Indian Prime minister Modi breaks protocol to hug Obama ; nuclear deal logjam broken

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by ashdoc, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. ashdoc

    ashdoc Active Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    NEW DELHI: The significance of the completion of the India-US nuclear deal cannot be overstated. Signed in 2005, with a Nuclear Suppliers Group waiver in 2008, the deal has been in limbo for few years.

    Sunday's discussions cleared the air on three pressing issues on the lingering impasse. First, the administrative arrangements have been hanging fire since India and US signed the Part 810 Assurances in 2010. This is an agreement that governs the nitty-gritty of the nuclear deal in action. In four years, India has signed administrative arrangements with Canada and Kazakhstan.

    The Indian nuclear liability law turned off the Americans from taking necessary steps on the administrative arrangements. For couple of years the deal has been stuck on the fact that the US insisted on "nationality" tracking of fuel and equipment to make sure it stays in the civilian sector and not cross over into India's strategic programme.

    India has opposed it on grounds of sovereignty. India has committed to more intrusive verification by IAEA by signing the Additional Protocol. India provides all its information to IAEA and has offered to provide these to US. Till now, America had disagreed. On Sunday, the US stepped off the bench to allow the nuclear deal to be done.

    This issue has been holding up the India-Japan nuclear agreement too.

    The agreement with Tokyo is crucial because any foreign reactor India would want to buy needs clearance from Japan since their equipment is present in almost every reactor. The agreement would open the door to Indian companies working in the nuclear sector to be able to build joint ventures for higher technology nuclear manufacturing, essential to the 'Make in India' programme.

    The liability law is more difficult. The US appears to have agreed to an insurance pool the Indian government plans to start with public sector insurers. The US appears to have accepted the Indian legal assurance that suppliers wouldn't be vulnerable to lawsuits under other Indian laws, like tort for instance. This will be tested only by companies which have to admit such liabilities into their books.

    It will also be tested by the courts which may be called upon to interpret the controversial Clause 46. The government is testing the waters on liability. If companies, particularly Indian, accept the insurance pool and run with it, they'd have crossed the hurdle .

    The last issue on the nuclear file is India's pending membership of the four non-proliferation regimes. The US agreed to help India and will have to do the heavy lifting. Apart from the fact that this would finally dismantle the post-1974 technology denial regime against India, prospective membership of these regimes would open up access to technology across sectors as diverse as defence and pharmaceuticals.

    Most important this promises to open up nuclear source as a big part of India's energy mix, which will allow the country make credible emission commitments in Paris later this year.
  2. ashdoc

    ashdoc Active Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    hug2_650_012515110133.jpg ..............

    ALL SOLUTIONS New Member

    Dec 16, 2014
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    Anti-Americans in love.

    The deal failed to deliver on a promise of business for U.S. companies because of India’s reluctance to shield suppliers from liability, a deviation from international norms.

    NO business for US companies and NO job for US workers.

    Instead, u-bam-a gives India $4 billion.

    More failure from u-bam-a.
  4. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    If we want to begin to deal with global warming, agreements like this seem necessary.

    Eventually the bottom line may become what will yield a livable climate, not what will yield the most paper profits.

    The insurance industry is supposed to insure. Let them do their job.

    Aside from that, India is one of our best allies.
  5. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Obama is pro Muslim Brotherhood, India despises the Muslim Brotherhood. End of story. Once Obama is out of office and presumably a Republican is elected, India will then renew proper ties with the US.

    India like the US competes with and has concerns about the Chinese economic predatory practices that choke and prevent world market competition.

    Instead of repairing relations he made it clear to India he was paying lip service to them because he won't do anything to upset Pakistan let alone Iran do arch enemies of India.

    There is John Kerry strolling with the Iranian foreign minister and Obama thinks he will go into India grinning like some hyena and India would not notice this?

    Obama's head is so far up his buttox on foreign policy it can't be salvaged.
  6. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    There is room for common cause because of terrorism. That whole region is vulnerable, including both India and Iraq. Why be enemies anyway, when trade could happen instead?
  7. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    so? lots of countries have the Muslim Brotherhood, including Israel.
  8. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Couldn't agree with you more however Obama cut his trip short which of course was perceived as a slap in the face to India.
  9. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Right. Provide the references please. Can't wait.

    Uh yah Israel has the Muslim Brotherhood sure thing. Tell that to the following:

    We reject normalization under any name, and refuse to visit Jerusalem while it is under Zionist occupation, even if the visit happens to be without visas from the Zionist entity" (IkhanWeb, April 20, 2012)

    - Farid Ismail, Deputy of the National Security Committee of the Egyptian parliament and member of the parliamentary Commission of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP)

    "We do not recognize Israel at all. It is a raping, occupying, criminal enemy entity. I shall never tolerate for myself to sit with a criminal and we shall not deal with Israel under any circumstances…The peace treaty absolutely does not obligate me and the people will give their opinion about this." (Al Hayat interview, January 1, 2012)

    - Rashad Bayoumi, Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood

    "Existence of a state for Jews is against all rules of states all over the world." (Radio Free Europe interview, August 15, 2011)

    - Essam el Erian, Deputy President of the Freedom and Justice Party and former member of the Brotherhood's Guidance Council
    The next victory with God's permission inevitably is the retrieval of Palestine and Jerusalem and the Golan and all lands occupied by Israel. This will no longer be a wild dream, rather a hope that's in sight after the people proceed and know their path to end Israeli superiority and doubt of Israel's continuation and survival will be a sure thing." (Risalat al Ikhwan, June 10, 2011)

    -Mohammad Badie
  10. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    actually, two Muslim Brotherhood groups exist in Israel.

    funny how I know this but you don't.
  11. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    Everyone knows Obama cut his trip short to attend a funeral; that doesn't make sense.
  12. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Anyone asking for references on this point is extremely ignorant of geopolitics and shouldn't be pretending to know anything in a political debate forum.

    Is this the standard level of political intelligence in Canada?

    Yes. I'm sure I can find a long list of radical Jews to quote too. Yawn.

    This thread is about India and the nuclear logjam. Let's talk about that.

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