Let's round 'em up: liberals, what do you believe? And how do you implement them?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by FixingLosers, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. PropagandaMachine

    PropagandaMachine New Member

    Sep 20, 2012
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    LOL I'm not a Liberal. Sounds like you don't have anything, so you accuse anyone who criticizes you of being Liberal. do you even know the basic tenants of Liberalism? I think not. :fart:
  2. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I'm only partly liberal, but here it goes:

    Pro-gay marriage: don't like gay marriage? Don't have one.

    Pro-choice: don't like abortion? Don't have one.

    Pro-gun rights: don't like guns? Don't get one.

    Anti-War on Drugs: don't like drugs? Don't do them.

    Pro-euthanasia: don't like assisted suicide? Kill yourself and save us the trouble.

    Reduced-interventionism: spend less on war, focus more on border security.

    Revise affirmative action to reflect class rather than race.

    Revise the work visa system so that fewer people work illegally and we can actually tax them.

    Don't cut taxes, but cap deductions.

    Cut spending across the board, but focus primarily on reducing defense budget, ending farm subsidies, and reforming SS and Medicare.

    There... that doesn't sound too authoritarian, right?
  3. geofree

    geofree Active Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    A flat tax of 5% per year on wealth would work for me.

    - The average net worth of U.S. families is $77,000, which would make their annual tax bill $3,850.

    - The working poor, or young families just getting started generally have a negative net worth, so they would pay nothing.

    - An individual with $1,000,000,000 in net worth would pay $50,000,000 in annual taxes.

    So yeah, a flat tax on WEALTH would be far better than a progressive tax on income, I will agree to that.
  4. scottwmackey

    scottwmackey New Member

    Oct 17, 2012
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    What are you really so angry at? Do you really think your life has been seriously harmed by liberal social policies?
  5. The Real American Thinker

    The Real American Thinker New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    So far, all of the elected ones, to any level of government. Prez, Vice Prez, Congress...
  6. The Real American Thinker

    The Real American Thinker New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    Anyway, to the post: you gave no specifics, so I'll just tell you what I believe off the top of my head.

    1) Repeal the Sixteenth Amendment. There should not be an income tax.

    2) Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment. Senators should represent the states, the people already have representatives.

    3) Expand and clarify the First Amendment, especially the "...shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibit the exercise thereof." It should apply to ALL levels of government, not just Congress, and separation of church and state should be explicitly defined in it, instead of vaguely like it is now.

    4) Propose a new amendment to the Constitution making healthcare, food, water, and shelter official rights.

    5) Propose a new amendment to the constitution imposing strict term limits on members of the House of Representatives. If we repeal the Seventeenth there will be no need for Senate term limits. If we don't repeal the Seventeenth, include the Senate in the term limits amendment.

    6) Propose an amendment to the constitution giving strict term limits to SCOTUS Justices. All term limits for President, Congress, and SCOTUS will not coincide.

    7) Propose a two year extension edit of the President's term in the constitution.

    8) Transfer America into a proportional representation system, where parties are represented in government by the percentage of votes they receive. For example, if the Green Party gets 2% and the Libertarian Party gets 6%, 2% of Congress is Green and 6% Libertarian.

    9) Transfer America to a popular vote system. The Electoral College is no longer needed.

    10) To summarize my plan on social welfare: give the programs to the states, but make it law that they cannot eliminate benefits or make it unduly hard to get them. Have the federal government provide some compensation to the states to help with their budgets. It should be able to do that with a significant expense eliminated and a balanced budget. We can't create dependency though, so people on benefits will have to supply five applications a week to their case worker. For every week they show less than five or none, they get their benefits docked until they do. Repeated, consecutive failure to abide by the conditions will result in a revocation of benefits. In return, case workers will help their cases find work or help them get work after they apply.

    11) Create "homeless hotels" on federal land. Basically, build hotels, but for the homeless, with on-site doctors and job training programs.

    12) Instant, across the board repeal of the PATRIOT Act, the NDAA, and other such laws, plus an amendment to the constitution making the passage of such laws illegal and punishable by removal from office and possibly even jail time.

    Hm...that's all I can think of at the moment. If anyone has specific issues I haven't addressed, bring it up and I'll speak to it.
  7. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    LOL, well get use to it or go join a dog lovers forum and argue which breed produces the cutest puppies. Political debate is a full contact sport. Perhaps I am reading too much into your name, but "FixingLosers" screams of (I am right, you are wrong, now I will set you straight)... hard to debate with someone who is perhaps blinded by how right they are.

    Allow me to play devils advocate. First I must say that I am not a Liberal nor do I support Obama. Perhaps Libs you argue with deny your accusations because they see things from a different perspective... a perspective that you are blind to. Or are you so full of yourself that there is actually only one way to see something... your way? Do you try to step outside your own views in a real effort to understand the Libs? To understand a Lib does not mean you have to agree with their views. Perhaps you are unaware of this? I disagree with Obama all over the place, but I know that his heart is in the right place, he is a good man and just doing what he honestly believes is best for the Country... just like Romney.

    It is always easier to demonize rather than to understand.
  8. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    I liberally believe we should harness natural public sector monopolies into public sector means of production such as Hoover Dam and the Fed, and eventually eliminate any need for an income tax on real persons.

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