Fiscal cliff: Will Obama Cut Spending at least on Human Embryo Genetic Manipulation ?

Discussion in 'Science' started by Cluster, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Cluster

    Cluster New Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    In the currently urgent and crucial, last-minute U.S. Congress - Obama Negotiations on the so-called "Fiscal cliff", he threatens the Republican Majority of the freshly confirmed Congressmen to make them look as sole responsible for an eventual Deadlock after the 3 still available Days, while they denounce that, on the contrary, Obama doesn't seem to accept any serious Cuts on Federal Spending, despite the sky-rocketing Public Debt, as if he wouldn't really mind if talks ended without a mutually acceptable compromise, but was, in fact, trying only to impress some by a counter-productive blame-game.

    => In there circumstances, (and taking also into account several other main developments on recent US Politics), there is at least one possible Solution :

    >>> Obama could easily demonstrate, in a crystal-clear way, an eventual "Good Will" vis a vis the US Congress' Republican Majority f.ex. by taking an initiative to, at least, Cut Spending on controversial, unproductive and Dangerous Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos :

    - The issue has been repeatedly raised during US Presidential Elections since 2001 and mainly 2004, but also on 2008 and 2012, standing always among all Candidates' wish list, (be it for, or against), while also gathering both some big Lobbies' as well as many Millions of US Citizens' interest.

    - Spending more US Federal Funds for Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos is Controversial, considered by many People as Unethical, against Human Life and/or Dignity, while also presenting serious Dangers for all Humankind. Moreover, contrary to some old claims, it has proven Useless for Human Health (after Many Years of Waste without any Medical result) , and is now bypassed by the recent vatribution of the latest NOBEL Prize, on the contrary, to Scientific Research on stem cells of Adults, (which is acceptable to most People).

    => By taking an initiative to propose himself to at least Cut Spending on Controversial, possibly Unethical and potentially Dangerous Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, Obama could start demonstrating a Good Will for a Compromise with US Congress' Majority, and that he would care to try to reduce the notoriously Excessive US Public Debt, while also making a step towards meeting the Popular Conservative Values Movement's concerns, by showing that he would not feel bound by some shady Technocratic Big Lobbies.

    Otherwise, it would obviously be very Difficult, if not Impossible, to explain to the People why Federal Funding persists on controversial, possibly unethical and potentially Dangerous, as well as rather Useless, Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos since March 2009, while, at the same time, on the Contrary, many other Federal Activities and services, even those Programs which often present a Really Vital Interest for the People, (as, f.ex., in productive Investments for Growth and even USA Space Exploration, Unemployment Benefits and poor/aged People's basic Health Care, support for Education and/or Small Businesses, even Defence, etc), might be "Freezed" or even Reduced, if not totally Cut, because of the current Public Debt Crisis...

    At any case, whatever happens, nobody can forget the fact that, even if President Obama was naturally re-elected for a (traditionally perillous) 2nd Mandate, it's also the Republican Majority of Congressmen which did the same, while US Congress is obviously much more Closely linked to the People.
    waltky and (deleted member) like this.
  2. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Scientists grow two-week-old human embryos in lab...
    For first time, scientists grow two-week-old human embryos in lab
    May 4, 2016 - Scientists have for the first time grown human embryos outside of the mother for almost two full weeks into development, giving unique insight into what they say is the most mysterious stage of early human life.
  3. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I think this is excellent news. I think there should be more human experiments, and I hope, since we're in the genetics age, that they revisit that international law that limits the lifespan of these embryos to 14 days. It should be longer to allow us to research them.

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