McCain Wants Accountability In Washington

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Brtblutwo, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    Americans must look back roughly forty years to find accountability in Washington. Surprisingly, it was Richard Nixon, yes, Tricky Dick, that resigned the Presidency for his complicity in the Watergate Scandal. Nixon’s “plumbers” did time for their (illegal) dirty tricks.

    If such accountability was taken the the years since, Reagan would have resigned for the Iran/Contra Guns for Hostages scandal, and the Bush/Cheney administration would have been convicted of war crimes and collusion.

    There are those in the right wing that would claim Clinton should have resigned in shame for lying about a BJ(s) in the Oval Office, but that schoolboy foolishness pales in comparison to the death and injuries caused by Dubya and his gang.

    Now, Senator John McCain is calling for the resignation of Keith Alexander, director of the NSA. This, because allies of the United States have discovered the U.S. government has been spying on them for years.

    McCain, and the other Republicans looking to blame this surveillance program on the Obama administration are barking up the wrong tree. These things have been happening for decades, and U.S. allies have also been caught with their hands in the spying cookie jar. This makes their indignation ring hollow.

    Currently, the GOP is counting on eight years of their congressional gridlock to convince voters they should be returned to power; and given the severe lack of political awareness of most U.S. voters, there is a good chance it could happen.

    Americans that truly understand the high level of corruption among U.S. lawmakers also understand this accountability John McCain wants will come back and bite future Republican administrations in the a$$. Despite the belief of conservatives and neoconservatives, the Congressional Republicans are every bit as crooked as the Democrats.

    So, before McCain opens a political can of worms he’s going to regret, he should rethink his plan. As far as accountability in Washington, John, be careful what you wish for.

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