Britain is the only country that can challenge US domination.

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by william walker, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. william walker

    william walker New Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    There is a German speaking population in Denmark of 20,000-40,000 and Denmark trades with Germany more than any other country. So for me Denmark is where Germany has the most influence. However Denmark fears German domination as that means their country no long exists. With British dominate it means they still exist with benefits. For Norway the worry is Russia, who out of Britain or Germany is best placed to support them against Russia. For me it is clear Britain is best placed. I actually think Norway having good trade with Germany is a good thing for Britain and for Norway, it will give Norway independence scope to operation independent of Britain, allowing it in some cases to do Britain's work for it.

    Holland is a mid level power in its own right. I don't want the goal to be domination Holland because I don't think it is possible. However the goal should be stop Germany or France gaining domination. So the strategy with Holland must be more balanced across a full list of tools to give Holland independent options in relation to Germany and France. The same can be said of Belgium. Maybe a Low countries strategy can be created for Luxemburg, Belgium and Holland.
  2. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    A lot of Obama's whoop's moments are recoverable. Military and foreign policy failures could be corrected, as could the economic and fiscal policies. But the problem is that the electorate has changed. For a long time 'American exceptionalism" held off the tendency that Europe and most democracies had to vote themselves the treasury. I think that exceptionalism was finally broken in 2012 and won't recover. Being a great power isn't just about having great public polices. That's why I think that even though you've given considerable thought to the right sort of policies that could restore Great Britain to "great power" status, you are not going to have the national will to pursue those policies. Nor will the US. It would take a major catastrophic reordering of the world order to motivate the UK to set that sort of goal.
  3. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    The only reason U.S is losing its power is because its losing the values and principals that set it to the top in the first place. This same thing happened to Britain--a country that believed in God and Country and the King/Queen of course.

    Once UK discovered its embarrassing to wave the flag....well that was a bad sign.
    Once the United States decided it needed to apologize to the world....bad sign.

    If the people have the values in place--or bring them back----then the right leadership will drive a country forward towards economic and political power. You can't do that if the leader is concerned about multiple countries with their multiple agendas and values.
  4. munter

    munter New Member

    Jan 23, 2014
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    With a combination of Thatcher selling off the country's assets, and the recent tidal wave of liberal pandering to the colored hordes of the World, I think not!

    Britain is set to become a very second rate nation some time soon
  5. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    But rulers need to rule and dominate, they are seeking world domination this time (they can be transparent about that nwo picture, because a fearful world population is in their benefit, fear means stronger defense, people easier to organize)
    That is why the current 'British Empire' (the UK) is forcing Scotish independency, Scotland is not accidently heading that way, it is forced in that direction by politics and propaganda and fear.
    Independency via the political road does not lead to real independency, but to a seperate political state. A (hidden) mass organisation of a majority of Scotish people which all believe they are finally indepenend, and will celebrate in an almost euphoric state, but that image in their mind is false.
    By breaking the UK apart by using politics (so imaginary independency), it will become another British Empire in the end, because people alway follow the (political) leader, in fear, uncertainty and doubt even sooner and easier (emotion is the fatal flaw in a population, and politics is using that weak spot all the time)

    In the USA the same sort of process is going on, by creating one more party first, and later back to two parties, in the meanwhile they have caused more radical voters (fighters, voters, 'soldiers') in both the Democratic Party and Tea Party (the Republican will be slowly weakened to a point it has no longer political influence)

    The kingdom is taking over Britain and the USA at the same time (by using politics, mass media and lots of revolutionary, thus hidden, weapons)
    The answer is Yes; 'Britain' is the only 'country' that can challenge US domination (even sooner, by using the EU and Russia/Ukraine situation as revolutionary weapons, to force a political tensions, and sanctions and boycotts help to speed up that political/ revolutionary process)
  6. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    last time never returns. Dreaming is free, but the days of the British Empire is gone forever. Nations (like people) born, grow, stagnate and eventually die.Britain will never again be what it was in 1914. The future is the EU with all its parasite bureaucrats court, and maybe in China, Brazil or India but these countries have enormous cultural backwardness. They will need no less than 60 years save Europe decides a third suicide.

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