Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Greatest I am, Jan 7, 2020.

  1. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Made the mistake of checking this thread while signed-out, so iggy wasn't working, but I'll listen to what you have to say about "hate-worthy atrocities" when you stop literally praising Hitler. Tata again. Maybe one day learn the concept of individualism. If you are willing to blame all Jews for some of them being thieves, you never had the mental or moral capacity to enter into this conversation. All you are doing at that point is trying to justify your racism with an argument that starts with nothing but racist assumptions.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  2. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Apparently you need an instruction manual that tells you that using the word J-W's doe not mean all J-W's, that is a figment of your imagination.

    Hitlers atrocious disease riddled housing conditions for the jewish prisoners under his charge


    Eisenhower the J-W's luxury suites for the German prisoners:


    The Red Cross compliments Eisenhower the J-W about the wonderful room service and exemplary luxurious conditions in a Rhine meadow camp for the Germans:

    The prisoners were on an empty field like animals. There was no housing at all.

    They were in the mud up to the calves. With tins they digged holes into the ground.

    There were no rain flies, no blankets. And there was rain every day.

    The conditions were catastrophic.

    [Yes the pride of america, hell we elected him president after all! ]

    There was nothing for the prisoners. No water tube, no toilet, not one single little roof but only barbed wire in several rows.

    Illnesses on the mud ground: pneumonia, edema, dysentery, typhus, sephritis, rheumatism, sciatica, bad legs, heart and circulation troubles

    The lack of food, water and housing was very remarkable.

    The undernourishment and the nights without housing (rain fly and no blankets, bad clothes) on the clay ground were provoking heavy damages of health with pneumonia, edema, dysentery, sephritis, rheumatism, sciatica, bad legs, and with heart and circulation troubles causing a high death rate. Also missing of any sanitarian and hygienic facilities (there was no protection from any infections) was supporting the loss of any health in masses.>

    Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross about German prisoners of war in the Rhine meadow camps 03

    Torture of Germans in Rhine meadow camps in 1945

    Hows that evil nazi bullshit working for ya yardmeat? :lol:[/QUOTE]

    What? Eisenhower was a J-W????!!!!


    Ernest Fischer US Army confirms Eisenhower the J-W is a war criminal



    Still waiting on your citations of material evidence for all your groundless J-Wish holocaust claims
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
    Grau likes this.
  3. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    No you wont and you and I and everyone else knows it, because you got no material evidence what so ever to support your propaganda.

    [New York Times on August 7, 1933: Untermeyer spokesman on behalf of American Jewery declares a HOLY WAR against Germany]

    "The Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred conflict against the Germans.
    And we are going to starve them into surrender. We are going to use a world-wide boycott against them, that will destroy them because they are dependent upon their export business."

    And it is a fact that two thirds of Germany's food supply had to be imported, and it could only be imported with the proceeds of what they exported. Their labor. So if Germany could not export, two thirds of Germany's population would have to starve. There just was not enough food for more than one third of the population.

    Now in this declaration, which I have here, it was printed on page -- a whole page -- in the New York Times on August 7, 1933, Mr. Samuel Untermyer boldly stated that: "this economic boycott is our means of self-defense. President Roosevelt has advocated its use in the NRA" . [National Recovery Administration] -- which some of you may remember, where everybody was to be boycotted unless they followed the rules laid down by the New Deal, which of course was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court at that time.

    Nevertheless, the Jews of the world declared a boycott against Germany, and it was so effective that you couldn't find one thing in any store anywhere in the world with the words "made in Germany" on it.

    [Now thats some seriously deep entrenchment!]

    In fact, an executive of the Woolworth Company told me that they had to dump millions of dollars worth of crockery and dishes into the river; that their stores were boycotted. If anyone came in and found a dish marked "made in Germany," they were picketed with signs: "Hitler", "murderer", and so forth, and like -- something like these sit-ins that are taking place in the South.

    R. H. Macy, which is controlled by a family called Strauss who also happen to be Jews ... a woman found stockings there which came from Chemnitz, marked "made in Germany". Well, they were cotton stockings. They may have been there 20 years, because since I've been observing women's legs in the last twenty years, I haven't seen a pair with cotton stockings on them.

    So Macy! I saw Macy boycotted, with hundreds of people walking around with signs saying "MURDERS" and "HITLERITES", and so forth.

    Now up to that time, not one hair on the head of any Jew had been hurt in Germany. There was no suffering, there was no starvation, there was no murder, there was nothing.

    Now, that ... naturally, the Germans said, "Why, who are these people to declare a boycott against us and throw all our people out of work, and our industries come to a standstill? Who are they to do that to us?" They naturally resented it. Certainly they painted swastikas on stores owned by Jews.

    Why should a German go in and give their money to a storekeeper who was part of a boycott who was going to starve Germany into surrender into the Jews of the world, who were going to dictate who their premier or chancellor was to be? Well, it was ridiculous.

    [The Jews drew first blood]

    That continued for some time, and it wasn't until 1938, when a young Jew from Poland walked into the German embassy in Paris and shot one of the officials [a German official] that the Germans really started to get rough with the Jews in Germany. And you found them then breaking windows and having street fights and so forth.

    Now, for anyone to say that -- I don't like to use the word 'anti-Semitism' because it's meaningless, but it means something to you still, so I'll have to use it -- the only reason that there was any feeling in Germany against Jews was that they were responsible: number one, for World War One; number two, for this world-wide boycott, and number three -- did I say for World War One, they were responsible? For the boycott -- and also for World War II, because after this thing got out of hand, it was absolutely necessary for the Jews and Germany to lock horns in a war to see which one was going to survive.

    In the meanwhile, I had lived in Germany, and I knew that the Germans had decided [that] Europe is going to be Christian or Communist: there is no in between. It's going to be Christian or it's going to be Communist. And the Germans decided: "We're going to keep it Christian if possible". And they started to re-arm.

    And there intention was -- by that time the United States had recognized the Soviet Union, which they did in November, 1933 -- the Soviet Union was becoming very powerful, and Germany realized: "Well, our turn is going to come soon, unless we are strong." The same as we in this country are saying today, "Our turn is going to come soon, unless we are strong."

    And our government is spending 83 or 84 billion dollars of your money for defense, they say. Defense against whom? Defense against 40,000 little Jews in Moscow that took over Russia, and then, in their devious ways, took over control of many other governments of the world.

    Now, for this country to now be on the verge of a Third World War, from which we cannot emerge a victor, is something that staggers my imagination. I know that nuclear bombs are measured in terms of megatons. A megaton is a term used to describe one million tons of TNT. One million tons of TNT is a megaton. Now, our nuclear bombs have a capacity of 10 megatons, or 10 million tons of TNT. That was when they were first developed five or six years ago. Now, the nuclear bombs that are being developed have a capacity of 200 megatons, and God knows how many megatons the nuclear bombs of the Soviet Union have.

    So, what do we face now? If we trigger a world war that may develop into a nuclear war, humanity is finished. And why will it take place? It will take place because Act III ... the curtain goes up on Act III. Act I was World War I. Act II was World War II. Act III is going to be World War III.

    The Jews of the world, the Zionists and their co-religionists everywhere, are determined that they are going to again use the United States to help them permanently retain Palestine as their foothold for their world government. Now, that is just as true as I am standing here, because not alone have I read it, but many here have read it, and it's known all over the world.

    Now, what are we going to do? The life you save may be your son's. Your boys may be on their way to that war tonight; and you you don't know it any more than you knew that in 1916 in London the Zionists made a deal with the British War Cabinet to send your sons to war in Europe. Did you know it at that time? Not a person in the United States knew it. You weren't permitted to know it.

    Who knew it? President Wilson knew it. Colonel House knew it. Others knew it. Did I know it? I had a pretty good idea of what was going on: I was liaison to Henry Morgenthau, Sr., in the 1912 campaign when President Wilson was elected, and there was talk around the office there.

    I was 'confidential man' to Henry Morgenthau, Sr., who was chairman of the Finance Committee, and I was liaison between him and Rollo Wells, the treasurer. So I sat in these meetings with President Wilson at the head of the table, and all the others, and I heard them drum into President Wilson's brain the graduated income tax and what has become the Federal Reserve, and also indoctrinate him with the Zionist movement.

    Justice Brandeis and President Wilson were just as close as the two fingers on this hand, and President Woodrow Wilson was just as incompetent when it came to determining what was going on as a newborn baby. And that's how they got us into World War I, while we all slept.

    Now, at this moment... at this moment they may be planning this World War III, in which we don't stand a chance even if they don't use nuclear bombs. How can the United States -- about five percent of the world -- go out and fight eighty to ninety percent of the world on their home ground? How can we do it... send our boys over there to be slaughtered? For what? So the Jews can have Palestine as their 'commonwealth'? They've fooled you so much that you don't know whether you're coming or going.

    Now any judge, when he charges a jury, says, "Gentlemen, any witness that you find has told a single lie, you can disregard all his testimony." That is correct. I don't know from what state you come, but in New York state that is the way a judge addresses a jury. If that witness said one lie, disregard his testimony.

    Now, what are the facts about the Jews?

    The Jews -- I call them Jews to you, because they are known as Jews. I don't call them Jews. I refer to them as so-called Jews, because I know what they are. If Jesus was a Jew, there isn't a Jew in the world today, and if those people are Jews, certainly our Lord and Savior was not one of them, and I can prove that.

    Now what happened? The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per cent of the world's population of those people who call themselves Jews, were originally Khazars.

    They were a warlike tribe that lived deep in the heart of Asia. And they were so warlike that even the Asiatics drove them out of Asia into eastern Europe

    -- and to reduce this so you don't get too confused about the history of Eastern Europe -- they set up this big Khazar kingdom: 800,000 square miles. Only, there was no Russia, there were no other countries, and the Khazar kingdom was the biggest country in all Europe -- so big and so powerful that when the other monarchs wanted to go to war, the Khazars would lend them 40,000 soldiers. That's how big and powerful they were.

    Now, they were phallic worshippers, which is filthy. I don't want to go into the details of that now. It was their religion the way it was the religion of many other Pagans or Barbarians elsewhere in the world.

    Now, the [Khazar] king became so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he decided to adopt a so-called monotheistic faith -- either Christianity, Islam -- the Moslem faith -- or what is known today as Judaism -- really Talmudism. So, like spinning a top and calling out "eeny, meeny, miney, moe," he picked out so-called Judaism. And that became the state religion.

    He sent down to the Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up thousands of these rabbis with their teachings, and opened up synagogues and schools in his kingdom of 800,000 people -- 800,000 thousand square miles -- and maybe ten to twenty million people; and they became what we call Jews. There wasn't one of them that had an ancestor that ever put a toe in the Holy Land, not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and they ask us to support their armed insurrection in Palestine by saying:

    "Well, you want to certainly help repatriate God's chosen people to their Promised Land, their ancestral homeland, It's your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to church on Sunday, and kneel and you worship a Jew, and we're Jews."

    Well, they were pagan Khazars who were converted just the same as the Irish [were converted]. And it's just as ridiculous to call them "people of the Holy Land," as it would be ... there are 54 million Chinese Moslems. Fifty four million! And, Mohammed only died in 620 A.D., so in that time, 54 million Chinese have accepted Islam as their religious belief.

    Jewish holocaust survivors that tell the 'truth' about auschwitz:

    so yardmeat we need you to provide material evidence, if we are to believe one damn word you post.

    We know for a FACT that jews as well as internees died AFTER THEIR LIBERATION, 14000 at belsen alone unless of course you want to claim the churchill continued what your zionist pals are calling 'death camp' operations!

    Hows that evil nazi koko's an antisemite bullshit working for ya yardmeat? :lol:
  4. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    You hate Germans which is why you do not treat them fairly.

    The zionists put 6 million germans out of work and they were starving on the street before hitler took over.

    I will stop promoting hitler who took a J-Wish destroyed country to become so properous they were both loved and feared by the west.

    go ahead bring it,

    We all know you put me on iggy because you have nothing what so ever but lip service to counter the long list of material facts I have posted.

    Still waiting for those material citations proving a J-Wish holocaust actually happed, we have mountains of material citations that of the German holocaust inflicted by the J-Ws that German so kindly adopted and took in as refugeess in the early 1900's
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  5. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    The Nazis disagreed. Develop some backbone and start criticizing them for it. Meanwhile, you've been enormously inconsistent on this point and have been more than willing to condemn Jews as a whole, even saying the Holocaust was their fault (when you aren't making the braindead argument that the Holocaust didn't happen).
  6. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    I've never criticized Germans. I'm part German. Now please try telling the truth. I've criticized Nazis. If telling the truth is too much for you, you should leave the forum.

    Your worship of Hitler was never based on evidence.

    In case you've forgotten, this isn't the first time you've asked me for material evidence. The last time I provided it, and addressed your supposed evidence, YOU REFUSED AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO ACTUALLY ADDRESS ANY OF THE EVIDENCE. I spent hours verifying my points and providing citation and you never, ever, at any point, addressed them. If you want to tell me you've changed, I'll take you off iggy long enough to hear you make the case that you have. Swear that you will address evidence provided, despite the fact you have shown to be unwilling to do so in the past, and I'll consider posting some. Or you can just try doing some basic homework. It isn't like there's a shortage of material evidence of the death camps that you want to play make-believe never existed.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  7. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Oh there most certainly was a holocaust! I dont deny that, oh no. I deny that it was the J-W's that were the victims of the holocaust and you have nothing what so ever buyt hearsay and propaganda to prove J-Ws were the target of any holocaust.

    J-Ws starved over 6 million Germans:

    After the Germans genously took them in as refugees

    Thats a Hate worthy ATROCITY

    Now up to that time, not one hair on the head of any Jew had been hurt in Germany. There was no suffering, there was no starvation, there was no murder, there was nothing.

    Now, that ... naturally, the Germans said, "Why, who are these people to declare a boycott against us and throw all our people out of work, and our industries come to a standstill? Who are they to do that to us?" They naturally resented it. Certainly they painted swastikas on stores owned by Jews.

    Why should a German go in and give their money to a storekeeper who was part of a boycott who was going to starve Germany into surrender into the Jews of the world, who were going to dictate who their premier or chancellor was to be? Well, it was ridiculous.

    You claim that the Germans should love the J-W's for starving them out, its the haters problem! This is too easy ffs! LOL
  8. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    You claim I am not telling the truth? Take your best ****ing shot.


    The Germans voted in the nazis! you now make distinctions with no difference.
    "Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived"
    ~ John F Kennedy 1945

    You dont have any.
    You made naked claims never posted any evidence, prove in your next post with a LINKED QUOTE not your usual BS lip service.
    No way I love it when people are foolish enough to put me on iggy!
    I always address actual evidence, your naked opinions are NOT evidence, PROVE this evidence by QUOTING IT in a LINKED QUOTE!
    I lack belief that Germany had 'death' camps.....PROVE IT!

    There is no shortage of material bullshit but no evidence of a holocaust against J-Ws, cant wait to see all this evidence you blather about with a LINKED QUOTE proving you actually posted any. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  9. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    See previous post. If you can promise me that, unlike previous exchanges, you are actually willing to address any evidence I provide, I'll consider posting it. Last time I spent a lot of effort providing you with the info you demanded and you refused to address any of it. If your willingness to review and respond to evidence has changed, I'll consider providing it. In my experience, however, providing you with material evidence has proven to be a waste of time, so I'd need some reason to believe that doing your homework for you would at least be met with a consideration of that homework.
  10. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    If and only IF you provide MATERIAL evidence, if your evidence is conjecture, hearsay bullshit no deal.

    Still waiting for that LINKED QUOTE of alleged material evidence that you posted.

    If you want a promise you will like the counter arguments forget it. I already posted all the info that proves your holocaust with J-Ws as victims is a hoax.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  11. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    What the hell are you talking about? Forensic, material evidence is examined by non-eye witnesses, so now you are saying you are just going to call forensics hearsay and conjecture? And since you still are a tinfoil Holocaust denier, you aren't willing to listen to any eye witnesses who refute your garbage, so what are you willing to accept as evidence?

    I'm not going to spend an hour or so pulling together resources that you won't bother examining or addressing. I've done that before. Not again. Promise me you will address the material I provide and address it thoroughly, and then I'll do your history homework for you. So far, not promising. No wonder you've mindlessly fallen for this nonsense.
  12. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    I Knew you would dodge the bullet! LMAO

    I already told you my conditions, you dont set the discussion rules here pal.

    Hell you cant even cite with a LINKED QUOTE all that evidence you claim I did not respond to ffs!

    You cant produce, Just put me back on iggy and continue to post bullshit! LOL
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  13. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    To recap: you are demanding evidence while letting slip that no evidence would every change your neo-Nazi religion. This isn't the first time you have demanded evidence while failing to rise to the occasion and actually address the evidence you claim to be interested, so I can only conclude your requests for evidence are not honest. I'll gladly put you back on iggy and keep posting historical facts that you are incapable of addressing.
  14. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    You claimed you already posted evidence that I allegedly did not respond to.

    That is FALSE that is why you cant cough up A LINKED QUOTE proving you really did post evidence. ****ing hilarious

    Just put me back on iggy your bullshit posts is a waste of my time.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  15. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    In previous conversations. Which is true. See our relativity "debate," in which you failed to address any of the physical evidence I provided you with.

    Quotes are only evidence of statements. How do you not know this already? One sec you claim to care about material evidence, which you've never cared about in the past, and now you change tracks and say all you are looking for are linked quotes.

    You claim to care about evidence, and you demand evidence, but you have proven incapable of addressing evidence and, more importantly, you have refused to even clarify what you would be willing to accept as evidence in this debate.

    Clarify, and be rational, or bye bye.
  16. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    So then your claim is PATENTLY FALSE


    You pissed away how many posts trying to fake us out that you did, now you admit you DID NOT.

    AS I SAID! you couldnt link quote it because it never happened as I said.

    Look just put me on iggy, seriously I dont have time for this level of underhanded bullshit. Piss away someone elses time.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  17. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    You refuse to even say what you would consider as material evidence. You have swallowed the neo-Nazi lies and are here admitting no amount of evidence could change your mind. Your history denialism is no different than your physics denialism.

    Not only do you refuse to consider evidence, you accuse anyone willing to ACTUALLY base their position on evidence of "underhanded bullshit."

    Go back to worshipping Hitler. When you are willing and capable of considering evidence, we can resume the conversation. I won't hold my breath.
  18. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Yes go back to worshiping the Zionists
    You admitted that you posted NO EVIDENCE, I am not willing to consider NO EVIDENCE.
    No I accuse anyone of fraudulently claiming to post evidence "underhanded bullshit."
    WTF is history and physics denialism? I never denied the existence of history or physics. Where you dig this **** up from?
    You post fraudulent fabrications
    because as we can see you know full well that I would accept material evidence and you admit that you do not know what material evidence is.

    Again just put me on iggy and spare everyone the bottom of the barrel sludge. There is no way you can save face after pretending you posted evidence which we all know you did not.

    "Hitler will emerge from YOUR hatred
    that surrounds him now as one of the most
    significant figures who ever lived"
    ~ John F Kennedy 1945

    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  19. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    If the Nazis were exterminating the Jews they did a lousy job leaving all of those "many, many, many more survivors. "
    Kokomojojo and Grau like this.
  20. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Were there lynchings in Munich like there were in America? Where are your pictures? They used to publish lynching times in America so that it would give the racists time to get there for their entertainment. And neither the local, State, or federal governments did a damn thing to stop them.
    Kokomojojo likes this.
  21. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Thanks, the most egregious WW 2 "death camps" were those established by Eisenhower and Stalin but thousands have found that the quickest way to instant fame and easy money is to fabricate outrageous & grisly fictions about the Holocaust®(1) and blame the Germans for everything.

    Probably the most credible and impartial source that debunks the standard holocaust narrative (SHN) is the original, 1,600 page Red Cross report. (2)
    Subsequent "clarifications" by the Red Cross reflect the enormous pressure on that organization by the Allied propaganda mill and the international Holocaust Industry.
    Surprisingly, many Western readers believe that only the "other side" uses propaganda and only Allied propaganda is true.

    (1) "Could there be anything more twisted than these Holocaust fantasists? How more and more people are making up memoirs about witnessing Nazi crimes"

    EXCERPT "Unfortunately, despite all these examples, publishers are still wilfully selling suspect memoirs based on the Holocaust and the war.

    No doubt there will be more books of this type. With publishers fighting it out to sell the latest tale of World War II derring-do, or Holocaust misery, it seems unlikely this is a genre that will die out.

    Anybody reading these books should stop and ask themselves whether what they hold in their hands is, in fact, true." CONTINUED

    (2) "A Factual Appraisal Of The 'Holocaust' By The Red Cross"

    "The Jews And The Concentration Camps:No Evidence Of Genocide"

    EXCERPT "In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend." CONTINUED
    Kokomojojo likes this.
  22. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    The last time I was amused by one of your vapid, puerile & insulting tantrums was on another Holocaust related thread when you were fumbling for reasons for why "gas chamber eyewitnesses" recalled allegedly gassed victims having blue skin.

    I managed to chase you away from that thread by citing the fact that victims of cyanide or carbon monoxide actually have "cherry red" or a pinkish skin color:

    (1)"Johns Hopkins"

    Signs and Symptoms

    EXCERPT "Other: acute lung injury, nausea and vomiting, cherry-red skin color.CONTINUED

    (2) "Cyanide Toxicity"

    EXCERPT "Patients with cyanide poisoning will not be cyanotic but will have a cherry red color due to excess oxygen in the bloodstream."CONTINUED

    (3) "Cyanide Poisoning Treatment, Symptoms & Effects - eMedicineHealth"

    1. EXCERPT "The skin of a cyanide-poisoned person can sometimes be unusually pink or cherry-red because oxygen will stay in the blood and not get into the cells."CONTINUED

    Since we were discussing the impossibility of the Auschwitz 1 "gas chamber" ever having served as a homicidal gas chamber, do you have any new information or are you still stuck on insulting better informed individuals with critical thinking skills as all "Jew hating Neo Nazis" etc, etc?
    Kokomojojo likes this.
  23. Thought Criminal

    Thought Criminal Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 28, 2017
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    Because they've been taught to.
  24. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Brito-Zionists Starve Germans

    [The Politics of Hunger: Allied Blockade of Germany, 1915-1919 • By C. Paul Vincent • Ohio University Press (1985) • 185 pages.

    The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917.

    The War Orders given by the Admiralty on 26 August [1914] were clear enough. All food consigned to Germany through neutral ports was to be captured and all food consigned to Rotterdam was to be presumed consigned to Germany. … The British were determined on the [Genocidal] starvation policy, whether or not it was lawful.6

    "Wilson ensured that every loophole left open by the Allies for the potential reprovisioning of Germany was closed … even the importation of foodstuffs by neutrals was prevented until December 1917." Rations in Germany were reduced to about one thousand calories a day. By 1918, the [German] mortality rate among civilians was 38 percent higher than in 1913; tuberculosis was rampant, and, among children, so were rickets and edema. Yet, when the Germans surrendered in November 1918, the armistice terms, drawn up by Clemenceau, Foch, and Pétain, included the continuation of the blockade until a final peace treaty was ratified.

    In December 1918, the National Health Office in Berlin calculated that 763,000 persons had died as a result of the [Atrocious Illegal] blockade by that time; the number added to this in the first months of 1919 is unknown.7 In some respects, the armistice saw the intensification of the suffering, since the German Baltic coast was now effectively blockaded and German fishing rights in the Baltic annulled.

    One of the most notable points in Vincent's account is how the perspective of "zoological" warfare, later associated with the Nazis, began to emerge from the maelstrom of ethnic hatred engendered by the war. In September 1918, one English journalist, in an article titled "The Huns of 1940," wrote hopefully of the tens of thousands of Germans now in the wombs of famished mothers who "are destined for a life of physical inferiority."8 The "famous founder of the Boy Scouts, Robert Baden-Powell, naively expressed his satisfaction that the German race is being ruined; though the birth rate, from the German point of view, may look satisfactory, the irreparable harm done is quite different and much more serious."

    Against the genocidal wish-fantasies of such thinkers and the heartless vindictiveness of Entente politicians should be set the anguished reports from Germany by British journalists and, especially, army officers, as well as by the members of Herbert Hoover's American Relief Commission. Again and again they stressed, besides the barbarism of the continued blockade, the danger that famine might well drive the Germans to Bolshevism. Hoover was soon persuaded of the urgent need to end the blockade, but wrangling among the Allies, particularly French insistence that the German gold stock could not be used to pay for food, since it was earmarked for reparations, prevented action.

    In early March 1919, General Herbert Plumer, commander of the British Army of Occupation, informed Prime Minister Lloyd George that his men were begging to be sent home; they could no longer stand the sight of "hordes of skinny and bloated [German] children pawing over the offal" from the British camps. Finally, the Americans and British overpowered French objections, and at the end of March, the first food shipments began arriving in Hamburg. But it was only in July, after the formal German signature to the Treaty of Versailles, that the Germans were permitted to import raw materials and export manufactured goods.

    Besides the direct effects of the British blockade, there are the possible indirect and much more damaging effects to consider. A German child who was ten years old in 1918, and who survived, was twenty-two in 1930. Vincent raises the question of whether the miseries and suffering from hunger in the early, formative years help account to some degree for the enthusiasm of German youth for Nazism later on. Drawing on a 1971 article by Peter Loewenberg, he argues in the affirmative.9 Loewenberg's work, however, is a specimen of psychohistory and his conclusions are explicitly founded on psychoanalytic doctrine.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2020
  25. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    During the war one of the Zionist agents tried to sell the idea to the Washington dummies that 8 million Jews had been killed. Even the dummies wouldn't buy that lie so they eventually settled on the magic 6 million figure. It is like the absurd numbers found in the Bible and in the Talmud, pure BS but it it has been repeated for billions of times and anyone who questions it is called a bad guy.

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