Repackaging, Conversion, Stealing Rights, Establishing Religion

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Kokomojojo, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Your rights are vaporizing before your eyes and you can feel it but few know how its being done. Your rights are being stolen by degree.

    Most people are unaware the process that governments use to undermine contracts.

    As an example the US government is presumed not to establish a religion, presumed to protect rights, they don't, they undermine and steal rights.

    They repackage them by changing the labels to fit their jurisdiction. Most people don't even realize its going on behind the scenes, its the way its been done since the beginning of time and its happening right now and unless people wake up it will continue forever, it might anyway.

    Every right you can conceive is and has been brought under, 'commerce', which is fully within the boundaries of their regulative authority, jurisdiction, and control.

    This divide and conquer subterfuge is being used by the courts and legislatures to endlessly expand government control, while conveniently stealing your rights.

    Your right to own and bear 'Arms' as stated in the constitution (BoR) has been repackaged as guns,

    Your right to 'free speech' has been divided and repackaged as offensive and non-offensive speech,

    Your right to 'exercise religion' which includes the right of free choice has been repackaged as 'discrimination' in the case of wedding cakes, and bigamy in the case of the Mormons poly marriage.

    Your right to 'due process' probable cause has been repackaged as probable suspicion.

    Your right to a 'trial by jury' has been circumvented by judicial summary judgment process.

    This is governance by subterfuge used by legislatures the courts to re-label, repackage and 'convert' your personal religious rights to bring them into their secular jurisdiction and realm in the case of religion, which in substance establishes the government as a religion, the commercial realm in the case of guns, and totalitarianism, thought control in the case speech, and complete subjection of the people and total destruction in the case of privacy and due process.

    Its the substance that counts, the substance is reality, not the label. This has been going on for 200 years, the constitution and bill of rights is mere toilet paper as GW Bush implied.

    The people made no stipulations what so ever to give the government a foothold to regulate their reserved rights and retained full authority as individuals over them, but the courts through their imagination.

    The governments SOP is to deceptively remove your rights by assigning new labels which become new law then prosecute them as an 'overlay' to the original organic law of the land undermining the original contract.

    Worse in the name of 'expedience' the court has instituted a process called summary judgment which removes another crucial part of 'due process', that is a jury to be the trier of facts and places it right back squarely in the hands of the judge to do an end run around a jury trial.

    In addition the judicial withholds information from the jury, jurys are 'not' informed that they have both the 'right' and the 'duty' to try both the fact and 'judge the law'. it is the jurys duty to acquit if the law is improper, too harsh, violates someones religion, constitutional overreach and so forth.

    Presently we are subject to a judicial system of governance not much different than it was 250 years ago controlled by a few on the top.

    Now on the supreme court bench are religious issues, after several years of social programming advertising how evil religion is and how the government came to the rescue them from the problem government made in the first place, and once again rights of the individual to exercise religion versus state secular repackaging, conversion, and establishment of state religion.

    The Bill of Rights set out not only to memorialize the contract of the peoples reserved rights, its construction was intended to insure government remained on a leash.

    With increasing destruction of our rights there is no limit to government expansion and growth.

    How long will Americans and the world continue to remain blind as their rights are being swept out from beneath them through legislative and judicial subterfuge? History has shown that when rights cannot be secured with pens, blood usually follows.

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
  2. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Don't forget freedom of speech, with "intent" laws that have a thought-crime component. Anything you might have said can be used as evidence of what your intent was, no matter how flimsy the basis for the rest of the evidence. (Example: an employer faced with a discrimination lawsuit who is on record having said that, in his experience, his black female employees give the customers too much sass)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
  3. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    The truth of course is they want to hide what they do behind the scenes to people, every aspect of the gov is the same way, this is not limited to the police, the courts, the legislative branch, attorneys the whole system is rotten to the core and broken.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017

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