Favourite chatters - Part deux

Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by GeneralZod, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. GeneralZod

    GeneralZod New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Who are your fav chatters from this or any other forum?

    And i don't mean the sane but the inspired, the true greats who stick in the memory.

    Example. I have already mentioned MrLamont "self proclaimed, creator of chat" (His mission to create a chat army from the rabble of cyber space) and the Kurtz. (Anger management mixed with lots of booze)

    Another fav of mine was a chatter called "Troller" A american constitutional laywer with an intense hatred for americans (the layscum as she called them) and why, in her own words "Because they don't understand the constitution!"

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