BLM and SJW's

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Hermes, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    President of the University was born in Brooklyn New York. Hired by Judith Rodin.

    Follow the networks.
  2. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Maybe it's more about the simple likelihoods involved, than Jewishness? What I mean is, kids from wealthy families - keen on education, will be far more likely to go to college, and far more likely to be exposed, unfettered by religious or cultural mores, to campus politics etc. And given there isn't a really cohesive and unified conformity culture within the super varied Jewish diaspora, there is nothing with which the kid can defend him/herself from ideologies.
  3. Hermes

    Hermes New Member

    Jan 9, 2017
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    The "socialism" of today has veered off course and is more concerned with race/identity than they are broad economic policy. 21st century Socialism has increasingly become a movement against "whiteness".

    On and on and on. I can fill pages with theories from post colonial studies, women's studies, critical race theory, ethnic studies etc promoting a race/gender obsessed narrative.

    It has been overrun with black nationalism, Hispanic supremacy and all manner of identity obsessed "liberation" against (mostly imagined) "oppression". If the modern left was simply focused on broad economic policy there wouldn't be half the problems. They're drawing racial/gender lines down the center of everything thus creating a right wing movement focused on identity.

    I want no part of it. Applying anti-colonial theory to the western world in lieu of actual colonized nations is pure insanity. They're promoting racial tension. That's 21st century socialism.
  4. Hermes

    Hermes New Member

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Yes the Frankfurt School was mostly Jewish men but this race obsession isn't just a Jewish thing. It's like a religion and the priests come from all walks of life.
  5. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Ditto. I also want no part of it. And I say that as a lifelong socialist.

    Meantime, if you unpack the reasons for this shift (there are several learned theories out there, it makes interesting reading) from the practical and the economic, the whole sorry mess becomes even more disturbing.

    From a psych perspective, if you've developed a dependence upon or preference for 'problem solving' (activism, shall we say), yet have no actual problems to solve, you will find problems where none actually exist. Further, the individual predisposed to world saving is almost always a drama seeker, and has difficulty self-validating via the pedestrian and the subtle.

    Add to this a generally poor grasp of economics amongst the 'humanities' types, and it all becomes clear. It's light work to champion feelings, much harder work to understand world economics.

    So if you're a dysfunctional white kid who didn't quite get enough attention from your middle class or rich parents, and you have zero experience of life outside a wealthy white western nation, zero grasp of world economics, and an appetite for the light work and big returns of virtue signalling, you will almost certainly become an SJW the minute you enrol in college.
  6. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    "We know" ... "we know all about". Two red flags. Anytime anyone says "we all know" it's a sign that he isn't sure and cannot withstand any questioning, so he postures with "we know".

    If you think BLM is a racist or socialist org, it's your job to present the evidence. If you think FRSO founded BLM, it's up to you to present the evidence. Personally I doubt both of those claims.

    That's one hell of an accusation and one I don't believe for a New York minute.

    And your point?

    What's a "SJW"?


    A question for you. I can't speak for liberals but I'm curious why you don't seem to trust people to do what is best and why you don't want people to know anything about Marxist theory. You seem to be afraid it will cause people to believe it's a good alternative and something to embrace and use. Germany is teaching kids in all grades an ongoing multi-year lesson in fascism and they aren't doing it wanting them to take it up and use it.

    What are you afraid of? Why do you want knowledge of Marxism kept from the people? You must think it is pretty desirable stuff.
  7. RedStater

    RedStater Active Member Past Donor

    Nov 5, 2016
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    1) Welcome to Political Forum. I am also very new to this particular forum...only since November.

    2) You post and comment very articulately. I hope you keep that up. It's a very welcome contrast to the bulk of the discourse on this forum.

    3) You will likely learn some of the same lessons I've learned from forum participation in general - not only this one. One of those lessons is that posts like yours are so cogent and substantial, they will unfortunately get a limited audience.

    You will get a few "Conservatives" interested and coherent enough to actually read your detailed posts. Likewise, you will only get a few "Liberals" who take the time to read past the first few sentences since they will see no reference to "Trump sucks", "Trump will be impeached", or "Trump is not my President".

    That's what we're up against here. Most people here like to participate in the one or two-line sniping posts and replies that play to the basest instincts of shallow and short attention spans.

    Not having the ability to read minds, I can only surmise that I am likely on several "ignore lists". (Which is actually fine with me.) I post detailed and quantified information - and I do call people out with such posts and comments. I seldom get replies.

    To the credit of those who are replying to this particular thread, most seem very interested and knowledgeable themselves. (With the exception of one unnamed member whose virulent belief that anything not embracing Marxism/Socialism is fallacy - yet doesn't even know what "SJW" means.)

    So yeah - I said - welcome to PF.

    I won't say it's been an "educational" couple of months - but posts like yours are a most-welcomed exception!

    Happy posting!
  8. Hermes

    Hermes New Member

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Seeing I'm not the only person aware of BLM's socialist roots the correct term is "we". Your red herring is weak.

    This is like presenting evidence that the sun will come up in the morning. BLM founders can't hide their socialist activity nor can they hide their silly "anti-white supremacy" agenda. It's out in the open for everyone to see. Even their guiding principles is laced with Marxist utopian jargon.

    Here's one of the BLM founders hanging out with her "handler" Eric Mann:


    This next video is Alicia Garza talking about ending capitalism:

    I could get into great detail posting long articles highlighting their racialist/socialist ideology but you wouldn't read it or you would simply deny it. You can start with reading Eric Mann's use of hurricane Katrina to organize black people for a black nationalist socialist revolution:

    "The so-called natural disaster of "Hurricane Katrina" is actually the man-made disaster, of U.S. imperialism in general and the Bush oligarchy in particular -- where global warming (driven by the emissions of the U.S. economy), imperialist overextension in Iraq, the cruelest versions of structural and individual racism, the crises of the cities, and the national oppression of Black people (in particular in the South) all tragically intersect.

    There are historical moments when a convergence of events creates a crisis for the system, a governing crisis when the ruling class loses public support and legitimacy. Movement forces that have previously been weak and divided find a rallying cry, a moment of focus, and can launch a programmatic and ideological struggle that pushes the system back on its heels. New Orleans -- the city, but also as a symbol for the greater Gulf Coast, the Black movement in the South, the Black movement in the U.S., the Third World within and without the territorial boundaries of the U.S. -- offers such a historical challenge and opportunity.

    There is a long history inside the Black Liberation Movement of the call for "the right of self-determination." When a people suffer such a longstanding, cruel and unusual set of punishments from the TransAtlantic Slave Trade to slavery to Jim Crow to the present period of continued white assault on Civil Rights, more structural demands against the system in their voice are needed. The New Orleans and Gulf Coast situation has created, not a snapshot of this continuing history of oppression but a full-length film for an international audience. This cinema verité exposes the brutal poverty, racism, neglect, and suffering imposed on the Black people of virtually all classes in the South and throughout the United States. Progressive people of all races in the U.S. and throughout the world are needed to support the most profound and radical proposals from oppressed communities, as well as to take seriously and expand the support for demands for reparations, Black institutions, and Black control of Black people's future."

    Then you don't know anything about Maoism and their fetish for the "most oppressed".

    Police brutality isn't their actual agenda, fomenting unrest in order to build a socialist "mass movement" is their agenda.

    If I have to tell you there's no use continuing this discussion.

    Marxian social theory is already being rammed down students throats in college. This is overflowing into American society in the form of a new racially charged culture war. People are already getting a good dose of cultural Marxism in America. Many simply aren't aware of the details. They haven't read Fanon, Marcuse, Gramsci, Lukacs, Du Bois etc. They're seeing the fruits of these men's labor in the form of riots and a never ending stream of anti-white hostility. It's one reason Trump won the election. If you don't like Trump and you don't like right wing reactions then it's in your self interest to stop the leftist activity that's generating this right wing reaction. Do you understand what I'm saying?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yes thank you. I'm aware.
  9. DOconTEX

    DOconTEX Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Just a side note, but it seems that blacks who immigrate to the US from the West Indies, or from Africa tend to be more successful on the whole than those who are born in the country and have been fed decades of victimhood indoctrination. If the issue was skin color rather than culture, the immigrants would have been as downtrodden as the natives.

    Also, I have also observed that the goalposts are continually being moved by the SJWs. Solve a problem they are up in arms about and they will become even more agitated and confrontational about the next one they invent. Witness what happened after normal people had homosexual marriage successfully imposed on them. Suddenly, the "transgender" rights issue is invented, and "rights" regulations imposed on normal people with the usual high dudgeon of supporters of newly invented "rights" of mentally confused individuals being broadcast as soon as normal people start to push back against the bullies.

    Same with the "global warming" hoax. When it seems none of their predictions of calamity came true, the hoaxers changed the term to "climate change" so that any weather event can be blamed and the solution to which is always the immediate transfer of all our money and control over our lives to them so they can solve the problem and keep us safe. As soon as they see people aren't buying it any more, they will invent a new problem to solve - by giving them all our money and control over our lives.
  10. Hermes

    Hermes New Member

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Cultural Marxists/SJW's are seeking to completely destroy western civilization from within.
  11. Lesh

    Lesh Banned

    Nov 21, 2015
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    oooooohhhhkayyyy then

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