Are your Prepared?

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by Djfrost14, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    And the system is still in test. Are you really unable to recognize what International Diplomacy is?

    If we had said "Hey, we are going to put PATRIOT missiles in Poland", Russia would have had a fit. And there would have been very little to negotiate around with it. And if they let it stand, they would have looked weak to their own citizens.

    However, when we go "Hey, we are going to put this experimental program in there in another 5 years", of course they protest. But after some negotiation, we finally compromise, and get to put the PATRIOT missiles in place. And no real objections over it, and expand the plans to put SM3 in other areas. And the US is still in talks with Poland for the development of a Polish owned ground based SM3 system.

    The biggest reason why this did not happen is probably because it does not exist yet. Period. Even if Russia had not objected, it still would not have happened. You seem to not be able to see anything through the smoke and mirrors of political speech.
  2. william walker

    william walker New Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    French Guiana it is then. I just look at the invasion of Okinawa and I see your point. Nobody has the ability to do anything like that now. It makes the UK's victory in the Falklands one of our greatest victories up their with Quebec.
  3. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    That was not really an invasion, but a counter-invasion.

    Argentina did not have all that many soldiers on the ground there, and they had not really made any kind of preperations for actually holding off the British. Invading the Falklands was not like say invading Iwo Jima, which Japan had spent years fortifying and preparing for an invasion (even mounting heavy artillery into hidden caves built into the side of the mountain).

    The British responded fairly quickly, before any kind of real preperations could be made. Now if they had waited 2-3 years, it would have been a very different matter.
  4. william walker

    william walker New Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Argentina had enough troops to outnumber the British troops 3-1. Nither side had time to do real preperations, the British just sent everything they could. Anyway I am just going to stop talking about the Falklands, I am getting boring it.
  5. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    I'll play along: I would do what I had to do to ensure the survival of my fiancee and my myself. If there was a resistance, and it did not try to rape my woman, or murder me, than I would bond ourselves to the movement. But if there was no resistance, I would only resort to violence when necessary, for creating unwarranted attention would be detrimental to our survival. If the country has been lost, I will not risk my only loved one's life on playing Rambo. But, risks would be necessary if we were to enjoy communal living and the security one gets from that environment.
  6. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    I don't think it would be the romanticized resistance experience you see in movies. Fighting a superior army that probably has occupied an area miles around you (since no formal force is present) would be a very risky task- both for you and the non-fighting people who must deal with the repercussions of your actions.
  7. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    You might be surprised.

    Many years ago I took a course in "Unconventional Warfare", and it was quite interesting. Of course, many aspects no longer apply, but many are still applicable even today.

    For example, something as simple as taking pay phones off the hook.

    Back before the "celular revolution" when we all relied on land lines and pay phones (which we likely would again post-invasion), an act as simple as taking off around 20% of phones off the hook would effectively shut down the phone network. The system can only handle so many "open lines", so one tactic was to encourage people to simply take any pay phone off the hook they saw, overloading the capabilities of the communications system. This may not soun like much, but communications is a major part of anny occupation.

    Also taking more "soft" approaches. One of them involved creating "compressed sponges", and flushing them down the toilets of civic buildings, which places stress on the maintenance sectors. Tossing nails near the entrance of law enforcement and government facilities to rupture tires, calling in fake reports of violent incidents, even encouraging shopkeepers to make false reports of counterfitting adds stress to the "occupying authorities" and makes others doubt their stability.

    These are really little things, but when multiplied by thousands can cause ripples through the system. Myself, I would probably do my best to exagerate my condition (busted Marine), deny my real affiliation (Army), and do whatever I could without putting my family in danger to resist and make life as uncomfortable as possible for any occupier.

    No, I would not take up a gun and fight them, I would be much more subtle and devious. I not only have a Secret security clearance, I am for most purposes politically invisible. I would use my abilities as a computer expert to try and get any information I could and pass it along to backchannel informants, and to place bugs and flaws in any system I built. I would be the one with pockets full of roofing nails and compressed sponges who was lifting any pay phone I found off the hook, and calling in from pay phones reporting that the person at 2010 Elm Drive was an informant for the Fifth Collum (when it is really the Politically Correct Mayor's address).

    Often times the idea here is to keep them so busy jumping through imaginary hoops, that they fail to see the real threat when it actually appears in front of them, because they have been flooded for months or years with total and random BS.
  8. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    In ALL honesty, that is a very possible scenario, especially now since China owns most of our debt, and they've been buying land in the U.S., not to mention, didn't they just open not too long ago, the first Chinese Bank on U.S. Soil?

    If you remember, during the summer, a Russian submarine(not sure what kind), emerged from the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, pretty much catching everyone in the U.S. with their pants down. Everyone meaning, National Security, Intelligence, Department of Homeland Security...No one knew they were even there until after they emerged. Interesting.

    I'm NOT looking for my government to protect me. The majority of them will be the ones to allow the enemy entrance into our Country anyway. They're mostly traitors as it is. I'll be fighting for and protecting those(family and friends) around me.

    There will be no one to come help you, so you'd better get around and talk to likeminded people now, that you trust and they trust you, and fight and flight together. It will be guerrilla warfare.

    As the saying goes, our invaders really will find a "gun behind every blade of grass."

    I'm convinced that if the whole world were to invade U.S., we'd still come out on top and be victorious. 1. Because the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is on the side of Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for ALL, and 2., our resolve.

    No doubt, Military, Law Enforcement, and Militia will be fighting side by side against the invaders, whether if they'd be Russia, China, North Korea, all of the above, or the whole friggin global fascist u.n.

    With Janet Napolitano and DHS lifting the Jones Act(foreign vessels are now allowed to enter American waters), we're more prone now more than ever for an attack or invasion.

    With entertainment and media being used as propaganda and agenda, we may truly face a real "Red Dawn" scenario. Interesting how many t.v. shows there are aired presently about a war within the U.S.

    The remake for "Red Dawn" comes out in December. Instead of the Russians invading, it's the North Koreans.

    There's even a video game, "Homefront," that deals with the North Koreans invading the U.S.
  9. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Here are some links to prove some of the things I stated.

    You can believe it if you want. No doubt, some will say, "Oh, that's just tin foil hat, paranoid delusional conspiracy nut case crap!"

    Yeah, I've heard that many times. So, I guess when something does happen, you'll be unprepared, crying for help.

    Oh, wait, that's FOX News. Now I'm also a "terrorist" and "extremist."

    Oh, wait, that one's a conspiracy website.

    Man, I can't win.

    Believe it or not, something will eventually happen.
  10. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    For the record, I have absolutely NO confidence whatsoever in this present government. They've proven to be much for themselves, and NOT for the people. They are out of control and way bigger than they were ever supposed to be.

    To trust government is to trust the devil.

    I trust GOD and my guns, that's it.

    Well, I hope to depend on those fighting next to me when it all comes crashing down and hits the fan.

    I have learned the hard way to NEVER trust anyone fully, other than the LORD GOD HIMSELF, and weapons.

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