Islam religion should be banned in the U.S.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by bradt93, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. gophangover

    gophangover Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    politicalcenter and Bowerbird like this.
  2. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    That is one of the salvation formulations "Sola Fide" - salvation by faith alone. Roughly 25% of Christianity maintains this as doctrine.

    The rest of Christianity does not (Orthodox, Catholic and even some Protestant denominations)

    Since you claim to be so close to death - you might want to spend some time trying figure out which one is correct rather than relying on man made dogma (Martin Luther in this case).

    I can save you some time if you like.

    The most famous Sermon of Jesus (Sermon on the Mount) is about what it takes to make it through the pearly gates. Have a quick read - Matt 5-7 - prior to continuing. 5-7

    This is not some single sentence without context such that there is significant interpretive license. The context is the sermon Jesus has just given.

    The question is then - "what is the will of the Father" ? Before you put up your hand and say "I know I know" and spew a bunch of man made dogma... stop.

    Answer the question using the sermon Jesus has just given - and only that. If you were a Christian living at the time of Matt (decades prior to John being written) or a person who had only heard this sermon, what do you think this person would say ?
  3. jgoins

    jgoins Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2017
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    Cannot all be forgiven except disbelief?
  4. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    What does this have to do with the Sermon on the Mount and the salvation formulation of Jesus ? - other than nothing.

    What is wrong with you ? Holy carp this is pathetic.

    To answer your question - even though you completely ignored addressing the content or the points made in my post - Jesus states that any sin can be forgiven .. a sin against the Son and a sin against the Father.. the only sin that can not be forgiven is a sin against the Spirit.

    As would be expected - you try to fit your man made dogma into scripture rather than try to understand what this passage actually means.

    The author of John refers to Jesus as "The Logos" - mistranslated in modern Bibles as "The Word". While the term Logos does in fact mean "Word", in a religious context it means emissary between God and Man.

    Every Greek speaking person during the time of Jesus knew what the term "Logos" meant. This word has a long history. The author of John was trying to broaden the appeal of Christianity by using terms that the people were familiar with.

    Jesus was emissary between God and Man "The Logos" - and he spoke God's word through the Holy Spirit. The unforgivable sin is then to claim to "speak for God" through the Holy Spirit. This would be to usurp the position of Christ and to blaspheme God. Humans do not speak for God. That was the purview of Jesus.

    It is sad that you could not take a few minutes and read the most famous sermon of Jesus and respond to my post in context.

    In the first paragraph Jesus talks about how to recognize a false prophet by their fruit/works. He then continues saying that not all those who have faith (call out Jesus Jesus) will get into heaven. "Only those that do the will of the Father".

    He then refers to the unforgivable sin ... prophesying and driving out demons in the name of Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit.

    Some translations have "spoke Gods message in your name" for prophesying. Either way this means speaking through God/the holy spirit = usurping the position of the Logos.

    Jesus refers to the "abomination of desolation"/awful horror. Antiochus IV Epiphanes in the mid-2nd century BC set up an altar, likely to Zeus or Baal Shamem in the Jewish temple. Antiochus also claimed to speak for God.

    Although not as clear cut - this is also a usurping of the position of God and speaking for God.

    The Sermon on the mount is about works, works and more works. Nowhere does Jesus say "have faith in me and be saved". The will of the Father is good works and living a good life - putting the teachings of Jesus into action.

    Jesus makes this clear in the final paragraph (above) in his sermon.

    One builds their foundation on "rock" by putting the teachings of Jesus into action. Those that hear the teachings of Jesus (as per the sermon on the mount) and do not put them into action is like a foolish man who builds his house on sand.

    "27 The rain poured down, the rivers flooded over, the wind blew hard against that house, and it fell. And what a terrible fall that was!”

    It is not for nothing that the majority of Christianity does not accept "Sola Fide" salvation by faith alone.
  5. Balto

    Balto Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2013
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    Here's an idea, why don't we remain religiously neutral through being an agnostic country? Stop pushing Christianity unto others through obvious slogans like, "In God We Trust." How about that, so everybody is happy?
  6. kiwimac

    kiwimac Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    1: A number of Muslims did indeed apologise for the actions of those extremists.
    2: The 9/11 actions were the response of some to decades of US intervention in their lands including the overthrow of democratically elected governments by the CIA.
    3: There are 1.5 Billion Muslims on spaceship earth, if they were all extremists you'd probably not be having this conversation with us.
  7. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    Lol...You obviously know nothing about the US Constitution.
    Move to Russia or Saudi Arabia if you want to practice bigotry and hate.

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