Question to those who post that are Christian and Athiest.

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by DBM aka FDS, Jan 6, 2012.


Do you have "CLOSE" friends who have different beliefs than you dealing with God?

  1. All my close friends are like minded and have the same beliefs as I do.

    2 vote(s)
  2. Some of my close friends are NOT like minded and DO NOT share the same beliefs as I do.

    33 vote(s)
  1. DBM aka FDS

    DBM aka FDS Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    I am just wondering... I read all your posts and there is a huge gap there of misunderstandings on both sides.

    I think it will be interesting on who "WILL TAKE" the poll and what they post "AFTER" taking the poll!!!
  2. Crawdadr

    Crawdadr Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    My best childhood friend practices Islam and one of my very good friends is a Budhist (He just wrote a book about it actually). Also I have many friends that are Wiccans (But I am trying to convert them :))
  3. McDuff

    McDuff Banned

    Jan 5, 2012
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    It depends upon the religion and the amount of indoctrination to the dogma. Some religions FORBID interacting with other religions.

    I have a variety, but do not have any of the born again evangelical fundamentalists...they are not tolerant of my Buddhism.
  4. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    For the purposes of this thread, I construed 'friend' to be those listed on my friends listing. Of course, friends outside of this forum also fall within the same answer that I gave to the poll.

    No two people will share the EXACT same ideology regarding any subject. The mind of each person will paint a slightly differing picture or the mind will render a differing interpretation of the image that has been formed of the subject matter. As an example: If I were to ask; 'what is the exact color of the apple that I am holding', there would be numerous first impressions (images) of my question and of the 'apple'? The same would be true if you were to physically see the apple that I am holding.
  5. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    That is an absolute that you have stated and is not true. I am classified by some on this forum as a 'fundamentalist', yet I accept your Buddhism as well as I accept other people with their Atheism. AND... I tolerate those differing beliefs.

    "tol·er·ate (tl-rt)
    tr.v. tol·er·at·ed, tol·er·at·ing, tol·er·ates
    1. To allow without prohibiting or opposing; permit.
    2. To recognize and respect (the rights, beliefs, or practices of others).
    3. To put up with; endure. See Synonyms at bear1."
  6. DBM aka FDS

    DBM aka FDS Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    I created this thread to show you ALL something… Especially you Christians. I find it funny that why nobody is posting is because it will show just how much you are bias and a bigot!!! You have sat here and debated over and over and over (sometimes coming to calling each other names) over difference of opinion.. Do you know why? Because the narrow mind that you possess is incapable of thinking outside of your little box. Christians – you should be especially ashamed because you are supposed to be reaching out with love to ALL including Atheist, as Atheist are not held to no Scripture.

    But, Atheist are held to something though… That is knowledge. As I have stated so many times, how can an Atheist talk about church or The Bible if they have done neither or have practiced in either I should say. You can’t pick up a book and read 100 pages out of 1000 and say your good, let me go spit in the author’s face for writing such a travesty! But, that is what you do. An Atheist doesn’t do this with other media… Why do they “feel the need” to do it with Christians? What is their battle? Their ATHEIST!!! Question Atheist… how come you don’t persecute Judaism? Why is it ONLY Christians you “target” for your rants and raves? Maybe, it’s just me and that’s all I’ve seen, but it seems like a trend. Why do you “hang out” in the Religious Forum when you don’t believe in religion? Do you watch TV shows you don’t like? Do you eat foods that are disgusting? Date people you find repulsive? But, you feel the NEED to be here and cause havoc? I do think some are using Atheist to cover over another word that starts with “A” and ends with hole…

    My Atheist buddies would NEVER BE CAUGHT DEAD in a Religious forum… Why would they be in there? To seek truth in something they don’t believe? Have discussion with religious people on subjects they don’t care about? That, to them, is about as retarded as them becoming a member to the Rachel Ray cooking forum for 30 minute meals knowing they will NEVER COOK IN THEIR LIVES (if it can’t be heated up in the micro in under 5 minutes – it’s not considered food)…

    Both of you groups are basically bias bigots from what I have seen from posts. The questions you all need to ask yourselves is why? Why do you care that someone is a Christian? Why do you hang out in the Christian forum when you’re not Christian? Why do you respond to nonChristian on subjects dealing with God that you know they are just going to say something ridiculous about your beliefs?

    Either you come here to gain knowledge and talk with other “religious people in the religious forum” – but, I am assuming why some of you come here also. Not because you are Atheist or Christian, but that other word that starts with “A”, and that is because you won’t post here nor will you vote because the light just shined on and you just found out that you’re a bigot…

    Just sayin'....
  7. DBM aka FDS

    DBM aka FDS Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    That's why I like you Corp!!!
  8. DBM aka FDS

    DBM aka FDS Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Oooo... Buddhism, you shouldn't be grouping a people's as one individual....
  9. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    The term 'nobody' as used above is an absolute and causes your premise to be in error, based on the fact that others (including myself) have already posted prior to your announcement that 'nobody is posting'. Tsk Tsk.
  10. Goldwater

    Goldwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 21, 2009
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    My family is a mix of Agnostics, Presbyterians, and people who are willing to entertain the idea that God exists.

    My best freinds include 1 Presyterian minister, 1 snobby itellectual who goes to church with his wife and sits in quiet contempt. 1 righty Republican who like Rush more than God.

    Me....Presbyterian, dabbled in Buddhism and Taoism, and a former atheist.
  11. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    right after getting outside the usual imposed square
    and right after establishing my own undertsanding and beliefs
    I do not believe in "The Claim of God".

    So I am not associated/affiliated with any religious groups.
    I may be found to be a religious individual just to avoid being attacked
    as an atheist. I cannot aford to engage in a vicious cycle-unproductive
    religious merry go round related matters.

    I do not prefer to be named/labeled.


  12. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Bravo. Another fellow Christian has been identified. Good showing of faith.
  13. kilgram

    kilgram New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    My close friends are catholic and practicant.

    I am the only openly atheist and the only leftist.
  14. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    What is a 'practicant'?
  15. cassandrabandra

    cassandrabandra New Member

    Oct 10, 2009
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    I have found that SOME evangelican christians can be like that, and SOME Muslims can as well. I have also found some of both, and a few Bahais, a Bangladeshi Buddhist, a Hindu and people of various other (usually New Age) sects try to convert me. My brother who is what I call a fundamentalist atheist has also had arguments with me because I don't get upset about people taking their religion seriously (although we both are opposed to people trying to force their religion on others).

    However the majority of people I have met of all faiths/belief systems seem to not worry too much about what other people believe.

    except on here.

    people are obsessed.
  16. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Which speaks volumes about everyone on here including the Atheists and other non-theists.
  17. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    My sister is a Unitarian, and in terms of friends I don't typically discuss religious issues with I have no idea if they're atheists or not. My parents were both strict Catholics and that's what I am. I will also attend Protestant services occasionally because Catholicism can be too complex sometimes. Way too much politics in the Church leadership sometimes
  18. cassandrabandra

    cassandrabandra New Member

    Oct 10, 2009
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    lols I grew up a catholic, and although I am an atheist, I have been to Mass when overseas and staying with friends in Europe. I find that even though its in a different language I still like it ...

    I've been to an orthodox mass in eastern europe as well, and I liked that too.

    I have only been to protestant weddings and funerals, and to be honest I much prefer the catholic approach on these occasions. but the best wedding I ever went to was a Muslim one. Or maybe the Hindu one ... hard to say. I went to a Greek orthodox christening once, that was pretty good. looks like I'll be going to a Russian orthodox one soon, too.

    I also prefer Catholic churches ... any decent protestant churches were originally catholic .... I quite like some of the orthodox ones as well. The only coptic church I have been in was pretty makeshift, but I did like the artwork.
  19. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    Cathedrals are architectural wonders for sure, just gorgeous structures. For a comparative religious studies class way back in college; attended a Jewish Temple service, went to a Mosque, and Buddhist ceremony. I also went to an art museum and watched Buddhist Monks create incredibly ornate sand paintings. To religion's credit the art created in the name of that religion are often masterpieces...classical composers were often funded by the Church also. I don't understand why atheists are in such a hurry to rid the World of all religion. There would never be Bach or Michaelangelo without religion.
  20. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    chistian but friends are mostly atheists as they are easier to get along with and aren't as judgemental of my sins as fellow christians are
  21. Mehmet

    Mehmet New Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    differences are not the problem.
    ignorant and persistent minds are.
  22. cassandrabandra

    cassandrabandra New Member

    Oct 10, 2009
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    I love so many older cathedrals and churches ... and each one is in its own way beautiful. I couldn't pick my favourite at all, and the more you look athem, the more intersting they become.

    the orthodox churches triptychs tell stories of saints if you know how to read them, and the painted churches in near Suceava in Northern Romania have complex stories painted on their sides.

    not to mention the non christian places of worship, statues and artwork.

    religion, for whatever reason, has inspired some of the most fantastc art.

    Probably my favourite painting is a religious one. Michaelangelo is one of many who we only know because of his work for the Church, there are numerous painters who were absolutely brilliant - but we would never have known them if they did not do paintings (including ceilings - El Greco did some beautiful ceilings in Spain) commissioned by the church.

    And of course music too - Bach is one of my favourites.

    Lols I may be an atheist Herk, but I can see that religion can inspire people to find their "higher self" through creativity ... although sometimes the material incentives offered by the church were a huge part of that motivation. :)

    but I also like the ritual side of religion. I have often spoken to people who have felt better after attending mass. As you can imagine, I'm not going to interpret this as them being touched by the Holy Spirit or whatever, but the ritual of prayer, or even going to Mass (especially for people who have grown up in the church) can be kind of grounding for people.

    lols ... and I am an atheist, and I don't care whether there is religion or not. I think it adds to the rich tapestry of the society we live in, but if religion starts to rip it asunder, its got to be put in its place.
  23. OverDrive

    OverDrive Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 21, 2009
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    All my 'close' friends & family are like-minded and very similar to me. I raised my kids "the right way' (literally!) and altho a couple rebelled in their teens, all have come back around to the values & beliefs that they were raised with. The greatest compliment that they have given me is that 'I always walk my talk' and dont sacrifice my character when making tough decisions. And my 3 adult children carry on those values in their traditional, Christian ( only 1 'church goer') lives and teach them to their children. I'm very proud of them and how they went out in the world on their own, saw the differences in ppl, and came back home to the core values that they were raised with. The one thing that I promised myself early on when they were growing up was not to be seen by them as being a 'hypocrite.'

    My friends, since we have discussions about ALL things in general, but politics and the direction of this country often, do generally agree on most things. None of us are 'clones' or easily swayed but have educated themselves, & as a result developed firm convictions with plenty of 'back up.' I cant see myself being close friends with a typical, outspoken liberal NY'er, since we would be at each other like cats & dogs...!! My adult daughter tried to 'set me up' last time I was in CO with a former Catholic lady from NY, but an Obama-lover liberal and now interested in Buddhism. I went out to dinner with her in a group and realized very quickly her afore mentioned status and told my daughter that 10 mins of us 2 alone would result in WWIII. [​IMG]
  24. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Most of my family is either Catholic or Mormon while I am an apathetic agnostic (though I've been called an implicit or weak atheist by some). And you know what? My family gets along just fine, but that is because we are respectful about each other's beliefs. Nobody tries to convert anyone else or bash anyone else's beliefs. Sometimes things get heated, especially when politics gets involved too, but we never let get to the point of being hurtful.

    I actually have great respect for religion. I don't think it is the main cause of war (limited resources is the main cause of war) and I don't think that people who are religious are stupid.

    However, I have no tolerance for those that try to force their religion on me or try to pass off their religion as science. Also, I dislike arguments made with poor logic (that goes for other agnostics and atheists too though I have been too lax about that of late. Something I plan to remedy).

    So if I argue with you on a thread, I am not attacking your beliefs (unless you believe that everyone should be the same religion as you, your religion's laws should be the law of the land or that your religion should be taught in a science class) I am attacking your logic.
  25. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Very few people that I associate with have the same views as I do.

    I wouldn't have it any other way.

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