Melbourne nightclub shooting leaves one dead, three injured

Discussion in 'Gun Control' started by Well Bonded, Apr 14, 2019.

  1. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    And guess what you are once again totally incorrect.

    Weed Hangover: What Are the Symptoms and How Do You Cure It?

    If you use cannabis for recreational purposes on a regular basis, you will no doubt have suffered a weed hangover at some point. While this is not life-threatening, it can be just as bad as the night after a boozy session with your friends.

    The symptoms can vary from person to person. There’s even a debate with some people suggesting that the weed hangover doesn’t even exist at all. Many beg to differ, especially those who have suffered. If you’ve had a cannabis session, sampled too many edibles or got your dosage wrong and you’re suffering from any of the following symptoms you might like to try a few of our remedies.

    Brain fog is one of the biggest problems that seems to come with a weed hangover. It appears a mist has fallen down around your thoughts. You aren’t able to concentrate or focus on anything at all. Our advice? Don’t try to do any complex mathematical puzzles or understand the meaning of life – simply wait for things to pass.

    • You may feel tired, that’s perfectly natural after over-indulging, and you might have a headache.
    • In more severe cases, you may also feel nauseous.
    • Your eyes could feel a little on the dry side and look red and painful. This is actually quite common but should pass in a little while.
    Weed Hangover: The Evidence
    You might be surprised to find out that researchers have largely given this area of cannabis culture a pretty wide berth. There have been a few studies done, however.

    The most widely cited across the internet is a 1985 study of 13 guys who smoked the night before and were tested in the morning. The researchers basically concluded that there was indeed such a thing as the weed hangover. There’s a fairly small sample size here, however, though it’s backed up by plenty of anecdotal evidence.

    The bad feeling could really come down to simply overdoing things – it’s the same way we suffer when we overindulge whether it’s with drink, food or cannabis. A 1998 study found that a single joint had no real adverse effect on a small sample of users in the research group.

    With so little research done in this area, we’re left to fall back on anecdotal accounts which usually associate a weed hangover with high THC strains and having too much in one go. That makes sense and one way to avoid this kind of problem is always to do things in moderation.

    Do Particular Products Cause a Weed Hangover?
    Sometimes swapping to a different strain can cause a weed hangover, at least according to the anecdotal evidence we’ve seen on the internet. Some products simply don’t agree with some people.

    For the most part, we have to link it to consuming too much in the first place – despite what other people try to say.

    On the other hand, cannabis can affect people in different ways so the idea that a different strain doesn’t agree with someone is not too implausible. That’s not quite the same as a weed hangover, though. Factors that can personally give you a bad experience are your own tolerance, your physiological makeup, what mood you are in and the dosage you take.

    The method of consumption can make a difference to whether you suffer from a weed hangover or not. You will be more likely to overindulge edibles by accident, for example, than if were smoking or vaping. THC doesn’t generally or isn’t thought to, cause a weed hangover. If you are smoking, however, those toxins such as benzene and carbon monoxide in the tobacco might well give you problems.

    Weed Hangover and Dehydration
    Dehydration is more often associated with a night of heavy drinking and with good cause. It’s also mentioned as a symptom of the weed hangover, though there’s really no scientific reason why this should be so. Sufferers might wake up feeling thirsty but that doesn’t always suggest dehydration.

    Dry mouth is actually a common side-effect of having THC. There’s evidence to support this as the cannabinoid is able to bind to the saliva glands which stops them moistening your mouth. A drink of water should fix this.

    That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to staying hydrated while you are having a session with cannabis. As a nation, we don’t drink enough water at all and regular dehydration can have a harmful impact on your health. That’s not a cannabis-related issue but worth pointing out all the same!

    It’s even more important if you have an existing health condition. Staying hydrated can help assist pain relief even if you are taking cannabis to ease the condition you have. You may find that drinking water will also soothe some of the symptoms of your weed hangover such as that foggy feeling or a headache
  2. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Top Tips on How to Get Unhigh

    There’s nothing worse than getting too high. That’s why cannabis connoisseurs are always careful about the strains they choose and their method of delivery. The truth is that it’s easy to overdo things, especially when you’re making your own concentrate or growing your own cannabis plants.

    But, if you’ve taken too big a hit or indulged too much on those edibles, is there anything you can do except wait for it all to pass?

    Here we take a look at how to get unhigh or at least take the edge off things.

    Top 4 Reasons You Got Too High
    1. It was your first time and you were a little inexperienced. When you’re not used to the effects of cannabis and THC, being too high is actually relative.
    2. You were relaxing with friends and trying to keep up with them. This is the most common reason for overdoing things.
    3. It’s the first time you tried concentrates and you simply used too much and inhaled too deeply.
    4. You tried edibles but ate too much, forgetting the effects take much longer to show up in the bloodstream than with other methods like smoking, vaping or dabbing.
    How to Get Unhigh: The First Rule is Don’t Panic!
    Our first piece of advice is to try and not panic. That’s not always easy to do, especially if it’s your first experience of being out of control.

    Most extreme highs will pass over time and it’s unlikely that you are going to do yourself serious harm. You may feel some paranoia or anxiety but just find a comfortable and safe space to work through it. Panicking isn’t going to solve anything. Remember this:

    • You are not going to die.
    • You will recover.
    All you’re going to be left with is a little grogginess and the prospect of maybe a few days getting your head back together again. Most experienced cannabis users know this, which is why you don’t see them worrying when they’ve over-indulged.

    Understanding Your Own Limits
    We all react to cannabis in our individual ways. If you’re in a group, everyone will get high at a different rate and feel the effects based on their own psychology and physiology. If you are a beginner when it comes to cannabis, you probably won’t know what to expect. Over time, however, as you become more experienced you’ll get a better handle on what works for you and what doesn’t.

    Most people who have used cannabis recreationally have overdone it at some point. Understanding your own body may not be an exact, scientific solution for how to get unhigh but, as with most things, prevention is generally better than the cure.

    Make sure that you always take cannabis with friends you trust and know. Being surrounded by strangers when you are ultra-high can make you even more paranoid and anxious. Research the best way to take different products.

    For example, if you have edibles don’t over-indulge. Food takes longer to get into the bloodstream than smoke. It could be one or two hours before you start to feel the effect. Don’t be tempted to eat more because you think the edible is not giving you a high.

    Never feel that you have to keep up with your peers either. Go at your own pace. No one really cares whether you can take large amounts of cannabis or not.

    Time Honored Tips When You’re Too High
    Go online and you’ll find plenty of articles on how to get unhigh. This underlines the fact that it happens quite a lot, even with experienced cannabis users. Some of these methods will work for you, others might not. They’re all certainly worth a try!

    Water, More Water and Munchies
    You won’t be surprised to learn, as with over-indulgence with booze, plenty of water and some tasty snacks can help take the edge off your cannabis high. It’s not exactly going to flush the THC out of your system but it will stop your mouth drying out and keep you hydrated while you recover.

    You should, of course, steer far from any alcohol as it will undoubtedly make your situation worse. Research has shown that the concentration of THC in your blood can be boosted by taking even a small amount of alcohol. So put away the beers and the spirits before you get out your cannabis. You don’t need to combine the two.

    Snacks can help keep you centered and give you something to focus on. Don’t worry about the quality or the healthiness, anything from salty chips to burger and fries are all fair game when you have an excessive high. You can deal with the increase in your waistline the next day once you’re feeling better.

    Does Black Pepper Work?
    Any guide on how to get unhigh usually includes crunching on a black pepper corn or two. Whether this is an old wives tale or something more substantial is not entirely clear but chewing on some whole black pepper corns is thought to take the edge off a bad high. Some cannabis enthusiasts swear by it while others are not so convinced it does anything at all.

    Our advice? Give it a try anyway. It may be that the act of crunching on a pepper distracts you enough to forget the high for a while. It seems to work better if you are suffering a little paranoia and anxiety as well.

    The Best Cure is Rest
    If you can relax, then try to do so. This is not always easy when you’re high but at some point you will run out of steam. Find a comfortable bed or sofa, wrap yourself up and try some deep breathing, taking the air in through your nose and exhaling out through your mouth. While it’s no easy task to switch your brain into neutral, if you can manage to drop off for a while it can actually work wonders.

    Walking to Get Unhigh
    Going to sleep for a while isn’t that easy for most of us, so you might want to reverse things and go for a walk instead. A little fresh air and exercise can do you good but a lot depends on what state you are in and where you live. If the neighbors don’t know you get high and don’t like it either, it might be better to stay hidden away until you’re feeling better.

    Vigorous walking can help pump the blood around your body and get that THC working its way through your system. If you’re feeling anxious or paranoid, however, it might be worth waiting. The last thing you want is to get lost while you are in an over excited state like this.

    If you can’t get out just yet, another thing you can do is strip off and get in the shower. This should help you relax and feel a little fresher afterwards.

    The Distraction Technique
    The most common approach for how to get unhigh is to distract yourself. Pretend it’s not all happening and, soon enough, time will have passed and your symptoms will start to calm down. There are lots of things you could do. Many people play a video game, watch a film, listen to music or simply curl up with a loved one. Blog #35 (HpTZYP)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Seedsman Retail All&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJtakBmcHZ0YS5jb20iLCAia2xfY29tcGFueV9pZCI6ICJiZUw3UWMifQ==

    Can CBD Help?
    CBD is often useful in strains to combat the effect of THC and it might seem reasonable that, if you are suffering from too big a high, taking more of this particular substance may help. CBD can certainly help you fight anxiety but there isn’t much evidence that it works when taken after the fact.

    At the end of the day, the only thing you can really do when it comes to a big high that you can’t control is wait. Make sure you don’t get in a car and drive or doing anything stupid that could put yourself in danger. If you’re supposed to go to work, call in sick – you’re not going to be much use anyway.

    Have a look at our high CBD cannabis seeds on our online store.

    Above all, don’t panic. If you are suffering from a really bad anxiety induced high that doesn’t seem to be calming down, you may want to see your doctor. By the time you get there and get some treatment, however, the paranoia may well have passed.

    The one thing you can do is make a note of what caused your high. Did you smoke too much? Are you using a high THC strain that isn’t right for you?

    Whatever the cause, you need to learn from it. Most people do and change their behavior or exposure accordingly. It helps to write down your experience as soon as possible after the event so that you can get a handle on what happened and understand it better.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  3. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    A blog...... that cites studies with 13 people in them.

    You honestly think that gets you anywhere chief?

    Not to mention : "There’s even a debate with some people suggesting that the weed hangover doesn’t even exist at all."
    And this "THC doesn’t generally or isn’t thought to, cause a weed hangover. If you are smoking, however, those toxins such as benzene and carbon monoxide in the tobacco might well give you problems."
    ^ TOBACCO. TOBACCO IS NOT WEED. DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS FURTHER OR IS THE CAPS ATTACK CLEAR ENOUGH? They make hemp papers dude, no one unrolls an actual cigar anymore. Google "cyclone" they sell them at gas stations everywhere.

    Being tired? Symptom of being quite stoned just like you might nod off while drinking. Taking a nap in the middle of the day? Will make you tired all day.
    Eyes blood shot? Not a hangover ffs.
    Yes sitting there all day and not drinking water will cause dehydration, that's not a weed hangover that's you not drinking water all day ffs. Cotton mouth as explained in your link is not dehydration, weed doesn't cause dehydration.
    Nausea is directly contraindicated unless you've got tainted product. The feds for instance have been known to spray fields with a particular herbicide, paraquat, which when ingested by humans is rather toxic and the most common symptom is uncontrollable vomiting and stomach pains. They did a similar thing during Alcohol Prohibition tainting booze.
    But, AGAIN, that's not the weed doing it, that would be tainted product.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  4. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    From a reputable company that sells cannabis seeds and has way more intelligence on the effects of cannabis that you ever will.

    You lose big time on this one.
  5. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    By the way that, is 13 more studies then you are backing your very false claims upon.
  6. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    Not 13 studies, 13 members in the ****ing sample.

    Did you even read your article chief?
    Bowerbird likes this.
  7. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    It matters not, I wasn't talking to you.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  8. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Pointing out a possible problem isn't cause to deflect attention from that problem. If you choose to ignore it, fine. No skin off of my back. My only concern will be when US politicians push new laws on us because of murders that occur down under.
  9. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    You misconstrue the question. The issue is NOT the total recorded level of violence recorded in each nation but rather the level of violence per head of population and on that basis if the recorded levels of violence in Australia have always been lower the question has to be asked why that is the case.

    I havn't checked whether the stats actually support such a contention but if they do it is up tot he US to ask itself why this is the case and what if anything it is prepared to do to correct the situation.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  10. Well Bonded

    Well Bonded Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    When you post here you are talking to everyone, get it?
  11. Xenamnes

    Xenamnes Banned

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Use whatever standard of measurement and comparison is desired on the part of yourself in order for addressing the question. In the entire history of both the united states and the nation of Australia, has there ever been a point when such has not been the case? Has there ever been a recorded period in the history of the nation of Australia where its recorded levels of violence either met or eclipsed the levels of the united states?

    If not, then there is no legitimate comparison to be made between the two.
  12. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    That's easy: Demographics.
  13. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Yes that the method you'd use but its not an answer in and of itself. To answer the question properly you need to drill down into the death stats for the US and Australia going back as far as you could get reliable figures for. To do that properly would take more time than I have available at the moment, perhaps in a few moths yes but not now. So if you want to give it a go it might prove illuminating.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  14. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Look up “massacres Australia” and read the Wiki summary. There are whole tribes who are no longer with us
  15. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    "a few moths?". I really need to work on my attention to detail when posting on this forum.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
  16. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Its a bit more complicated than that, you have to drill down into historical murder/unlawful killing stats as well as other types of violent crime and exclude thinks like suicide and war casualties while perhaps including 'undeclared wars' like the ones between European colonists and the original inhabitants. The question was whether the US has always been more violent than Australian per head of population.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
  17. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    I prefer "Emu War".
  18. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    The answer itself is found in why certain demographics commit FAR more crime, in raw numbers and and per capita, than others.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2019
  19. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Yes we lost that one, but to be fair the enemy had the advantage of numbers and mobility. At least casualties were light, only our pride was hurt.
  20. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    If you can't kill a herd of birds with 2 lewis guns you've got deeper issues than pride mate
  21. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Hey, we're not talking about some fat, lame arsed turkeys here. Emus make Carl Lewis look like the comic book store owner from the Simpsons. Plus they have a kick like a mule.
  22. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    And you have thumbs, bi-lateral symmetry, prepared positions, and a .30 caliber belt fed machine gun x 2.
    And sidearms.
  23. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    And Latin American countries that have strict gun control are even worse.

    Last edited: May 2, 2019
  24. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    We were outflanked plus the campaign was organised by local politicians not the Army.
  25. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    The first mistake of warfare: Letting the king think he's the general (some exceptions may apply. )

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