Elderly California store owner fires at armed robbery suspect who shouts, 'He shot my arm off!’

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Joe knows, Aug 2, 2022.

  1. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    It's not my opinion. It's a fact that the US has far more gun related violent crimes, while a majority of the US want tougher gun laws to counter the violence.

    You're replying to "The US has the most guns per person, and ends up being far and far more violent compared to other similar western nations." and your reply doesn't make any sense.

    Yeah well. The majority of the US citizens want tougher gun laws to curb all that violence.
    So who cares that you disagree.

    All you got going are a bunch of corrupt politicians who refuse to listen to their voters. And the GOP is being the most corrupt bunch not listening to their voters by far.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  2. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    so treat everyone like criminals because law enforcement is incompetent? Stupid idea.

    <Reply to Deleted>

    Registration is strictly for confiscation and punishing people who follow the law. It is making up for inept law enforcement.

    Actually that's a fourth amendment issue. They have to have reasonable suspicion in order to search.
    No. It's criminals behaving criminally that is causing criminals to have guns with ease.

    No amount of whining about law enforcement having to do their job will ever convince me that we need gun laws. And it shouldn't. Incompetent law enforcement is never an excuse to steal someone's rights.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2022
  3. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    It's absolutely your opinion that criminal behavior is related to ownership of property.
    It's not that claim that I take issue with you are being dishonest in repeating it as though I'll jump to the same idiotic conclusion you did.
    Gun ownership isn't related to violence. Most people in America aren't dumb enough to fall for that scam. So you're claim is false. Besides if they wanted it they'd have it. I don't buy the supremacy of gun manufacturers as some shadow government controlling the country. That's a conspiracy theory and people make those up to protect false statements like the majority of people want gun control.

    Yet not the highest crime rate so the two things aren't related. You just shot a hole in your own scam.
    I hold that there aren't similar western Nations.

    So you're complaint is meaningless.

    if this was true they would have it. State representatives and senators are elected as are state governments. If the majority of Americans want tougher gun laws, campaigning on that wouldn't be political suicide.

    You believe something that isn't true.
    You're the one whining about it so I'll say you care.
    Then how did they get elected? Why would people vote for someone that doesn't listen to them?
    I'm not really interested in your tribalistic garbage. Seems you aren't wise enough to know both parties are equally corrupt. However if they aren't listening to their voters they won't be reelected

    People like you have been trying to push your minority opinions since the Constitution was made law. You're only fooling yourself if you think elected officials get away with not obeying their constituency for centuries.
  4. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    you aren't required to. You can have cars in your drive way you don't even own. There aren't any driveway police that come and tow rental cars or company owned cars.

    You don't have to prove ownership of your vehicle I don't know why you keep saying that as though it's gospel truth I've never had to do that. Except for when I go to register it.

    you didn't debunk anything with that statement that doesn't really even mean anything.
    if people are committing crimes like murder and under robbery then they should be locked up so if this still happens yes more people should be locked up. If you don't want to put them in jail what do you want to do with them just let them kill everyone?
    This is a scam. Gun laws don't affect criminals criminal disobey the law that's what a criminal is.

    Dictators and authoritarians want to punish citizens because they are too incompetent to do anything about crime.
  5. dbldrew

    dbldrew Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I dont have to prove ownership on any car in my driveway to anyone unless they are charging me with a crime or have a warrant, and then I still dont have to prove anything. they have to prove the car on my driveway does not belong to me. You have no idea how the law works or how rights work.
  6. Joe knows

    Joe knows Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    I don’t believe he did
  7. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    I'm surprised it's all the rage these days to prosecute people for self defense
    Joe knows likes this.
  8. Par10

    Par10 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    You mean the most violent Western nation that is not as violent as the rest of the Western hemisphere (Canada gets an exception because they enforce their laws).
  9. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Totally not. YOU claim that high gun ownership is related to lower crime thinking it's a good idea that making everything a hard target instead of a weak target. While the data about the US shows us that it is not true.

    I never said it was. I said weak gun laws are related to violence.

    The US got the highest gun related violence by far. So it's not showing a relationship with more guns making it more safe.
    And I fail to see any kind of a problem with comparing the US with other western nations. You lack any kind of argument.

    if??? lol
    The most recent polling, conducted June 10-12, found 68% of voters back stricter gun laws, up from 64% from June 4-5, 65% right after the Uvalde shooting on May 25, and 60% after the Buffalo shooting on May 16.


    I sourced it's true. And if you would have been aware of it, if you were an American.
    You did not even bother to look it up, and assumed it's not true. Seriously... lol

    It seems you do not understand, because you're not an American.
  10. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    So what. There is always an owner who can prove it's his.


    That's punishing a criminal after a murder. That's preventing a criminal omitting a murder. The US already shows with the most people behind bars (also %-wise) that being tough on those who have already committed a crime, isn't making the US have less gun violence at all.

    All the other western nations show that if a criminal can gets it's hands on the right tool, that loads won't commit the crime.
    So you say one thing, but the reality is different.

    Other western nations are not ruled by dictators or authoritarians.
    That's why the comparison with other western nations works so well.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2022
  11. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Having a car, but not doing anything with it ever, has no purpose.
    It's like saying that you have a loaded weapon, but you're never ever going to use it. lol
  12. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I of course mean the most gun related crime nation. It's the US by far compared to other western nations.
  13. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    You can present no data that shows owning a firearm equals violence.

    You can't make a connection between those two and that's where your argument falls to pieces.

    That's why you have to make up stronger and fallacies.

    so laws against violence mean nothing how are gun laws going to be magical and do something where laws against violence don't?

    Further the only gun laws that will ever exist are laws that restrict legal owners not criminals so it would have nothing to do with gun violence.

    Not enough people buy this scam for your brain dead theories to be a majority opinion. There are not enough people lacking and brain tire to believe in this nonsense.

    no no no don't ignorantly insist or claim or Divine any idea that it's related to guns.

    Prove with evidence that legal ownership of guns causes criminal behavior. If you can't do that your arguments toast.
    I couldn't care less about your opinion on what a problem is or isn't if you want to keep up with the Joneses that's your business.
    so in over 200 years of our country's existence and people crying about the same thing why are these people never voting it's this silent majority that never runs for anything what's wrong there?

    just because you find some lunatic Fringe opinion on some crazy gun grabber website doesn't mean you've proven anything it's not true.

    Again this country is a democracy why don't any of these people vote if they're in the majority they've never voted in the entire existence of our country why is that is it because they're still busy not existing I think that's the case.

    Well that's false I'm an American I understand perfectly you are full of it you are reading from other people who are full of it.

    If this was a majority opinion it would already be law. People like people who do what they want them to they don't elect people just to not listen to them or to be under some magical control of some gun manufacturer whatever nonsense you people cook up.
  14. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    not necessarily.

    no it isn't banning guns doesn't make the movie minority report happen in real life where do you come up with this nonsense.

    Criminal that doesn't obey the law wouldn't obey anyone without gun ownership they would just get one and commit the murder anyway murder is always a more severe punishment than possessing a firearm illegally. If they're willing to risk punishment for murder they don't care about a gun charge.

    Laws do not control crime at all what you need to control crime is enforcement.
    revoking the rights of people that have nothing to do with criminals well do you even l less.

    then go live there.

    again if it's so great go live there.
  15. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    exactly laws would do nothing about this they don't anyway. It doesn't matter how strong or how whatever word you want to use you make them people will just disobey them.

    Too bad. Constitutional rights come before the comfort and ease of law enforcement doing their jobs.

    good lawmakers are following Constitution or also known as the law.

    So called strong gun laws would be a violation of the law. No infringement is allowed.

    only if you plan to operate it on a public roadway I don't plan to operate my firearm on a public roadway so I don't need to register it.
    there is no other purpose for a gun registration because you don't operate them on the public roadway there's no need to get them infected or licensed none of that exists for guns.

    So you don't have to register a car so that's not a comparison.
    yep police have to respect people's constitutional rights that should never change. When it does that's when people come stepping into your house.
    too bad.

    There's the Second amendment and there's also the Fourth amendment cops don't get to break those in fact they were created to stop police from doing what you want them to do.

    I don't agree we have the Second amendment that's as strong as it gets cops are not allowed to touch that and if they do they risk jail time as they should.

    If cops can't act against criminals because they're not allowed to violate the civil rights of people then maybe they should be fired. Hire some competent people to do that job.
  16. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    The US has the highest gun ownership and is also has the most gun related crime.
    I already sourced the amount of gun related crime. And here is the gun ownership data:

    I find it just ignorant to think you can dispute this.
    Obviously you're not aware of what goes on in the US.

    All the other western nations show that tough gun laws work.
    It's weird that you're going back to the begin of this discussion as if this is disputable.

    I don't need to prove that, since it's not my claim. You've pushed the goalpost far beyond what I said.

    you are conceding that "I hold that there aren't similar western Nations." isn't true. I'm not seeing an argument in your opinion.

    All you do is whine around now, when I proved that this is the will of the people. While I do not see you debunk it.

    No American would doubt that the majority of the citizens want tougher gun laws.
    No American would doubt that they got more guns then other citizens.
    No American would honestly dispute that their gun violence is the worst compared to other western nation.
    But there is "you" who claims to be an American.
    Sure, buddy. lol
  17. dbldrew

    dbldrew Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I do have a loaded weapon and I do hope I never have to use it. The point is you dont understand rights and the law so what you are proposing is pointless because it would never be legal. So rather then talking about measures that we can implement now (locking up criminals and not letting them out) you would rather debate fantasy.. so if you are going the fantasy route why not talk about using magic to stop criminals?
  18. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    DMV says otherwise.

    Car registration is not banning cars, and so gun registration is also not banning guns.
    And a criminal can't just get one, when the seller needs to register it on the criminals name.

    You say this, while tough gun laws work in ALL the other western nations.

    I already proved Americans want tougher gun laws.
  19. dbldrew

    dbldrew Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    you dont need to register a car you own, you only need to register a car if you drive it on public streets, lots of people own cars that they turn into race cars and only use them for racing.. or own a farm truck and only use it on the farm. no need for plates and registration if its not going on public roads.
  20. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    You say this, while tough gun laws work in ALL the other western nations.

    It's not unconstitutional to have guns registered etc etc etc
    I fail to see any kind of infringement.

    And your idea of having a car is not use it on a public roadway? It's remains as useless as having a gun, that you never EVER are going to use.

    An American would know you must. You're obviously not an American.

    All I see is that you are conceding that cops can not distinguish between a criminal who got a gun behind closed door and a law abiding citizen, and so acknowledge the law is weak.
  21. Kal'Stang

    Kal'Stang Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    False. Right to Privacy.

    :rolleyes: No, you don't have to register a car and you are wrong about it being useless. Just ask anyone in agriculture or who raise livestock. Many of them have multiple vehicles that never leave their property and are just used on their property. Only city slickers would think that a car that is not registered and on your property is useless.

    Frankly, they shouldn't have to. If a person is not trusted enough to be in society with their full Rights then they should not be in society at all. Keep idiots that commit crimes with a gun in prison until they can be trusted with their full Rights. Otherwise they are just second class citizens....and will act like it.
  22. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    You're dishonestly altering the comparison. A can on the driveway that you may never use on the public road = totally useless, is not the same as having a gun that you hope you never may use. And you're not proving that gun registration and licensing is illegal.

    I already noted that the US has the most people locked up in total and %-wise while the gun related crimes is still much higher then comparable nations.
    So your idea to go focus even more on something that's not working is totally illogical in believing that this will solve it.

    While other similar nations show that tough gun laws work.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2022
  23. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I already explained that having a car that you may not use on the public street, is like having a gun you may never use.
    It's totally pointless. And no, lots of people do not own cars to use on a track. Get real. And so almost all cars are flat out registered. You're just here making a dishonest comparison, and think I wouldn't notice.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2022
  24. dbldrew

    dbldrew Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Its not a dishonest comparison talking about reality and the actual law.. again you are talking fantasy I'm talking about reality and the law. Your analogy with a car is dumb because you dont LEGALLY have to register your car like I said before. I dont care that you cant wrap your head around the fact that millions of people own cars that they do not drive on the street, thats not my problem, thats just you showing your ignorance.
  25. dbldrew

    dbldrew Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    A car in your driveway that you take to the dragstrip or the road course is not useless..

    Yes I'm suggesting that violent criminals dont get let out or get the death penalty, you want to be soft on drug crimes to make more room for violent offenses? sure thats a good conversation to have. But trying to argue something that is not constitutional is pointless on your part.

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