New stun gunrifle or pistol, hopefully.

Discussion in 'Nuclear, Chemical & Bio Weapons' started by Brett Nortje, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    I have a dream! this dream, is, where the police don't kill anybody anymore, as they use stun weapons that are practical to render criminals 'impotent' and then capture them. or, plan will be the power cannon!

    This new weapon will see the person get stunned due to their motor neurons and muscles shutting down, or being 'confused.' this can be done with a normal shock weapon or cattle prod at present, but that is too close range and chows power. this new weapon, will shoot a laser of sorts at the person and then they will pass out or fall or whatever. this can be done by emitting an 'impulse' at the opponent that sends a signal to their bodies nervous system where the 'signal' will interfere with the working of the bodies muscles relays.

    This can be done by sending the electron laser, without electrocuting the person, to their bodies, by, using a 'wave' of force into them. this will be a combination of my plan [a] and . if they were to send out a punch of power, they could even yse it as a battering ram on doors and stuff, turned up tot he maximum wattage.

    The power will come from sound! this will be like a jet engine or something with a few changes that charges on batteries that you plug into the wall or mount or whatever. then, the 'rifle' will shoot out a jet of sound at the enemy, and, they will be winded or have bones broken or something - non lethal of course. this will mean that you need to amplify the energy into the 'analogue speaker' and punch them. then, you need to observe how a speaker works - it works off of tiny vibrators that are excited by the energy sent into them, and they make a 'noise.' so, instead of having lots of little vibrators, you have one! this will be like those things you put those little balls onto and watch them bounce up into the air, but, the transmission of power needs to be focused on about six shots or so, instead of channeling a few watts at a time. this means we need to focus all our energy into a few bursts. this can be done by observing gunpowder, where the whole of the charge is used up at once, by relaying it over, except, this must not explode!

    So, we got our speaker, now we need to get the charge of the battery working. this can be done by observing the fastest way to dry up liquids - by using photons focused into a beam - a thick beam indeed.

    If we were to focus photons into a thick strong beam - emitting lots of them at once, we could use the fuel up into the speaker and emit the right sort of sound, maybe strong speaker material will do? we still need to get the fuel that is being used up into the speaker and then into watts. this means, we could also use a circuit that has all it's gates or whatever closed at once, and i mean a lot of gates! then, they can be compressed and overlayed on top of each other, and get the maximum amount of relay from one point to another.

    If we want to use a bio shock though, then we need to send out a pulse of directed mass at a target. this means, of course, that we need to contain the kinetic energy into the bolt. this means we need to find some kinetic energy and something to direct it, and, it needs to be non lethal...

    does anybody have anything to add? i am out of time for now!
  2. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    I want to create the ultimate sniper rifle for hostage situations. this will be where a very thin long bullet or something flies through the air into the target with great accuracy, as the laser type will be much more cumbersome and hard to aim, as, it requires a fuel 'thing.' okay, so we are looking for the right kind of bullet first of all, aren't we?

    Basically we need to have a pack of five bullets in a clip, or, more like those nice rifles with that swinging reload type of action where you eject the shell - also like a shot gun. this bullet should be made of something technically penetrating and forceful, but at the same time quite plentiful, as we don't want to create another fission plant do we? i mean, the resources required are expensive and messy.

    So, this bullet should be made out of a cluster of shards, that carry on the motion of the bullet, like a mushroom spreads in rings, the next ring will also, upon contact, loosen up and try to penetrate the object. this will be where armor will spread to the middle, naturally, and try to stop the initial 'impact' as it works in reverse for armor, like a fire spreads, towards the weakest areas of the armor.

    Hell, let's try to design the bullet so it can penetrate tanks? if we were to use this method, would it penetrate thick armor like that? i doubt it, so, let's try something new? if we were to observe a pin head, that wouldn't really hurt anybody inside the tank, which may be shooting at a school or something.

    Now, we need to make the mushrooms spray outwards! this can be done, but, will require more of a 'punch.' i am sure the guys at the lab can come up with a good mushroom type impact approach, or whatever, what we need to do is get the power.

    So far, people have been limited by gun powder. gun powder has a hell of a kick, but is it strong enough? i suggest we use more of a, well, sulfur, which is flammable, so will be easy to port over in ideals to the new mechanism, and maybe some hydrogen and maybe a new sort of molecule or compound? we could mix all the gases that explode into one little molecule, and, then see them, as they are all different, divide the 'blast' into many different sorts of blasts, and, they will all create a 'cosmopolitan explosion' where the bullet launches from. being non polarized, they will sync and not push each other away, or, push each other away less - in the normal 'explosion' there will be about two to four types of compounds combining and repelling each other, like a drop of water doesn't interfere nor sync with another drop of water so much that they go into each other, but, rather like water into salt, creating a more focused interaction or reaction.
  3. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    That's a lovely dream but then reality intrudes in the form of left wingnuts. The taser was touted as the solution to all necessary police use of force against agitated citizens resisting arrest or otherwise going on the attack. Then leftwingers discovered that sometimes the use of a taser caused a victim to either stroke out or have a heart event. So then they self-righteously used attack-attorneys and leftist judges to destroy any officer who used a taser only to have the citizen take a turn for the worse. So since it's impossible to remove radical leftwingers from the equation, your dream -- even if it were to be turned into a reality -- still would not be the solution.
  4. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    All I can say is "Wow". Little to no understanding of how weapons work, and why they work.

    To begin with the "cluster of shards" you mention is generally illegal. It is known as a "flechette", and is only allowed in very specific situations.

    And any kind of projectile that "mushrooms" is also illegal.

    I suggest that next time you do some research on the Laws of Land Warfare first. Most of what I read that you posted is illegal to use.
  5. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    The solution is to have the police stop going after so many people. Arrests and arrest warrants are drastically overused by the courts and law enforcement. The problem is that so many things–things that are not really that bad–have become criminalized, with excessive punishments. More excessive laws means more police confrontations. The police should try to stick to the serious crimes–murder, robberies, etc,

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