How Should The Democratic Party Win Back Less Educated Whites?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Natty Bumpo, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. BahamaBob

    BahamaBob Banned

    Apr 3, 2018
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    There are more jobs now than applicants. If you can't find one you have a problem. Anyone who finds them self unemployed in times like this are either a loser, retard or not realistic about their capabilities.

    When the government stays out of the way the insurance companies furnish a pretty good product. When the government prevents them from crossing state lines, forces them to cover conditions that aren't wanted or necessary, and forces them to insure children to the age of 26 it drives prices up. I have had sons, 4 years out of college, making a six figure income, and working for corporations that offered highly subsidized costs yet I was picking up their healthcare. That is idiotic.

    Universal healthcare is a pipedream. This one system is good for all is total ignorance. What makes healthcare affordable is being able to pick and pay for the product that you want. Forcing birth control and maternity coverages on 60 year-olds or mental health coveage on people who don't need or want it are examples of what drives up healthcare costs.

    Beyond that litigation costs and FDA standards are huge contributors to healthcare costs. Two more government forced expenses that only benefit attorneys. Drugs in most of the rest of the world need 2 years of testing before they can be cleared for use. In the US it is 7 years. A little safer possibly but is it worth doubling or tripling the cost of the product? Malpractice insurance forced on doctors due the the high costs of litigation greatly increases healthcare costs. In places like Europe the amount you can get for pain and suffering is limited to a reasonable number. In the US it is up to the imagination of the jury.
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