More PC >>>mod edited>>>flame bait title>>> thinking from the left

Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by logical1, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. gabriel1

    gabriel1 New Member

    May 17, 2012
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    who is stopping you from having an easter egg hunt?
  2. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I do not think it should, but if they cover one, they need to cover all, ALL or NONE is what libs say...

  3. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    You have to ask? Its called human resources dummy and political groups who purposely go into stores and complain to management about decor, music choices, ect. Its groups who are like watch dogs hunting for anything offensive. The stores are so AFRAID of getting bad press, they have to think about who it MIGHT offend.

    So if you want to know who stopped them? LIBERALS stopped them. Liberals who work everywhere telling people, SCARING people, implanting doubt. I work for a large corporation who checks, double checks and triple checks every single piece of marketing material for ANYTHING that can be even remotely construed as ANYONE. Our holiday campaign is a ^&$*#(@ nightmare. We were going to do something related to the military, but does it mean we SUPPORT the military? Is that bad? Of COURSE NOT, but we have to spend hours discussing it. Go back 10 years and it was just a few people making the decision. NOW we have to run it through legal...LEGAL!!!! We have to worry that someone won't sue us or write a negative article, if we use 2 white people in an ad. We have to analyze what those 2 white people mean and a committee to decide why it isn't a Hispanic couple or an African American and then why is there only 2 people. We have to question if we can even show a family now, because, not EVERYONE has a family. Why not 2 guys, why not 2 single people? How old are they? Is it an inter-racial couple and what does THAT mean. Its a NIGHTMARE beyond comprehension because of the utter stupidity of it all. You want to shake these people and tell them, "WHAT THE $^#*# ARE YOU DOING?" Who's really offended by the color red and green? Oh, it means Christmas? CAN'T HAVE THAT, because it might offend the Atheists....and I'm Jewish=) NEVER heard anyone come out and say they are offended by red and green, but we can't use those 2 colors during the holidays. Why? Because SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, might be offended and stop the presses if we offend anyone.

    If you want to know who's doing this? LIBERALS!! I know because I work with hordes of them and when it comes to PC, they are illogical lunatics who can't defend a view they have with a coherent sentence. Witness Chik-Fil-a for what happens if you utter something that a minority group finds offensive.
  4. stretch351c

    stretch351c New Member

    May 13, 2011
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    With the exception of the use of the word Easter, egg hunts have no religious ties.
  5. FactChecker

    FactChecker New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    That removes a lot of context.

    The best description of the link could be best summarized below.

    Taking one sentence out of context is very misleading.
  6. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    What's the big deal? Have the hunt on your own property and there should be no issue.
  7. stretch351c

    stretch351c New Member

    May 13, 2011
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    Why should it be banned on public property simply because a few people are offended?
  8. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Except the vast majority of the country celebrates Christmas and Easter. No group I know has ever told a store that it is a problem so I will ask you for evidence of this. I do know that the Fox News liars have called for boycotts of stores that don't say Merry Christmas to everyone. Perhaps you have made a mistake.

    So liberals are stopping you from having an egg hunt by scaring you?

    So you work in marketing for a large corporation and you are asking these questions? I can tell right away you are overpaid.

    Really shoe me one case of being sued for this.

    Here's the thing, many companies are now marketing directly to the gay and lesbian community because.....wait for it.....they are a larger part of the consumer market that is untapped. Oh and singe you even watch commercials. I can't think of one that suggests sexual relationships between couples for an everyday product that does make sure we know they are married.


    Maybe it is you.

    Actually you complain saying someone might be offended and offer that you never heard anyone come out ans say they are offended. Can you spell boogieman?

    Yes it is terrible that a group of people wanted to boycott a company who was giving money to groups that advocating killing them. You say your Jewish? I still have family and friend who will never buy a Volkswagon because of the Shoah. It is natural. You know who blew it out of proportion, the crazy right wing noise machine. They ginned it up like it was a 1st amendment issue which it wasn't at all. In fact the groups calling for the boycott were using their rights to not patronize a store that funds bigotry and height.

    But here is the thing. NO ONE is stopping YOU from doing anything with your eggs. What is happening is that we are recognizing that our culture is not homogeneous. That is good a thing to all but those that held the position of power and privilege. But if you are Jewish why are you having an Easter Egg Hunt?

    - - - Updated - - -

    I am not sure that is what is happening.
  9. stretch351c

    stretch351c New Member

    May 13, 2011
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    Some of the bans are due to unruly parents, granted, but there also some cities that are renaming Easter egg hunts spring egg hunts. Why this desire by a few to try and remove Christian references? I'm not a Christian, but if they want to say Merry Christmas or Happy Easter, why should I be offended by that? They don't know my beliefs, I simply respond in kind. It costs me nothing to be polite. If a group wants to put a Nativity scene in a public park, again, why should I be offended by it? It doesn't affect my beliefs at all. It seems to me that too many people are looking for a reason to be offended. And I know of no law law that says that you have a right to not be offended by the actions of others.
  10. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Don't know. didn't visit. I know there was a story about the social cost of the minimum wage in terms of welfare, health care, housing etc. and noting that the real minimum wage is around $22 with most of that subsidized by taxes.

    Let me ask you, do you think Wal Mart, Papa Johns, or Chik-fila should be receiving $13 per hour in government subsidies for each of their low wage employees?

    If not then maybe we need to work on real immigration reform that ensure businesses are hiring eligible workers and paying legal wages.
    If not then maybe we need to work on real solutions to lowering the costs of health care, housing, and transportation.

    As for believing stupid things....

    Women have ways to shut that whole rape thing down...
    Barack Obama was born in Kenya...
    Lowering taxes raises revenues...
    "We know where they are"...
    "Liberal media establishment"

    Glass houses and all that.
  11. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    You seem to miss the point. I think calling it a Spring Egg Hunt is stupid but it is an attempt to do two things, one include more people, two not play favorites with one faith tradition.

    Now a Nativity Scene is fine if there can be other faith traditions having equal access and that is rarely the case.

    As for saying Merry Christmas, again I know of zero incidences where a store has changed their policy to NOT say Merry Christmas because someone was offended. The stores that changed made a decision to be inclusive. What we have seen is right wing loons getting their panties in a was over Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings, both of which where common salutations 30 years ago.

    I can turn your questions around. Why is it bad for stores to acknowledge other faith traditions? Why is saying Season's greetings bad? I want the school to serve only kosher for passover food next week why shouldn't they>?
  12. stretch351c

    stretch351c New Member

    May 13, 2011
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    I have no problem with acknowledging other beliefs, but your assertion that stores have stopped using the words "Merry Christmas" to be "inclusive" is false. They have bowed to political pressure from those who seek to remove religion from the lexicon of certain holidays. These are the same groups that seek to have the words "In God We Trust" removed from our currency. Schools are forced to accommodate the religion of Islam by allowing students who follow it a place to pray, yet they forbid Christian prayer at the beginning of school sporting events. As for serving only Kosher food for Passover. Why not simply allow those who observe the custom to bring their own meal instead of requiring everyone else to conform? But your use of the term "right wing loons" shows much. Why is it that those on the Left show so much intolerance for the beliefs of others, while shouting to the world about how we must be tolerant?
  13. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Uuuhhh...there is a ban on Easter Egg hunts altogether? Whaaat?
  14. Dark Star

    Dark Star Senior Admin Staff Member Donor

    Dec 2, 2012
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    It's not going to stop me, damn it. I'm going to bed Saturday night as soon as the street lights come on, so I can get up bright and early on Sunday morning and get right to it
  15. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Oh wow, crazy parents!!!

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    Haha, well that's good. I think I am going to sleep in personally and just let the kids have all the fun instead because I don't have to work that day! *boogies*
  16. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Right? When I was a kid my parents were the ones who organized the Easter Egg hunts in our own backyards. We never went to any of these big events with a bunch of strangers. It was always just a quiet egg hunt at home which was nice. We'd all get a basket full of candy and stuff in the morning, then empty it out, take it outside and go hunt for the eggs. Mom stopped doing boiled eggs after a couple of Easters because we'd forget about a few and we'd find it a week later, EW!!!
  17. Dark Star

    Dark Star Senior Admin Staff Member Donor

    Dec 2, 2012
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    Took the words right out of my mouth. I'm no Christian either, and in fact prefer to keep a comfortable distance from all religions. But regardless of my personal feelings toward religion, Easter is still called Easter, and those little brightly colored oblate objects are still called Easter eggs. And little kids still have a lot of fun looking for them, so leave it be, for pete's sake.

    Christmas? I don't believe in christ, but I don't need to believe in christ in order to believe in Christmas. When people smile and say "merry Christmas," I don't scowl at them and stomp away. I smile back and say "merry Christmas," and I mean it. It doesn't have any significance in my personal belief system, but if it makes that many people feel that happy, then that has significance to me, so I'm all for it. I haven't seen the inside of a church in over 40 years except for weddings and funerals, but Christmas is still Christmas, and anybody who can't lighten up and enjoy the good cheer for a few weeks every December needs to get over themselves and suck on a lemon or something. IMO.
  18. Dark Star

    Dark Star Senior Admin Staff Member Donor

    Dec 2, 2012
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    Yeah, my parents always used to count them, and that worked for a year or two until they found out the hard way that just knowing I was one or two eggs short didn't tell them anything about where the missing eggs were. So they started making a list of where they hid them, but if they didn't see where I found them, that didn't tell them which eggs were still unclaimed. So they finally took to just following me around and checking eggs off the list one by one as I snatched them up. But heck, by the time they figured all that out, I was practically too old for it to matter anymore anyway. The fun part of your life really only lasts a few years.... once you figure out there's no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny, it's all downhill from there.
  19. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Pretty much. I like remembering the funnier parts of childhood too like the fact that we missed a few of those stinky, rotten eggs. We get such a good laugh out of it nowadays. It's a shame these parents are spoiling it for their own children now though. Private-at-home-family-only egg hunting is probably the best way to go about it, it just makes it more personal for the kids too I think.

    One year my step-grandma had figured out a way for us to hollow out the eggs we had colored too which was really cool because we kept the pretty shells for years.

    Christmas was always fun because we'd see the whole family and we'd play with our new toys and the adults would play card games together Sometimes my grandpa would whip out the Nintendo and we'd all gather around and play Tetris or Dr. Mario together and I SWEAR my grandpa was the best Dr. Mario player of all time. Nobody could beat him at it except my brother.

    I also remember one year we had rolled out this small foldable kids mattress/chair thing out over the short stairs to my aunt's garage and we would slide up and down that thing. My cousin had crawled under the mattress though and my brother, who was about five at the time, rolled over it and broke her arm. As awful as it was we laugh about it now because my mom still remembers him saying, "But I didn't see her arm fall off." (He was thinking of how a Barbie dolls arms come off when you 'break' them.) lol!

    You just remember stuff like that forever and it's great. =)
  20. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    But thats not govt money, they steal it off the middle class workers and only launder it through the govt for the religious like programs of the left.
  21. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Why ban something you don't like? Why not just ignore it or not celebrate it? Is it really necessary to punish everyone else because you feel left out?
  22. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I’ve noticed that used to be the case. But I’ve also noticed that a lot of people are no longer growing up. They’re remaining children their entire lives. Every new generation seems to be producing fewer and fewer adults.
  23. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    That is exactly what they are doing....NOT celebrating it. While a few communities once sponsored Easter Egg Hunts, they have decided not to anymore.

    If someone wants to sponsor one there....they can do so, thus not a ban.
  24. submarinepainter

    submarinepainter Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 12, 2008
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    it was my story , I voted for Carter my first election , then onto Ronnie Raygun. Bush, Bush , Clinton, Bush ,Michael Badnarik, Bob Barr, Gary Johnson

    Does it still continue under O?

    I think it is okay for the government to sponser an egg hunt . some make such a big deal about little things
  25. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    I agree, as a child and having both Jewish and Christian friends we enjoyed learning about each others Holidays and customs. It takes us ''clear thinking'' adults to be offended. I laughed like hell when I heard about the egg sphere thing,,come on!

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