Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Endorses Trump for President

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Shiva_TD, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Monarchy is repulsive to Americans and this election the corrupt political parties are trying to force us into a choice between the Bush royal family and the Clinton royal family. This is yet another reason why Americans want to go outside of the corrupt professional politicians for a champion.

    Look is what is headed your way, thousands of illegal immigrants from Syria and the Middle East. You have problems with Islamic extremism in Europe. Even in European countries there is becoming a backlash against the high number of immigrants flooding your countries. America is no different. Illegal immigrants are all over the country. They are responsible for many crimes even here in my own small town. People will call you a racist if you say this. Trump is the only politician brave enough to confront it, and that is why people like him.
  2. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    This thread is like the many that have been hijacked which flame bait and spread hatred and racism by leftist ideologues.

    The KKK is the terrorist wing of the democrat party. It is but a fraction of a shadow of a once huge enterprise that had tens of millions of members. Anything they do is the direct result and legacy of democrat party policies of racial discrimination and hatred. The small remnant of the democrats racist history is the responsibility of the democrats and certainly still answerable to the democrats. This shill organization do what the democrats tell them to do, especially if it is designed to hurt republicans.

    The country has healed most of the wounds created by 100 years of Jim Crow laws, segregation and racial violence by the democrats. It has been a tool of the democrat party to pick at the scabs of racial intolerance which they created to foment racial unrest for political gain.

    Shame on the democrat party for it's racism.

  3. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Clearly, you are averse to discussing the thread's topic: the current support and endorsements from neo-nazis and white supremacists for Donald Trump in the coming election.

    Your ploys to avoid honestly addressing it are blatantly transparent.
  4. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I'm responding to the logic you utilized to link Donald Trump to neo-nazis and white supremacists. That you couldn't consistently apply the same logic to tie Barack Obama, someone you support, with black supremacists and domestic terrorists, shows how transparent your argument is.
  5. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Your raving does not allow you to hide from the current matter.

    Neo-nazis and white supremacists are now supporting and endorsing Trump in the coming presidential election. Thus, the relevance of this thread.

    You can blithely mince down Memory Lane, but there is no escaping the present.

    Hardcore Trumpies may refuse to confront reality, but not everyone is pretending the support from avowed racists does not exist:

    If you can refute any of the above citations, or have an alternative explanation as to why white supremacists are supporting Trump, please address the matter.
  6. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    You may suspect that Barack Obama is running for election in 2016, but no, neither he nor any of his predecessors are currently being supported or endorsed by anyone .

    Can you confront Trump's support by neo-nazis and white supremacists in the 2016 election? Are there similar organisations supporting and endorsing any other candidate?
  7. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Actually, I don't suspect that. Strawman.

    I don't see a reason to give your argument any credence whatsoever since you are unable to apply it consistently between Democrats and Republicans. It simply reveals too much about your own personal character to suspect it has any real relevancy.
  8. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I think it is important since this Thread raises the issue of the Klan that we study the history of the Klan and it's origins. There have been three Klans, each separate and distinct. The Original Klan, The Second Klan of the 1920s, and The Third Klan. All three Klans were started by the democrats. The Third and current Klan was started by the democrats in response to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950's and 60's.

    The Klan that flourished in the 1920s was the second Ku Klux Klan. It is estimated that it's members reach somewhere between 4 and 5 million. It was not just confined to the South, and was popular in the Midwest as well. It existed as a legally chartered entity from 1915 to 1944, a total of 29 years. It was strongly supported by the democrat party. Woodrow Wilson played the first movie in the White House, Birth of a Nation the pro-Klan movie. Wilson segregated the federal civilian service and fired many blacks.

    There have been Republicans have a record of opposition to the KKK. Calvin Coolidge (the person in your avatar) for instance insisted that no KKK members get a job within his administration. He met with black leaders and editors and addressed their concerns on a number of racial issues. He sought out the black vote. Upon becoming president, he pushed for passage of anti-lynching legislation. He took a number of actions to relieve injustices to black Americans.


    The Third and current Klan was started by the democrats in response to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's and 60's. It is estimated that it may have up to 5,000 members.

    Some democrats who want to demagogue the race issue claim that the current KKK, Stormfront and David Duke are drawn to Trump because of Trump's stance against illegal immigration which is an odd theory because the democrat party and many of it's current leaders (Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton) were against it as well until very recently. In fact, many still endorse a plan to reform immigration.
  9. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    You refuse to discuss the current support for Donald Trump by neo-nazis and white racists, and are upset by it being reported and folks discussing it.

    Well, no matter how often to contrive to derail threads concerning the topic, you won't be able to suppress it.
  10. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Are you claiming Trump and Duke keep company together? And yes as many Democrats supporters will be racist as Republicans so what is the point?
  11. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    The number of Neo-Nazis and white supremacists left over from the democrat's radical terrorist wing of the KKK are very few in number. The former Democrat David Duke is just a tool of the democrat party. He's still doing their bidding by trying to make republicans look bad.

    But once again we see that some wish to flame bait and demagogue the issues with smear campaigns on the GOP and republicans. If Bobby Jindal were in the lead, David Duke would be doing the democrat's bidding by endorsing Jindal just to give the democrats some headlines and an opportunity to stir up racial hatred and tensions. What will democrats do if Ben Carson is the GOP nominee? Have David Duke endorse him? This is dangerous behavior and is putting the lives of police officers at risk. Three more have been murdered this last week.

    Their blood is on the hands of ignorant people who are trying to stir up racial animosity for political gain.

    What is most shameful, is that the democrat party is the creator of the KKK and the remnant of their creation lives on in Democrat KKK David Duke and his white supremacist organizations. When Duke changed to the republican party, the party disavowed him and endorsed his democrat opponent. Something Alfonzo Rachel leave off of his Vlog:

  12. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Any poor attempt to stir up racial hatred, violence and animosity by the left has hereby been duly noted.

    I think the fear mongering about a vast majority of the American public rising up to suddenly become a bunch of neo-nazis and white racist is vastly overblown. It is just a scare tactic to get blacks in the #blacklivesmatter movement to go out and riot and murder more police officers. Now that is a race problem that we are having. And some leftist antagonists have been quite successful at getting police officers killed as of late.

    The real derailing of this and the other threads is some people who are making hay out of false narratives and images of a resurgence of the democrats KKK marches across the country like they had in 1924 at the democrat national convention. I guess that could occur. After all, the reason the democrats chose Philadelphia must be because of the recent popularity of The Klan.
  13. justonemorevoice

    justonemorevoice Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Quick, act surprised. Without even reading a single reply I predict:

    1. Many tightie righties will say he's a Democrat.
    2. Many tightie righties will agree without whatever spews from his big mouth.
    3. Many tightie righties will deny he's still racist.
  14. mtlhdtodd

    mtlhdtodd Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Wisdom is strong with this one!!! :applause::applause:

    oh and I like his t-shirt.
  15. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Current, documented, irrefutable: Neo-nazis, white supremacists, endorsing and supporting Trump in the 2016 presidential election, NOW.

    You can run from it, but you can't hide from it.
  16. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    That is because David Duke is a democrat and he does their bidding.

    The KKK is the democrat's terrorist wing. To this day, the democrat party has never apologized for their racist past, for creating the KKK, or for their support of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and violence against blacks.

  17. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    [MENTION=61067]Natty Bumpo[/MENTION] Has anti-KKK, pro-Civil Rights, GOP President Calvin Coolidge as his avatar and spends all of his energy trying to smear the same GOP of Calvin Coolidge, all the while defending the pro-KKK anti-Civil Rights, pro-lynching, Democrat party that Calvin Coolidge opposed. Why doesn't he have Woodrow Wilson or FDR as his avatar?

    But you're right. I doubt he's ever protested La Raza, The Nation of Islam or the Black Panthers.

  18. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Not exactly true but anyone that supports immigration laws that provide preferential treatment for "whites" is unquestionably a racist. Both our pre-1965 quota system based upon national origin, overwhelmingly white, and our immigration laws since 1965 based upon family connections to US citizens, overwhelmingly white, are inherently biased towards white immigration and disparage immigration by non-whites and are racist laws. If a person supports laws that are inherently racist then it's logical to conclude they're a racist.
  19. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    It is when you claim that everyone entering a country who is of a certain race or from a certain country are all rapists, murderers, and drug smugglers, like Trump did with Mexicans.

    Trump is pandering to the racists because he knows other Republicans must do it as well. Republicans always pander to the very far right to get the nomination, because the far right always vote in the primaries in higher numbers than moderates. Trump will win the nomination, and to do so he is doing what the conservatives throughout history have done....exploit peoples' fear of change and anything different.

    In the 1800's, conservatives pandered to people's misrust of the Chinese to get elected, by bashing Chinese immigrants and promising to deport them all. One of the biggest talking points was that Chinese immigrants were nothing but rapists and opium smugglers who want to steal jobs from Americans. The only job Chinese workers usually got was railway construction, which was severely dangerous, and white workers usually were unwilling to do it. Sound familiar? That is exactly what Trump, and almost every other GOP candidate, is doing now with Mexicans.
  20. Independant thinker

    Independant thinker Banned

    Aug 7, 2015
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    I would have thought it had something to do with business. I have been predicting for a long time, the GOP have been looking for a way to slow down immigration.

    It's interesting. ..
  21. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Therefor as the OP states we can conclude Obama supporters are anti-white racists that call for the killing of whites, cops and cracker babies.

    Under these circumstances who could blame whites for not wanting large immigration from groups that feel that way.....apart from the anti-white racists, of course they'd blame them, its what they do.
  22. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    White (WASP) Male Supremacy, the status quo, cannot endure forever in the United States because it goes against the ideology America was founded upon and the US Constitution. That doesn't imply that the "social conservative" that seeks to retain the status quo isn't going to fight tooth and nail against every attempt to erode White (WASP) Male Supremacy. The examples are endless. We had slavery when this nation was founded and it was the "status quo" that the social conservatives of the South attempted to retain. We allowed non-citizens to vote but only as long as they were overwhelming White (WASP) Males and then the social conservatives revoked the Right to Vote for non-citizens. We allowed open immigration as long as it was overwhelmingly White (WASP) Males and then we closed our borders to non-whites. We even granted automatic citizenship based upon two years of residency in the United States but only for whites under the 1790 Naturalization Act. Today the racists of the Republican Party want to even revoke natural born citizenship to the children of immigrants because predominately they're "not white" and that's so racist that it's beyond belief.

    The United States is comprised of all of the people, citizens and non-citizens alike, that have made the United States their home and anyone that's focused on how many "whites" there are is really a racist at heart.

    Mexican immigrants come to the United States to become Americans and not to change America into Mexico. If they preferred living in Mexico they wouldn't be coming here in the first place. They come here for the very same reason that our "white" forefathers did and that's to escape the oppression of their native lands and to seek the liberty, freedom and opportunity that the United States offers. The last thing they want to do is change America into their former "homeland" that they've already abandoned.

    A false assumption because the foundation for America has always been the poorest, neediest and most uneducated people of the world where they come to America to overcome poverty, to prosper, and many become the most educated people of the world. The history of the United States is filled with the stories of success for the poorest, neediest, and mostly uneducated immigrants and their children once they came to the United States.

    Andrew Carnegie immigrated to the United States with his family in 1848. They were extremely poor and basically uneducated and yet Andrew Carnegie became one of the greatest industrialists in United States history. How many people like Andrew Carnegie have we prohibited from immigrating to the United States because their name happened to be Mendoza or Sanchez and they happened to be non-WASP's?
  23. TRFjr

    TRFjr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2013
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    hate to burst you little liberal bubble and and utterly destroy you attemot of the narratice the gop front runner is a racist the democrats do year after year you can only pull that sham so many times before it gets old and worn out and people get tired of hearing it

    so lets see your head explode are you ready I hope you are sitting down don't want you to hurt your self when you fall out after you have read the latest poll

    New Poll Finds Donald Trump Beating Hillary in Head-to-Head Matchup

    the poll they are speaking of

    now scroll down ypu will see Trump is getting 25% of the black vote and 31% of the Hispanic vote when was the last time a republican got that many black vote what was it Romney got what like 3% of the black vote
  24. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Overwhelmingly we, the American People, have been calling for the immigration laws to be changed for over a decade and there's only one party standing in the way of that. The Republicans in Congress know our immigration laws suck but refuse to change them. They've had legislation laid at their feet that all they needed to do was approve it and have refused to even bring it to a vote.

    They don't want to change the immigration laws, even though they know the laws suck, because it would allow more "Mexicans" to be legally in the country and they hate Mexicans because they're racists.
  25. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Your desperate attempt to disinter bygone days as you seek refuge from the compelling immediacy of here and now is amusing.

    Should we fancy that all the neo-nazis and white supremacists proclaiming their support for and declaring their endorsements of Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election have been sleepers in a vast left-wing conspiracy, under deep cover and dormant since the civil rights era?

    Should we entertain the Angry White Guys' bizarre conceit that the vast majority of Black Americans and Hispanic Americans are so incredibly ignorant that they overwhelmingly support their own political oppression by their party preference?

    I think you may have actually succeeded in soliciting a hearty laugh from both decent Americans and the racist right-wing nutters so enthused about reality tv celebrity, The Great Flatu.

    It might be far less comical if you honestly confronted the present support and endorsements for Donald Trump by neo-nazis and white supremacists, and try to explain why they are in some mysterious manner mistaken in their avowed allegiance.

    As it is, you might well be suspected as a lefty co-conspirator in positing such ludicrous distractive gambits.

    They are supporting him.


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