
Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by ronmatt, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. ronmatt

    ronmatt New Member

    Oct 22, 2009
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    If you were born into an environment in which you shared a small room with 4 other kids and slept on a smelly old mattress. You seldom bathed because the bath tub was filled with everything from rotting food to old shoes. The refrigerator (if there was one) was usually empty and the cupboards bare. Three flights down, the street was littered with old garbage that was seldom picked up by anyone. A few cars that no longer operated and were used as homes for those even less fortunate than you. The windows of buildings on that street had dirty sheets and cardboard in them, the glass having been broken out for as long as you can recall. Older boys were on the corners, selling drugs and whatever they managed to steal. Drunken men and junkies were propped against walls and you had to step over them. You were hungry most of the time. You didn't go to school to learn, you only went because the school provided a free lunch, usually a peanut butter or bologna sandwich and Kool-Aid. You didn't dream of a future to escape to, you only saw what was there to see and you knew that that may well be your future. What would your vision of America be do you suppose?

    If you were born into an environment in which you had your own room, with a TV and a computer and the bed was made for you every day and there were clean sheets at least every week. The refrigerator and cupboards were always stocked full of food. Your street was lined with trees and newer cars were parked along the curb and in driveways. The houses on your street were painted and re-roofed regularly, some got new window treatments. They were all clean and neat and well maintained. The only drunken men and junkies you ever saw were on your 55" flat screen TV. You went to school to learn. It was a really nice school with a swimming pool and a well equipped gym and a baseball diamond in back surrounded by an 8' fence. The cafeteria served some tasty hot lunches. You dreamed of a future to 'grow into', already planning on what college you would attend. You planned on being an engineer, just like your Dad. What would your vision of America be?

    America is not a level playing field. It never will be, whether we remain a capitalist system or socialist society. These two scenarios will never meld into one. We can't legislate it to happen, we can't redistribute our wealth to make it happen, We can't vote in leaders that claim they can make it happen. Conservatives can pretend it doesn't exist. Liberals can pretend they can fix it. At least not until Conservatives and Liberals quit their petty squabbling, come together, shake hands and start offering up realistic solutions. Then, maybe

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