Right to bear are OR Right to defend?

Discussion in 'Gun Control' started by luciddd, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. luciddd

    luciddd Newly Registered

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Regardless as to weather or not we have the rights to bear arms according to our constitution, I believe that this issue is greater than some words that are put on paper.
    We have a history that traces back to beyond the stone age in which man has had some form of struggle to protect ourselves. We did this first by using our minds and putting to use what our environment gave us and then by putting it to good use. It does not matter what it was, we found a use for it to provide for ourselves as well as defend ourselves.
    And here we are, having simple ideas about what our rights are. I know what it is to be free. Do you? The right to bear arms is not the issue here. The issue is within ourselves and to do what is right by ourselves, our family and all of us who are like minded. If anyone should limit our ability to live by creating laws in the name of civility, we should also have the individual right to action without restriction if for some reason we wish to disband those laws. "When in the course of human events, it may become necessary to dissolve the political bands that have been connected to another..." What if just talking and voting don't work out for us as a people any more? How do we protect ourselves against on oppressive force?
    This is not just politics folks. This is about defending ourselves at all costs against something that stands in direc opposition to what we want to achieve. Are we to be limited ort

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