Cobra seems to always say "no" but when it says "yes"....

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by reedak, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    On Sunday (August 26), Cai Yingting, a deputy chief in the People's Liberation Army, warned the US not to interfere in the dispute over the Diaoyu Islands between Beijing and Tokyo. He said during talks in Washington that any intervention would damage ties between the world's two biggest economies. He said: "We hope the U.S. will do more to safeguard peace in the region and maintain the overall good Sino-U.S. relations." Under a decade old treaty with Japan, the US would be obliged to defend the islands if they came under attack. But Washington has said it would not take sides in the dispute.

    The US always publicly denies it is trying to contain China despite the obvious contradiction in its words and actions. Taking an analogy, when somebody proposes a toast to you, wishing you a long and happy life while kicking you hard from under the table, you can still "save your face" in front of all other guests. Even though the feeling is unpleasant, it is at least better than the scenario when the guy overturns the table and attacks you openly in front of all other guests.

    Taking another analogy, a cobra always sways its head to and fro as if saying "no". However, once it stops swaying its head, you know it is not going to hide its true intention anymore.

    China warns U.S. off island dispute
  2. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Why can't China get along with any of its neighbors?
  3. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Like your uncle, you seem to be able to get along with your neighbours. However, your neighbourhood may be plagued by bad neighbours if Hak Kwai wins another term in office.

    Neighbors' car and homes vandalized after Obama win

    Readers Respond: How Bad Neighbors Can Banish Backyard Serenity

    In conclusion, I have some comments on Yankeephobia and Japanophobia.

    The US fails to get along with its Latin American neighbours. It was called the “Yankee Colossus of the North,” the bad boy of the Western World, who grabbed territory from its weaker neighbours and followed a policy of “dollar diplomacy”.

    The Reagan and first Bush administrations carried out policies that had catastrophic results for Central America: more than one hundred fifty thousand civilians killed, hundreds of millions of dollars of property and productive capacity destroyed, the environment devastated, and 2 million refugees displaced to the US as illegal immigrants. A wave of Yankeephobia swept over the whole region from Mexico City to Santiago and Buenos Aires. It was always easy in those interventionist days for Latin-American poets, politicians and preachers to rouse bitter feeling against the “Colossus of the North.” Traveling apostles, such as Manuel Ugarte, spread this doctrine tirelessly and skillfully.

    Not until Franklin D. Roosevelt took over the oval office did the US make an effort to improve the relationship with Latin America by instituting the Good Neighbor Policy. Ultimately, though, the US maintained hegemony in the region through economic and political channels. For this reason, the Good Neighbour Policy serves as an excellent example of America’s ability to craft its own unique brand of imperialism, even when hidden under the guise of goodwill.

    There is trouble ahead for Uncle Sam in his own backyard. Big trouble.

    With regard to Japan's relations with its neighbours, anti-Japanese sentiment is strongest in China, North Korea, and South Korea due to past Japanese invasions and atrocities.

    Americans Hating Americans: Latin American Anti-Americanism

    The Good Neighbor Policy:
    Latin-American/US Relations During the Roosevelt Years

    Bad neighbor: the failure of U.S. policy in Latin America

    Analysis: How the US 'lost' Latin America

    Anti-Japanese sentiment
  4. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    China needs us way more than we need them. We are handing them the economic advantage for no other reason than to keep a hand full of rich/elite corporate executives rich and powerful.

    Nobody wants the (*)(*)(*)(*) island they just don't want the other to have it. Bunch of f%$#ing kids. Dangerous psychotic hell bent on destruction kids.
  5. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    If you were a Chinese leader or politician, you would be putting yourself in the hot seat by calling any of those rocks "(*)(*)(*)(*) island", because you would be labelled "Hanjian" (Chinese traitor) and "Great Sinner of Chinese history" by the "bunch of f%$#ing kids" in China. It is interesting to note that the perennial ruckus over the "(*)(*)(*)(*) island" was/is/will be raised by the "dangerous psychotic hell bent on destruction kids" in Chinese territories outside the Chinese mainland where the Chinese government has no effective control.

    Like a demon confronted by a crucifix, the Chinese government is completely at a loss when it comes face to face with the national flag held by Chinese anti-government elements under the guise of anti-Japanese protests.
  6. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Hak Kwai is the American Pu Yi.

    If Hak Kwai is reelected his followers will loot the rest of America.

    As Mao Zedong said: "Power flows from the barrel of a gun."

    America is in large part a Latin American country with patrons and peons everywhere. America is Mexico now.

    Japan will go nuclear and so will South Korea. Those weapons will be targeted on Beijing and Shanghai. China won't be worrying about America.
  7. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Hak Kwai is the first black (more accurately, dark brown) stripe in America's future zebra-like political leadership trend.

    If by "America", you mean the United States, don't worry! The US has more than enough resources to be looted for a few more centuries.

    If by "America", you mean the American continent, congratulations! The US will rise again on another rampage to be a greater American Empire.

    Money Makes the World Go Round

    It is a blessing in disguise. The US would have good reasons to propose a merger with Mexico which would become an attractive dowry in a Greater America.

    I had such a nightmare before, but after waking up I stared at my crystal ball for hours and found nothing of that sort. Instead, I saw signs of nuclear threat from North Korea against Japan, China, Russia, the US and the rest of Asia.

    It is unthinkable that America will let Japan go nuclear as it harbours the fear that it has to pay the "blood debt" for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki one day.
  8. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Obama is doing for America what Pu Yi did for Manchukuo.

    American environmentalists will stop any attempt to use America's domestic resources.

    You have no idea what an American consciousness is. An expansion of the polity to become a North American Union means the end of American consciousness. Screw that.

    Money buys guns.

    Better dead than Mexican.

    Stick to Taoism. Geopolitics is not your forte.

    There is no blood debt between America and Japan. There is a blood debt only between Japan and China. As America retreats from the Western Pacific the only way for Japan to protect itself from China is to develp nuclear weapons and IRBMs that can reach Beijing and Shanghai. There is no other way to deter the Chinese. When Japan goes nuclear so will South Korea.

    We are moving into a new era of world history in which many nations have nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. Chinese ambitions can only be forestalled by nuclear weapons. America will be a distant spectator.
  9. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Yes, buy more guns to create more family tragedies with parents shooting own children, and worse, children, even toddlers, shooting own parents.

    Dad: Toddler Killed Mom

    Son Allegedly Shot Dead By Father After Stabbing Parents, Cops Say

    Indiana father accidentally shot dead by 3-year-old son

    Neo-Nazi Father Is Killed; Son, 10, Steeped in Beliefs, Is Accused

    Father shot 19-year-old son

    Father shot dead by son 'taught him how to shoot'

    Let's hear what the Mexican netizens have to say about it.
  10. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I see you have the same thread going on at Debate Politics, and that you are engaged with very stupid people. Don't waste your time dealing with cretins...except me of course. :)
  11. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Yes, my fellow American and smart nephew,

    You should join in the fun by posting your remark there to see them beating their chests like 800lb. gorillas! :party:

    By the way, I am still waiting for some signs of Mexican consciousness in response to your previous post.
  12. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    See you there, nephew!

    Otherwise you will regret for missing all the excitement and fun!
  13. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Dear Uncle,

    South Korean nationalists are a curious lot. This is especially true for those who come to American forums with no command of the English language. They make fools of themselves.

    I don't think I will join you at Debate Politics. But if I did I would focus on the future of Korea as a vassal and tributary state to the holders of the Mandate of Heaven. Hahaha. PSK's head would explode. Feel free to take this post and put in on the thread in question on Debate Politics.
  14. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    If you could ask Julius Caesar whether he would report his victory back home in this way, his response might be: "Do you think I have so much time to be a clown? I don't assert sovereignty but conquer! I would prefer to plant an apple tree rather than a flag. At least I can enjoy the fruits of my labour after some years."

    Similarly, if you could ask Genghis Khan whether he would send his message back home in this way after winning a battle, he might reply: "Do you think I am so childish? I abhor make-belief but ensure I have everything in reality!"

    In my opinion, the Hong Kong activists have managed:

    1. to embarrass the Chinese government.

    2. to show the apparent redundancy of the "patriotic education" as they seem to be more nationalistic and patriotic than the Chinese government and military.

    Unfortunately, the activists are neither Julius Caesar nor Genghis Khan. They can continue with their antics one million times, get handcuffed and dragged along by the Japanese occupation forces on the Diaoyu Islands in front of the camera one million times. Other than this, what can they really achieve? They should know which country had handed the Diaoyu Islands to Japan after World War 2. As a Chinese proverb goes, "A fox borrows the tiger's might", they should know which country is the real "tiger" behind the Japanese "fox".

    They should know the right way to deal with a snake, i.e. they should hit not at the tail but the head. Hence they should know the right target to protest over the Diaoyu Islands conflict next time.

    Veni, vidi, vici - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Hong Kong activists plant China?s national flag on the Diaoyu Islands - People's Daily Online

    Japan To Deport & Return 14 Hong Kong Diaoyu Island Activists – chinaSMACK

    Chinese Proverbs


    Do you think the folks at DP can comprehend your post?

    The meaning of your post is clear. I think you err about Beijing being displeased by the Hong Kongers. The Hong Kongers have raised the banner of Pan-Sinoism which unites Chinese in the PRC, ROC and HK...and the banner reads "Nationalism."

    Btw, America is not the head of the snake. America has a defense treaty with Japan, considers the Shenkakus to be Japanese, but is unwilling to endure the ire of the Sinosphere in order to back the Japanese.
  15. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  16. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Are you saying that they were sitting instead of standing up for their countries?

    Pu Yi

    Obama Campaign Responds to Eastwood's Empty Chair Jibe

    I see no similarities between the two men, except that the latter shared one similarity with a blindman. No wonder he ended up as the last emperor.

    Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese dissident

    Bertolucci Brings Back Imperial China

    I wonder at the lack of response from Mexican netizens.

    Perhaps no response or dead silence is their way of saying "Better dead than yanqui".
  17. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Pu Yi was the last of the Qing Dynasty emperors. Obama is the last of the Great America presidents. The analogy is readily apparent even to an inscutable Chinese such as yourself dear uncle.

    The citizens of Mexico are "living in interesting times." You know what that reference means oh inscutable one.
  18. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    It makes no sense to state (or predict?) that Obama is the Last Emperor or "the last of the Great America presidents".

    After November 6, 2012 your country will still have a President, whoever wins the election.

    I don't think your analogy is readily apparent even to the cowboy who talked to an unoccupied chair. Please explain your analogy.

    I have no idea what's the meaning of that reference. Please explain how and why the citizens of Mexico are "living in interesting times", oh irrational one.
  19. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The America that rose to power in the aftermath of WWII and assumed hegemony throughout the world to create Pax Americana is coming to an end. You Chinese should fear this because China's rise was only able to occur under the auspices of Pax Americana. With the passing of an age China will encounter a whole new set of players who won't be interested in the status quo that has been so beneficial to China.

    Yes there will be a president who will preside over a much diminished country. America is in retreat everywhere in the world...including east Asia despite the bluster. The heighth of the Roman Empire was attained during the reigns of the Emperors Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. After that the empire in the west died in fits and spasms until the Ostrogoth King Odoacer decided he no longer wished to rule through his toady the Emperor Romulus Augustus who he had removed in 476 AD.

    After Marcus Aurelius the empire in the west was constantly hollowed out until it became like a stuffed trophy. Then Italia moved into a new phase of history...Gothic Italy. And yes I know about Justinian and Belisarius and Narses whose heroic actions from the Eastern Empire came to naught. They couldn't stop the slide. They only paved the way for the Visigothic King Theodoric.

    Late Qing Dynasty China was swept by the First Opium War, ...the Unequal Treaties...the loss of what would become Hong Kong, and influx of foreigners from the west who brought Christianity,...the rise of a fellow who thought he was the brother of Jesus Christ and the trauma of the Taiping Rebellion which the Qing could only put down with the help of foreign mercenaries...the Second Opium War...the burning of the Summer Palace...Foreign Concessions...Loss of Chinese Siberia to Russia...German occupation of the Shandong Peninsula...Russian Occupation of the Shandong Peninsula...the First Sino-Japanese War...the loss of suzeraignty over the Korean Peninsula...the Russo-Japanese War fought on Chinese soil...the loss of Tibet...the reaction of the Righteous Fists...a political system that produced a Dowager Empress and then the boy emperor Pu Yi...then collapse followed by warlordism...civil war...the Second Sino-Japanese War...the Great Leap Forward...the Period of Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom...the Sino-Soviet Split...and the Great Cultural Revolution.

    I grew up and became a man in an era of American history much like Rome during the reigns of the Five Good Emperors who governed the Empire consecutively for a period of about 90 years in the first and second centuries of the Common Era. This was the heighth of Empire. It was quite literally the best of times for a the first iteration of Western Civilization. For some it was a Golden Age. Imo that span of time was like the American Era of world history from 1941 to 2001. Others would say the era lasted from 1945 to 1973.

    I have watched the popular and political culture of America change much for the worse. I have watched the deindustrialization of America. I have watched the collapse of much of the American public school system. I am observing the hollowing out of the UC and CSU systems of higher education. I have observed the dumbing down of the people.

    The resemblence of America to the late periods of the Western Roman Empire and Qing Dynasty China is remarkable.

    What kind of Chinese are you who doesn't recognize the curse "may you live in interesting times?" I used the old Han curse to give you an idea of the violent disintegration of order in Mexico.
  20. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    It appears that wise men can only speak and be understood among themselves.
  21. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    You know, it really irks me when I visit the humor and satire section and see something like this. Perhaps the OP could point out what, in this subject, is supposed to be funny or satirical? From the thread title, I was expecting something about "Cobra" from G.I.Joe, but it's like a joke with no punch line.
  22. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Agreed. That's why PF should be the venue for our discourse.

    I have a plan worked out that will use Han Nationalism to resolve a number of issues, while isolating Japan, and Vietnam. But like most plans it may contain the seeds of its own destuction. Should we discuss it?
  23. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Don't be the skunk at a garden party.
  24. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    Am I at a garden party? Dang, the sign said comedy club. Sorry, I must be lost.
  25. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Nationalism exists in all countries. Why using the so-called Han Nationalism? Don't tell me that Americans and all other people have no nationalism at all.

    What may contain the seeds of its own destruction? Your plan or Han nationalism or nationalism in general? Please explain the reason.

    Your statement already contains a seed of destuction.

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