If Blacks are less intelligent what should we do?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Aleksander Ulyanov, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    IQ tests.
  2. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    I.Q. test only seem to work on Whites and Asians.
  3. Belch

    Belch Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2015
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    I thought IQ tests measure intelligence quotient. Your definition of cognition is a mental action, so you must think that people with low IQ are not all that cognizent of mental actions..

    Just messing with you, dude. Your definition is not possible to measure, nor observe. It's something that Skinner brought up over 60 years ago, and is why he came up with the idea of radical behaviorism.

    You either go with science, or you don't. Skinner went with science. You've abandoned it.
  4. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Oh, I see what you are asking.

    I think they have brain scans for detecting and measuring all sorts of brain activity now, including cognitive thinking.
  5. Belch

    Belch Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2015
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    Yes, they do. And that activity includes everything from hearts beating to lungs breathing, dreams (also not cognition under your definition), and picking cherries from a fat man's belly button with your teeth.

    What they can't do is make a distinction between your definition of cognition and those normal body maintenance chores like what happens when you put your hand on a hot fry pan. Putting your hand on the fry pan is "cognition" but the response is not.

    Can't separate the two.
  6. adhc1

    adhc1 New Member

    Aug 17, 2016
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    While reading through the posta, a lot of individual divereted from your original statement.
    If this was just a rethorical question you sure stirred the hornest nest.
    If it was to get people to respond you also did that.
    If you are truely looking for an answer you will get billions on both sides.
    We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein
    So I guess if you want your answer rephase the question Why do whitea think that they are inherently superior?
  7. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Of course they can. The study of cognition is called "cognitive neuroscience."

    It seems like supposed scientific fanboys like precision and yourself spend a lot of energy trying to say science can't understand intelligence just so you don't have to face the fact some races are more intelligent than others.
  8. Belch

    Belch Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2015
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    And what exactly do these cognitive neuroscientists observe when they study cognition? Is it thinking about what to have for dinner? Or is it behavior?

    Look, I slightly understand the idea behind cognitive psychology and was merely pointing out a limitation inherent in the discipline. It's like studying a black hole. You can't actually observe a black hole, but you can observe the effects of one.
  9. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    You don't know what you are talking about. Singing requires practice. Practice requires acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and the senses.

    Any rate, there is simply no use in going further because this discussion has become absurd.

    Case closed your honor.
  10. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    These are assertions you are making without evidence.

    Adoption studies show Asians raised from birth by whites significantly outperform whites.
  11. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    The real solution: If I.Q. tests show Blacks to be less intelligent, ban the tests.
  12. Linehogs

    Linehogs New Member

    May 21, 2013
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    Not to mention the fact that Socialism has completely destroyed these people and their culture. You can go to any housing project in the world and it will look the same. High levels of crime, little to no opportunity, bad schools, violence, single parent families etc etc.

    Liberals love to argue among themselves about what Conservatives think. This usually ends up being some crackpot BS which is a frightening extension of their own dogmatic view of the world. But most conservatives (we have crazies just like you guys do) are not racist. They are concerned with government power and more importantly the separation and balance of power. We recognize the results of socialism. Prior to Lyndon B Johnsons (a known racist) "War on Poverty" African Americans were doing much better than they are now. Democrats simply transitioned from the whip to the carrot. But the results are the same. They keep African Americans in the conditions described above. And then funnel your tax money to groups like ACORN. I personally read over hundreds of hand written notes of an FBI agent investigating them in 2006. It had things like, "All signs point to the Democrat party. Getting pressure from above to cease investigation. etc etc." He alleged that Acorn was filling out ballots for people in low income areas for early voting. Even if they aren't doing anything illegal we still give them ridiculous amounts of money to "get out the vote." Which equates to party buses surfing the ghetto's during election time to get as many D votes as possible. The point being...... that until African Americans recognize that their white overlords are NOT Republicans as they have been led to believe.... they will never be free. It's taken several generations to destroy their culture. Prior to Lyndon B Johnsons socialist approach to the "Black Problem" and his colorful description of the civil rights act as the "N-word bill" African Americans were doing fairly well in most parts of the country. The South had Jim Crow (enacted by Democrats.) But otherwise they were rising into the middle class. 70% of them had two parent homes etc. Today..... after 40+ years of socialism and several generations lost..... 70+% of African Americans do not have a two parent home which is a known recipe for poverty. And here we are.

    But listen to them. What are they really crying out for? I'm not talking about BLM either. I mean individual people from within the communities. They are crying out for freedom and opportunity. Some may be crying out for socialism. But only because they have been tricked into thinking it will help. Otherwise they are asking to essentially be left alone. They view whites as oppressors. And they are right. White Democrats are their masters whether they realize it or not. There is no greater enemy to the African American community than progressives/socialists..... ie Democrats.

    It will take a generation or more to solve this problem. We have to reverse decades of socialist policies. We have to ween these people off of government and give them opportunity. It will take a multi pronged approach. It will be a tough road. It will not happen overnight. You can start by busting up the public school system and moving toward vouchers. Simply allowing parents choice in education will help tremendously. Small schools will spring up all over the country to include the ghetto's. Because where there is a demand.... a supply will follow. Education is step one. And Removing government management from the equation is essential. Parents have a RIGHT to decide their children's educational values. The second thing we can do is a blanket protection from anyone earning under one million per year in gross income. That means no federal taxes or regulations. (Hopefully states would follow) That means people could start their own businesses without licensing etc. This will provide an overall boost to the economy which will get people employed. In order to climb the ladder you have to start with a trade. You need a skill. And you can't earn it sitting on the couch. Poor African Americans will start working. They will learn and grow within their profession. And eventually they will start their own businesses creating jobs and prosperity within their own communities. Another thing we can immediately do is legalize Marijuana and release every non violent offender from prison. Have you ever wondered why both parties support drug laws? Nothing has oppressed African Americans more than them. We could legalize all drugs and take 1/4 of the money and use it for treatment rather than incarceration and it would be much more effective.

    Anyways.... I don't have time to write a book. But these are the kind of things that must be done. Increasing welfare benefits isn't going to help anyone. If you are an African American reading this then you must realize that welfare is a recipe for permanent poverty. Furthermore it gives your white masters power over you. It keeps you voting Democrat. What you really need is opportunity. Because your people DID succeed in America. The most prosperous time for YOUR people was after the civil war until the early 1900s. And what coincided with the fall of your prosperity? The rise of progressivsim ie the Democrat party. The period between 1865 and the early 1900's was a golden age for everyone in this country. African Americans at one point had the fastest growing middle class of anyone. And that was also the period where the Federal Government was the smallest it had ever been. The people were free. Commerce was free from regulation and taxation. There was no personal income tax etc etc etc. There were downsides. And I'm not saying we go 100% back in that direction. But even a FEW steps would see the power of your people revitalized. You have been duped. You've spent decades in stasis. They are breeding you like cattle to vote for them at election time and have the NERVE to call us racist. It's sickening. Your enemy.... is the left. Wake up. Liberals are psychotic. They don't want to help you. They want to buy your support the same way white masters bought you as slaves. Stop letting them. Nobody is going to help you. It's all a lie. You have to help yourself and just like every other group in America.... the government..... is a massive obstacle in your way. Educate yourselves. Learn what the your so called "opposition" believes. You might be surprised.
  13. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    I have talked for hours with several people that lived most of their lives in the Soviet Union. I found them to be very intelligent and informed, more so than the average American. Not only that but I used to know this very pretty white blond chick that was from Russia. Damn!! She blew my mind because she could actually talk to me with clarity about composers such as Prokofiev. Amazing!!!
  14. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    And to think just a couple of posts ago we were just getting started.

    The case is closed and the judge dismisses it in my favor.
  15. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    It is observing the brain activity associated with thinking about dinner which is different from the brain activity associated with eating dinner.

    For instance here is an article on how the brain works when thinking about mathematics.

  16. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    If you think playing music is not a task that is accomplished with cognition then there is nothing further to discuss. I'm not going to go to a remedial level.

    What this says is that our system of education is faulty. I have seen time and time again people that have advanced degrees that simply cannot think well.
  17. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Why not? It might be interesting to a number of people here.

    If you equate "thinking well" with agreement with your opinions, I can well imagine you find many highly educated people not "thinking well."

    People practice their musical instruments in order to get past having to think about where to place their fingers or how hard to blow. Playing an instrument becomes automatic. Then the music flows from that mysterious place where music comes from without the barrier of cognitive thought.

    Creating beauty is different from creating knowledge. That hardly seems to be a controversial statement.
  18. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Griggs v. Duke Power Co
  19. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    How about asking, "What shouldn't we do?" Because we have about 60 years of hard lessons.

    1. We shouldn't create a welfare state, race is irrelevant.
    2. We shouldn't create incentives for unwed mothers, nor cater to them as if they're going to save the planet; which is only done for votes, by the way, and not because single mothers are saving the planet. They are in fact, with the help of the deadbeat sperm donors, killing the planet, because only families will preserve it.
    3. We shouldn't encourage mutli-culturalsim.
    4. We shouldn't allow for failing public schools.
    5. We shouldn't allow kids to roam the streets at night. Curfews in every city with a crime rate high enough to justify it.
  20. tsuke

    tsuke Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    i feel they are dumber because they have not figured out that open borders globalism is bad for them.
  21. Turin

    Turin Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2012
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    I have no idea. But I highly doubt it would be that low.
  22. Turin

    Turin Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2012
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  23. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Its too remedial. Suppose you were discussing with someone about whether a particular medication was effective for the treatment of a particular disease. If the person wanted to put forward the ridiculous notion that a doctor could treat a disease without seeing a patient or having any knowledge whatsoever of the symptoms, you might think that it was simply too absurd to continue the discussion. What you are putting forward is on that level of absurdity.

    Its not a matter of agreeing with me. I don't agree with Angela Davis on quite a few things. However, I find her positions to be well thought out and make sense as opposed to being absurd ideas.

    First of all there is practice. And people practice for a reason. It is because to playing music is a complicated cognitive task that is composed of many cognitive sub-tasks. It is just like reading. When a person who has learned to read looks at the word "subtraction" he does not think there is the letter 's' and then 'u' and then 'b' and then 't', etc. and deconstruct a sentence in that fashion to that level of detail. Rather he has already taken the time to learn the alphabet letter by letter. Something that is a cognitive task. Then he proceeds to learn phonetics, how letters are combined to make sounds. That is a cognitive task. The person also at some point engages in the cognitive task of associating sounds of words with concrete objects and abstract concepts. Then when he engages in the process of reading a sentence with the word 'subtraction', he does not have to go through all of the cognitive sub tasks of breaking the word down into its finest parts, but rather the cognitive task takes place at a higher level of understanding groups of words to comprehend the whole thought that is being put forward in a sentence.

    Similarly a person practices music by learning sequences of notes, phrasing, and dynamics which are all complicated cognitive tasks. Then when he wants to play music, he engages in a cognitive task at a higher level of assembling all of the pieces together to construct a performance. When he is performing there is all type of sensory input going on in terms of hearing, touching, and seeing. He is analyzing that input at a very fast rate and responding with the cognitive sub-tasks that he has previously learned in the form of the sequences of notes that are to be played at a certain time, with a certain phrasing and with certain dynamics.

    Therefore it is absurd to say that playing music is not a cognitive task. Please.

    Actually creating beauty is a subset of creating knowledge because beauty implies an object which possesses the attribute of beauty and a subject which is aware, knows if you will, the object.
  24. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    If IQ tests were based on auditory perception, and recognition, and evaluation.
    YES Black People would rank higher.

    But, Intelligence in North of the Sahara areas is based on visual stuff and,
    being auditory superior does take its' toll elsewhere.

    That's Moi's take.
    How y'gonna measure IQ?
  25. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    You just made all that up. Musicians I've talked to don't describe making music in that way.

    Music is part of the affective domain, not the cognitive. You don't appreciate music cognitively. You don't make music cognitively.

    And I suppose creating a turd is a subset of knowledge, too, because it implies an object with the attribute of being a turd and a subject which is aware, knows if you will, the object.

    I submit that your proceeding paragraph is as much knowledge as is that turd.

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