How our nation is changing

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by yes/no, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Repeat those eight things again please.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    What makes this a current event?

    This article was written the day after the election

    NEW YORK – A rabbi at of one of the largest Orthodox Jewish synagogues in the United States, known for his extreme right-wing views, has been chastised this week by prominent members of his community for a recent diatribe against United State President Barack Obama voters, in which he attacked him viciously and questioned the intelligence of those who had cast a ballot for him.

    “One might reasonably object that not every Obama supporter could be unintelligent,” Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, head of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey, wrote in his weekly blog right after the election results, which he termed “a nightmare,” were published. “But they must then rationally explain how the agenda can be paid for, aside from racking up multi-trillion dollar deficits.”

    So an extreme Right Wing Rabbi blames the loss on the 'takers' also.

    Great way to drive more voters to the Republicans. The Democratic Party should send him a thank you note.
  3. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Medicare is certainly problematic. Its a case where we have a revenue problem and not a spending problem. To maintain the Medicare benefits we need to increase tax revenues to support it.

    Gutting Medicare, which is what Paul Ryan has proposed, is not the solution.

    I don't believe that President Obama's proposal that was based upon reducing the costs by reducing payments to providers is viable either. Currently Medicare only pays 90% of the cost of medical services so we actually need to spend more money on the services being provided and not less.

    One way to increase revenues dramatically is to subject "capital gains" to the 15.3% "self-employment" tax that small business owners pay. This money goes to the Social Security Trust Fund that finances Social Security and Medicare. An investor really is a "business owner" related to their investments.

    Additionally we should eliminate the caps on the Self-Employment and FICA/Payroll taxes as that would also substantially increase revenue for both Social Security and Medicare that have revenue problems and not spending problems.
  4. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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    Yet, not one Obama policy is responsible for an uptick in the economy. One could argue that the economy would be even better off now, if he left things alone. I disagree with you on the percentage of Americans that support Obama's proposals. Obamacare is even more disliked today than when it was signed into law. Republicans do not want to gut anything. They want to see reforms to make these programs stay for the long term. Left alone, they will die.

    Blame the tax code for any issues you have with tax rates. I have no problem with eliminating the tax code, and going to a Flat or Fair tax. No loopholes to worry about. This will also make everyone a taxpayer, therby broadening the tax base significantly. The rich pay enough in taxes already. I went to a family brunch a few weeks ago, with an Uncle, who is a CEO of a company. We we're talking about taxes, and I jokingly asked him if he paid his fair share. He told me that he thinks a little over 3 million he paid in taxes last year was enough. I have to agree.

    Why don't you blame the welfare state that Democrats have created over the decades? Welfare has replaced whole families. A father is not needed anymore, just more kids to collect more welfare.

    I am sick and tired of hearing about racial discrimination. Show me where? There are more programs and incentives for minorities these days than ever. White males are having difficulty finding jobs because of reverse discrimination. Democrats and Republicans have been kissing Hispanic ass for years. What's going to happen when Whites eventually become a minority? Can we start the NAAWP? What about the White Caucus? The United White College Fund? White History month? If you want racism to end, then stop the special interest groups, organizations, etc.
  5. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    This is delusional stereotyping not based upon any facts or data. Here are some examples of why it's wrong and delusional.

    1. We're currently spending more on the US military than the next 13 top nations in the world spend on their military. America prides itself that it is more "efficient" than other nations so we can assume that we can provide a better national defense for the United States by only spending the same amount of slightly more what the next highest nation spends. In short we could literally cut US defense spending by 90% and still have the finest and most capable military in the world.

    2. The US spends about $100 billion annually related to the War on Drugs. We're #1 in the incarceration rate per capita in the world today (a dubious distinction for a nation dedicated to the "libery" of the People). The War on Drugs had not reduced drug usage in the United States, period, and has created much of the violent crime in the United States (just like alcohol prohibition created violent crime in the US). Ending the War on Drugs would not increase drug usage but would reduce the costs of law enforcement by $100 billion per year, it would cut the prison population in half, and would dramatically reduce violent crime.

    3. Conservatives, liberals, and libertarians all support energy independence. Far more oil is being domestically produced under the Obama adminstration than under the Bush Adminstration.

    4. The US economy does better under Democratic adminstrations historically with an average GDP growth of 4.2% as opposed to Republican adminstrations with a 2.6% GDP growth.

    5. While both Republicans and Democrats have racial prejudice the percentages are dramatically different when comparing racial perjudice where 78% of Republicans expressed explicit anti-black racial prejudice compared to 32% of Democrats. Racial prejudice leads to racial discrimination in the denial of equality of opportunity to minorities which is a violation of their inalienable Rights and adversely effects the US economy that, in turn, requires more "welfare" spending to mitigate the effects of the poverty.

    Of course I'm not a liberal, I'm a libertarian, but the claims by social-conservatives (that really aren't "conservatives" at all) are blatantly false in many cases. We could go on in exposing the lies but I believe people can see the point.
  6. Pgraphicx

    Pgraphicx New Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    We are changing because of the sick, the lame and the lazy. The lack of family values and accepting personal responsibility. This is what is wrong with America. Take a look at the people walking the streets and think that they are our future. I am 70 and my wife is 63 and we both are working. We go to work each day, don't call in sick and don't expect anything to be give to us. We will earm it just like our partent and family before them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    We are changing because of the sick, the lame and the lazy. The lack of family values and accepting personal responsibility. This is what is wrong with America. Take a look at the people walking the streets and think that they are our future. I am 70 and my wife is 63 and we both are working. We go to work each day, don't call in sick and don't expect anything to be give to us. We will earm it just like our partent and family before them.
  7. Terrapinstation

    Terrapinstation Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2009
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    Go back and read them. I know liberals are lazy, but I only work for you Monday thru Friday.
  8. SerenityJH77

    SerenityJH77 New Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    If that's the case then they have no choice than to accept that fact and voluntarily accept a different set of rules. No support unless they accept the change.
  9. Terrapinstation

    Terrapinstation Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2009
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    How much is Obama taking out of Medicare to fund Obamacare? Did you just happen to forget about that $800 billion? I'm sure the seniors, who paid into that their whole lives, are happy to have their services cut so some illegal immigrants can have healthcare.

    I agree with you on drugs and the military. Why don't you also mention education though? We spend more on education than anyone else, and unlike the military (which is the best in the world), our public education sucks.

    Despite liberals attempts to rewrite and misrepresent history, most people are smart enough to realize the racist past (and present) of democrats. Starting with slavery, continuing thru Jim Crow and the civil rights movement, and still going strong today. I thought trying to tell that lie was beneath you, but apparently not.
  10. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    If it's that easy then why don't the republicans do that? I guess they really don't want to win.
  11. one more clone

    one more clone Banned

    Mar 30, 2010
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    Republicans are conservatives and do things because they are hard, not easy.
  12. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    Clueless about what? Learn how to spell before calling others rIdiculous.
  13. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    the choice is yours
    I was being polite and asking you since I could not find what you were mentioning on this thread. However, if you want to be rude, nauseous, and impolite, I can treat you in the same regard as you treat others. The choice is yours.

    So, repeat the 8 things you mentioned or mention the post number, please.
  14. one more clone

    one more clone Banned

    Mar 30, 2010
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    Conflict is coming. Marx would be proud.

    Libs can have the coasts, we'll take the interior.

    But keep your drones out of our airspace.
  15. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    Right...right. And women deserve to be raped if they dress a certain way.

    "Officer, it wasn't my fault that darkie got beat up. He was acting all uppity!!"
  16. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Huddled together listening to their talk-show nannies, GOPers drunk on Kool Aid spiked with Capitaliban fatcat fatwas mumble the mind meld that the majority who voted against them are just lazy moochers. It is typical of those who believe in fantasies to justify themselves by always chanting that those who have to deal with reality are fools who don't know what is "really" going on.
  17. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    Would you please stop posting links to white supremacist sites? (Vanguard and Council of Conservative Citizens) I've already reported your posting of racial slurs. Go to Free Republic with that garbage. It doesn't belong here.
  18. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    So a plutocrat can bribe the coach to play his kid at quarterback? After all, "It's his money. The kid with most talent at quarterback should hate his Daddy for not getting rich and buying him that position." Just more of your hypocrisy, pretending to believe in fair competition determining winners and losers. Instead you really believe in "The Survival of the Fatherest." Of course, you know perfectly well that a lazy low-IQ draftdodger like Bush would have wound up living in a trailer park if he hadn't had his father setting him up all his life. Very few of your Heirhead heroes would have amounted to anything in a free employment market.
  19. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    Those cities are among the ones most stricken by extreme poverty. That is the real reason for the amount of crime. It's not rocket science. But Marine1 is too gleefully googling white supremacist sites to understand that.
  20. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    And why is that? Black men living in extreme poverty and harrassed daily by police have given up on themselves. All that leads to feelings of extreme hopelessness which makes them feel like failures whom their kids would be better off without. Add easy access to drugs, which numb the pain but doesn't solve the underlying problems, and what you get are fathers attempting to run away from their problems. They don't want to have to keep looking at their kids' faces knowing that they are powerless to help them. Add the conservatives' (and certain religious institutions')obsession with banning birth control and, voila, you get large numbers of poor kids growing up without fathers. Plus their mothers are working two or more jobs which leads to basically having these kids raised by the streets. One couldn't reasonably expect any other outcome. Fix the extreme poverty and inequality and you will see different results. You don't see upwardly mobile blacks with resources living in good neighborhoods resorting to violent crime. Figure it out. It's not hard. But first you have to get your head out of the garbage of those white supremacist organizations.
  21. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Jews are in important positions on both sides of every issue. It is because their parents teach them to grow up with self-respect and assert themselves. Gentile parents teach their children to be passive employees and discourage any kind of ambition, unless it is the self-denying brown-nosing of going to college. Gentile parents also want their children to never grow up and always be dependent upon them.

    Even more important, because the media never recognize the vital importance of IQ (being jealous Diploma Dumboes themselves), Jews are encouraged from childhood on to be interested in intellectual matters. Gentile parents think readers are weirdos, unless reading is done strictly for school, where the children are trained to become passive employees.
  22. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    So you are NOT in favor of self-reliance. Interesting...
  23. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    More proof that Liberals are unconscious agents of the Right Wing. They are led by Heirheads and are driven by an indelible upper-class solidarity to purposely disgust White people in order to trick them into voting for the Conservatives, who don't believe in anything but class supremacy themselves. You suckers have fallen for a classic Bad Cop, Good Cop scenario. You are really pathetic if you believe that upper-class trash believe in anything they preach to the public, whatever side they pretend to be on.

    Around 1960, the plutocrats had their sons take over the Democratic Party, knowing full well that whatever these Limousine Liberal brats did would wind up benefiting the class they were brought up in. Theoretically, the LimLibs could be sincere, but it has never worked out that way in reality. Spoiled sheltered snobs live a lie all their lives, so they lie to themselves about what really motivates them.
  24. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    One thing at a time.

    There are opinions and there are informed opinions.

    Rep Ryan has certainly propose slashing Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA that, according to the poll above, American's support and oppose cutting.

    Of note is the fact that Ryan's proposal links increases in the Medicare vouchers to the CPI (measure of inflation) which is anticipated to be about 3% but, from what I've read, the projected increases in the cost of health care are going to be about 9%. Every year the vouchers would provide less and less to cover the costs of medical services provided by Medicare and that is a dramatic cut in funding for Medicare. His block grants to States are also limited to the CPI and don't account for the projected increases in the costs of medical services which are three times the projected increases in the CPI. Once agian, not paying for the costs of the services provided results in a cut to the program.

    Americans oppose these cuts in benefits for Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA.

    Addditionally Rep Ryan's proposal includes roughly $1 trillion in additional cuts including cutting food stamps while Americans overwhelmingly oppose cutting food stamps to help balance the budget.

    Paul Ryan is the flag-bearer of Republican budgetary agendas and he's completely out of touch with what Americans want. Since at least 2011 the majority of Americans have supported cutting defense spending as opposed to cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security which is what Ryan has repeatedly wanted to cut while generally opposing cuts to military spending.

    When we have a combined US defense budget of close to $1 trillion that's 10-times more than what we actually require to defend the United States from any invasion or attack then the defense budget is clearly the elephant in the living room where we can make significant reductions without adversely affecting the American People.

    This year Ryan has actually backed down a little on defense spending from the Romney/Ryan proposal that defense spending should always exceed 4% of the GDP made last year. Instead of a "minimum" spending level I'd rather see a "maximum" spending level and I'd put that at less than 2.5% of the GDP. We don't limit expendatures by having "minimums" but instead by having "maximums" on what we're willing to spend.
  25. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    It's not just the stock market, chief, that does better. That article by FOX NEWS also shows that GDP and corporate profits fare better under Dem admins. In fact, corporate profits have never been higher yet corporate bigwigs are still complaining with their hands out for more "free stuff" from the gubmint.


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