Red Skull lectures Captain America on modern day America.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Teutorian, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    Marvel comics presents a rather striking illustration of what I have been trying to tell conservatives for a long time.

    Your apparent inability to see the world for what it is, taking refuge in the past and in political escapism where no real courage is necessary, is why you're not going to win. It's why a tiny minority of liberal activists have been able to so thoroughly dominate you, the once overwhelming majority, for an entire century, and why you have never, and will never, experience anything remotely close to anything that can be considered "victory."

    I get the sense you don't even want to embrace the necessary struggle to win, or at least win what scraps you can. Instead, I think it is fair to say that you just want someone else to do it for you, and if that person doesn't come, well... he doesn't come. "At least you tried."

    I don't even believe you know who it is you're fighting. You'll say you're fighting "liberals" but "liberals" is just a word, and you cannot fight words. You could say things like "big government" but you cannot "fight" big government while voting for big government. which you do every election, regardless of what you claim to be your ideological convictions. The whole of the GOP strikes me as one ideologically incoherent mess.

    You champion democracy but you hate your own, evident by the endless string of threads complaining about your political system. You praise the U.S. Constitution while complaining about all of the things it empowers against you. I'm not even sure if you have a true world ideology, considering most of it seems to be little more than daily talking-points handed down to you from your political party which has always been the trash bin of the Democrats (Dixiecrats, neo-conservatives etc)

    At this point, all there really is to ask is... What is your purpose? Are you the true opposition or... are you now only an obstacle to true opposition?

    It seems to me the proof is in the pudding. If you cannot win elections, or if you cannot advance your own ideology in what elections you can still win, while at the same time preventing other ideologies from rising up to challenge Marxist ideology, at what point do you have to accept that you are a willing partner in the destruction of Western civilization rather than its salvation?
  2. hseiken

    hseiken New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    I think this post more accurately depicts what I was trying to say in my post about disagreeing on reality.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I love comic books, but seriously referencing a comic book and pretending like we should all be impressed?

  4. hseiken

    hseiken New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    It is the sentiment and art is best when it's criticizing and putting a mirror up to society. Comics are no different.
  5. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    If Marxist theory is good for one thing, it forces you to look at the structure of society: who has the power, how do they keep it and what do they do with it?

    Banks and Walmart are just corporations, and they're getting record profits while the rich keep giving them everything they have. How have the poor become so convinced that they must spend? The fact that the government had to issue 'stimulus' checks just to keep businesses in the black is a pretty good sign that the entire society is structured solely to make Big Business bigger.

    Poor cap. You'd think he'd be immune from the boiled frog considering he disappeared for 50 years.
  6. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    I see the conservative posters have not been supplied with talking points yet to deal with the reality of their irrelevancy. Every time I make a thread shining a light on it, they aren't anywhere to be found. I suppose it doesn't fit with their political fantasies which seems to be essentially all they're now comprised of.

    I agree with what you're saying and the sentiment behind your questions. One thing that I think needs to be understood, however, is that Communism and Hyper-Capitalism (or Crony-Capitalism) achieve the exact same thing. The fact, is both have always been natural allies, which is something so called "conservatives" never acquired the ideological depth to really understand. In Russia, the Bolsheviks simply seized all the peoples wealth and property and, through force and terror, created a nation of slaves. In America we're essentially heading in the same direction without the gulags... for now, while media here achieves virtually the same thing terror did in Russia.

    In both systems, all of the wealth ends up in the possession of a powerful plutocracy while the middle classes are destroyed.

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