Monsanto In The News Again

Discussion in 'United States' started by Eadora, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Don’t be so Silly Big George [​IMG] You embarrass yourself with this nonsense - :mrgreen:

    As it is NOT My, nor is it Your, credibility that is really at issue here *
    It is the credibility of CBS News that is in question & found wanting
    It is the credibility of Fox News that bothers itself to win the right to Lie
    It is the credibility of Monsanto that is found to be attenuated & without Merit
    & it is the credibility of all the many dozens of Universities & Scientific Communities
    that have all conducted extensive Research that has found Monsanto & its products
    …………………………………….....................................................…… to be Malignant

    Just a few of those Reputable & Respected Scientific Institutions are listed here:

    The Journal Insect Conservation and Diversity
    The Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Journal
    The Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
    The Institute of Science in Society
    Okologie Journal for Viticulture and Klimafarming
    The Sherbrooke University Hospital
    American Academy of Environmental Medicine
    The International Journal of Biological Sciences
    The Journal of The American Cancer Society
    The University of Kansas
    Nebraska University
    Journal of European Agronomy,
    The United States Journal of Science
    The International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development
    The Renato Baserga Laboratory in Philadelphia
    Canada's Health Protection Agency
    The Council on Scientific Affairs
    The American Medical Association.
    The Journal Biotechnology and the American Agricultural Industry
    Purdue University professor Don Huber
    The International Journal of Biological Sciences
    The Netherlands State Institute for Quality Control
    The Food Studies and Public Health Department at New York University
    The Committee of Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering
    Internationaly respected oncologists
    Dr. Lennart Hardell and Dr. Mikael Eriksson of Sweden

    & much of the Research that those Institutions have conducted and their telling results
    ........................................................ may be found in the many Links listed here:

    & BTW while we are looking at Credibility
    perhaps we should look again at the Integrity of our Corporately Co-Opted Govenment


  2. Big George

    Big George Banned

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Look... You've called me "arrogant" and "ignorant" and every other dumba$$ insult you can think of. Unfortunately it is YOU who is a complete idiot, and tool. It's YOU who cannot keep yourself from posting everything in idiotic colors, fonts, and font sizes. It is YOU who is constantly linking blogs that are absolute crap - drivel - garbage. It is YOU who keeps spewing the same insanity, even though it is proven wrong time and time again.

    It's one thing to be a complete dumba$$. It's quite another to relentlessly prove it to everyone, on a discussion forum. Give it a rest. Or perhaps, if you're going to go get stoned, don't post nonsense like this after you're doped up.
  3. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Ans: - NO

    [​IMG] .......... [​IMG] .......... [​IMG]

    Superbug vs. Monsanto: Nature Rebels against Biotech Titan

    A growing number of rootworms are now able to devour genetically modified corn specifically designed by Monsanto
    to kill those same pests. A new study shows that while the biotech giant may triumph in Congress, it will never be able
    to outsmart nature.

    Western corn rootworms have been able to harmlessly consume the genetically modified maize, a research paper
    published in the latest issue of the journal GM Crops & Food reveals. A 2010 sample of the rootworm population had
    an elevenfold survival rate on the genetically modified corn compared to a control population. That’s eight times more
    than the year before, when the resistant population was first identified.

    Experts are also noting that this year’s resistant rootworm populations are maturing earlier than expected. In fact, the
    time the bug’s larvae hatched was the earliest in decades.

    “The Western corn rootworm 'season' is underway at a pace earlier than I have experienced since I began studying this
    versatile insect as a graduate student in the late 1970s,” entomologist Mike Gray wrote in The Bulletin, a periodical
    issued by the University of Chicago’s Department of Crop Studies.

    Studies in other states have also revealed that the rootworm population is becoming increasingly resistant to genetically
    modified corn. Last year, Iowa State University researcher Aaron Gassmann noted that a number of farmers reported
    discovering, much to their dismay, that a large number of rootworms survived after the consumption of their GM crops.
    Gassmann branded these pests “superbugs.”

    Farmers and food companies have increasingly been dependent on GM crops, and many have abandoned crop rotation,
    a practice that has been used to stave off pest infestations for centuries. Some have even gone as far as to ignore federal
    regulation, which require the GM corn plantations be accompanied by a small “refuge” of non-GM maize.

    The recent findings have potentially devastating ramifications for both farmers and consumers. Genetic maize
    plantation would easily come under attack from the swelling number of “superbugs,” resulting in dwindling harvest
    numbers for farmers. Ultimately, consumers will pay the price not only for corn, an essential product whose derivatives
    are used in a plethora of products ranging from yogurts to baby powder, but for other crops sold in the market. Rising
    corn prices would mean that more farmers would plant corn, despite the risks, and the yield for other crops would drop.
    That would drive prices for virtually all food items up, hitting hard on a population already smitten by ongoing economic difficulties.

    Monsanto launched its anti-rootworm GM corm in 2003. The Cry3Bb1 protein, derived from the Bacillus thuringiensis
    (Bt.) bacterium, was inserted into the corn’s genetic code. The embedded protein was supposed to be fatal to all

    The recent findings came days after Monsanto, along with other biotech companies, got a major boost from a congressional panel,
    which okayed the manufacture of GM crops despite pending legal challenges. Many of the lawsuits that Monsanto faces include
    assessments that its crops are unsafe for human consumption and affect the health of unborn children.

    Monsanto has also been an active plaintiff itself. Its primary targets include entities that seek to label GM foods, and
    small farmers, whom the biotech behemoth accuses of using genetically modified crops patented by Monsanto

  4. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    . .

    SO Let us Recount the Insults used on this Thread
    & just who it is that has consistently used them


    Post 18 - You respond to Scientific Facts by stating: “This is actually EXTREMELY humorous in its absurdity!”

    I respond in post 19
    I facetiously, thank you for your Absurd & Humorless reply

    Post 20 - You call me a NutJob who Shat himself - You add the epithet Stupid
    Post 22 - You call me an Idiot
    Post 30 - You call me a Nutjob again

    I respond Post 23
    I stated that you seems to speak from a position of Arrogant & Willful Ignorance

    Post 28 - You accuse me of Posting Stupid Tripe, even though the article I post refer to Scientific Studies

    I respond in Post 31
    That you seem to be Willful in your Ignorance when dealing with the Facts I bring forward

    Post 34 - You call me a Retard & Drug addled
    Post 35 - You call my work Stupid – Even though I quote verifiable Science
    Post 36 - You call me Retarded again in response to more Fact I brought forwar

    I respond in Post 39
    & tell you that your Ridicule seems to be self Consciously motivated
    & I admonish you to behave yourself

    In post 40 – I issue a challenge to you & tell you that I will deal with your Piggish Insults with FACTS

    Post 42 – You crow “Cuckoo Cuckoo” at me
    Post 44 - You call me Eudorphwad
    Post 46- You call me a Dipstick – all directed at me for bringing more facts to the table

    In post 47 - I respond, calling you a Fool, for Ignoring the Facts set before you

    Post 48 - I am accused of Stupidity again as the insult is once more directed at me
    Post 50 - You call me a Moron
    Post 72 - You accuse me of Crap & a B grade Horror Movie

    Post 75 - I respond that you are a “Insult spewing Troll & a Fool”, rather than a Worthy Adversary

    Post 95 - You respond to yet more Scientific Fact by calling me an Idiot again

    Post 96 - I admonish you to have done with Ridicule & Willful Ignorance

    Post 97 - You accuse me of being a Stupid Liar, even though it is Peer Reviewed Science that I quote & bring forward

    Post 98 - I respond that you are being foolish and seem to have a problem between in the mud between your ears

    Post 99 – All the Peer Reviewed Science I have brought forward is accounted Drivel by you

    Post 109 - High School – Laughing Stock
    Post 127 – Idiot – Tool - dumba$$ etc


    So there is the Leger of the Insults as it has transpired on this thread
    & so I charge that it is YOU who consistently resorts to “dumba$$ insult”
    & for you to accuse me of the same is a Bald Lie

    I see my responces as somewhat measured & restrained compared to the Puerile Bile you Spew out at me :eyepopping:


  5. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    To be fair in this exchange I + this addendum to the above Post:

    Post 126 - I admonish you for being Silly & embarssing yourself
  6. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    There is a big difference between a hybrid cross and a GMO. A GMO takes genes from other species and "injects" them into a host.
    This is much different than croosing two plants to get a better, more robust,or heat tolerent plant.

    Now here is the deal. Monsanto sells GMO corn to mexico and the farmers there plant native corn. The pollen from the GMO corn blows into the native field and mutates the native corn. The native corn does not produce, and if it does Monsanto owns the corn because their genes are in the native corn.

    But usually it just ruins the corn.

    And cotton in India...Monsanto cotton cost Indian farmers their livelyhood because it is not as good as the native cotton. And now that Monsantos genes have polluted the native cotton Monsanto claims ownership on it.

    If I grow non GMO soybeans or alfalfa near a field of Mosanto soybeans or alfalfa and it gets "polluted" with Monsanto genes and I save my own seed Monsanto claims to own my crop! If I raise pigs and buy a boar for breeding that unknowingly contained Monsanto genes....Monsanto would claim my litters from generation to generation.

    So eventually Monsanto will own the worlds food that what you want?
    Eadora and (deleted member) like this.
  7. Big George

    Big George Banned

    Dec 30, 2009
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    I'll join a host of others who have put your dumba$$ery on IGNORE.
  8. Big George

    Big George Banned

    Dec 30, 2009
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    I'm sorry, but that simply is not how it works.

    Throughout the United States, GMO corn and non-GMO corn grow in side-by-side fields. One does not keep the other from pollinating and/or producing. Even Heirloom corn is not stunted by the pollen from GMO corn.

    But here's the bottom line: Nobody - and I mean NOBODY - is forced to by GMO seeds. Period! Hundreds (thousands?) of other varieties are still on the market, and are readily available throughout the world.

    If you object to GMO crops, don't buy the seed, and don't buy the products.

    But good lord, stop the insane and absurd hype.
  9. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    That will be so NICE [​IMG] ! [​IMG]
    As I will no longer have to endure your Childish Squirming
    ................................. & your Skreeching Squealing Rants

    Your supposed, Rebutals, So VOID of substance & content
    ....................................... & so full of Ignorant Insult

    & I will be left to engage in the unpleasant task of dissecting
    The Monsanto [​IMG] criminal Cockroach

  10. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    we examine

    Quoting Big Georgie in Indigo
    "I'm sorry, but that simply is not how it works."

    WRONG ! - “politicalcenter” is entirely correct in this matter. He has concisely outlined exactly how it works

    Big Georgie tells us
    "Throughout the United States, GMO corn and non-GMO corn grow in side-by-side fields. One does not keep
    the other from pollinating and/or producing. Even Heirloom corn is not stunted by the pollen from GMO corn."

    Stunting was never mentioned because Stunting has absolutely nothing to do with the problem !
    GMO's do not stunt the growth of None GMO's - GMO's rather pollute & contaminate natural varieties,
    as they cross breed with GMO's & those cross breeds become the property of Monsanto because
    they carry the Geneticly Modified Monsanto Gene

    FACT -Organic and genetically modified "Frankencrops" cannot coexist.
    Any open-pollinated crop that is genetically modified will inevitably contaminate non-GMO
    ......................................................................................................and organic varieties

    And as we see on these Links, that this has already become a very serious problem

    Scientists Report
    Genetically Modified Plants on the Loose and Spreading

    Great Escape: Gene-Altered Crops Grow Wild

    Did Monsanto Plant GMOs Before USDA Approval ?

    Genetically Modified Canola Escapes Farm Fields

    GM Crops Escapes into Wild

    Hawaiian Islands at Risk


    Big Georgie assures us
    But here's the bottom line: Nobody - and I mean NOBODY - is forced to by GMO seeds. Period!
    Hundreds (thousands?) of other varieties are still on the market, and are readily available throughout the world."

    If you believe this – You believe the Absurd Corporate Lie –
    Read Monsanto’s stated intent here: as some Idiot Monstanto functionary spilled the beans
    Quote Robert Fraley, co-president of Monsanto‘s agricultural sector 1996, in the Farm Journal.
    Quoted in: Flint J. (1998) Agricultural industry giants moving towards genetic monopolism. Telepolis, Heise

    “What you are seeing is not just a consolidation of seed companies,
    ...................................... it’s really a consolidation of the entire food chain”

    ...................................... [​IMG]


    Big Georgie informs
    "If you object to GMO crops, don't buy the seed, and don't buy the products.
    But good lord, stop the insane and absurd hype

    Tell that that Crap to these guys - & they will probably kick you in the face:

    GM Crops Farmer to Farmer discussion on the problems with GMO's


    Organic Food Becoming a Thing of the Past

    Due to this patenting Farmers are forced to grow GMO Crops, because they can be sued if even a trace
    of the patented gene is found in the organic or regular hybrid crops due to cross-pollination. Nice Huh?
    But yet we are the stupid sheep that allow our government to be ran by Corporate NWO Gangsters
    who should be tried and dealt with according to the laws of Treason against the people of this country.

    Farmers are now increasingly forced to use GM seeds
    simply because there are so few alternative sources of seeds remaining.
    The effect of this is that we're losing renewable agriculture – the age-old practice
    ............................ of saving and replanting seeds from one harvest to the next.

    Islands at Risk – Genetic Engineering in Hawaii

    Part 1 -
    Part 2 -
    Part 3 -

    “No Food Shall Be Grown That We Don’t Own”…Monsanto

    Monsanto Whistleblower Exposes Monsanto's Criminal Malfeasance
    Read full article here: -

    Jeffery Smith Reports. In December 2009, for example, a team of independent researchers published a study
    analyzing the raw data from three Monsanto rat studies. When they used proper statistical methods, they found
    that the three varieties of GM corn caused toxicity in the liver and kidneys, as well as significant changes in other
    organs.(16) Monsanto’s studies, of course, had claimed that the research showed no problems. The regulators had
    believed Monsanto, and the corn is already in our food supply.


    & for your further Infromation:

    GMO Crops Spread Disease to Plants:
    40+ Diseases linked to Monsanto Glyphosate GM Empire

  11. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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  12. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    The Roundup in an of itself is pretty nasty but the Amine used as a surficant may even be worse than the Glyophosphate.

    Amine will cause birth defects (along with glyophosphate), in humans and animals and it only takes a couple of parts per billion to cause damage.

    Just go to Witkipedia... read it and weep.

    And remember kids....anything with a CIDE on the end means to kill.
  13. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    I grow most of my own food now.
    It is safer and tastes much better.
  14. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    What is Genetically Modified Food?

  15. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    Anyone that grows corn knows it is wind pollinated. The pollen is produced in the tassle and the wind crries it to the silk growing on the eaar. The pollen travels down the silk and fertilizes the kernal.

    Anyone that grows corn also knows that this pollen can travel for miles on the wind.

    That is why in the old days farmers of yellow corn used to find different colored kernals in their yellow corn.
    This was pollen from corn as far as several miles away.

    Any corn grown has to be segregated from other corn...sweet from dent...etc....this is to avoid cross polination.
  16. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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  17. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    'Monsanto Protection Act'
    To Grant Biotech Industry Total Immunity Over GM Crops

    While millions of Americans were busy celebrating freedom from tyranny during the recent Independence Day festivities, Monsanto was actively trying to thwart that freedom with new attacks on health freedom. It turns out that the most evil corporation in the world has quietly attached riders to both the 2012 Farm Bill and the 2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill that would essentially force the federal government to approve GMOs at the request of biotechnology companies, and prohibit all safety reviews of GMOs from having any real impact on the GMO approval process.

    The Alliance for Natural Health – USA (ANH-USA), the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), and several other health freedom advocacy groups have been actively drawing attention to these stealth attacks in recent days, and urging Americans to rise up and oppose them now before it is too late. If we fail to act now as a single, unified community devoted to health freedom, in other words, America's agricultural future could literally end up being controlled entirely by the biotech industry, which will have full immunity from the law.

    You can fight back now against these threats to food freedom by visiting:

    Full Exemption From the Law for the Biotech Industry

    Authored by Congressmen and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Related Agencies Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), the 2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill rider, known as the "farmer assurance provision" (Section 733), specifically outlines that the Secretary of Agriculture will be required, upon request, to "immediately" grant temporary approval or deregulation of a GM crop, even if that crop's safety is in question or under review.

    In other words, if the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is strong-armed into approving a new GM crop that is later legally challenged in court (which is basically what happened for GM sugar beets and GM alfalfa), the Secretary of Agriculture, under the provisions of the Kingston rider, will be required to approve the cultivation and sale of that crop anyway, even if a higher court has already ordered a moratorium on that crop.

    "A so-called 'Monsanto rider,' quietly slipped into the multi-billion dollar FY 2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, would require -- not just allow, but require -- the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a temporary permit for the planting or cultivation of a genetically engineered crop, even if a federal court has ordered the planting be halted until an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is completed," wrote Alexis Baden-Mayer and Ronnie Cummins in a recent piece for AlterNet.

    "All the farmer or the biotech producer has to do is ask, and the questionable crops could be released into the environment where they could potentially contaminate conventional or organic crops and, ultimately, the nation's food supply."

    You can read the rider for yourself, which begins on page 86, Sec. 733 of the following document:

    Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Or.)
    Introduces Amendment to Kill 'Monsanto Protection Act'

    According to the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations website, the 2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill,[/b] with the Kingston rider, was already approved by the committee on June 19. ( But it will move next to the House floor, where debate and further amendment proposals will take place -- this means there is still time to fight it.

    One amendment being proposed by Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Or.) seeks to altogether eliminate the Kingston rider, which has now been dubbed by the health freedom community as the Monsanto Protection Act, from the 2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill. You can urge your Congressmen to support Rep. DeFazio's amendment to kill the Monsanto Protection Act by emailing ( or calling ( them.

    Committee Farm Bill Riders
    Would Destroy Safeguards That Protect Farmers & Environment From Untested GMOs

    Another serious food freedom threat exists in the House Agriculture Committee's discussion draft of the contentious 2012 Farm Bill, where Monsanto et al. have inserted key language, via corrupt legislators of course, that will dismantle existing federal law as it pertains to regulating GM crops, and replace it with a free-for-all system where biotech giants are basically free to grow and market whatever GMOs they please without resistance or legal challenge.

    "Deliberately buried in the House Agriculture Committee's voluminous discussion draft of the 2012 Farm Bill, these significant changes to the Plant Protection Act (PPA) -- one of the few statutes that regulate GE crops -- will counter the gains that have been made to protect our food supply and the farmers who grow it," writes Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of the Center for Food Safety (CFS), one of the key groups fighting back against this Monsanto sneak attack.

    "The provisions (Sections 10011, 10013 and 10014) would force the rushed commercialization of GE crops, create a backdoor approval for Dow's 'Agent Orange' corn and eliminate any meaningful review of the impacts of these novel crops" (

    These provisions would explicitly outlaw any review of the environmental or human impacts of GM crops under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), or any other environmental laws as well. Only the USDA would be allowed to review the safety of GM crops, and this review process would be so severely neutered that the USDA would essentially operate as a formal "rubber stamp" for approving the biotech industry's offerings.

    Both sets of riders threaten to eliminate every remaining semblance of regulatory power that "We the People" have over our own food system. If passed, these riders will abolish virtually all remaining protections over the American food supply, and allow Monsanto and the rest of Big Ag to completely control what is grown, and how it is grown.

    There is still time to fight back against these heinous threats to food freedom, but swift action is necessary to stop Congress from hammering the last few nails into the coffin of American food freedom.

    Be sure to contact your Congressmen right now and demand their support for Rep. Peter DeFazio's amendment to eliminate the Monsanto rider from the 2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, as well as their opposition to Sections 10011, 10013 and 10014 of the 2012 Farm Bill:

    Learn more:

    Monsanto: End of Life

  18. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    FDA Complicity in Corporate Machinations


  19. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Well, since there won't be a corn or wheat crop coming out of the US this year, I guess nobody has anything to worry about.
  20. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Good point!!
  21. RPA1

    RPA1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 22, 2009
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    Yeah all those 'nasty' corporations that actually PRODUCE products for US. Come off it. Monsanto is being attacked by the self-righteous "organic" market segment that seems to have no regard for telling lie after lie about Monsanto.
  22. RPA1

    RPA1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 22, 2009
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    Exactly.....Those same 'nut jobs' are all-in for changing our energy infrastructure to 'bio-fuels' (corn etc.) and the PERFECT company to produce the volumes of plant material needed to do this is.....Monsanto.
  23. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Monsanto is a Malignancy on the Face of Humanity

    Only a Willfully Ignorant Shill would DARE Apologize for Or Attempt to Cover for these Miscreants


    More peer Reviewed Science Thrown In The Face Of The Lie

    GR Foods Shorten Life & Cause Tumors
    Says First Ever Long Term Study


    Very big news exploded across the papers yesterday: Eating genetically engineered (GE)
    corn has been strongly linked to serious health effects--including mammary tumors and
    kidney and liver damage. A team of European scientists released the first-ever long-term
    animal feeding study
    of the health effects of eating GE foods in the peer-reviewed journal
    Food and Chemical Toxicology. How and why we can find ourselves 15 years into the
    commercialization of GE crops without a single long-term, animal health impact study
    until now is the story beneath this story. I'll get to that in a minute
    Meanwhile, news of the study has gained global currency, and already France has called
    for a probe
    that could lead to European Union intervention, including emergency
    suspension of imports of the GE corn in question, a Monsanto product. Back at home, the
    findings take on particular relevance as California voters consider the Proposition 37
    Right to Know initiative to label GE foods and U.S. Department of Agriculture considers
    approving a new wave of GE crops, starting with 2,4-D corn.

    What the study says

    In a nutshell, the scientists, led by University of Caen molecular biologist Gilles-Eric
    Séralini, tested the long-term health effects of feeding rats diets consisting of different
    percentages of Monsanto's RoundUp-Ready corn, both from fields treated and not
    treated with the herbicide RoundUp. They also tested the effects of RoundUp alone by
    comparing the health of rats fed a conventional (non-GE) corn diet with and without the
    addition of RoundUp to their water, at levels that have been found in tap water or in GE

    The researchers found that rats fed GE corn and those whose water contained
    environmentally relevant levels of RoundUp faced the following:

    Two to three times more large tumors than the control group;

    The females developed mammary and pituitary gland tumors, and suffered pituitary gland
    abnormalities and hormone disruption;

    Male rats also developed tumors, but in particular experienced serious kidney and liver

    50 percent of males and 70 percent of females died prematurely, compared to 30 percent
    and 20 percent, respectively, in the control groups.

    And the effects grew over time, so that by the beginning of the second year of the study,
    50 to 80 percent of the females in all treated groups had developed large tumors, versus
    only 30 percent of the control group. Why haven't we heard of these kinds of results
    before? To date, we've only had a handful of short-term lab studies, almost none
    stretching longer than 90 days, the equivalent of adolescence in the study animals. The
    kinds of tumors and organ damage found by the European scientists take a bit more time
    to develop.

    No single study can be definitive, but what Séralini's work points to is the need to take
    very seriously, and more rigorously understand, the risks to human health posed by GE
    crops and foods.

    Who knew?

    Here's the bigger news story: Why is this the first long-term health study on the effects of
    eating GE foods ever to have taken place, despite their presence in our food supply for 15

    Unfortunately, independent research into the health effects of GE foods before they are
    released into our food supply has been virtually impossible in the U.S. The "Big 6"
    pesticide and biotech companies that manufacture and tightly control patents on GE
    products have suppressed and restricted research into the efficacy and health impacts of
    their products. Licensing agreements expressly forbid research unless it has been
    approved by the patent holders, and they retain and exercise the right to prevent
    publication when results are not as desired. Scientists have been complaining about this
    state of affairs since at least 1999. More recently in 2010, a Scientific American editorial
    again noted both the lack of access and the suppression of research.

    Industry players repeatedly insist that their GE products are safe, but they do so on the
    basis of studies that have never been repeated and ones that independent scientists have
    criticized as being deeply flawed. Repeating a talking point is not the same thing as
    repeating a study.

    Meanwhile, contrary to popular belief, U.S. regulators at the Food and Drug
    Administration do not require independent studies verifying safety before approving the
    release of these products into our food supply.

    The Séralini study will draw predictable opposition from Dow and Monsanto as these
    companies rush new GE crops like 2,4-D-resistant corn to market. And who knows how
    long this particular news cycle will take to play out.

    I can only hope that the shockwaves generated by this study will wake up the regulators
    in our public agencies who have been willfully asleep at the switch for 15 years now. In
    the meantime (since said regulators seem to be clinging fast to their pillows), it appears
    to be up to Americans to assert our right to know what's in our food and to choose for
    ourselves whether to eat genetically engineered products or not. This fundamental right
    to know will be at the ballot box in November when Californians have the opportunity to
    vote for Proposition 37 and demand labeling of genetically engineered foods.

    At present, many of the foods we eat and feed our children--up to 80 percent of the
    products on grocery store shelves--include genetically engineered ingredients. But
    without a label, the only sure way to know our food is GE-free is if it's certified organic.
    Pesticide and GE seed corporations like Monsanto want to keep us in the dark to
    maintain unfettered, unlabeled access to the market. But we have a right to know what
    we're eating! Help us fight for the right to know:

    Support Prop 37 in CA and other efforts to label GE foods.

    Join the public conversation and writing a letter to the editor of your local paper.

    Spread the word by hosting a house party and talking with friends and neighbors.

    To read Pesticide Action Network's position on Proposition 37, see our summary of existing
    research on health and environmental impacts of genetically engineered foods,
    and check out the fully referenced synthesis by independent scientists here.

    Marcia Ishii-Eiteman is a senior scientist and director of the Sustainable Food Systems
    Program at Pesticide Action Network (PAN). Marcia holds a PhD in ecology and
    evolutionary biology from Cornell University. She has written extensively on the
    ecological, social, and political dimensions of food and agriculture, and was a lead
    author of the UN-sponsored International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge,
    Science and Technology for Development.

    For more from Maria Rodale, go to

  24. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    I just did a little research on Tifton 85 bermudagrass. It seems the original report was in error. It was not genetically modified grass that killed the cattle.

    Here is the thing about cattle and prussic acid poisoning. Sorghum (genetically modified or not) can kill cattle under certain conditions. If the grass is exposed to frost the farmer needs to wait at least three weeks before grazing. If the plants are drought stressed it should not be grazed. If the sorghum is under 18 inches high it should not be grazed. Once sorghum is grazed you should remove the cattle from the field because new growth can cause prussic acid poisoning.
    When silage is made from sorghum the farmer should not open the silo during the first three weeks because the air coming off the silage can kill the farmer.

    A common native grass here in the southeast is Johnsongrass (a sorghum). When the cell structure is damaged by frost or cutting (or being chomped on) the plant produces prussic acid and this is transformed in the gut of cattle to cyanide.

    It is best to graze the cattle for a few hours a day and then move them.
  25. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Gotta keep the Organic Farming Industry in business with their high priced peas and such by demonizing scientific farming.

    The only difference between a can of "organic" peas and a can of Green Giant peas is about $2 more for the "organic" peas.

    They come from the same farms, go throught the same vats at the cannery, but have different labels according to which business bought them.

    BTW, they are both legally "Organic" since they both came from plants rather than being synthesized. Organically grown tomatoes are tomatoes grown from plants rather than made from plastic in a lab.

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