Persecution of Christians under Obama and the anti-Christ of Revelations

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Giftedone, Dec 26, 2020.


Is Obama the Anti-Christ

  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No

    14 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    1 vote(s)
  1. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    :applause::applause::applause: :cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader:

    Well said - we are living in some kind of Orwellian bad dream .. Massive amounts of dollars are being poured into controlling the message.. selling false narratives - censoring what contradicts those narratives. .. it boggles the brain the falsehoods coming out of our mainstream media the manipulation and "Sin of Omission" on steroids.

    Fortunately - we have seen this all before - and history tells us that Totalitarianism is not far off .. surely - knowing history - we can stop this train in its tracks no ?

    Ayyyee .. this is the land of the free home of the brave .. those who would give up essential liberty to purchase temp security deserve neither. Give me liberty or death.

    or sorry .. wrong century - This is now the land where it is your Patriotic duty to trade liberty for security .. the land of those who cower in corners trembling in fear .. begging to give up essential liberty .. over a risk of harm that is 400 times less than the risk of harm from "Walking"
    - you heard correctly.

    Obama then comes along and changes the name of the "Patriot Act" - to the equally Orwellian doublespeak "Freedom Act"

    Joy -
    Seth Bullock likes this.
  2. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    You know what? One thing I don't care for are posters who just throw up a video instead of explaining anything in their own words. I don't know about you, but I usually don't click. But you asked, "surely - knowing history - we can stop this train in its tracks no ?"

    Perhaps there is hope. Here is a voice who I think "gets it". I am going to respectfully ask you to listen to this. He shows some partisan support for Trump, but it's not really about that, and it speaks to what we've talked about here."+target="_blank">Read+the+Article
  3. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    There is no hope- my comment was sarcastic - we will repeat the mistakes of history .... and there is no stopping this train.

    Watters makes some good points - and good job for giving Rand Paul air time - one I would say who comes close to getting it - and everyone hates him for it.

    On the other hand - Watters misses commentary on the root cause issues behind the rioting ... namely - our Police Problem .. which is not so much of a police problem .. as it is a problem of bad law- and failed justice system.

    Bad laws lead to more interactions between police and citizens - or in some cases - when combined with asset forfeiture for example - lead to massive corruption and conflict of interest.

    The Drug war has been a war on society by the state - a war to increase gov't power - while decreasing essential liberty.

    With one stroke of a pen we could turn 100 million criminals into law abiding citizens - and leave no victims - as this is a victimless crime .. Legalize Pot.

    Hard drugs are a different question. In the case of pot - the law is illegitimate - by definition under a constitutional republic - as per the founding principles.

    67% is needed to mess with essential liberty in this nation. That is the bar .. Not "50+1" or "Simple Majority Mandate" - for messing with essential liberty.

    12 years of school - and we manage not to teach this simple concept - on which our nation was founded. Why is that do you figure ?
  4. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Every generation believes they are in the end times, it's just a human thing.

    As for the actual end times it won't just be a couple of things you can point to as your proof, it will be a complete worldwide breakdown, inhumane wars all over the place, pure chaos.

    This is when the anti-Christ shows up and brings peace to the entire world by uniting us in some way, even Christians and he becomes well loved.

    That is when the seals are opened and the end war, Armageddon begins. A few more things happen, particularly in Israel then God Yanks all the Christians out and the horror commences. This is judgement time for the non-believers, they still can turn to God but if they do they will be horribly tortured and eventually killed since the anti-Christ will have blamed the collapse of his peace directly on God.

    This tribulation is when we find out who sides with God (as there will be no mistaking Him at that point) and who completely rejects Him as most will do.

    It will not be a fun time for those going through it. Then Jesus rides in from Heaven and ends it and that's it for Earth.

    While I don't think we are in end times, and nobody will know as God tells us nobody will know, I would assume it happens before we get space travel and colonization but that's just a guess.
  5. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I am a retired cop, and I agree with you about drugs.

    What I liked about Watters’ talk was his frustration with a complacent and apathetic public that never seems to really hold the politicians accountable.
  6. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    That is one of the things I liked as well .. and - we all must realize - that you have to tow the line to some degree to get a seat in any of Fox/CNN/MSNBC

    Very cool and interesting that you agree .. as a former member of the force - although you are not the first. It must be difficult for some - to enforce law they do not personally agree with - or worse - realize is illegitimacy of authority - as per the DOI.

    but - either way -- the more bad law we have .. the more confrontation - and more power corrupts more.

    Enter the Popcorn Theory - As the piece of pie that the masses have to live on continues to shrink - coupled to the decrease in civil liberties = lack of respect for civil liberties by the Gov't - and obviously the police .. at some point - someone out there will pop.

    Now - Remember making popcorn the old fashioned way - look down into the pot at the seeds - sizzling away in the oil .. and ask me which one will pop first !?

    I will tell you don't know - but what I can tell you - is that if you keep the heat turned up - eventually one will pop - and if you maintain the fire eventually the lid will come off the pot.

    We often hear - how come the youth seem so lacking in respect for others - the liberty of others. What else do we expect when that is what society teaches them .. Gov't - The Authority is teaching them .. and via collectivist ideology (Utilitarianism to be specific) taught by our education system as legitimate justification for law .. something that is a complete anathema to the founding principles - but is now at plague proportions in our society.

    I speak of law on the basis such gibberish as "If it saves one life" or "harm Reduction" - Law justified on the basis of what will supposedly increase happiness for the collective - but - with no regard for individual liberty .. and that is the problem with this justification - it allows for and end run around the safeguard the founders put in place to protect essential liberty ..

    namely - that essential liberty is "ABOVE" the legitimate authority of Gov't .. Utilitarianism usurps this principle .. by giving the Gov't legitimate authority over all essential liberty - to what ever degree it likes - based on the flimsiest of justification.

    If "If it saves one life" is valid justification for law .. do we not then ban skiing tomorrow - would we not save one life ? You want to save one life don't you .. "You DONT ???" You evil person .. and so on..

    this justification for law is very insidious .. as it sounds good on the surface - but underneath it is pure evil - one of the paths to totalitarianism or some form of quazi totalitarianism -

    how about Boating ? That is really dangerous .. one might drown. Driving a car ? Forget it .. in fact - one should probably not rise from bed in the morning as one might fall and break neck..

    The risk of harm from walking is 400 times greater than the risk of harm from a terrorist attack after all.

    In a free society - one has the right to incur a reasonable amount of risk to themselves.

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