Idiotic establishment Republicans poised to destroy Republican party in 2016.

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Thunderlips, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Thunderlips

    Thunderlips New Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    I am of the belief the Republican Party is dead, the establishment Republicans such as Karl Rove, John "Crybaby" Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mitch "The Democrats B****" McConnell and other establishment Republicans have killed the Republican Party - all in favor of taking the position they are most used to, grabbing their ankles and telling Democrats to start kicking. So now, we are hearing my buzz about Jeb Bush, another deeply imbedded establishment (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) as a Republican forerunner. Let me be clear, while I do think Mitt Romney is a good man, Jeb Bush is NOT a good man. If the Republican rig the primaries for Jeb Bush to win in 2016, like they rigged the primaries for McCain to win in 2008...if Bush is the Repubican nominee, no way will I vote for him. If the establishment Republican think by running another Bush is gonna kick a wild hog in the ass and get them back in the white house, they have a big surprise coming. A Jeb Bush nomination will lead to a 3rd party run for president and guarentee whoever the Democrat is(no matter how weak) to win in 2016. I will NOT for Jeb Bush, I will NEVER vote Democrat, so I will vote 3rd party. If the establishment Republicans goal is to destroy and kill off the Republican Party, then Jeb Bush is the ideal candidate, and given the fact that the establishment is in charge, and they have no fight in them and just want to kiss Democrat ass, it appears destroying the Republican Party is the establishments goal.
  2. DonGlock26

    DonGlock26 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2010
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    After the RNC picking two losers in a row, I can understand your feelings. I am curious what kind of deal they cook up with Obama to solve the fiscal crisis. We'll find out in a short time whether they are going to fight for a reasonable agreement or surrender to the progressives.
  3. LasMa

    LasMa Active Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Don't worry, Thunderlips, Jeb Bush could never get nominated. He's not nearly crazy enough for Republican primary voters.
  4. WatcherOfTheGate

    WatcherOfTheGate New Member

    Nov 2, 2011
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    All they really need to do is stop talking about social issues. This is a losing strategy because people are becoming more socially liberal. Stop bad mouthing minorities because they are the largest growing demographic so all they are doing is shooting themselves in the foot. Finally, they need to stop demonizing the poor.

    I don't believe they can stop themselves from doing these things but that is the only chance they have to become relevant again. They seem to be doubling down on stupid lately so it seems like they are content with becoming an irrelevant party.
  5. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    They (the Republicans) are already dead in 2016, if they make the same mistake of pushing idiotic Reagan economics (trickle down, tax cuts for the rich, cut entitlements, etc). Reagan was an opportunist. He was a movie star who wanted HIS very high salary to not be taxed. All this Reaganomics doesn't exist. It's a sham.

    The American people aren't buying this Republican trickle down BS any more (if they ever did), and polls all show strong support for RAISING taxes on the rich. Campaign directly against the wishes of the majority of the people and you will lose. And running another Bush for president ? HA HA HA. Both Bushes we've had before were flops, who gave us recessions. People should have learned that by now.
  6. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I completely agree. The Republican Party establishment took a gamble that their voters would hate Obama enough that they could keep pushing whatever agenda they wanted, and their constituents wouldn't dare withhold their support, for fear of an Obama victory. The establishment took the gamble and lost. They could likely have won the election had they been willing to change. I wonder how many defeats it will take them to learn their lesson. Something tells me two times are not enough.

    I know nothing of Jeb, but if you thought Romney was good, I can't imagine how bad Jeb must be.
  7. Beast Mode

    Beast Mode New Member

    Mar 5, 2012
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    Republicans have no evident by them scurrying to find Latinos to put in a high offices of their party. :blankstare:
  8. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    I'm not a Repub but talk like that is silly. The Repubs can run a dead dog and he will carry the States that McCain and Romney carried. Of course he will also lose the Presidency unless he can win California, New York, and Illinois. The Dem candidate doesn't need to win any of the Red States but the Repub must win several of the true Blue States. He can do that by concentrating his effort to get out the Repub vote in those States. But given the Repub history of suppressing the vote that seems unlikely.

    The Dem candidate can easily win if he concentrates his efforts on keeping the true Blue States and increasing the Dem turnout in those States. He can help to pick up some Dem House and Senate seats by campaigning in certain districts in the Red States. However, it's a waste of time and money for him to try to win any of those States for himself. It's nice for the Dem to win Ohio but it's not a 'must win" for him. Even if the Repub gets it he will still lose.
  9. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    After taking in all those low-paid workers under Bush to bust the unions, look at what they must resort to now. Actions have consequences.
    The Republican Party pretended to oppose illegal immigration, but the truth is they were enthusiastic supporters of this mass illegal migration. The business interests were so short sighted, blinded by near term profits. Well I wonder how they like it now under Obama.
  10. Never Left

    Never Left Banned

    Mar 23, 2009
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    In many ways politics is a rigged game. Politicians weigh pros and cons and percentage plays that they feel are the "hot topic" of the day and how they think people will vote in those regards. Another thing to think about is that corporate "America" games the system through campaign donations to buy "votes" in both houses of congress, and no matter who wins the elction corporate America still wins inspite of rhetoric either way. These corporations have formed think tanks that are essentially policy authors for administrative organizations that are semi-autonomous and have much power over government and citizens in general. The IRS to the EPA are such organizations.

    We have been reduced to the illusion of liberty and freedom and constitutional rule of law.
  11. Beast Mode

    Beast Mode New Member

    Mar 5, 2012
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    Ya, that's what I said...Republicans have no leadership. It's time to restrategize and find some leaders that aren't bat(*)(*)(*)(*).
  12. Never Left

    Never Left Banned

    Mar 23, 2009
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    Why should we stop standing for common decency and societal norms that the leftists have attempted to redefine in favor of the lunatic fringe. They have done this over time with a constant drip drip drip of social justice platitudes that are false on the face of them, and are agreed to by many because they are tired of hearing about it. Also, the leftist loser America haters have nearly total control of the education system and in higher educational institutions fringe ideology is taught as gospel and desenters are rebuffed with poor grades or sensure.

    The Hispanics are catered to with promises of welfare accusations that non-democrates are "enemies" and they are being positioned to be a plantation voting bloc just as the black community is. They are given false promises of equality that remain unfulfilled. Democratic lies and social dogmas are the chains of the new slave institutions.

    What you are talking about is surrendering our values, morals, and principles to the America hating leftist loser minority pandering neo-communist progressives. What us real Americans must do is make our message of liberty and freedom relevant and by examples of those who have success by exercising their God given natural rights endowed to them by their creator.

    We are all Americans, whether we are black, white, red, yellow, or brown. Whether our last name is Smith, or Gonzalez, Wong, Tanaka, Kiwanika, Gianicci, or any other nationality. There should be no African- Americans, Mexican-American, or European-American. Multi-culturalism is a huge assed fail as Germany and now France is beginning to figure out.

    America is a land of opportunity and actual promises liberty and freedom and opportunity. If a person comes here to be a success, then I wish him or her well in their pursuits. If they have come here to be a spong soaking up free whatever, then leave and go back to where you came from. Help those who genuinely need help generously and do not enable those here to be takers.
  13. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    The Repubs picked up two more States this time than they did with McCain. There's nothing wrong with their message for Repub voters. They just have to figure out a way to get more Repub voters to vote in the true Blue States.

    From a practical matter The Repubs are stronger in the Red States than the Dems are in the Blue States.

    The Dems are vulnerable in California, Washington, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire. Ohio, and Florida. That's a total of 174 Electoral votes.

    The Repubs are vulnerable in Alaska, Montana, Indiana, and North Carolina. That's a total of 32 Electoral votes.

    I based that on how close the votes were in those States. Therefore, it's easier for the Repubs to win in the Blue States than it is for the Dems to win in the Red States.

    Obama got 44,372,213 votes to Romney's 34,384,381 in the Blue States. Those are the only ones that count.

    So the Repub doesn't have to get more total votes in those States. He just has to get more in several of those States to win. The Dem candidate, on the other hand only has a slim chance of picking off maybe four Red States. But he doesn't need any of those to win as long as he retains the true Blue States. The problem is that 12 of those are shaky. The next Dem candidate better be really sharp or he could lose some of them.

    IMO the Repubs would be foolish to change tactics. They will win the Red States anyway. They could win some of the vulnerable Blue States if they made an effort because the margins in numbers are within reach.
  14. slashbeast

    slashbeast Banned

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Meh. I'm not voting anymore.

    I'm just gonna sit back and watch the whole the country come tumbling down into mediocrity and irrelevance ruled by ultra-liberal extremist.

    In the end, I'm concerned with my own well being. If things fall and burn I have only myself to look after.

    Maybe I can move to Alaska far away from the degeneracy that plagues the mainland and live amongst like minded people. I've lost all faith in this country and frankly I'm ashamed of it.
  15. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    That attitude is par for the course. Only about 57.5% of the eligible registered voters voted in the election. Only the fanatics voted. The 42.5% tree stumps don't give a rat's behind what happens to them.
  16. slashbeast

    slashbeast Banned

    Sep 22, 2011
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    And it's the fanatics who decide our future.

    I don't care anymore where this heaping pile of (*)(*)(*)(*) goes. If it goes under, whatever, I have myself to look after. If not, then lets throw a party. Or in this case, a fiesta.
  17. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    republicans think the rich need rewarded for being rich... they do not understand that being rich IS the reward
  18. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Republicans are not obsessed with rich like you are.

    Obama voters think they could all live great if the government would just take from the evil filthy rich and give the money to them.

    But it will never work.

    All socialism can do is make us all equally poor.
  19. hopeless_in_2012

    hopeless_in_2012 New Member

    Oct 8, 2011
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    And you wonder why you cant convince more people to vote Republican? Hatred and division is not the way to swelling (y)our ranks. This is the image the Republican party has taken. Ramblings like this make it easy to pin the whole racist and extremist tags on the party. You are not going to get new Republicans by shaming the moderate Democrats into switching, you are just reinforcing their choice to be on the other side of the fence from you.
    And then you turn around and fart out all roses? We are one big happy family unless you dont vote how "NeverLeft" wants you to vote, and then you are a leftist loser.

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