Contradictions in atheism

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Neutral, Feb 17, 2011.

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  1. mamooth

    mamooth Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Oh, this:

    By kindergarten, my momma had taught me that "BUT HE DID IT TOO!" was not an excuse for me to act badly.

    I imagine your mother taught you similarly, so you unjustly bring shame upon her by renouncing that lesson.
  2. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    Actually, that is EXACTLY what you just did.

    In fact, the repeated calls of "Bigot!", "Liar!", and "You insulted me!" coupled with the utter failure to support your thesis, including an utter failureto mention a single sentence about science.

    Atheists do like to make claims don't they?

    And another emotional quip that stands in stark contrast to having to rebut the SAME point twice. :clap:

    Well, whatever excuse you need to justify a half dozen emotional rants rather than a reasoned rebuttal ...

    No, how can YOU, an atheist, know God's intent.

    It's not my problem - its yours, you made it, not me.

    An omnipotent being is not bound by anything. He's omnipotent. Do you see the problem? THird time now?

    As soon as something is 'bound' its no longer omnipotent is it?

    See above.

    Who are you debating? I am glad you are defining your opponents position for them, but we call that a strawman. You can deal with what is actually being said ...

    That is if logic rather than emotion guide you at any rate.

    But not for there being no God? Gotcha. And it doesn't matter than this is really your faith, not logic in the least.

    Nope, I believe I said, repeatedly, taht we verify by using logic. We take claims and examine them to see if they are true or not - as in a preponderance of teh evidence case.

    That SHOULD push atheists to actually examine something and say, "We SHOULD find evidence here and we don't." But you guys don;t do that, because that process is a failure.

    So you use illogical, logical proofs instead and fundamentally ignore the actual arguementation being presented.

    Which is funny, because that is EXACTLY what I predicted would happen. And it did.

    Funny how that work, eh?

    Omnipotence is bound by logic is it? Because that is what you said.

    Now, something powerful enough to create the ENTIRE universe must be bound by a few petulent sentences - having created all of reality - it must be bound illogical, logic?

    You are right, so maybe you should take issue with the atheists doing it?

    YOu know show objective, rather than emotional standards for a change?

    I answered it SEVERAL times, go back and read it. Then actually rebut it. Being lazy is no excuse.

    Why don't you apply your standards to you?

    YOU are bigot is apparently just fine?

    Whiney ass excuses is all we get. Science? Logic? Reason? And actual rebuttal? Still waiting.

    Nope all we have is teh standard atheist propoganda, which has been rebutted for millenia mind you, about omnipotence and omniscience, and you demonstrate no knowledge of even a single rebuttal and call yourself logical?

    THat's usually how it works, and athtarded.

    When you ignore what you do not wish to see? THat is not logic.
  3. revol

    revol New Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    I don't really know how to address this other than letting it out into the open......
    I have extensive knowledge in criminal psychology.....
    This individual is suffering from severe psychological trauma which has caused these emotional responses..... In fact, we start to see mocking bird qualities where negative things said to the individual are indiscriminately projected outward every chance that is possible; listening to what is being said, it's as though they are talking about their own actions.... The individual is unable to process any emotion or negative criticism placed upon them; the reality is that it is at frightening levels within the individual to see offshoots of this magnitude.
    It is similar to brain damage..... The brain does not respond appropriately because it's neural connectivity has been blocked/obstructed by the trauma; unlike physical brain damage they do have the capacity to completely relearn the paths.
    The interesting aspect of this is that this forum is incredibly damaging to this..... In our personal lives, we will naturally isolate ourselves from any positive influence acting in such a manner. As participants of this forum, we are the subservient wife and children x 50 that are always available for abuse.... We are the enabler....
    You might think it is good for someone like this to have an outlet, but we must understand that the emotion isn't going anywhere.
    If these outbursts are continually rewarded without correction, they will evolve into a devastating reality.
    If you listen to the responses, they don't address any of the content in what they are responding to.... There is no corrective ability in response to this individual, it is only possible to enable it in doing so.
    I implore the observers and contributors to stop responded to this individual so that they might seek some help.
  4. revol

    revol New Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    As far as I'm concerned for the safety of the individual and perhaps more, they no longer exist in any of these discussion.....
    There will be no response.
  5. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Are you ready to post your credentials as a licensed professional psychologist, so that those who hold a different view might be able to file a professional ethics complaint against you? If not, then all you have done is post an unwarranted personal attack against that 'poster' that you referenced and quoted.
  6. revol

    revol New Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    I did consider contacting the administrator to have them removed from the forum; of which I can only make a recommendation... The board is not in any way legally liable for the psychological state of it's board members, nor am I in offering such a recommendation.... I'm actually hoping they can respond in a normal way and see the difference between behavior that can be rewarded and behavior that warrants being ignored.....
    I do find it interesting that you are so swift to come to their defense, and can't identify the problem with their behavior.
    I've actually had my own suspicions that you are one and the same; should probably have that checked out as well with IP.
    The reality is that it is impossible to keep someone off of a forum, it is very easy to change IP and reinvent, this why I have addressed the community on this one..... I don't think it is very difficult for the average poster to identify there is a problem.
  7. BFSmith@764

    BFSmith@764 Banned

    Dec 16, 2008
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    I say, how about we start talking to people that are receptive to what we have to say, than try to cast pearls before swine? The more time we waste on people that have demonstrated that they are not interested or believe, we missed the other opportunism that would be far more productive. Take a lesion from Jesus' example......He never spent His time trying to convince the Pharisees that He was who He said He is. It was always the Pharisees that initiated all the conversations, because their intent was to entrap Him. He said what He had to say and left them. But I am not going waste time trying to convince you either…..see ya.
  8. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    You know you are 100% right. But we are not Christ and He did command us to spread the gospel and this place needs it. i just got banned from a site that was Christian for standing on the Word…can you imagine that?

    If we all ran away from unbelievers and did not give them a chance to learn and hear the Word…what would we be doing? Even if we could affect ONE…person for Christ…all this would be worth it. I hope you reconsider…we need people like you who stand on the Word.
  9. revol

    revol New Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    Show me anything that resembles pearls being offered by this poster in this entire thread...... One thing!

    I find it amazing that Christians reward this behavior and band together with someone simply because they call themselves a Christian.....
    It very well might not be the intent of the poster, but it doesn't excuse the behavior......
    I'm not an atheist and was immediately attacked, I'm a simple observer here.... Not difficult to observe the abuse...... Calling his actions 'pearls' should be an insult to you and every Christian on this forum.
    Why someone would discredit themselves defending this behavior is bizarre to say the least.
    There should be no problem having a meaningful and thoughtful discussion with someone that has a contrasting view..... In fact, it should only provide an arena to supply information and assert your claims.
    The anger on this thread is absurd and should be corrected by both sides.... Right now it comes predominately from the user in question.
    I'm not suggesting perfect behavior, but this is very extreme here.... Scary in fact!
  10. BFSmith@764

    BFSmith@764 Banned

    Dec 16, 2008
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    Then what's the purpose of being called Christians if we are not be Christ like? If one is going to do the very opposite of what Jesus did then why even bother be a Christian? Jesus never commanded us to beat the gospel into people's head....He never did. If you noticed He only spoke to those who were willing to listen to what He had to say.

    It’s not about running away. It’s about making the best use of the time. If you stand on the street arguing for hours with one man that Jesus is whom the Bible says He is, and meanwhile you are missing all those that are passing by because you are too busy to see those might be more infested. You may feel that you are doing God’s work, but all you have done is demonstrated how to waste a whole day……you would have accomplished nothing except prove to others that how insecure you are. If we spent more time paying attention to the examples Jesus set our approach would be far different and a lot more effective. Church goers that waste time arguing tend to be the same ones that sets poor examples at home and work of what it means to be a child of God.
  11. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Who is the "they" and the "them" that you reference above.

    Who is the "their" that you accuse me of defending?
  12. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Who is the "they" and the "them" that you reference above.

    Who is the "their" that you accuse me of defending?
  13. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Who is the "they" and the "them" that you reference above.

    Who is the "their" that you accuse me of defending?
  14. BFSmith@764

    BFSmith@764 Banned

    Dec 16, 2008
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    I could not......because there's none.....but they do think that what they are trying to shove down other people's throat are pearls. So I quoted what Jesus said about not casting pearls before swine. I only see pride coming from both sides.......each beating the other over the head with their belief hoping to convince the other.
  15. BFSmith@764

    BFSmith@764 Banned

    Dec 16, 2008
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    I do, I was banned from at least one for just that some years ago.
  16. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Oddly, I began by thinking well of the poster concerned, and I don't know whether you are right or not. I discovered, though, that he did as you said - made irrelevant attacks and then refused to explain or retract, which is at best tedious. It seems to me that the 'ignore' function is the proper response: we can hardly expect the administration to set up as psychiatrists, can we?
  17. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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  18. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    WAs it ChristianForums?

    That place has a dark cloud over it…its run by people who do not know the Word…in fact much of it is off limits even discussing…like most of Leviticus.

    They defend abortion…and tied my hands behind my back and allowed the atheist, humanists etc…to rule the place. I am glad they banned me….it was not healthy to be there I can see that now. It was an act of God really.
  19. AllEvil

    AllEvil Active Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2009
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    What are the bare minimum commitment you must make to qualify as an atheist?

    "I do not believe in any gods".

    ... and thats it. Have fun finding the contradiction.
  20. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    Right, more hypocrisy.

    The failure of atheist to support their thesis and the emotional excuses that follow are everyone else fault.

    So, let cataloge just this SINGLE post from our super victims.

    #1 - Baseless accussations, you made INSULTS!

    We've been through this many time on this forum, calling an arguement athtarded is within the forum rules. Indeed, the multiple insults of Christianity in a general form, and you guys state, "Well, can't take it leave."

    Follow your own advice.

    #2 - Failure to explain?

    How many times have I explained this to atheists and indeed the moderation team? Agh, but its NOT happening?

    #3 - mental health issues?

    Agh, so when someone corrects egregious lies about their faith and is forced to confront near constant emotional accusations of bigotry, lying, etc. well, the fact that they just won't accept a tirade of emotion means ... that they are correct?

    How does this prove that atheism is a logical thing? It doesn't.

    Just as I said, when the lot of you are reduced to huring spurious emotional accusations and insults ... well, you atheists say that not being able to explain things is what drove you to atheism.

    But when you cannot explain things? Well, we see what we ACTUALLY get, a whiney, emotional attack fest of excuse, innuendo, and anger :clap:

    And that is the reality of atheism - as witnessed by EVERY Christian who has ever debated an atheist.

    But heh, only YOU have to accept your emotional excuses - remember that.
  21. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    The contradiction is found in everything else you write beyond that.

    That was easy.
  22. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    I find this hypocrisy to be EVEN more interesting.

    Why just a few posts back one of your peers was saying that no one would come to my aid - and now when several are - it looks like the problem is that people are doing it without thinking? Not that you atheists are engaged in double standards - no sir.

    In fact, now we will hurl spurious accusations that two posters with entirely different arguemtation styles are the SAME poster - because one defends the other :clap:

    Do you see the problem atheists? A bunch of spurious emotional accusations totally devoid of proof, and a ranging conspiracy theory about how one man is apparently reduced the lot of you to spittle by hacking accounts? :omfg:


    And we have contacted the administrators too boot! YEAH!!!

    And teh administrators have done ... nothing.

    Because this is a debate forum, that is why. And a failure to support a position means you lose a debate. Attempting to debate by mod when you fail is just an admission that you have no arguement.

    Now, atheists, how many of you have behaved EXCATLY like this?

    How many posts JUST IN THIS THREAD are emotional drivel like the one above rather than the claimed unemotional, logical explanations of their position?

    How many times have we watched atheists band together in failure and attempt just this? To go to the mods and have a critic banned for daring to stand up to them?

    Stroll? Triffi? Rstones? Wolfie? and on and on and on ...

    You really think you can behave like this and no one will notice? That people will just accept your whiney drivelish excuses that everyone else is crazy rather than your ego being too big to admit that you are wrong?

    Do we understand the slipping reputation of atheism globally now? Atheist Faith and Values.html

    Amazing how SO many atheist are reduced to questioning other people's mental states, but not their own - never that, from the simple challenge of supporting their own thesis statement. :evileye:

    Absolutely athtarded.
  23. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    When you use the word 'believe' in the manner which was used above, which of the following meanings of the word 'believe' are you using?

    "be·lieve (b-lv)
    v. be·lieved, be·liev·ing, be·lieves
    1. To accept as true or real: Do you believe the news stories?
    2. To credit with veracity: I believe you.
    3. To expect or suppose; think: I believe they will arrive shortly.
    1. To have firm faith, especially religious faith.
    2. To have faith, confidence, or trust: I believe in your ability to solve the problem.
    3. To have confidence in the truth or value of something: We believe in free speech.
    4. To have an opinion; think: They have already left, I believe."
  24. Burzmali

    Burzmali Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 24, 2009
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    Are there posters here claiming to be atheists, but then writing things that lead you to think they actually believe in one or more gods?
  25. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Yes! All of them. See the last definition listed below.

    "be·lieve (b-lv)
    v. be·lieved, be·liev·ing, be·lieves
    1. To accept as true or real: Do you believe the news stories?
    2. To credit with veracity: I believe you.
    3. To expect or suppose; think: I believe they will arrive shortly.
    1. To have firm faith, especially religious faith.
    2. To have faith, confidence, or trust: I believe in your ability to solve the problem.
    3. To have confidence in the truth or value of something: We believe in free speech.
    4. To have an opinion; think: They have already left, I believe."

    To hold an opinion relative to God or gods is to hold a belief in that God or gods.
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