Poly life

Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by Maquiscat, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. Maquiscat

    Maquiscat Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
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    So as not to further tread near a Rule 5 violation, I am moving the issue raised elsewhere to here.

    Seriously, you need to work on your spell check and punctuation. It would make your post easier to read and lend credibility to your "lawyer" claim. That said, all you have engaged in here is naysaying, with nothing of substances to back up anything you said. Where are your counter claims from non-bias sources to show mine wrong? Ones that do not start with the premise of poly is wrong. The links I provided are pure informational, and does not assume poly is right or wrong.

    You have yet to provide any proof that what I have claimed is false. Your skewed idea of what something is overall does not change the reality of our women, who equal the number of men, are not subordinate to us. Nor does it negate the reality that there are poly groupings where there are more men than women in them. Polyandry is a real and practiced thing.

    Honestly, you should not demean yourself in this manner. Projection does not look good on you.

    Obviously enough to keep going on these rants.

    Not a single abused person left behind not a single child taken away from me and mine. As noted, yes there are those who abuse and do other actions that causes them to lose their children. But it happens in poly, monogamy and single parenting. You have not established cause and effect yet.

    No claim on utopia. That is your strawman. Polys are just as prone to relationship problems as are monos. Normal? Statistically speaking, no we are not, but then neither are left handed people. Healthy? Again, we are just as prone to the same unhealthy relationship issues as are monogamous people.

    How many children and vulnerable partners are exploited sexually, emotionally in monogamous relationships? Hmmmm? Quite a number. There is no denial that abuse can happen in poly relationships, but there is no evidence that the abuse is due to the poly aspect? Would the abuser still abuse if in a monogamous relationship? More than likely. Your correlation/causation fallacies only serve to lower your credibility.

    Again, strawman. No where is there a claim of no boundaries except by you. We have our boundaries, and our agreements. If I were to break a boundary of one of my wives, I could expect her to leave me. Actually, I could expect the other three to leave me.

    This seems to hold a false premise of children will be involved, as opposed to might be involved.

    You have not listed anything here that doesn't happen in monogamous relationships, nor is there any claim that these things can't and don't happen in poly relationships. Is this what you do in court, lie about what others have said?

    Adultery in monogamous relationships can indeed be harmful, but the source is not the adultery itself. It stems from when one partner is stepping out without the other partner's (or partners' in the case of poly) knowledge AND consent.

    You'll get no argument from me as to this point. What you will find is a vast range of what is the "best interests" for children. There are people out there that will claim that it is not in the best interest for children to be raised by atheists.

    Once more, if all you are ever exposed to is the ones with the problems, then of course you won't see the ones who have made it work and are successful. Basically you are judging all of Christianity by the actions and results of Westboro Baptist Church.

    Excellent. I applauded such actions as your. I have no doubt that you do that whether those incidences are happening in a poly situation or a monogamous situation or even a single parent situation. The problem here is that you are claiming that the bold happens every time in a poly situation.

    And yet you attack as if every poly relationship out there creates victims who get hurt.

    And yet you offer no proof that a poly lifestyle "promotes individual desires that hurt others". Showing that it happen to some in poly means nothing, especially since it also happens in monogamy as well as outside of marriage.

    Is there some reason that you are only focusing in on mostly African examples of polygyny. And that is also key. Polygyny is the form of marriage where there is only one husband and multiple wives. Polyandry, as shown in the link above, is one wife with multiple husbands. Polygmany is multiple spouses, which can be any combination of husbands and wives. Polygyny and Polyandry are both subsets of polygamy, but they are not the entirety of polygamy. Nor is marriage always included. Polyamory is multiple relationships, and includes but is not limited to Polygamy.

    The telling difference in our two sets of link is that the only thing I provided was statistics on who is engaging in poly, as counter to your claims that poly is only about certain religious positions and other claims. You are the other hand provided links about negative examples within polygyny, isolated to certain conditions, without any comparison to poly situations outside of those narrow conditions.

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