OPPRESSED BY YOUR TYRANNY: Honouring the sufferers Part 5: The Republic of Texas

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Marshal, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Marshal

    Marshal New Member Past Donor

    May 9, 2012
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    As we honour and acknowledge the many people who endure under the yoke of US Tyranny, let us remember that the US people THEMSELVES suffer from the tyranny also. A very eloquent writer from the US Republic of Texas writes about her own life experiences with Mexican invasion, predatory policing, and aggressive US exploitation and nutritional abuse. Enjoy.


    The tyranny with which the UNITED STATES’ Government has endorsed over its relatively short history must surely reach its zenith in this generation, as even the hardened back of the American laborer surely cannot withstand the load of fraud and exploitation being burdened on it much longer by the US elite.

    While preaching the virtuous words of freedom, liberty, justice, and human rights the UNITED STATES’ Government has, through hypocrisy, continued to oppress and systematically eliminate people whose only crime is to seek independence and individualism. The UNITED STATES may be the largest mass murderer of history, possibly surpassing the infamous Catholic Church of the Middle Ages and Hitler’s Germany.

    The citizens of the Republic of Texas receive information, knowledge, and resources they lack, at the mercy of the nature of people about them. The comparisons of the tragedies of human suffering inflicted upon people of the world by the UNITED STATES to what is happening to Republic of Texas citizens came to me by this same process. A movie about Geronimo, a book loaned to me on the Osage Indians, and the appeal to Congress by the Cherokees prior to the Trail of Tears were knowledge I suddenly had at my disposal.

    What the citizens of the Republic of Texas are feeling, individually and collectively, and what is being inflicted upon them by the STATE and the FEDERAL Government is an echo of history by the miserable and immoral Government of the UNITED STATES. Stealing lands, swindling property, destroying families, shattering economies, ruining lives and livelihoods, genocide, false imprisonment, tyranny, corruption, murder, food depravity, uneven regulation, and more is the way the UNITED STATES and the STATES conducted their affairs in history and presently they are continuing this pattern of atrocities.

    The book The Deaths of Sybil Bolton, by Dennis McAuliffe, Jr. describes in details President Thomas Jefferson’s plans to steal the lands and property of the Osage and other American Indian tribes. It stated, "Indians would go on the western side of the Mississippi [River], whites would stay east, and they would live happily ever apart --- at least until whites moved west onto Indian land. Jefferson saw the inevitability -- and desirability --- ‘for us to procure gratifications to our citizens, from time to time, by new acquisitions of [Indian] land.’ Jefferson reasoned that Indians eventually ‘will perceive how useless to them are their extensive forests, and will be willing to pare them off from time to time for necessaries for their ... families.’ To ensure that this happens, he said, ‘we shall push our trading uses, and be glad to see the good and influential individuals among them run in debt, because we observe that when these debts get beyond what the individuals can pay, they become willing to lop them off by a cession of lands.’"

    This is the same scam coerced upon our farmers and ranchers by the Federal Reserve controlled banking system, approved by the UNITED STATES, to steal away their lands. The FED has kept them in debt until they either lose the lands or sell off plots of their land to pay the debts. The system has been used against the city dweller also. Debt economy has forced people out of their homes and keeps them in bondage to their everyday subsistence in trying to make ends meet. Even the land fraud perpetrated on Texians during the reconstruction (Martial Law) was purported to be for debt. The land grab of the U.S. of Texas lands was for alleged debt. The fallacy in the Government’s reasoning is that it thinks the People owe a debt [taxes] to the Government when in actuality the Government owes its very existence to the People and the People owe the Government nothing!

    The Trail of Tears, suffered by the Cherokee Indians of Georgia and other tribes from the southeast, is representative of the depraved justice pursued by the UNITED STATES. Absolutely no justice was dispensed in regards to the upright claims of the Indians. The appeal made to Congress by the Cherokee Nation is a heart-wrenching plea, which would bring any normal human to tears. Treaties with the different tribes were broken, land was stolen, and human rights were ignored. Justice was not blind in the early UNITED STATES. It was non-existent. The UNITED STATES judicial system was perverted, aberrant, and corrupt in just a scant 30 years from the Declaration of Independence. The Osage calls the underhanded manner of the UNITED STATES Government the ‘Trail of Treaties.’

    Citizens of the Republic of Texas know the violations of the compacts and treaties from their dealings with the UNITED STATES. The compact promise that no lands from Texas would be taken by the UNITED STATES was broken and the convention guarateeing absolute jurisdiction over lands of Texas was dishonored. The right to secede at any time has been ignored. The UNITED STATES is not a Government which keeps its promises. Their repeated violations of treaties means they cannot be trusted.

    The Osage, as with many Native Indians enjoyed a tribal community. If one citizen of the tribe was injured wrongly the entire tribe would seek the solution, justice, or revenge. The People in the Republic of Texas are banding together in similar fashion. When one of our People is damaged by the STATE or the FEDS, all of us feel their pain. We are banding together in support, aid, condolences, and defense. Texians are once again beginning to feel the roots of family [tribes] beyond the blood in our veins. Perhaps we have just enough mixed blood of Indian ancestry, or maybe we have learned lessons from our Indian brothers to bring the feeling of family and community back together once again.

    I watched a movie where Geronimo was talked into a treaty and surrender to the UNITED STATES. The first act of the UNITED STATES after the surrender was to jail the chief and break the treaty. Geronimo’s rights were ignored, his people betrayed, and the U.S. tyrannized the tribe.

    Our Texian People in the Republic of Texas are suffering from the same injustice. Some of our people are falsely and wrongly imprisoned by the STATE and the FEDS. The substantive right to abolish this present Government which is guaranteed in all our Texas constitutions is disregarded and our Citizens imprisoned, their homes and lands stolen, and their livelihoods crushed. This is the honesty and veracity by which the STATE and the U.S. keep their covenants with the People. Each Texian harmed by the STATE and U.S. is reaching into the heart of every Republic Texian. Today’s so-called judges are no more virtuous or honorable than they were when they sanctioned the massacre of innocent Indian families.

    During the entire UNITED STATES’ history of it’s treatment of the Indian People, the Government systematically performed genocide upon these citizens. Massacre, starvation, murder, broken promises, frauds and lies are the Trademark of the UNITED STATES. In the early 1900’s the STATE and U.S. watched silently and sanctioned the murder of hundreds of Osage Indians. The STATE and LOCAL Governments covered up the senseless murders of innocent Osage people. The Governments were approving the genocide through murder of the Indians in the 20th century. Those Government officials, some directly involved in murder, some helped to cover up the murders, and some acquiesced their approval by their silence, did all this just to get at the Osage wealth and lands. Much of the 200 years of massacre history was done in the name of Christianity and Civiliation! The Osage termed this period during the 1900’s the Reign of Terror. The UNITED STATES in their customary conventionality installed special police in the Osage Reservation to protect the Osage People. The FEDERAL police chief instated was Bob Dalton and his first act was to hire his brothers as deputies, Emmett and Grat Dalton. The Dalton Gang was placed in charge by the UNITED STATES to protect the Osages and the Daltons did pillage, rape, tyrannize and steal from the Osages. They even gave refuge in the Osage Territory for other wanted gangs and criminals. The Osage People had to pay and bribe the UNITED STATES FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION [fbi] to investigate the murders and crimes being perpetrated against them.

    The genocide of the Citizens of the Republic of Texas has begun. Murder is on the UNITED STATE’s agenda and history says the Government will indeed succumb to their old obsessions of crimes against the People. If you can remember the dissidents of the sixties by the young people, you will recall the murder of those young persons by the STATE. Those young people simply decided not to obey Big Brother UNITED STATES. All of us remember the Murder of the Branch Davidians at Waco and the senseless murder of a woman at Ruby Ridge. The so-called judges in the UNITED STATES and TEXAS sat silently by and through their silence approved of the Government’s acts. They have all committed treason against the Constitutions. The UNITED STATES has declared war on its own People.

    Thus far, the Republic of Texas genocide has been through the false imprisonment, continual harassment, outrageous and stupid judicial orders, brow-beating by the STATE through the press, and the continuing threat of arrests. These same oppressions were used upon the Indians. People of the Republic of Texas simply want true justice, to re-establish their Government (as is their constitutional right), and throw the over-bearing UNITED STATES off their lands. The STATE politicians have allowed this corruption to continue too long and many of the legislators are involved in the corruptions. Just as the Dalton Gang was the FEDERAL protection arm for the Osage Indians, the criminals are still in charge of the current UNITED STATES and STATE Governments. Every criminal in official capacity is providing refuge for the other villians occupying Governmental positions. Will the Citizens of the Republic have to bribe and pay for investigations, honesty, and truth?

    The STATE and it’s officials are currently involved directly and indirectly through their approval by silence in the murders of children in our land and just to allow illegal drug fund laundering into the hands of the corrupt lawyers, judges, politicians, businessmen, and bankers. Cover-ups, murders, crimes, corrupt judges, broken oaths are simply the Trademark of UNITED STATES and STATE enterprises. As yet, not a single nation on Earth has looked at the plight of the Texians in the Republic of Texas. AS yet, not one nation has stood with Texians for truth, righteousness and justice. The UNITED STATES [Big Brother] has them all scared and bowing down to the fraudulent MONEY that the U.S. can supply them.

    The UNITED STATES is not standing for Truth, Justice, or Freedom when it comes to dealing with the Republic of Texas. The U.S. and all it’s politicians, lawyers, judges, and beaurocrats are hypocrites.

    When the Republic of Texas People actually force the rightful possession of their land out of the fraudulent and immoral UNITED STATES a domino effect will occur. Many People of other states will follow our lead. Some People in other states have begun the process already. Citizens of the Republic of Texas are uniting and banding together to achieve the total secession away from the tyranny, frauds, lies, and broken promises of the UNITED STATES. Our People, wanting truth and justice are saying ‘NO MORE’ to the STATE and the UNITED STATES. We want NO MORE of their hypocrisy and lies. We want none of their species of dishonest justice and tyranny. The American [now Texian] dream for freedom and liberty is alive and well, but the UNITED STATES is dead in the hearts of Texians. We cannot look at the Stars and Stripes proudly any longer. It is a reminder of the tyranny, injustice, lies, and frauds we have suffered to endure, BUT NO MORE! The UNITED STATES is not a dream of the people. It is a nightmare. The nightmare must end! Because the UNITED STATES has turned its back on its source of Power, the People, it will collapse into ruins as did mighty Babylon, Greece, and Rome. The Government has sacrificed it’s own People and their ideals and goals for the Government’s own perverted policies and ways. It is true that in the UNITED STATES and the STATE ofTEXAS that the constitutions are dead, obsolete, and meaningless. This is the prima facia evidence that the Government has subverted and undermined the will of the People, is totally out of control, and is operating under military rules and martial law.

    The People in the Republic of Texas are seeking a return to their roots. Texians are wanting Freedom from the persecution, oppression, and injustice of the UNITED STATES. The way the Black and Brown races and the Indigenous People of America were treated by the Government is the same way the Government is treating citizens of the Republic of Texas.

    by -- Lauren Lynn, West Gate

    God Bless the Republic of Texas!

    bringing an end to the Tyranny
    & Oppression of Texians!
  2. Troianii

    Troianii Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 7, 2012
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    I honestly can't take Russian claims about US tyranny seriously. Come over here. It's not what you think it is, Comrade.

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