Pauline Hanson - Is She Racist?

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by truthvigilante, Jul 17, 2016.


Is Pauline Racist?

  1. Yes, racist to the core!

    4 vote(s)
  2. Just Completely Ignorant

    3 vote(s)
  3. No, she is spot On with the issues.

    6 vote(s)
  4. Racist but love it! Us red heads should rule the world!

    0 vote(s)
  1. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Spot on, it's pretty obvious what is going on here. Anyone in politics is fair game. These same people vehemently supported the "ditch the witch" call, and that woman was the PM. It's funny how hypocritical some people actually are it's laughable to be honest. Why I can never take them serious or converse with them.

    Dastyari and Larissa were very articulate and approached her in a very appropriate manner. Importantly she is not representative of Australia and certainly evident by the fact that she only received 5% of national vote. You cannot entertain divisive negativity. I think he was way too complimentary of her to be honest. She doesn't know what she is doing, she is just responding out of the darkness of her soul. She certainly doesn't deserve any respect just because a bunch of people voted for her. Anyone who tries to divide us as a nation deserves whatever hostility is coming their way.
  2. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Given I am new here, I don't know who here the supported 'ditch the witch' call. On the point, Abbott himself successfully (?) distanced himself from it. But, there is no doubt that those who attended his rallies, and I guess they were his supporters, had that view. Larrissa let herself down with the 'three head' comment, which was inappropriate. I'm not sure of Pauline's % national vote, but her claims of likely having seven Senators is out there. It seems she may struggle to get three. Yeas, I doubt anyone can argue that her politics is to divide rather than unite. She does 'that very well,' as was observed. But, there are votes to be had there. Politics.
  3. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    So you saw nothing impolite and want another person to tell adjudicate on the subject??? So far you have two who do not agree with you an various levels and you want a third because you think 3rd time lucky???

    And remember “I saw nothing impolite or disrespectful of her whatsoever.”

    Oh so we are to decide based upon the same interpretation of facts because we are not able to interpret them on our own???

    Cautiously??? Basically you cautiously accept FACTS??? I thought you were a factual person???

    No, I gather that but short of quoting several comments and pointing out exactly what he did say, that is close interpretation of his complaint. If you having problems with that, bad luck.

    No he did not. I never quoted him as doing so, that is your mistake.

    Well duh, it is what you are portraying, get over it.

    I point out it was from the start, so this comes back to what you consider to be RUDE and what you consider to be respectful. We obviously differ in that department demonstrating the subjective nature.

    Why is it a shame??? I got as far as I thought reasonable before deciding it was not worth listening too. I point out my bias which reduced the amount of crap I was prepared to put up with and thus to what extent I consider to be objective.

    Again subjective, considering the difference of what you accept as reasonable behaviour.

    I am sorry??? Nobody can make a judgement on what THEY consider to be respectful or rude if they do not sit all the way through the crap??? Honestly that is just stupid. I can decide at any time objectively when anybody has crossed the line of decency in my opinion. Suggesting I cannot is considerably ignorant to the issues.

    I see so the facts ONLY occurred after I decided NOT to listen.

    As stated.

    Eh… I beg to differ

    No, not at all. I point that out because I could have stated the same on BOTH protagonists. My choice of how to comment was based upon that bias. Fact is I have stated BOTH were rude, you are happy to ignore Hanson and defend Dastyari. I expected nothing.

    Well there you go, take them blinkers off, As stated FROM THE START.

    Again take the blinkers off.

    No you would not, As stated from the start these two were extremely rude to each other. From your comment you consider that everybody has to listen to the entire program to make that distinction so the fact remains. I can decide whatever I like when I like.

    Yes you are, you are ignoring his interactions and even his comments (as demonstrated here) to pretend as stated butter would not melt in his mouth

    Oh, and just to demonstrate the failure of this comment.
    Not defending him???

    I think this entire conversation is what you would like us to perceive as you have made several points claiming you saw nothing.

    Yes, you said that, shame it is not the appearance.

    Yes, you are. You justify YOUR interpretation of impolite actions of others which by simple logic is your acceptance of how you act. I point out the program is full of people acting rudely toward one another and you have seen NOTHING of this rudeness which can only be from your acceptance of such and NOT from the facts of the program.

    Yes it will.

    Err, you want evidence of Dastyari’s claiming his demeanour is acceptable??? Now you just being factious for the sake of it. Just as your demeanour is acceptable to you his demeanour is acceptable to him.

    The point you saw nothing inappropriate is again your opinion and is based upon your own bias. It ignores the fact I consider some things impolite and rude while you do not even see them.

    Just one more thing, while you believe all that has passed here is commentary (justified or not) much more has occurred. Many who review will decide what is right and what is not. To be very factual, this entire to and fro demonstrates the level of what people decide is acceptable by both of us.

    I will remain to my points which stand as stated, others can decide who is right and wrong. Not my problem if you don’t like that.
  4. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Okay garry 17. All that. Here is the entire programme.......yet again.


    Please nominate (at the minute mark) what you are referring to. Cheers.
  5. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    The same people who are getting all sanctimonious and hysterical over poor old Pauline. Agree things went a little flat after Waters comment but only because I'm a Queenslander :smile:

    I did like how she pointed out that Hanson calls for freedom of speech but wants to banish freedom of expression.
  6. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    0 may recognise what is in my avatar, if not, the avatar itself?
  7. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    The panel and audience on Q&A were stacked against Pauline Hanson, and considering those odds, I believe she conducted herself favourably.

    Not only was the panel and audience deliberately stacked against her, but the questions were also “rigged” in trying to prove Pauline Hanson was a racist, and that failed miserably.

    As per usual, no one asked her a question about One Nation policies.

    As for Sam Dastyari’s agenda. One minute he claims he is a Muslim advocating halal slaughter, and getting sympathy and attention from the audience that gave him permission to attack Pauline Hanson. The next minute he claims he is a non-practising Muslim photographed in the “green-room” guzzling down a Carlton Crown Larger.

    Doesn’t it beg the question? Is Sam Dastyari a Muslim or not?

    Did everyone else notice in the program how sammy boy said that Muslim fanatic extremists are occurring Australia, because they don’t feel comfortable in Australia?

    Doesn’t that beg the question? If they don’t feel comfortable living in Australia, then why the hell are immigrating to Australia in the first place?

    So Australians are now forced to make an incompatible bastard religion (Islam) feel comfortable to make Muslims feel comfortable. :roflol: :roflol:
  8. axialturban

    axialturban Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Ya gotta realize garry, its how the left 'talk'. They have 2 modes, sheepel cheery following each other, or flabagasted outrage and anger. They live in a little circle with each other, and gang up and get angry and excited about something which in the real world is called bullying. Perhaps they were bullied in school and have mental problems as a result, thusly being drawn to the dominance hierarchy of socialism and fantasy power structures like unions. Sam on this QandA demonstrates it much like the Muslim women at the beginning asking the questions. Its about little cuts from many people so they can dance at the big animal being slaughtered.

    What they don't realize is there is just as many if not more of those bigger animals, and when those big animals are not being distracted by taking life by the horns and turn on these little sheepels, they get trampled into toe jam

    They huff and puff and make gestures while swinging from one shallow point to the other so fast no-one has a chance to properly answer. The left is a circus, it relies on poor people with lower IQ's (no offence) who cannot handle anything more complex then the left shallow spin, the young who are too inexperienced to have developed a fair and thorough view of the world to properly contextualize complexity in the real world, and the old who are starting to simply not keep up with the pace of modernity and much like the lifetime poor, cannot handle the complexity either due to brain fog or tiredness. Interspaced through the middle is the party person, who has incorporated those mistakes into their identity so much that they've brainwashed themselves into ignorance. But they love argueing about it, because their gang makes them feel like they are part of something bigger and in real life couldnt achieve much on their own. The "Union/Party will look after us, because everyone else is out to get us"... at least here in PF they try sometimes to look deeper. It actually shares a lot of the problems with Islam IMO.

    Watching Pauline and Sam argue was a sad affair of stupidity and banality. Australia needs to be smarter then stupid lefty thugery and far right radicalism.
    The only reason Pauline got voted in is because the Islamic fundamentalism is REAL, and so some folk think right radicalism is the counter-balance. If she can keep the hate out of the conversation then its a good chance to see the hatred in the Muslim's because they will defend their religion no matter how many Muslim's commit terrorism in its name... a religion replete with hatred created by a man who wanted to conquer his neighbours by force and kill anyone who didn't follow suit - sound familiar, the ISIL aren't making their agenda up... its just moderate Muslims like to pretend some of their religion don't exist and then get angry when people tell them the stuff they don't want to hear. Grow the f up, Islam, take responsibility for your religion. Fix it or frak off. And the angry left needs to stop giving them room to ignore the root of the problem.
  9. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Geebuz.......did the garbage man not empty your bin today? What a nonsensical spray of empty rhetoric, broad generalisations and stereotyping! Could even be a bit of patting one's own back and perhaps a small dose of projection, who knows. It seems 'the left' whoever they are, is responsible for every nasty known to mankind. Whatever was the right doing while all that angry and wanton destruction was going on. Asleep at the wheel?
  10. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Beat me to the punch. Just complete Marlarkey and shameless haughtiness!
  11. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    I stand by comments posted earlier. Any individual who agrees with the current teaching and philosophies of Islam, is a paedophile.

    These so-called moderate Muslims who are hiding in the shadows know Islam is a bastard religion, but they refuse to speak against it, or change it.
  12. LeftRightLeft

    LeftRightLeft Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Spot on. You're a quick learner.
  13. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    :roflol: :roflol::roflol::roflol:
  14. axialturban

    axialturban Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    It's only in reference to the QandA, don't feel so victimized that you gotta go all defensive. And don't ask questions and posit assumptions you already know the answer for, it makes you look more biased then you probably are. If you want to comment on my post feel free, but your personal focus sort of justifies the content in my post, so thanks for that.
  15. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Your 'rant' was not limited to Q&A at all. It was a broadside of fizzers against the 'left,' and you ascribed to that amorphous group all sorts of malarkey attributes. I certainly did not feel 'victimised' and I did not experience any urge to be defensive. No matter what projection you want to place upon me, I am not biased. I do the best I can to make objective observations based on facts, which is precisely what I did when I made those comments about your remarks. Cheers.
  16. axialturban

    axialturban Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Really, then if you know not that which I refer to as left (as you indicated), how do you assert such a measure of opinion then? Don't hide behind a facade - your words betray it.
  17. axialturban

    axialturban Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Offtopic cheerleading ^^ Thanks for proving the very point I was making :clapping:
    The question is, do you know your doing it hmmmm... not the cheerleading, but the textbook group identity behaviour.
  18. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Well if it was not you who referred to the 'left' which, so far as you have identified, is an amorphous group to which you have attributed all sorts of malarkey qualities, then I apologise. Cheers.
  19. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    He might not catch on that it's a rhetorical question.
  20. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    AT, you are so full of throwaway remarks, we don't know whether you are being facitious or a troll or maybe both. You are too serious to be a troll, just easily led by one dimensional information. At least come at us with information a bit more indepth and factual rather than some fairytale story you piece together.

    And at least discuss topics without referring to the left or right every now and then....geez!
  21. WJV

    WJV Banned

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Can't she be not racist but not spot on with issues? OP is a leftist troll. Probably works for ASIO.
  22. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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  23. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Yeah, it is amusing to see such on the forum. Sardonicism seems to pass this one by so fast that they are still wondering what the word means.
  24. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    This (bolding mine) is a very good example of the naivety I often refer to in the posturing leftist. They are so married to the virtue signalling notion of self blame, that they haven't any idea of where the divisiveness is actually coming from. Hint ... it's not coming from a small pool of elderly white bigots.
  25. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Racism is absolutely about believing in one's racial superiority, but hate is not needed AT ALL for that to be acted upon - every day, in a million tiny ways. Try spending some time in your local Chinese community. You won't strike much in the way of hatred, but you'll see racism acted out in every breath and step.

    I can only assume you lack any real experience of non-white culture. Just like the majority of clueless white SJWs in Australia and elsewhere.

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