijan
    10. Kazakhstan
    11. Kyrgyzstan
    12. Tajikistan
    13. Turkmenistan
    14. Uzbekistan
    All be returned to mother Russia, as well? I mean, what does 30 years of freedom, a whole generation of humans, matter?

    Ukraine's location and its historical ties to Russia make it strategically important. Its proximity to NATO member countries and the Black Sea, which is a vital trade route, grants Ukraine relevance to regional stability and the interests of the United States. Neglecting Ukraine's security concerns could create a power vacuum that could be exploited by actors who may not align with U.S. interests. So, it's about Geopolitical Significance:

    Not to mention Democratic Values. Supporting Ukraine aligns with the democratic values the United States upholds. The U.S. has historically supported nations transitioning to democracy and protecting their sovereignty. By assisting Ukraine in its democratic aspirations, the U.S. demonstrates its commitment to these values on the global stage.

    And it's according to International Norms: Upholding Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity reinforces international norms and laws. Failing to support Ukraine in the face of external aggression could set a dangerous precedent, weakening the global framework that protects nations' borders and stability. Upholding these norms is vital to safeguarding the interests of the United States and other nations.

    Let us not forget the potential Consequences of Non-Intervention: Ignoring Ukraine's security concerns or leaving it vulnerable to external aggression may have unintended consequences. It could embolden aggressors and encourage further destabilization in the region. Instability in Ukraine can have a ripple effect, impacting neighboring countries and potentially affecting U.S. interests indirectly.
    The all important stat is the mortality per capita rate. California's rate faired better than the national average and that of Texas, as well.

    California’s per capita mortality rate was 137 per 100,000 people according to the CDC (2021)

    That ratio is lower than the national average of 158 per 100,000, and better than per capita rates in Texas (153 deaths per 100,000 people) and New York (245 deaths per 100,000 people), as the governor claimed.

    Again, simplistic.. Okay, inflation: Inflation is influenced by a variety of complex factors, including changes in global supply and demand dynamics, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and external shocks. While energy prices can affect inflation, attributing the entirety of inflation to one specific policy, such as the energy policies of a single administration, oversimplifies the issue.

    While the Biden administration has implemented measures aimed at transitioning to cleaner energy sources and reducing carbon emissions, it is incorrect to characterize these policies as a "war on oil." The administration's focus on clean energy and climate change does not mean it seeks to eliminate oil or undermine the entire oil industry. Instead, the aim is to promote a more sustainable and diversified energy sector.

    On the global energy markers, oil prices are determined by global supply and demand factors, geopolitical tensions, production decisions by major oil-producing countries, and other market forces. The United States is just one player in the global energy market, and its policies alone do not have absolute control over oil prices. Therefore, attributing inflation solely to the energy policies of the Biden administration oversimplifies the complex dynamics of global energy markets.

    Inflation is a multifaceted issue influenced by various economic factors beyond energy prices. It is important to consider broader economic indicators, monetary policy decisions, fiscal stimulus measures, labor market conditions, and other factors that impact inflationary pressures. Blaming inflation solely on energy policies disregards the broader economic context.

    The prime mover, however, of the inflation were a total of $4 trillion stimulus packages implemented, $2T each Trump and Biden, to prop up the economy during the pandemic, which had a devastating effect on the economy and life in general. It was deemed unavoidable because without the stimulus, we could have sunk into a world wide depression. So, the inflation is the price the world paid to prevent a much worse outcome. Ignoring this fact ignores the reality of the scope of the problem. This idea that you can order drilling up and down the coast california and sell leases to federal lands, wreak havoc on the environment this is somehow going to prevent inflation, is utter nonsense. At most, it might help inflation slightly, but it would take ten years from the time we initiate drilling to it's ultimate affect on the markets and after billions spent, we could have directed our efforts to more environmentally friendly methods.

    Investing in alternative energy sources can offer several benefits for both the United States and the planet compared to investing in drilling for oil. Here are some reasons why:

    1. Environmental Impact: Alternative energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power, produce significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels. Investing in renewables can help reduce carbon emissions, mitigate climate change, and protect the environment and ecosystems.

    2. Energy Independence and Security: Relying less on foreign oil imports by diversifying energy sources through renewables can enhance energy independence and reduce vulnerability to geopolitical tensions and price fluctuations in the global oil market. It promotes domestic energy production, strengthens energy security, and reduces reliance on finite resources.

    3. Job Creation and Economic Opportunities: Investing in alternative energy sectors can stimulate job growth and foster economic opportunities. The renewable energy industry has experienced significant growth, offering employment in manufacturing, installation, maintenance, research, and development. It can contribute to a more sustainable and resilient economy.

    4. Technological Innovation: Investment in alternative energy sources drives technological advancements and innovation. Research and development in renewable energy can lead to improvements in efficiency, storage capabilities, and cost-effectiveness. These innovations can have broader applications beyond energy and contribute to technological leadership.

    5. Public Health Benefits: Shifting towards cleaner energy sources reduces air and water pollution associated with fossil fuel extraction and combustion. This can improve public health outcomes, reducing respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular problems, and other health issues related to pollution.

    6. Long-Term Sustainability: Fossil fuel reserves are finite resources, and their extraction comes with environmental risks and economic uncertainties. Investing in renewable energy offers a more sustainable approach, as renewable sources are virtually limitless and can provide long-term energy security.
    It is worth noting that a balanced energy portfolio that includes a mix of energy sources is often considered the most prudent approach. However, prioritizing investments in alternative energy sources can contribute to a more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and resilient energy system for both the United States and the planet as a whole.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
  3. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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  4. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Your remark is factually incorrect.

    LangleyMan likes this.
  5. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Anyone who think the truly open borders they have in Europe aren't different from our porous borders is dumber than a sack of hammers. We would have many times what seems like a flood if we removed all border controls.
    What is the point of asking absurd questions?
    I don't think he would and that's why NATO stays together on its eastern flank.
    Anecdotal evidence.
    Who are you kidding?

    Flyover America is a backwater.
    But their imports are part of a worldwide oil market. Producer prices go up here in tandem with world oil prices.
    So, where's analysis of the impact of higher oil prices on inflation?
  6. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Are two million illegal aliens crossing any European border? Apples and Space Shuttles. No comparison.

    You seem to know what Putin's most classified intent and most private thoughts are. That's why I asked.

    If we drill our own oil, refine our own gasoline, and sell it to our customers, there is no need

    Your comment that "flyover is backwater" tells us all about your regional bigotry and closed, locked tight mind.

    I'm not kidding anyone. I was born and raised in New York. Have you ever LIVED in the SOUTH?

    NATO stays together in all its territories.

    Folks who have no worldly experience and have never actually seen or been anywhere always dismiss real experience as "anecdotal". Their world isn't from doing and experiencing things. Their world is pure internet.

    If we drill our own oil, refine it ourselves and sell it to our own customers, it never gets into the world market. Oh... you're from a blue state that has no oil... ok. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

    Higher oil prices due to Biden's war on the American oil industry, makes manufacturing of things like plastics more expensive. More expensive fuel ,akes transporting all goods to market more expensive. This is intuitively obvious to most casual observer. You may need to conduct a study to determine what two plu two is... the rest of us don't.
  7. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    No need of what?
    Big parts of Texas are a mess, too.

    Would I live in the South? No. The climate sucks.
    I'm quite sure I've spent more time living outside the U.S. than you.
    What makes you think we'll made a made-in-America oil price?
    So, you don't have an analysis of how much higher oil prices have added to inflation?
  8. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    No need to trade internationally for oil when we drill it here, refine it here, distribute it here and sell the ga here.
    Texas is huge. Of course you can find disadvantaged places. Nothing is perfect. If you want perfection you'll have to wait a bit for the next life. Perfection doesn't exist in this one.
    Would I live in the north? Not again. I've dug my car out of the snow before. It sucks. I've slipped on an icy sidewalk before. It sucks.
    I've slid sideways down a highway before. It sucks. Here in the south we have central heat and air. Very comfortable. And when we want to go out to dinner, no snow shovel is required.
    What's with the "I've lived overseas contest?" Who cares? But if you insist... I have lived in Germany, UK, Kuwait, Iraq, Greece, Israel, Turkey, Pakistan, Canada and visited many, many more. By far, the most foreign, culturally wacky, dangerous, and weird experience I had was growing up in the New York City Metropolitan Area.
    Here in Texas we are drilling more and refining more so that our oil doesn't cross state line as it travels from the ground to our cars. That keeps federal controls away and gives us a lot of control over our own lives.
    Biden's war on oil has raise fuel prices. That has raised the cost of everything due to manufacturing costs and transport to market costs. This is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. If you need to validate this with some sort of study, I assume you are still deeply involved investigating and expending endless resources investigating the outcome of 2+2.
  9. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    We have international agreements that conflict with a made-in-America price.
    A minor slip...? I'd say these expose an ugly side of your state and government:

    Would I live in the South? No. The climate sucks.
    San Diego doesn't have icy sidewalks.
    You presented yourself as a man of the world. You can't trade on that with me.
    Trade agreements trump state laws.
    You carry on about oil prices impacting inflation and you can't say how much.
  10. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Show me where oil drilled in Texas, refined in Texas and the gasoline sold in Texas is subject to any INTERNATIONAL agreements. Since it doesn't even cross STATE lines, its not even subject to our NATIONAL Commerce regulations.

    Like I said, Texas is huge. Sure you can find imperfections. If you want perfection, you'll have to wait for the next life. Perfection doesn't exist in THIS life.

    San Diego has sidewalks? Oh, under all the homeless and feces covering them? Ok...

    Trade agreements don't apply to locally produced and locally traded stuff.

    You need a professional verification that rising fuel prices makes goods cost more? So I assume you need a professional verification that 2+2=4.
    Where did you go to school where you never learned to think for yourself?

    Climate here is great, by the way. You really should get out sometime and explore. Limiting yourself to five miles from home is somewhat limiting.

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