Man with gun ends stabbing spree at Utah store

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Locke9-05, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. Locke9-05

    Locke9-05 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Man with gun ends stabbing spree at Utah store (Link)

    A man with concealed carry put a quick end to a random murderous perpetrator's psychotic goal of stabbing people as they shopped inside the store. This man with the firearm who challenged the man stabbing others was thinking quick and used his second amendment right in defense of his right the right of all the other shoppers in the grocery store to live peacefully without being violently assaulted or murdered. But see, this news story will never make it to prime time coverage, these types of stories are very very prevalent, but one actually has to go searching for them in the depths of local media coverage, they hardly ever--if ever--appear in national headlines. Why? It would seem that good people using their second amendment right in the proper way in defense of themselves or other innocent people around them against criminals is not worthy of coverage to the primarily leftist based mainstream media conglomerates. It doesn't align with their long-established political agenda.

    Only is it when a crazy person who gets a hold of a gun commits a crime with that gun will we see it make national news. And what's more, we don't see all the instances of psychos or violent criminals with guns, we only see isolated incidents of this, usually when the affected victims--or at least most of them--are at the very least semi-privileged white people. Gang violence in Chicago and other urban population centers don't make national headlines, because the media likes to create a very specific narrative--one that is not based on all the facts. So in order to do that, they only cover the stories that support this farce of a narrative which so many leftists end up believing as the Prophecy of the 2010's. Any supporters of the second amendment know that there are a ton of stories of the second amendment being used in the proper way, there are a ton of examples of people defending themselves and others using firearms. But you won't find those stories unless you look for them, because the mainstream media just buries and ignores them, not giving them the attention they actually deserve.
  2. ronmatt

    ronmatt New Member

    Oct 22, 2009
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    Duh. the Main Stream Media's only obligation is to report on news that furthers the Liberal Democrat Agenda. No more, no less, no doubt. I guarantee that their research departments are digging furiously into the 'shooter's background' to find anything that can be used against his character. As well as finding ways to muster public support for the poor, misunderstood knife wielding shooting victim. If they find nothing worth reporting they'll say [if he had a gun, he would have killed some people. But he only used a knife, wounding some..and that's OK". The shooter used excessive force against a man armed only with a knife]
  3. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    But wait, I thought guns only killed people? Since when do they save lives?
  4. Regular Joe

    Regular Joe Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2013
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    According to the story, the stabber was NOT shot. The good guy just threatened, and other people got the bad guy under control.
    This happened in a State that is still fighting against gay marriage, so we don't want to say anything good about them.
  5. BroncoBilly

    BroncoBilly Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 5, 2004
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    The loony left has been the perpetrators of gun violence time and time again

    In 1865 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States .
    In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States who later died from the wound.
    In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States .
    In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States .
    In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the United States .
    In 1984 James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.
    In 1986 Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.
    In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.
    n 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby's cafeteria in Killeen , TX .
    In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.
    In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.
    In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US .
    In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.
    In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung - Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.
    In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.
    n 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes, went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
    In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis .
    In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school in Newtown , CT.
    As recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy ship yard.

    Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns.
  6. Regular Joe

    Regular Joe Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2013
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    Just imagine how many of those incidents may have been prevented if there were concealed carriers at each one. This is one of very few things in our country that is improving. It's a sad irony that improvement in this country comes with the increased ability of people to impose deadly force on others, but there you have it.
  7. LongTermGuy

    LongTermGuy New Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    `Interesting stats ....
  8. BroncoBilly

    BroncoBilly Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 5, 2004
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    It is interesting since none of this happens from NRA or TEA Party Americans. Liberals like to call the NRA and TEA Party domestic terrorists, and it is obvious who the real terrorists are. From Green Peace, to animal rights advocates, they seem to start with a noble cause, then they get loony and violent
  9. Channe

    Channe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 16, 2013
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    It's a good thing the guy didn't have an AK
  10. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    it's a good thing the guy didn't have a barrel of fertilizer and fuel oil or even a length of pipe and some black powder. see, i can do that to.
  11. RPA1

    RPA1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 22, 2009
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    More proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

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