Cain is Not Able...

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Corfieldb, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. macaroniman

    macaroniman New Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    The People who Don't mind Cain doesn't know anything about Libya...Hmm when asked an open ended question about whether he agreed with Obama's policies toward Libya, Cain wanted to have the question be more specific...his pause was blown up by "people like you". and gobbled down by the press. Unfortunately for the gatcha gang, Cain continued to rise in the poles.

    What doesn't Cain Know about China, what specifically did he say or are you again falling in step with the gotchas.

    The idiocy of 999, Cain whom I have listened in Atlanta for years is a proponent of the fair tax and doing away with IRS. I agree that it is insane to think politicians would give up the current tax system where political favors and the drippings from lobbyists to write loopholes is their livelihood.
    How Dare Cain, and those who attack their own straw dog versions of their understanding of 999 thinks he can get off changing this system. we need the gestapo IRS, where would we be without lobbyists and loopholes for the rich and corporations. How dare he try to float a plan for fairer taxation.

    Now for the last part. we have a president who is sexually faithful yet a complete and udder failure as his policies has continued to allow the economy to tank. He is a leaderless sniping ruderless ruler. yet voting Present 130 times in congress gave people like me a sneak preview so his performance is hardly any surprise only in that he has even failed "people like you".

    Now Herman Cain may have had an affair. What percentage of adult men and women, wait I will google this. They say one in five and some say 60% of men. who knows for sure but only 10% forgive. Bush and Obama are faithful husbands yet were wrecks as presidents. Cain may have cheated yet people like me think people like you sanctimoniously chortle as the only candidate NOT a long time politico from the same barrel is removed.

    In a previous era when you would have thought Americans even more religious and intolerant Grover Cleveland had an illegitimate child and the monied candidate Blain from Maine had a slogan Ma Ma wheres my which Cleveland who admitted everything And was forgiven, retorted..Gone to the White house ha Ha ha.

    I think Newt is high handed and Romney is a rubber stamp republican and Obama is just a rudderless arrogant horrid leader. I liked cain and still do. he may have screwed one woman, while Obama is screwing the entire country.

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