French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson dies at 89

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by MGB ROADSTER, Oct 23, 2018.

  1. Mamasaid

    Mamasaid Banned

    Jul 5, 2018
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    That is not a death threat, by any measure.
  2. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Did you argue that out with a moderator?
  3. Mamasaid

    Mamasaid Banned

    Jul 5, 2018
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    No, why? Do you feel threatened? You shouldn't. It's just an opinion.
  4. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    You just keep lying your butt off. Krege had a half a day of using the gpr for the first time. He NEVER PUBLISHED HIS FINDINGS. He just put out a bunch of idiot videos and bullshit statements.

    Do you have a link to his results? Do you have gifs of the gpr scans? Do you have a map of the ground he actually covered? Do you have the records of his dealings with the treblinka museum authorities? Do you have ANY actual evidence other than this bullshit to support his idiotic claims?

    No of course not. Because you can't acknowledge the actual truth when you are pushing denialist jew hating propaganda. Typical.

    Krege was an engineer. He was 30 years old in 1999 when he conducted his "research" on behalf of the Adelaide Institute - that well known jew hating bunch of nazi apologists. He wasn't even remotely qualified to conduct an archaeological project, let alone interpret the results of the gpr which he had NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE WITH. And he NEVER PUBLISHED!

    Caroline Sturdy Colls (born 1985) is a Professor Conflict Archaeology and Genocide Investigation at Staffordshire University specializing in Holocaust studies, identification of human remains, forensic archaeology and crime scene investigation. She serves as Director for the Centre of Archaeology there, but also undertakes consultancy for the UK Police forces. Her main area of interest is the methodology of investigation into the Holocaust and genocidemurder sites with special consideration given to ethical and religious norms associated with the prohibition of excavating a grave.[1][2][3][4]

    Your rinse and repeat is to be expected. Likewise you not grasping that I will never extend courtesy to people engage in the intellectual bankruptcy of jew hating holocaust denial.
  5. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    You just keep pushing this bullshit even tho its been debunked countless times. LIke the good little "revisionist" you are.

  6. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    I have a thick skin, but others might feel offended. It certainly is not an appropriate expression in a multi-ethnic/cultural forum.

    "Deniers should drop dead immediately."
    In your opinion then, I could substitute the word "Deniers" with any other group of people, couldn't I? For instance, how would it sound if I used the word "Moderators", or "Jews"? Offensive?
    Get what I mean?
  7. Mamasaid

    Mamasaid Banned

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Correct, and nobody should take that as a threat.

    Given your incredibly horrible postings in this thread, I have a hard time believing you care much about anyone being offended about anything. So I will chalk this up to theater. Goodbye.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
  8. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Just like you were unable to find just one instance in which I have expressed what you call "jew hatred", you are also unable to cite just one instance in which my exposing holocaustian hucksterism has been debunked.

    Throughout this thread, I've exposed your telling numerous lies & in spite of your bombast, slander & insults you've lost all credibility.

    If the innumerable refutations of holocaust mythology were "bullshit", why haven't you won the $100,000- reward offered:


    EXCERPT "It is alleged in orthodox historiography that; during WW II - hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of corpses were buried in numerous “huge mass graves” at Belzec, Chelmno, Ponary, Sobibor and Treblinka II. However, despite all the deceptive allegations to the contrary, the truth is; the largest (in terms of quantity of remains) of the - one hundred - graves / cremation pits that are alleged to have been scientifically proven to currently exist at these sites, in which verified human remains have been tangibly located via bona fide, verifiably honest and conclusively documented archaeology; contained the remains of - ONLY SIX PEOPLE.

    Those who believe they can refute any statement of fact articulated on this web page are invited to accept




    For proving - just 1 / 1,000 of 1% - of the criminally fraudulent buried remains allegations" CONTINUED
  9. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Why did you shorten my last post?

    "Deniers should drop dead immediately."

    In your opinion then, I could substitute the word "Deniers" with any other group of people, couldn't I? For instance, how would it sound if I used the word "Moderators", or "Jews"? Offensive?

    What is your response to that?
    Grau likes this.
  10. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Your Nizkor "Holocaust® Hucksterism For Idiots" handbook won't change the fact that you cannot show just one Post of mine that you've ever refuted.

    If "millions were gassed" in "homicidal gas chambers", where is just one of the hundreds that would have been needed to execute "millions"?

    Why wasn't there any mention of "mass industrialized exterminations" or "homicidal gas chambers" in intercepted German radio transmissions, or post war books by Eisenhower, Churchill or de Gaulle?

    “THE HOLOCAUST NARRATIVE” by Nicholas Kollerstrom

    EXCERPT “In 1941, British Intelligence analysts cracked the German “Enigma” code. This undermined the German war effort—but also threw new light on day-by-day events in the Nazi concentration camp system. Between January 1942 and January 1943, encrypted radio communications between those camps and the Berlin headquarters were intercepted and decrypted.

    Oddly enough, historians have largely ignored the information furnished in these intercepts relating to “arrivals,” “departures,” recorded deaths and other events at these camps.The only reasonable explanation is that the intercepted data contradicts, even refutes, the orthodox “Holocaust” narrative.

    The information does not expose a program of mass murder and racial genocide. Quite the opposite: it reveals that the Germans were determined, desperate even, to reduce the death rate in their work camps, which was caused by catastrophic typhus epidemics.”CONTINUED
  11. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I was able to view it in its entirety yesterday but can certainly understand why the multi billion dollar Holocaust Industry would use all its influence in censoring it in some locations.

    The video exposes the fraudulence of Holocaust Industry hireling, Sturdy Colls & her mistake of confusing a makers mark on some tiles with the Star of David and thereby assuming that the pile of rubble must have been "homicidal gas chambers".

    The video also shows the remains of a swimming pool unmentioned in the theatrical Smithsonian melodrama about her failed "findings".

    She (Colls) also found a prehistoric sharks tooth but, out of the alleged 850,000 skeletal remains, she finds nothing.
    The video also interviews Jewish visitors who came to empty recently cremated remains of loved ones at the sites claimed to be "mass graves".

    The young Holocaust Industry hireling considered these recently dumped cremated remains as "proof" that there are large mass graves "somewhere".

    I just checked it a minute ago and it's still working here on my computer.

  12. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Well, you know how obsessed they are where I live!
    Your new movie you posted here in this email, "The Twentieth Century Hoax" is fine for me to watch.
    Thank you for that. The voice of the narrator reminds me very strongly of the voice of David Cole, it probably is him, who went to Auschwitz with Zundel. He later received death threats and was forced to retract his earlier statements. I will find news about him and let you know what he is doing now.
    Anyway, while I was searching I came upon a video docu with William Montel, Mark Weber and David Cole from 1992, which fits right into our discussions here:

    In the show a certain Mr. Michael Thaler is willing to mortgage his house and offer
    $50 000 to anyone who can prove there were no gas chambers.

    A young Ukrainian came forward and asked, when will he get compensation for the millions of his ancestors murdered by Jews? You know, what is good for the goose....;)
    Grau likes this.
  13. Mamasaid

    Mamasaid Banned

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Of course, that would be different. I have different opinions of those groups. But I certainly would not be offended, either way .
  14. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    <<<< Holocaust Revisionist David Cole resurfaces 15 years later as GOP Darling 'David Stein'

    Does anyone here remember David Cole, the handsome Jewish boy from around Los Angeles, who went on a tour to Auschwitz with German revisionist Ernst Zundel? The video he made of that visit has been described as the most effective debunking of the 'holohoax' six-million-gassed myth. Unfortunately, it is no longer available, at least not where I live. It was probably too hot for the official holocaust promoters. It earned him a death threat from the Jewish Defense League, a militant, violent group.

    In January 1998, wanting to start anew, Cole wrote a letter to the JDL, recanting his views.
    The threat was lifted. Cole, his credibility shredded on all sides, adopted the name Stein, chosen because it was simple and short, he said. Only a few close friends knew the secret.

    BUT... after 15 years he resurfaced and told the Guardian "The best guess is yes, there were gas chambers... But there is still a lot of murkiness about the camps. I haven't changed my views. But I regret I didn't have the facility with language that I have now. I was just a kid."

    And this is how he ends his apology for his earlier expressed views about the holocaust:

    I am thankful for being given the opportunity to make this statement. This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite willingly, even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League for the widest possible distribution. This statement is the most current and accurate compilation of my views, and it supersedes an previous writings, videos, or statements. It is my hope that there will be no more confusion as to where I stand. I thank you for letting me set the record straight.

    David Cole

    Read full statement here:
    David Cole in 2013... a sad-looking man, his jaw and nose look out of joint... or is it just my imagination??
    Grau likes this.
  15. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    O.k., let's put it to rest now.
  16. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    What other people do you feel should die because of their beliefs & why should "deniers" of just one of innumerable equal or greater mass tragedies "...drop dead immediately."?

    Your comment is far more revealing about your own belief system than you realize but is meaningless without clarifying specifically what a "denier" is or believes.
    Jazz likes this.
  17. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Your responses don't address any of the facts I presented in my Post #343 & subsequent posts and now you appear to have scurried away because there is absolutely no evidence of the 850,000 skeletal remains that would have remained if 850,000 people had been gassed, buried, dug up, burned on funeral pyres made of millions of railroad ties, over 13 million gallons of precious gasoline & then covered again.

    If we are to believe holocaust mythology, this monumental task was to had been done by starved & weakened inmates at the same time they were gassing almost 6,000 people per day

    Even with modern cremation technology, skeletal remains are left that are later pulverized(1) however there is no evidence of 850,000 skeletons being pulverized or a bone crushing machine even existing at Treblinka.

    You omitted the fact that independent engineer Richard Krege who was unaware that permission was required closely examined all locations where the "mass graves" were supposed to be with GPR & ground augers & his team found nothing after looking for 3 weeks.

    Even Holocaust Industry hireling who was sent to Treblinka found no skeletal remains except in marked Christian burial grounds that had been used to bury people since the 11th century.

    In keeping with the arrogant double standard, disturbing Christian burial grounds is perfectly OK with minions of the Holocaust Industry.

    Both she (Colls) & the mainstream Smithsonian institute were red faced(3) at assuming they had found the "gas chamber" because the confused a makers mark on some tiles with the Star of David and yet you call Krege an "idiot".

    Finally, you've repeatedly claimed to be an expert in hawking the standard holocaust narrative but appear to have been scared off by:




    For proving - just 1 / 1,000 of 1% - of the criminally fraudulent buried remains allegations" CONTINUED

    (1) "9 Things About Cremation"

    EXCERPT "2. You don’t get ash back. What’s really returned to you is the person’s skeleton. Once you burn off all the water, soft tissue, organs, skin, hair, cremation container/casket, etc., what you’re left with is bone. When complete, the bones are allowed to cool to a temperature that they can be handled and are placed into a processing machine. It looks like a mean margarita blender, and they are processed down to the consistency of ash, where they get their misnomer name."CONTINUED

    (2) "The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax"

    (3) Smithsonian Red-Faced after “Treblinka Star of David Tiles” Shown to be Not Jewish At All"
    EXCERPT "On this basis—that tiles had “Stars of David” on them—the narrator of the video then asserts that “Treblinka eye-witnesses have identified tiles just like these.

    “Now for the first time, Caroline and her team have hard evidence confirming the existence of the gas chambers,” the narrator adds. (See the clip below for verification).

    Unfortunately for the Smithsonian, Colls and Schute, the “Star of David” to which they refer is nothing of the sort.

    Firstly, the symbol—a six pointed solid star, with a dot in its center, surrounded by a circle, and with a clear “D” letter to its right, is imprinted on the back of the tile—which means that wherever it would have been placed, the symbol would have been cemented onto the floor, and would not have been visible.

    This makes Colls’s claim that the symbol was there to “make people think they were going somewhere safe” complete nonsense."CONTINUED
    Jazz likes this.
  18. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    rinse and repeat bullshit.

    Facts are irrelevant. Fallacious logic predominates. Incompetence abounds. Hate motivates.

    This thread is like visting the zoo to see that particularly rare specimen - the denialist in all its glorious intellectual bankruptcy.
    Caligula likes this.
  19. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    I see, "Mamasaid" hasn't come forward yet to clarify the word "denier"... of course meant here is specifically a "holocaust denier"!
    I will attempt to tackle that challenge:

    It is always good to go straight to the source to get the proper answer, an answer that will satisfy the Jewish people. It looks like a special forum was formed for this purpose...

    International Forum Regulates Holocaust Denial

    The International Alliance for Holocaust remembrance (IHRA), comprised of 31 member states, the UN and UNESCO have accepted a universal definition of holocaust denial.

    According to Gideon Bachar, the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry department for the fight against antisemitism, who represented Israel in the discussions, the newly accepted definition of a holocaust denier is anyone

    who doubts the number of Jews killed,
    who denies the existence of the gas chambers, as well as anyone
    who claims the Jews have brought on the holocaust intentionally, to serve their own ends, such as the establishment of the State of Israel, and also anyone
    who includes the 1939-1945 holocaust among other great tragedies in human history.

    However, according to Wikipedia, In 2007 the IHRA expanded its thematic mandate to
    include the genocide of the Roma.

    On January 29, 2000, the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust was attended by 23 Heads of State or Prime Ministers, and 14 deputy Prime Ministers or Ministers from 46 governments. Yehuda Bauer headed the academic committee, and Elie Wiesel was the Honorary Chairman of the forum. A joint declaration was unanimously adopted, as follows:

    1. The Holocaust (Shoah) fundamentally challenged the foundations of civilization. The unprecedented character of the Holocaust will always hold universal meaning. After half a century, it remains an event close enough in time that survivors can still bear witness to the horrors that engulfed the Jewish people. The terrible suffering of the many millions of other victims of the Nazis has left an indelible scar across Europe as well.

    2. The magnitude of the Holocaust, planned and carried out by the Nazis, must be forever seared in our collective memory. The selfless sacrifices of those who defied the Nazis, and sometimes gave their own lives to protect or rescue the Holocaust’s victims, must also be inscribed in our hearts. The depths of that horror, and the heights of their heroism, can be touchstones in our understanding of the human capacity for evil and for good.

    3. With humanity still scarred by genocide, ethnic cleansing, racism, antisemitism and xenophobia, the international community shares a solemn responsibility to fight those evils. Together we must uphold the terrible truth of the Holocaust against those who deny it. We must strengthen the moral commitment of our peoples, and the political commitment of our governments, to ensure that future generations can understand the causes of the Holocaust and reflect upon its consequences.

    4. We pledge to strengthen our efforts to promote education, remembrance and research about the Holocaust, both in those of our countries that have already done much and those that choose to join this effort.

    5. We share a commitment to encourage the study of the Holocaust in all its dimensions. We will promote education about the Holocaust in our schools and universities, in our communities and encourage it in other institutions.

    6. We share a commitment to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and to honor those who stood against it. We will encourage appropriate forms of Holocaust remembrance, including an annual Day of Holocaust Remembrance, in our countries.

    7. We share a commitment to throw light on the still obscured shadows of the Holocaust. We will take all necessary steps to facilitate the opening of archives in order to ensure that all documents bearing on the Holocaust are available to researchers.

    8. It is appropriate that this, the first major international conference of the new millenium, declares its commitment to plant the seeds of a better future amidst the soil of a bitter past. We empathize with the victims’ suffering and draw inspiration from their struggle. Our commitment must be to remember the victims who perished, respect the survivors still with us, and reaffirm humanity’s common aspiration for mutual understanding and justice.

    The stated aims of the IHRA are to mobilize and coordinate political and social leaders’ support for Holocaust education, remembrance, and research at national and international levels.
    That's it, Ladies and Gentlemen, the game is over! Let's close this discussion before "Mamasaid" or "Jonsa" have us shot!
    We live in a world where free speech and free thinking are "verboten", being muscled and criminalized.
    I like to remind you of the little old lady in Germany, Ursula Haverbeck, 90 years old who had to go to jail! It's not a nightmare - it is real!
  20. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I have never demanded that holocaust deniers be shot. I'd be perfectly happy if they'd just crawl back under their rocks and fling their excrement amongst themselves.

    Yep a little old nazi lady who was obnoxious in her jew hate and nazi apologism and who KNOWINGLY kept spouting her bullshit. Seems fascists and jew haters only believe in consequences and personal responsibility for others.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2018
  21. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Of course you're angry & full of hate.
    I've just debunked one of your favorite fairy tales, exposed your "expert", C.S. Colls to be a blatantly bias bungler who found nothing of the 850,000 skeletal remains & no evidence of a steam or homicidal gas chamber as claimed by a corrupt & profit driven Holocaust Industry that has a well established history of promoting grisly frauds, altering photographs & inflating casualty numbers for extortion purposes.

    The only hate exhibited has been on the part of professionally duped holocaustian cult members as exemplified by death wishes along with your hysterical slurs & unfounded slander toward anyone exercising the capacity for independent thought.

    Unlike you, I've calmly supported the facts throughout our exchange with credible sources you have been entirely unable to refute.

    As far as "intellectual bankruptcy" goes, few pronouncements exceed the absurdity of your assertions that:

    1. "Denialism is predicated on jew hatred." (Post # 308

    2. "NO, an extensive ventilation system was not necessary." (for gas chambers) Post # 305

    Re: 1."Denialism is predicated on jew hatred." (Post # 308
    In spite of repeated requests, you have been entirely unable to find just one Post in which I have expressed anything negative about the Jewish people.....ever.
    Just because certain Jewish individuals have attempted to monopolize "The Holocaust®" & succeeded in funneling virtually all of the $ Billions in reparations to Israel & the Jewish Holocaust Industry doesn't negate the fact far more non Jews met equal or more horrific fates during WW2.
    Sorry, the holocaust is not "about" just "the Jews" unless you hold the racist notion that only Jewish suffering counts.

    Re: 2. "NO, an extensive ventilation system was not necessary." (for gas chambers) Post # 305

    Even though not a single homicidal gas chamber, blue print, drawing or photo of a homicidal gas chamber exists, hundreds of them would have been required to gas "millions of people" but not one has been found.
    Delousing chambers, like those around the world, have been found but no evidence of "industrialized homicidal gassing".
    If there were "systematic mass gassings", the deadly fumes would have to be quickly removed to clear the room for the next victims but the only ventilation systems are shown in models at the innumerable grisly holocaust theme parks around the world.

    Finally, nothing denigrates the credibility of the standard holocaust narrative any more than criminalizing its open discussion & honest examination.
    What sort of "truth" needs laws to protect it?
  22. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    "WHERE ARE THE: "...fascists and jew haters..."


    Even a cursory perusal of this thread reveals that you are the only one desperately "flinging excrement" because you cannot refute anything contrary to the standard holocaust narrative that's been both written & supported.
    Of course you want independent thinkers to ...just crawl back under their rocks... because you cannot defend the fictitious standard holocaust narrative in a free & open discussion.

    The standard holocaust fable: "6 million Jews executed", "homicidal gas chambers" etc cannot withstand honest examination & open discussion so that's why the corrupt & profit driven Holocaust Industry pushes for laws against free speech.

    Rather than frenetically typing meaningless hate filled tantrums about imaginary "...fascists and jew haters...", a more noble undertaking would be to concern yourself with impoverished holocaust survivors who have also been defrauded by the corrupt Holocaust Industry in multiple instances(1),(2),(3).

    If you really want everyone who does not believe the standard holocaust narrative to "crawl under a rock", it must have to be a very large rock to accommodate the far greater number of disbelievers who vastly outnumber professionally deceived holocaustian cult members(4).


    EXCERPT "Writing to the Claims Conference’s board last week, recently terminated ombudsman Shmuel Hollander asserted that, while reports had said organizational insiders had siphoned off $57 million in German taxpayer funds meant for survivors, “the final sum is in all probability much higher.”CONTINUED

    (2) "15 months after reparations paid, Holocaust survivors have yet to see money"

    EXCERPT "It was touted as a historic moment, when survivors would finally be compensated for a French railroad's role in the Holocaust."CONTINUED

    (3) "Holocaust survivors struggling to make ends meet in Israel"


    EXCERPT “This is the most staggering statistic in a new survey by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of more than 53,000 people in over 100 countries, conducted by First International Resources.

    Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts.

    Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth.

    Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."

    - Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated.

    - people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted”CONTINUED
  23. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Yep, you got it in one. I am extremely bigoted against holocaust denying, jew hating, nazi apologists.

    Your bullshit is as expected. Absolute nonsense sprinkled with some isolated facts spun into a narrative that only an idiot or conspiracy theory nut, or a true bigot could possibly swallow.

    If you think the denialist's opinion is worthy of any kind of respect, you are sadly mistaken.

    People should always feel free to believe whatever they want, but when they start spouting "fake history" they should expect negative reactions to such emotional and intellectual bankruptcy. But I do understand how, to many, eating bullshit provides justification for all kinds of hatred and prejudice. Thanks for the demo.
  24. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Eleison Comments
    by His Excellency Richard Williamson

    True Hero
    November 10, 2018

    Thank you, Professor, for your noble life.
    Rest now, rest after such ignoble strife.

    On October 21 there died in France one of the few real heroes that our poor modern world could still boast of, Professor Robert Faurisson, in Vichy, France. He was a real hero because in a world of lies he stood with unfailing courage and scrupulous accuracy for truth, on a matter of decisive importance for all mankind. He was repaid with the loss of his job, with the suffering of his family, with ten personal and physical attacks one of which left him for dead, with isolation in his profession and with a relentless series of judicial attacks on the part of his bitter enemies, and yet he maintained towards them a constant courtesy and respect. This way of life he maintained for more than 40 years, never wavering in his service of the truth.

    He died on the field of battle, just after returning home from giving one last public conference which was due to be his swansong, in Shepperton, England, the town of his birth nearly ninety years ago. There he spoke with a friend from Italy, who has left us this account of their conversation:

    “The Professor was as clear-sighted, as balanced and unbowed as ever, but he was tired, very tired, so frail as to seem almost transparent, with the feeling that his task was over. Indeed this super-brave man had achieved everything he was meant to achieve.”

    And the friend continues, “He leaves behind him an immense contribution to the Revisionist cause [ . . . ] Enemies filled with hate sought to stop him from writing, from living, but he always stood up again, not deflecting by a millimeter from his fearless pursuit of the truth.”

    Many readers of these “Comments” know what “Revisionism” is about, and why it is of such importance to all men, including Catholics. As George Orwell said, “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their understanding of their history.”

    Revisionists are historians who see people all over the world being destroyed today by an untrue version of their history, especially of the Second World War, so they do what they can to restore the truth of history. For – again Orwell – “Who controls the past controls the future . . .
    meaning that whoever writes the history books controls the future, by the influence that history has on people’s minds,

    “. . . and who controls the present controls the past,” meaning that if the political masters of the moment use their power to control the history books, then they control the future.

    Now the people who hold world-wide power today over politics and the media are people who want the godless New World Order, and they fully understand George Orwell. Therefore they have fabricated a hugely false version of World War Two history to go with a complete fabricated religion to replace Christianity.
    Now if truth did not matter, and if Christianity did not matter, as many people today think, then they should have no problem with the New World Order taking over, but they will in fact suffer a worldwide tyranny as a result, a prelude to the Antichrist.
    However Solzhenitsyn, enlightened by Russia’s horrendous 72 years of suffering under godless Communism, warned against building a nation, a continent or a world on lies.
    Likewise Professor Faurisson had a horror of people building on lies, and he gave his life to re-establishing the truth. The persecution that he underwent for tens of years for telling the truth was the proof from his miserable enemies of the importance and efficacy of what he was doing.

    Nor did he promise himself any Heavenly reward for his dedication to truth, because he professed himself to be an atheist. Yet he loved children, was glad of blessings and never repudiated them. Now, as a sister of his pointed out, after going in front of a series of unjust judges who have nearly all buckled under to the New World Order, he has gone in front of the Supreme Just Judge, Our divine Lord Himself. How will Our Lord have judged him? Two things are certain: one, nothing in all the rest of his life will have been remotely as important as that judgment, and two, he merited greatly by men, but that is not the same thing as to merit by God. May he at the very last moment have been given a special grace of conversion, not impossible for God. Mt XXI, 28–29 gives us more than the right to hope and to pray for the eternal salvation of his soul.

    Kyrie eleison.
    If this story doesn't tell us clearly what is going on in the world, I don't know what will. He, Faurisson, and Ursula Haverbeck must have been 100% convinced of the falsity of the official story of WWII history. People don't martyr themselves for nothing!
    Rest in peace, old man! Maybe one day you will be proven right.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2018
  25. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Thanks for posting what reads like the tenets of some demented religious cult manifesto that demands blind & unthinking obedience & attempts to hijack The Holocaust® as the sole "property" of just one group by a few Jewish profiteers.

    While these crass profiteers have succeeded in extorting $Billions for marketing (holocaust theme parks), propaganda, (aka "education") and personal use, they have deliberately cheated deserving Jewish holocaust survivors & virtually excluded all non Jews from the $Billions collected.

    Fortunately, more and more people are thinking for themselves, exercising critical thought and rejecting specious holocaust lore. No one I know denies that the Roma, Communists, resistance fighters, Jews & others suffered miserably but younger generations seem to be rejecting some of the more outrageous lies that comprise the standard holocaust narrative(1)

    It has been said that America will not lose its freedoms due to an external invasion but that we will lose our freedoms from malevolent & dark influences from within. The thuggish JDL "Brownshirts" who assaulted Faurisson exemplify that same dark & malevolent elements that freedom loving Americans must reject if we are to preserve one of our most valued rights.

    (1) "SHOCK: District’s ‘critical thinking’ assignment led at least 50 students to conclude Holocaust never occurred"

    RIALTO, Calif. – An eighth-grade English assignment that was meant to develop students’ critical thinking skills has, instead, created some 50 new Holocaust deniers.

    In May, Rialto Unified School District leaders came under intense criticism after it was revealed the district’s roughly 2,000 eighth-grade students were given an in-class essay assignment in which they were asked to consider if the Holocaust was “an actual historical event” or if it might have been “a propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain.”

    One student declared there was no way the Holocaust occurred because the Nazis “would have had to have killed 187 people an hour in order to kill 6 million people. Therefore it is impossible.”

    Another flatly asserted that the Holocaust is “a profitable hoax made by the Jews to obtain land, money and power.”

    One student concluded: “With the evidence that was given to me, it clearly was obvious” that the Holocaust never occurred “and I wouldn’t know why anyone would think otherwise.”

    Several students based their skepticism on arguments put forth by discredited Holocaust denier Fred A. Leuchter, who has argued the Nazis never used gas chambers to kill Jews.

    One student wrote that if the Nazis “would have even experimented these so called gas chambers the Nazis would have died also, so I do not believe in gas chambers.”

    Another made a similar argument: “if gassing would have occurred everyone (nearby) would have died, because the floors had cracks in the floor and holes in the wall.”

    Still another asserted “there is no significant cyanide traces in any of the alleged gas chambers. So any open minded person can easily be persuaded to believe that the gassings were a Hoax.”

    Some students even used the “evidence” provided by their teachers to declare that “The Diary of Anne Frank” – the first-hand account of Nazi atrocities that students had been assigned to read earlier – was a fraud."CONTINUED

    Finally, refusing to believe the impossible exactly as related by proven frauds has absolutely nothing to do with disliking Jewish people or any other group of people. The right to form and express one's opinions is a cornerstone of of free societies around the world and only most repressive regimes censor people for "thought crimes"

    It is not only inexcusable for the Holocaust Industry to persecute someone for free speech, it also speaks volumes about the fragility of the standard holocaust narrative that it needs laws to inhibit its examination & prohibit its open discussion.

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