New NSA scandal in Germany

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Fabien, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Fabien

    Fabien New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    "A member of Germany’s foreign intelligence agency has been detained for possibly spying for the US. The 31-year-old is suspected of giving a US spy agency information about a parliamentary inquiry of NSA activities."

    I told inhere before. Enough is enough.

    Germany should rebuild its own military forces, create the EU as a military power with France and leave NATO.

    If the USA without any need does spy on Germany and is unwilling to stop that, Germany must create a strong counter balance to the anglo-saxons by the EU.

    Russia is a fascist country, no option. The USA is run by control freaks who consider germans as taliban and spy on us. the american goverment is running totaly mad here, no option. Britain is the poodle of the US and a trojan horse of them, no option.

    The only option what is left is the EU.

    The USA is on the best way to destroy a wonderful friendship. NSA should be destroyed insteat.

    I resume:

    US embassy in Germany must be removed on the country side somewhere in the middle of nowhere at the Baltic Sea so that it is harder to spy here.

    US missiles must be reomved from german soil and replaced by german nukes.

    US troops must be removed from german soil and be replaced by EU forces.

    The budged of military in Germany must be increased by at least 300% / year.

    German forces must leave all Nato activities as long as the US is spying on germans.

    US diplomats must be send back as punishment.

    As much as I do love the USA, recent NSA spy policy is simply discusting.
  2. Cdnpoli

    Cdnpoli Banned

    Sep 8, 2013
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    USA is nearly done. After (*)(*)(*)(*)ing France over with that 8 billion dollar fine to their biggest bank for breaking a dumb US sanction one of the top bankers in France clearly alluded to "USD does not have to be the main currency of the world". What a dumb move by the yanks.
  3. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    So when are you ferigners gonna stop being thankful for

    American Protectorate status and start behaving like independent nations

    with your own separate national interests ?

    Moi :oldman:

    r > g

    No :flagcanada:
  4. AlpinLuke

    AlpinLuke Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2014
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    The United States are afraid of the economical power of continental Europe and they are managing to make not EU fail, but EURO.

    € is a currency with a tremendous potential and at Washington they know that Euro is financing US economy [the high value of the EU currency grants more competitiveness to American exporters]. But such a powerful Euro means also that European can, in perspective, control US finance.

    The failure of € would mean the rebirth of a strong German Mark, of a good French Frank, but the fall of the currencies of the other Euro countries, this would mean a giant flux of capitals towards US [we would buy while our money will value still enough to allow us to do that].

    The failure of € would be the first step towards the end of the Union. The greatest competitor ever that the US have ever seen on this planet.

    It's a difficult geopolitical game. No doubt.
  5. Cdnpoli

    Cdnpoli Banned

    Sep 8, 2013
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    That whole "protectorate" is a myth. US was never protecting anyone but SK.
  6. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    "A member of the German foreign intelligence agency".
    Do you have a clue what that sentence means? It means he at least works for Germany's spy agency if he's not one himself. Your astonishment that the US would spy on Germany should be tempered by the fact you also spy on us. Don't be naive.
  7. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Your probably much too young to understand the truth but the world doesn't change history to support your faulty beliefs.
  8. Fabien

    Fabien New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    I do agree here. The Unites States stopped the gold backing in the 70ties. All about the Dollar is based on trade in Dollar. The EURO might reduce or stop any Dollar trading - intresting that Iraq and Iran did switch to EURO by trading petrol in that european currency.

    Is the EU an enemy of the USA? Not at all. Do europeans have their own intrests? Absolutely! Are they different to the intrests of the USA? Absolutely. Are they partners? They are! But about the EUro...

    That is dangerous to american economy. So from their perspective, I do understand why they act as they do - and try to damage the EU...

    Who said again "f uck the EU" ? I remember that recent american statement.

    To keep the EURO and to make the Eu sucsessfull, we will have to deal with major issues inside the EU.

    Draghis policy to me is a desaster to Germany. The low intrest rates for money will destroy german money in numbers, nobody want to imagine.

    I do get 0,25% for my money at the bank! How do you want to take care for my "old days" that way? Draghi should

    increase intrest rates to 3-4% at least, better 5-6%.

    The economy in southern Europe must get cheaper and more efficiant. THAT any nothing else is the master key to suceed about our currency. And the enormous deficit in souther Europe does not help us: I am really in favour of a very strong austericy policy all over Europe: no credits anymore, never spending more than we do have.

    At the same moment I do critisize that we are on the way to abandon all these young unemployed people in Italy, Spain and Greece. Unemployement of 50% or more of the young is not acceptable. Less money for motorways, less money for olympic games, less money for banks, more more more for the education of young people and social help for poor old people.

    The Bank of Italy is in trouble? So what? Let them just die! The Deutsche Bank does complain? Let them die! Do we need greedy banks who will never take over responsibility for their actions? NOPE. I never take any credits. I hate banks.

    Also: more respect inside Europe would help.

    Italians are not lazy and all mafia, germans are not neonazi and cheap. Both is nonsense. I was very irritated when I did hear that coming out from german politicians and also from italian politicians like Berlusconi. German AFD is scum what never understand the idea behind the EU. Also that Nigel Farage. Do we need the britons trying to block all inside the EU? I guess not.

    The EU should argue , find compromises and move on. If the brits wont like it, they must be ignored. Italy, Germany, France, the Benelux. These countries must push the integration or we will be all destroyed by an angrsessive market outside the EU.

    So: Arguments inside the EU? Absolutely. Xenophobie inside the EU? NO WAY.

    Italy is our friend and very close partner. Germans are not Nazis, because they might disagree with Draghi. And Draghi might do the wrong thing, but he is not Mafia because of that.

    Berlusconi takes care for the old people now and the german AFD is sinking now (from 7 to 5% recently).
    Germany is not searching all needles on earth. The USA are doing that. That is considered if it concerns german citizin as a crime. So NSA must be punished.

    I insist that NSA members who spy on here will get in prison in Germany and get life - I also insist that they will be hunted here and all over Europe. They should be excluded from EU territory.

    Germany warned the US many many times. The USA does ignore all warnings. I think NSA is a PARIA and must be treated as hostile as possible.

    Google should lose its permission in Germany, also Facebook and yahoo. Germany should create its own social media and install all server we need here. Only if Google will allow a german check that they wont help NSA (same about the others) they should be tolerated here.

    Germany does not need foreign technology to do internet themselves. We did invent the computer. It was a german, not an american who did create computer technology.

    To make it clear:

    It is NOT about american citizin. They are victims as we are. It is about a criminal service called NSA. Obama would be very could adviced to give a strict order to NSA services: spying on germans is in the US considered as a crime. DO NOT DO THAT!

    We are your friends indeed. You do not spy on friends. Imagine your best friend does search in your rooms about your love letters when you are on toilet and leave in in the room alone for 5 minutes. How would you feel?

    Germans feel extrimily insulted. The arrogance about that from the US is amazing. The point is:

    As I said: we need eachother. I am happy about german-american friendship, I hate antiamericanism. But why on earth is NSA spying on us? Why us? It is so insulting...
  9. Fabien

    Fabien New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    As much as I do critizise NSA policy as much I am honestly apreciating US protection from Russia since decades.

    No doubt about that.
  10. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Hitler's fascists thought all those computers were Jewish tricks and, therefore, not worthy of attention. Bill Gates and Microsoft are American, not German. Industrial spying is in American interests. Every nation should take care of its own interests. Who is not trustworthy, he is not your friend.
  11. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    I will add to that. America has never 'protected' anyone but her own geopolitical interests. Except, of course, when they 'saved our ass' in two world wars. Naturally those were acts of selfless altruism and nothing to do with America's own interests...
  12. Fabien

    Fabien New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    Konrad Zuse (German: [ˈkɔnʁat ˈtsuːzə]; 22 June 1910 – 18 December 1995) was a German inventor and computer pioneer. His greatest achievement was the world's first programmable computer

    The computer was invented by a german. Americans are in that matter irrelevant. They did simply build on german technology, but they did not invent computers.

    As much I do apreciate americans beeing first in many things: they are simply not in all. In a lot they are, but just not everywhere eaven if some might think that:

    Computers : german
    Cars: german
    Motorways / Autobahn: german
    Book printing: german
    missiles: german
    helicopters: german
    first planes (without an engine) germans (Otto Lilienthal, german)
    Shugar: german
    submarines: german
    laser: german
    coal engine: german
    nuclear bomb: german (discusting)
    stealth bomber: german medicine, physcy many things.

    The computer is just one...

    ...Was it just a slip of the tongue - or he does not know it better? In his celebrated speech to the U.S. Congress, President Barack Obama (47) recently praised the United States as a "nation that invented the car".

    Wrong, Mr. President! It was invented in Germany by Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler. Almost at the same time presented the two inventors in 1886, a motorized tricycle and a motorized carriage

    But I know why americans do think they did invent computers They are NOT mean. They are I would say innocent !!! ignorant.

    Once I was invited to eat an american specialty: the Pizza!

    I do have to say it was by far better than any I ever did eat in Germany and the americans who made it have been very kind.
  13. Fabien

    Fabien New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    Again: I do critisize the USA if needed. BUT:

    I do not want to hear from fascist Russia any advice in that. That critism is INSIDE our family and Russia is NOT part of that family.

    Unlike the USA, Russia is a fascist country. The USA is an excellent democracy and americans will not respect NSA doing what it is doing - I do see the americans as strong allies to that issue. And I can! Freedom of speech is respected in the USA. In Russia? no way!

    So any try to split germans from americans by russian propaganda wont work.

    The USA are a partner and friend. To critisise a friend is essential.

    Russia is not our friend. Russia is a paria!
  14. Fabien

    Fabien New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    The USA did protect Berlin for decades.

    Berlin was by its economy irrelevant. It did cost so much...would have been far easier to abandon it to the russians.

    The USA never did abandon us. Fact.

    The difficult thing about german-american relationship is easy to explain:

    The USA do lead. Leaders are always in critics. As a german who looks at critrics from Greece (same problem to germans here) I do know: you as a leader are always getting negative critrics. Doing nothing because of that is no option. The USA must lead. But...

    Germans do want to be partners not children in such "partners in leadership".

    To be a partner does need to be carful with the other. To spy on germans by NSA and to tell germans by doing that we would be potential terrorists is insane.

    That is the way we feel.

    I think it should go two ways: Germany should take over by far more responsibility in Nato and in our partnership. The USA should show some respect to germans and stop organizing such childish way to control us as we where cousins of Osama Bin LAden. If that wont stop, Nato gets in trouble.

    German special forces also hunted him and also lost lives in that. Side on side with american troops. So to spy on us is insane. NSA should stop that and never do that again.
  15. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    It sounds like America stole from Germany a lot more then one may think! We have to keep going. BY the way, who invented abacus? Abacus is the most primitive computer, a mind tool.
  16. Fabien

    Fabien New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    I do not think they did "steal" something.

    Inventions are free anyway. Simply I wanted to make clear that the idea Germany could not create it's own internet is naiv. I think they will. After what did happen recently.

    Many countries might prefer by that european or german social media and server. Question of time. As with the EURO.
  17. MaximRud

    MaximRud New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Ok. I support your turn around after this speech US spying on the world including Germany. This is old news and now you agree.

    US spying on Germany as for his vassal. And this is extremely humiliating for Germany.

    What makes you hate Russia today? Only the fact that Russia has become strong enough to not be vassal US?

    What give you the right to call Russia a fascist country?
  18. mrmeangenes

    mrmeangenes New Member Past Donor

    Mar 3, 2012
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    This story is actually funny: German intelligence agent goes out nosing around and gets CAUGHT by those he is trying to get information about.

    They could prosecute him, and ship him home in disgrace--but they decide to "turn" him instead.

    So now he is being paid by Germany to spy on those "Amis"; but the Amis are using him as their own private pipeline--and tossing him a few goodies now and then.

    He's not that good an operative, but he can be used to push a bit of disinformation now and then.

    Unfortunately, the same shortcomings that led to his first exposure as a spy now lead to the discovery of his "double-agent" status.

    Big "Oops !" for him-and for Germany.

    Cheshire Cat smile for US intelligence.
  19. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    In general how it happened, what Americans spy for Germans? On mine opinion all German companies, scientific works, laboratories etc. must to control the international community. All that will seem suspicious, to any country - Germans have to provide all information immediately. That it didn't repeat again like that - Nazi human experimentation :fingerscrossed:
  20. Fabien

    Fabien New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    Sir, I am not turning around.

    2 issues, one opinion for each:

    The occupation of Crimea, the Aggression in Ukraine of Russia, the homophobic mentality of Putin and many russians, no free media in Russia..that is fascism

    The spying on Germany is insulting, not fascism. Most americans agree with me here.

    And no, may be hard to believe, but Germany does not spy on ist friends. Never.

    Now they might stupit
  21. Fabien

    Fabien New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    In my opinion your opinion either is fascist or unwanted stupit / funny.


    7:1 against Brasil!

    Germany knows how to win.

    But we also do have respect for Brasil. They should be respected indeed. Unlike you
  22. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    The majority of your comments complain about Russia stupid / funny .One comment and i can i guess...
    But any way - soccer isn't popular for us (NZ), play rugby with us... :smile:

    ps: sorry i thought you banderas from Ukraine...
  23. MaximRud

    MaximRud New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    In regard to Germany quite agree. Friends do not spy on each other. And that means the US government for Germany no longer friends. You can call them suzerains or, better, occupiers.

    In regard to Russia. (I honestly do not understand how it applies to Russia. But according to the established tradition here is all Russia fault.) It is only your own opinion. And it does not comply with generally accepted definition of fascism. Please read
  24. MaximRud

    MaximRud New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    My sincere congratulations and good luck against Argentina.
  25. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Germany did not swallow gladly that "brotherly" spying and asked the spy chief of USA in Germany to leave. See his butt kicked out.

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