Political Twofers

Discussion in 'Global Issues' started by Flanders, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Well, well! Things are looking up for a while:

    Top parasites bounce back and forth between government jobs and the academy; so he’s not really leaving. Young Americans better pray he is not called back into government by another Democrat president:

    Imagine that character on the Supreme Court:

    Sunstein is also the guy who said criticisms of the government are conspiracy theories and should be banned. Today, “conspiracy theory” has replaced “fishing expedition” as the favorite rebuttal for Democrats who get caught doing bad things. The Fast & Furious “suspects” even claim a congressional committee is spouting a conspiracy theory in spite of the evidence that is surfacing. See this thread and imagine a free speech case with Sunstein on the Supreme Court:

    Sunstein is also the guy who said

    A twofer

    Just so they do not miss a meal Sunstein’s wife:

    Shades of another matched pair —— Bill & Hillary Clinton. Do I see a pattern emerging?

    Sovereignty-loving Americans know that Hillary is worse than Bill. If it is at all possible to be worse than Cass Sunstein his wife passes with flying colors. Read the full article to get an idea of just how bad Mrs. Sunstein is:

    The Sunsteins raise parasitism to new heights, or should I say lower parasitism to new depths as they satiate themselves on tearing down the country from within? The worst of the sixties radicals were builders compared to the Sunsteins.

    Finally, how sick is it for Harvard to be held in such high esteem by average Americans? Irrespective of the tremendous damage Harvard professors and graduates do to America the puzzle is the tens of millions of Americans who are awed by the word. Bottom line: Americans hate welfare frauds but love Harvard parasites.

    Regulatory czar leaving White House to return to Harvard Law School
    By Justin Sink - 08/03/12 09:26 AM ET

    Cass Sunstein, a top adviser to President Obama who functions as a gatekeeper on federal regulations, is leaving the White House to return to Harvard Law School.

    Obama heralded Sunstein, the director of the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, "for his friendship and for his years of exceptional service."

    "For the last three and a half years, Cass Sunstein has helped drive a series of historic accomplishments on behalf of the American people," Obama said in a statement. "From putting in place lifesaving protections for America’s families, to eliminating tens of millions of hours of paperwork burdens for our nation’s citizens and businesses, Cass has shown that it is possible to support economic growth without sacrificing health, safety, and the environment."

    Obama and Sunstein originally met at the University of Chicago law school, where they both taught constitutional law. Sunstein moved to Harvard after meeting his future wife — Samantha Power, the National Security Council’s Senior Director for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, and herself part of Harvard's faculty — while campaigning for Obama in Iowa.

    A specialist in administrative law and regulatory policy, Sunstein worked as a "regulatory czar" in the White House, looking to streamline government policies.

    Sunstein drew a fair amount of controversy from both the left and the right. His departure will bring a sigh of relief to some environmental and public health advocates, who alleged Sunstein was too willing to bend an ear to oil companies and other industries seeking to weaken regulations. And other liberals objected to his libertarian-leaning behavioral economics theories.

    But Sunstein also drew fire from some conservatives like Glenn Beck, who, in April of 2010, called the professor "the most dangerous man in America" and seized on comments about gun control he made in his academic writing.

    Sunstein has long been rumored as a potential choice of Obama for a Supreme Court vacancy, if one were to open.

  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb? is a much tougher question than this one:

    There is no shortage of things Hussein said and did; nevertheless, Mitt Romney’s surrogates should be all over the answer to the question. Sunstein beliefs should not be handled like a Joe Biden gaffe. It would be a large mistake to let Sunstein quietly retreat to Harvard without tying his beliefs to Hussein. Indeed, Hussein brought all of those America-hating liberals onboard because his beliefs are their beliefs.

    Note that Hussein never came right out and said the things Sunstein advocates, yet there is no doubt he is of the same mind. Sunstein is a bonus because there is no better way than using his stated plans for America’s future to explain the why of Hussein’s destructive policies.

    Hussein & Company do everything they can do to avoid talking about America’s dramatic decline in every realm. And they are getting away with it! Romney’s friends are making a tactical error focusing the dialogue on dry economics when they should be showing how Hussein, Sunstein, et al., caused the decline because of their anti-America worldview. In short: The American people can see the decline for themselves. Instead of dull as dishwater statistics putting American voters to sleep they will pay attention to the root causes behind the economics.

    Finally, it is not dirty politics to point out that Hussein is responsible for Sunstein because he appointed him knowing full-well what he is. Hussein cannot now claim he is blameless for the personal beliefs of the people he appointed. That might work with Supreme Court justices, but it doesn’t wash with the Sunsteins the others he hired to help implement their radical agenda.

    Is this why it's sunset for Sunstein?
    Regulatory czar's controversial views could become election issue
    Published: 10 hours ago

    NEW YORK – Did regulatory czar Cass Sunstein resign in response to White House concern that some of his controversial views could become an election issue?

    Many of those views were first exposed in a series of WND articles.

    President Obama released a brief statement on the departure of Sunstein, thanking him for “his friendship and for his years of exceptional service.”

    The White House statement did not provide any reason for Sunstein’s departure.

    Politico, which first reported Sunstein was leaving the White House, did not cite any reason for his departure either. The news outlet reported Sunstein will return later this month to his previous post at Harvard Law School.

    During his academic career, Sunstein has espoused controversial views on regulating the media and the Internet.

    WND first reported in 2008 Sunstein’s proposal that the government ban “conspiracy theorizing,” including by sending agents to infiltrate websites and chat rooms. Among the beliefs Sunstein would ban, is that the theory of global warming is a deliberate fraud.

    WND reported that in his 2009 book, “On Rumors,” he argued websites should be obliged to remove “false rumors” while libel laws should be altered to make it easier to sue for spreading such “rumors.”
    In the book, Sunstein cited as a primary example of “absurd” and “hateful” remarks, reports by “right-wing websites” alleging an association between President Obama and Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers.

    He also singled out radio talker Sean Hannity for “attacking” Obama regarding the president’s “alleged associations.”

    Ayers became a familiar name in the 2008 presidential campaign when it was disclosed he worked closely with Obama for years. Obama also launched his political career at a 1995 fundraiser in Ayers’ apartment.

    WND also reported Sunstein drew up a “First Amendment New Deal” – a new “Fairness Doctrine” that would include the establishment of a panel of “nonpartisan experts” to ensure “diversity of view” on the airwaves.

    Sunstein compared the need for the government to regulate broadcasting to the moral obligation the U.S. had to impose new rules that outlawed segregation.

    WND reported Sunstein’s central role in a push for a new “progressive” U.S. Constitution.

    In April 2005, Sunstein opened up a conference at Yale Law School titled “The Constitution in 2020,” which sought to change the nature and interpretation of the Constitution by that year. Sunstein was a founder of the movement.

    That 2005 event was sponsored by George Soros’ Open Society Institute as well as by the Center for American Progress, which is led by John Podesta.

    Podesta served as co-chairman of Obama’s presidential transition team. Podesta’s center is said to be highly influential in helping to craft White House policy.


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