Google turned on secure search even while not signed in Google account

Discussion in 'Computers & Tech' started by fastlane, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. fastlane

    fastlane New Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Early June - It was revealed that NSA was working to some tech companies to access information on targets and Americans and Google was one of them. Although they denied it.

    Previously - encrypted secure search is only available to those who are logged in to their Google account.

    Now - Google is rolling out encrypted secure search even when you are not logged in to your Google account.

    Is this a good move by Google to regain trust from people that is no doubt lost after the wake of the NSA leaks?

    In the online marketing world, this is a very bad news because the "keyword" that you type on Google search no longer appear on Google Analytics. Thus, marketers may not know what keywords are driving traffic to their website or clients.

    Any thoughts?

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