Incredible How Detached The President Is, Biden's Afghanistan Remarks Reveal!

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by JimfromPennsylvania, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. JimfromPennsylvania

    JimfromPennsylvania Active Member Past Donor

    Mar 9, 2010
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    President Biden recent comments and press conference at the White House on Afghanistan reveals his thinking isn't fully clear and insightful on the topic! He overstates the consequences of the Taliban ending the truce that they made with the Trump administration and fully going back on the offensive against U.S. troops if the U.S. had decided to stay in Afghanistan. Where he acts like this development would necessitate a huge surge in the number of U.S. troops deployed in Afghanistan, totally bogus spin! The truce only went into effect in early 2020 so if things went back to the way they were prior to 2020 America saw fatalities rates in the country on U.S. soldiers of 24,14,15,13, and 22 from 2019 to 2015, not alarming numbers and keep in mind President Trump had surged troops into Afghanistan after he took office, if the Biden administration had dialed back to the troop level at the end of the President Obama administration the country would see fatality rates probably in the low teens annually. In recent years, the U.S. was not fighting the Taliban it was a back stop to the Afghan Army so it is really disingenuous to say things like America is fighting this endless war and how many future generations of America should fight this Afghanistan war. These statements of President Biden that went like when will it be enough Americans who have died in Afghanistan as if this is the only military theater where America is losing its citizens in uniform in fighting this war against Islamic extremism not of our choice; in Iraq American military fatalities have been 12,17, 22, 20 and 8 from 2019 to 2015. in 2019 the U.S. lost five soldiers in Syria, in 2017 the U.S. lost four soldiers in Niger, Africa.

    President Biden informed the American people that it has nothing to fear from resurgent terroristic threats emanating from Afghanistan if the security situation in Afghanistan should deteriorate after America leaves Afghanistan because the Pentagon has this counter terrorism over the horizon capability to neutralize the threat. Joe you really think this Pentagon capability can neutralize an Islamic State Iraq City of Mosul or an Islamic State Syrian Provence of Raqqa in "Afghanistan" because that is what they will have, after the Afghanistan Central government falls the Taliban will be preoccupied with fighting and dealing with Afghanistan warlords they won't be too worried if the Islamic State carves out some territory to rebuild their caliphate especially since from a principle perspective they are one in the same the Islamic State just has global ambitions. Once the Islamic State has this territory they can be back in business being the horrible menace in the world that they were back in 2019 doing things like using social media to recruit followers to come to their caliphate and radicalizing young people throughout the world.

    President Biden from his comments doesn't really seem to appreciate the security/military threat the Taliban pose to the Afghanistan government. The Taliban are a brutally barbaric, very effective totalitarian form of authority force, by the use of terror and brute military force they will steadily deteriorate the Afghan military forces. The Afghanistan military to a large degree is a 300,000 troop military force on paper, not on the battlefield; the Taliban will act like the Islamic State did to the Iraq military forces back in 2018 and 2019 when Iraq military was strong only on paper not as a fighting force and the Taliban will slowly but steadily defeat the Afghanistan army and get ever stronger as they do it. President Biden acts clueless when he says the Afghan Army can stand up against the Taliban it would be laughable if it wasn't so alarming! President Biden is ever the slick politician when he says we will never forget the sacrifice of the brave men and women in uniform who served in Afghanistan over the past decades 2200 of them who gave the ultimate sacrifice and 20000 who suffered serious wounds in the war. Mr. President, the American people don't need you to remember them they need you to honor and respect them by not cavalierly withdrawing from Afghanistan so that the country fails and their sacrifice means nothing, it was all a complete waste!
  2. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    @JimfromPennsylvania Jim, my son is a Purple Heart veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan. I want you to know before I say anything else that I am acutely and painfully aware of the sacrifices of our brave young people over the past 20 years of war in Afghanistan.

    We were right to invade Afghanistan after 9/11. We were right to punish the taliban government of that country, and we were right to kill as many Al Qaeda members as possible and to ultimately kill Osama bin Laden.

    But trying to build a free and democratic Afghanistan was like trying to build a beautiful statue out of sand. In my opinion, the only way to do that would be to stay there in force virtually forever, and I don't believe Afghanistan is worth the life or limb of even one more young American.

    There is no doubt that Afghanistan will soon revert back to taliban control. But let us not forget that our military's first priority is to protect the homeland, and I think our military has amply demonstrated that we have the capability to do that if necessary. Frankly, we can destroy the taliban government any time we so choose. They would do well to remember that. They would do well to keep Al Qaeda or ISIS or whoever from using their country again to plan and launch attacks on the U.S. The attempt to build an Afghanistan in our own image has failed. But it was a noble cause; it just isn't possible. And so the victory for us is that we forcefully answered back after 9/11, and we shall let this past 20 years serve as a warning not to let an attack against our homeland originate in their country ever again.

    It wasn't all for nothing.

    Seth :salute: :flagus:
  3. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    This is the mindset of the insular and isolationist. They largely only care about themselves, and ultimately are selfish and self-centered.

    I find it fascinating that within just 2 years, people started screaming about an "Exit Strategy". And even then I was shaking my head in disgust. Ultimately, all such arguments are nothing more than "how can I use this to achieve my own beliefs, because I could not give a rat's arse about people thousands of miles away".

    And I always asked them this. What was our "Exit Strategy" in Italy? In Germany? In Japan? South Korea? We have had forces in all of those nations and more for going on 80 years now. And to me, the answer should simply be "We leave them there as long as needed." Period. Hell, we still have forces involved in and around the former Yugoslavia, and that started long before our fighting in Afghanistan did.

    And some think that Afghanistan will again revert. OK, great. Now take that argument to the next step. They take control, what do you think their next step will be. Well, we know first hand from the last time that they will then export that to other nations. That is exactly what happened in Lebanon. It was a haven for terror groups, Israel stormed in and destroyed those groups. Then they left, and the terror groups took over and started to export their terror once again.

    It absolutely amazes me that I have seen these things repeat over and over again, and so many people just do not seem to give a damn. I hear them screaming as to why we have US Army forces in Africa, and that they should all be pulled out immediately. Mostly over such stupid things such as money. Then I hear of cases where Boko Haram takes over a school, kills all of the boys between 11 and 18, then takes the girls and subjects them to constant rapes and forced marriage. And I look on those people in disgust, as it there is anything that can be done to prevent such in the future it should be done.

    And I can already see what will happen. This government like the last secular government will collapse. And either another will step up to fill the vacuum we have left, or it will once again descend until the strongest and most ruthless will be in charge once again. The Afghan Government will not resort to such tactics, but the Taliban will not hesitate to do things like march all of the men in a village into the town square and execute them, and force all of the women into marriages to secure it. We saw it 30 years ago, it is only a matter of time until we are seeing it again.

    And people will cry and do nothing. Because ultimately they could not give a damn, it does not affect their lives so they do not care. And I find that disgusting. Most never heard of the Taliban before 2001, but I had already been watching them with disgust for years prior to that. Years that nobody gave a damn, until they reached out and attacked us through their puppet group. And if anybody thinks they have forgotten that we had stopped their decade long rule of terror 2 decades ago, think again.

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