By now it's clear that Covid-19 is EASILY preventable with vaccines

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by CenterField, Nov 17, 2020.

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  1. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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    OK, folks, the good news don't stop piling up. What do we have, so far?

    Two mRNA vaccines have preliminary phase 3 results showing 90% and 94.5% of actual prevention of disease (Pfizer, and Moderna), with no severe cases among the 10% and 5.5% still infected (so these vaccines not only prevent the infection in the first place for the vast majority of subjects, but also prevent severe disease for the few who still get the infection despite the vaccines).

    With today's Sinovac's CoronaVac phases 1 and 2 publication (released a few hours ago) we saw 97% and 100% of seroconversion to neutralizing antibodies, which is not the same as the phase 3 results above but bodes extremely well for when they get the phase 3 results. That's an inactivated virus vaccine.

    We already had phase 1 published for the Novavax protein subunit vaccine showing 100% of neutralizing antibodies, with titers 4 to 6 times higher than those provided by the natural infection!

    The adenovirus vector vaccines by Oxford/AstraZeneca and Gamaleya are running into more trouble (more serious adverse events, stability problems). But even if these fail, we have already 3 platforms (mRNA, inactivated virus, and protein subunit) with SPECTACULAR results, much beyond our best hopes.

    It does seem like, contrary to initial fears (we were not able to make vaccines against common cold coronaviruses or against the MERS and SARS coronaviruses), the specific coronavirus responsible for Covid-19 (the SARS-CoV-2 virus) is EXTREMELY easy to be prevented with vaccines, which have a FANTASTIC efficacy, much superior to that of many vaccines for other diseases.

    And the virus hasn't mutated sufficiently to defeat the vaccines... it needs to be understood that the Pfizer and Moderna phase 3 results are CURRENT; they reflect the real life infections that are happening right now with the currently circulating strains... and they are still HIGHLY EFFECTIVE.

    In a few more weeks we should have regulatory approval in several countries (the USA, Europe, Brazil) and should be able to start vaccination campaigns.

    By the end of this coming spring we should have ALL Americans who want the vaccine, duly vaccinated.

    Now, the key is to get the population to accept the vaccines. They are so highly effective that we would actually be able to eradicate the virus if a large percentage of the population accepted the vaccine.

    I'm sure that it won't be the case... there are too many anti-vaxxer idiots, or just fearful people who don't understand that the science behind these vaccines is solid and the safety protocols HAVE been followed, and quite appropriately.

    Hell, there are still those who think that this virus is a hoax or not dangerous... while the virus certainly is literally thousands of times more dangerous than the vaccines.

    People have literally 10,000 higher likelihood of suffering a bad consequence from this virus, than from the vaccines.

    So unfortunately we won't achieve a high percentage of acceptance because people have a hard time understanding this... but at least we will have the tools to defeat this virus. It will then be a matter of an educational campaign to get people to take the vaccines.

    More details about the vaccines can be found in this thread:
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
    fiddlerdave and HereWeGoAgain like this.
  2. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Holy Smokes, more propaganda.

    Not a word about the role of proper nutrition in strengthening the immune system. Not a word about T cells and others.

    Sounds like another product brochure from the vaccine manufacturers. Buy vaccines and help our bottom line. :lol:
  3. Melb_muser

    Melb_muser Well-Known Member Donor

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Finally, some good news!
  4. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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    Correction: with the phase 3 trial having concluded for Pfizer/BioNTech, one vaccinated participant did get severe Covid-19. Maybe someone with a compromised immune system. Anyway, the result as everybody knows by now, improved to 95% efficacy when all that data got considered.

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