Obama’s reelection chances just went up

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Flanders, Dec 23, 2011.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Well, how do all of the Republicans like their elected leaders now?:

    House GOP Agrees to Extend Payroll-Tax Cut for 2 Months
    Published: Thursday, 22 Dec 2011 | 6:04 PM ET
    By: AP


    Let’s clear up the doublespeak to start. There is no payroll tax cut. The whole thing is made to sound like Democrats are suddenly for cutting taxes. Only fools and parasites believe that.

    When Congress returns next month and starts “negotiating” again Republicans will rollover again. The fact is both political parties want the same things; shaft private sector working people to enrich the parasites in government; i.e., unnecessary and bloated bureaucracies, and, by extension, support the entire parasite class; Wall Street big shots, government and private sector unions, bankers, the education industry, the welfare state, etc.

    More importantly, there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that HillaryCare II is going to be repealed by these people. The one hope for stopping them from advancing the destruction of America’s private sector is to replace every Senator, Democrat and Republican, who is up for reelection next year. Ditto every member of the House who went along with Boehner. Replace them all with a proven conservative. It may be too late but it has to tried.

    Also, a viable third party must be organized and ready to go in 2016 because the Republican party and the Democrat party will openly combine forces and resources before 2016.

    Incidentally, if you think media manure was spread thick on the payroll tax “INCREASE” debate, you better get rid of your TV set, or buy hips boots, before the media starts shoveling it out on the repeal HillaryCare II debate.

    Note that saving Social Security is being used as a scare tactic in current debates about taxes, yet not one Republican in Congress is trying to stop Social Security funds from going into the general fund. Nor has anyone demanded that all of the federal agencies that have been “borrowing” SS money for decades be made to pay it back. Just take it out of their budgets every year until every dime is returned with interest. If shutting down bureaucracies until the “loan” is repaid is the only way to get it done without raising taxes so be it.

    Finally, Mitch McConnell turned out to the biggest liar of all. He’s the guy who said “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term President.”

    McConnell was either lying when he said it, or he is too stupid to know that he just increased Hussein’s reelection chances by at least 10 percent. Add another 10 percent when he rolls over on the same issue next year.
  2. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Oh No...a trend..I agree again...

    The President Played the Republicans .
    You better nominate someone he cannot play so easily.

  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To MnBillyBoy: And I agree with you; that's why I want to nominate Michele Bachmann!
  4. lolcatz

    lolcatz New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
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    LOL. Flanders, you're joking right?
  5. JohnnyMo

    JohnnyMo Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Agreed. Must be joking. Lol
  6. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To locatz: Michele is the one candidate conservatives can trust. The only joke is Republicans looking for a guy who wears a size 37 suit; that is one who says he can do everything so conservatives will vote for him:

  7. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    Great Idea Flanders!
  8. Beevee

    Beevee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2009
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    I'm all for it. She is the one person that the Chinese can look down on.
  9. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    interesting since his approval ratings are close to Bushwackers who at that time had the lowest approval rating for any president ever.:mrgreen:
    lolcatz and (deleted member) like this.
  10. lolcatz

    lolcatz New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
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    Half of America hates him.
    How will this stand up when there is a GOP candidate that exposes the pure evil Obama is involved in?
    I can totally see the NDAA 2012 being a huge bomb for the Hussein campaign.
  11. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To locatz: No one wants to see Hussein gone more than does this conservative. True, Hussein is a foreign policy tragedy, but even there he had help from the garbage in Congress. Take a good look at who did the most damage on the domestic front since Hussein was elected and you’ll see that it was the filthy sneaks in Congress like Pelosi and Reid. It got worse after the Republicans took the House in 2010. Republican sneaks, John Boehner & Company, not only rolled over for Hussein, they rolled over for the top sneak in the Senate, Mitch McConnell. The truth is nothing will change until Congress changes.

    For months I’ve been saying that putting true conservatives in both House is the only way that will return America’s lost freedoms. A RINO/CINO replacing Hussein will change nothing. The following article elaborates on the theme I’ve been singing for more than a year:

    Deadly Virus
    By Michael Oberndorf, RPA Saturday, December 24, 2011

    There’s a deadly virus infecting the body politic of America. It’s destroying American’s ability to think, and making many delusional, unable to separate truth from lies, fantasy from reality. As our quality of life vanishes before our very eyes, as our once peaceful country degenerates into a violent police state, as our freedoms and constitutional rights are stripped away by the strokes of government pens, Americans, like lemmings or the rats of Hamlin, troop blindly toward disaster, unable to see the fatal drop-off ahead.

    If one were to only, as is the case with far too many people, get one’s news and information from the so-called mainstream media, one might think that professional sports and the lives of movies actors were of paramount importance, and that the only office of any consequence in the upcoming 2012 election is that of President. All we hear about is Obama-Soetoro and the handful of Republicans running against him. Mentions of the people running for the Senate or the House are so few as to be non-existent. However, the simple truth is that who is president means very little, if the House, and particularly the Senate, are controlled by veto proof majorities.

    As things stand, the Senate is in the control of radical leftist Democrats, outright thieves, and their establishment Republican running dogs. The House is better, but still overrun with Marxists and turncoat Republicans who got elected by pretending to be conservative. In any case, both houses need to be taken back by We, the People, if we are to kill the deadly virus and save our country from a collapse into diseased darkness.

    In the past few years, the Senate has passed bill after unconstitutional bill, many of them co-sponsored, or even written by establishment Republican running dogs. John McCain is a glaring example of such traitorous behavior. They have degenerated into a self-serving, self-enriching, corrupt, elitist oligarchy. And since 2010 when Democrats lost control of the House, the Senate has actively worked to thwart all efforts to end what amounts to criminal, and some might say traitorous, borrowing and spending, and to put us back on a track to restore constitutional government. As of this moment, some 28 well-crafted House-passed bills aimed at solving the budget crisis, a crisis intentionally brought on by the neo-fascist misleadership of the Democrat Party, languish in Senate committees, imprisoned by Fascist-in-Chief, Harry Reid, and abetted by go-along-to-get-along lap-dog Mitch McConnell.

    We need to stop allowing the Ministry of Propaganda to distract our attention from the real source of our problems. Yes, Obama-Soetoro and his totalitarian gang of racists and thieves, aka, the Executive Branch/Administration, are dangerous. However, they can be neutered at any time, should the Congress choose to do so, by cutting off funding for their nefarious activities. Folks, a government shut-down could be the best thing to happen to America in years.

    We need to focus on getting a Congress that actually represents the interests of We, the American People. We need to put into office men and women who understand that the Constitution, capitalism, and our Judeo-Christian values and traditions are what made it possible for America to become that Shining City on the Hill, that Beacon of Hope to the world. We need to elect genuine public servants, not self-proclaimed “leaders” whose loyalty can be bought by the highest bidder. We need men and women of honor, to whom a promise is a sacred thing, and an oath something never to be broken.

    At a more mundane level, we need honest men and women who have, as it were, day jobs, i.e., people who are not looking to become “career” politicians. The shameful, corrupt abuse of their positions for self-gain, either by voting themselves outrageous benefits and privileges, or by taking totally unethical advantage of insider-knowledge, must not only end, but be completely rolled back. Congress was originally intended as a part-time body, as are many state legislatures, and a return to that concept would be a very healthy thing.

    So, as we contemplate what today appears a grim New Year, let’s resolve to get off the couch, turn off the TV, and get involved in taking back America, if not for ourselves, then, as the Party of Lies is so fond of saying, for the children. I hate to think of all these sweet, innocent little ones having to grow up to be slaves for a privileged class, a ruling elite. If there’s to be class warfare, let it be We, the People, against the Ruling Class.

  12. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    What "half of Americans hate him" are you talking about, the half-minded?
    His personal pollings are quite good, and most people recognize he was handed and extended a raw deal by con extremists who'll always put party politics over the common man. And his political pollings are rising towards 50% again thanx to working policies and cons who can't shoot themselves in the foot too many times.

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