Ron Paul supporters who will not support the GOP nominee are Liberals

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by texmaster, Jan 1, 2012.

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  1. texmaster

    texmaster Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    Why do you support Paul running as a GOP if the GOP is so evil?
  2. texmaster

    texmaster Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    So you believe the GOP and liberals are the same too?
  3. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    You have got to realize, it is either Paul or Romney. 2012 is here. Romney will get SLAUGHTERED in a general election. McCain showing was close because McCain comes from an American family with impeccable service honor and was himself a POW. And he still couldn't win. What can Obama say against Paul? That he got no bills passed? Obama not only did nothing in congress, but has done nothing AS president. He has no trump cards to play. Just hyperbole easily refuted. Wake up.
  4. texmaster

    texmaster Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    Totally disagree. Paul would get slaughtered.

    Romney is a true politician and he's slick.

    Paul has the hints of racism from his newletter, he's got 9.11 truthers, his foreign policy is beyond unpopular and he isn't personable. If you think the *******s wont focus on these flaws you are crazy.

    You've got to wake up to reality. Romney is not my first choice either but he has a chance to beat Obama and that is ALL that matters.
  5. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    The majority of voters are workers. The economy is so bad that no amount of discourse on social policy will win this baby. Economics, purely. The public views China as the main culprit. Romney playing lip service to tariffs will not save him from his track record of a career before politics. A guy who went from inherited wealth to dismantling companies for more gains. He doesn't know how to build business, he specializes in destroying it. THEY WILL SLAUGHTER HIM.
  6. DA60

    DA60 Banned

    Feb 28, 2011
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    So you ignore the honorable thing to vote for the best possible candidate just so you can play partisan politics?

    You are nothing but the status quo...the very reason that America is falling apart.

    The honorable vote is a vote for the best possible candidate - regardless of his/her party or chances of victory.

    But you obviously have NO CLUE about that.

    Because you have abandoned political honor for 'compromise'.
  7. texmaster

    texmaster Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    If he would be slaughtered we would have seen his F ups in debates. We haven't seen it.
  8. texmaster

    texmaster Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    No because I want to stop the bleeding unlike you apparently.

    WRONG. Only a fool would rather watch the nation burn than to compromise.

    Obama is putting in liberal judges EVERYWHERE. He appoints Czars who spit on the Constitution every day. He passed Obamacare. With Romney at the very LEAST we get conservative judges and if you haven't noticed the last 15 years its the judges that are making the laws.

    I'd rather have some of what I want and stop a madman than sit home watch the nation burn and my only comfort is that I wasn't willing to compromise at all and allow Obama to keep power.
  9. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    Romney is not a supply side economics man.
    Romney is not a demand side economics man.
    He is Wall St. vulture class.
    That is how it will play out. Obama's state injected demand side economics will look a lot safer to workers than trying to trust a blood sucker who supplies nothing at all in the economic scheme of things. Attacking Paul to get Romney the ticket is TRULY handing 4 more years to Obama.
  10. texmaster

    texmaster Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    I've already said I will support Paul if he gets the nomination. This thread is specifically aimed at Paul supporters who refuse to support the GOP nominee if Paul doesn't make it.

    And Obama will have to run on his record. Romney is slick enough to dodge the cheap shots the liberals will put out and he has business credentials people look for to save the economy.

    You somehow think the regular voters are as informed as we are. THEY AREN'T. They vote for pretty, they vote for catch phrases, they vote for gotcha moments. That is the reality. The question is do we vote for the party that will do less damage than Obama or do we throw our vote away and allow Obama to win and continue the raping of this country.

    Don't be the new Ross Perot.
  11. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    No one picks the flashy young punk over grandpa. Grandpa's wit wins every time.

    If people can't see Romney has been selected by the left to be Obama's competition, I don't know what to do for you. THEY have decided he would be the easiest to beat. Take a step back and look at the whole picture. Romney isn't an option.

    Santorum has American supply side background. But that would be putting a non-flashy young punk vs ultra flashy young punk and Obama wins.

    Huntsman has good record in Utah, but Chinese ambassador? In a day and age where the average worker would vote to nuke China while the establishment wants to attack Iran? He is dead in the water.

    Newt. The GOP establishment's best hope----for the 2000 election, before the Bush/Cheney years destroyed neoconservatism's reputation. If Newt could acknowledge the faults in the neoliberal agenda as a whole, embrace a nationalist stance on economics, he is smart enough to make great gains for the country. Unfortunately, he defines the old dog you can't teach new tricks, and will take the neocon paradigm to the grave with him.

    That leaves Paul. A guy who would truly be the man you all want, not just play lip service to smaller government and less taxes, but somehow you all have been convince to save the federal reserve and wars overseas none of you benefit from.
    The12thMan and (deleted member) like this.
  12. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    com·pro·mise (kmpr-mz)

    A settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions.

    You demonize compromise, an absolute necessity in politics, the way liberals demonize the word PROFIT.

    Both are essential to achievement and growth in politics.

    Politics without compromise is called a dictatorship.

    We HAVE an abusive AND ineffective president now. We need to replace him, NOW!

    Listening to a man that has preached the same song for nearing 4 decades without ACHIEVING a single thing, is the last one to replace an ineffective dolt. Is Romney, Gingrich, Huntsman worth a try? Compared to obama, YES.
    Is Paul? What do we NOT know about Paul? Nothing, we know everything there is to know about Paul. He has been in politics for most of his life and achieved NOTHING. For a short time he was out of office when he got beat for the Senate. Then he started and closed a failed business.
    His words are stirring. His ACTIONS are a complete disappointment. And you know the old saw about words and actions.
  13. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    The Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional scam being ran on the American public via corrupt politicians. You don't compromise with criminals. The same can be said for the great majority of things going on in Washington. Our forefathers would want 99% of people in Washington hung as traitors. We can't even get you bastards to acknowledge they are traitors, let alone vote them out. What a (*)(*)(*)(*)ed situation.
  14. The12thMan

    The12thMan Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 11, 2004
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    The Republican Party has a ridiculous way of choosing the nominee. They disenfranchise more than half the country. That's what is wrong with your insistence that we vote for whoever gets the nomination. Chances are that nominee will be chosen long before I get to vote in the primary. I won't vote for a big govt guy. I hate democrats whether they have an 'R' or a 'D' next to their name.
  15. Dr. Righteous

    Dr. Righteous Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Sure they are. They believe that the group/group rights are more important than the individual/individual rights
  16. Dr. Righteous

    Dr. Righteous Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    I am not considering voting for Obama. You're just making stuff up.

    I am not cheering for him to win. I'm cheering for Ron Paul to win. I'd rather Obama win than Romney or any of the other liberals that have an (R) next to their names. Obama at least doesn't lie about being a socialist. He's right out in the open about it. Romney, Gingrich and Santorum all lie about being socialists. And naive sheep like you eat it up.

    Of course I care. That's why I don't want someone else to get into office who is no different than Obama. AKA one of the Communists that you support.

    I am not an Obama supporter.

    Complete fabrication. Why do you think I want Ron Paul in the White House? Because he is the only one who will attempt to put a stop to the destruction. The rest are for hitting the gas pedal. Obama just wants to put the pedal to the metal. I'd rather it be that way than slow and drawn out. If America refuses to elect politicians who actually want to put a stop to it, then it deserves to collapse.

    Your posts are riddled with strawmans and logical fallacies. You don't even realize that there is no difference between any of the other Republicans and Obama. But you think there is because the TV told you so. None of them will do anything to reverse anything Obama has done. The government will be bigger now than it was four years ago. The economy will continue moving left, the police state will continue its oppressive expansion and the Constitution will become even more obsolete.

    But that's OK to you because you want to elect a candidate that spouts rhetoric that makes you feel good. All you really care about is what the candidates say, not what their record proves about their ideology. Who is the naive one?
    The12thMan and (deleted member) like this.
  17. DA60

    DA60 Banned

    Feb 28, 2011
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    He achieved nothing because he was in the political wilderness.

    No one is going to vote for bills that none of their constituents wants.

    But look at the polls - he is not in the wilderness any longer.

    And if he wins the POTUS - not that I am saying he will - but IF he does then that probably means that most Americans voted for him and want his policies and ideas.

    And that means that other politicians do as well...if they want to be re-elected.

    If Ron Paul becomes POTUS, I guarantee you that as long as he is popular that most of his bills WILL get passed...whether the mostly losers in Congress and the Senate (in both parties) love them or hate the Bills he proposes.

    Because NOTHING is more important to a politician then getting re-elected. And there is no way that is going to happen if you go against the voters wishes.

    And btw - you clearly know little to nothing about his investments. He has done INCREDIBLY well with his portfolio over the last ten years. Guess where much of his money and gold stocks. And he cleaned up.
    When no one was buying gold - he did.
    The12thMan and (deleted member) like this.
  18. DA60

    DA60 Banned

    Feb 28, 2011
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    Look around pal...America IS burning. It's falling apart. It was falling apart under GWB. And falling apart under Clinton. And Bush Sr.. And Reagan. And Carter. And Ford. And Nixon. All the way back to at least Hoover. And it is falling apart under Obama.

    It is the system that is killing the nation...not the POTUS's (though they are helping).

    The system has to change...fundamentally.

    And continuously voting for the status quo is NEVER going to do that.

    You have been brain washed into following the partisan politic line...'our candidate MUST be better then whomever the other party puts up'.

    Are you blind? Can you not see the national debt? And where are the Republicans yelling for a balanced budget? Nowhere to be seen (except for a very few). Where are the Republicans that are talking about seriously cutting the size of government? Same. Where are the Republicans that are talking about ending crony capitalism? Same. And neither are virtually any Democrats (I actually know of none). Both parties are completely useless.

    It's not the POTUS's. They are just one cog in a wheel. They put a new one in every 4-8 years. But it's the same wheel doing the same thing...running over America and the Constitution. And destroying both in the process.

    If you think that the system is fine and the only problem is Obama and the Dems...then imo - you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on this particular subject

    But you are not alone...most people are as politically ignorant as you seem to be.

    Gleefully handing over their tax dollars in larger and larger chunks - while the losers in Washington (in BOTH parties) hand out token amounts to the masses and keep the rest for themselves and their Wall Street buddies.

    The debt is skyrocketing, the unemployment rate is high, the real estate market is dead..and yet corporations are having record profits.

    Because they are taking middle class tax/Fed dollars and pocketing it via the stock market and bailouts.

    And all most people in America (like you apparently) think is wrong is the wrong party is in power.

    And that is EXACTLY what both parties want you to think...they want the gravy train to keep on running.

    So you keep doing what your party tells you to do...and watch America slowly go broke in the process.

    This is what is happening in America:

    [ame=""]What If "They" Are Lying to Us about Ron Paul? - YouTube[/ame]
  19. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Paul will quit.
  20. DA60

    DA60 Banned

    Feb 28, 2011
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    He is 76 and has quit his Congreeional seat.

    Why on Earth would be quit?
  21. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    He has NO chance of beating Obama. He will get annihilated, up to and including LOSING his home state. You REALLY want another GOP nominee who is a wishy-washy moderate, with no discernable core beliefs and who, as a bonus, CREATED the monster that Obamacare is modeled on?

    No, let's NOT turn the whole country into Massachusetts!
  22. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    You already answered your own question.

    He is already 76, will be 77 by election time. NO ONE has ever been elected to the WH in their 70's. Reagan was the oldest at 69. Paul is on tape as knowing he will not win. Who is more expert on Paul than Paul? A few more defeats and he will fold his snake oil tent and go home to retire.

    He is all talk, no action. HE knows it, his supporters don't.
  23. DA60

    DA60 Banned

    Feb 28, 2011
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    Where is this tape where Paul says he will not win?

    And please save the overly dramatic 'he knows it' stuff.

    You have NO IDEA what he knows.

    And if you cannot provide a link to proof that he 'knows it' - then your point makes no sense.

    This is Paul's last chance. Why would the guy campaign for over a year and then pull out when he has never been more popular.

    It makes ZERO sense.
  24. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    He's just making things up.
  25. tomfoo13ry

    tomfoo13ry Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2009
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    And that's why you're voting for him? Because he's a slick politician?
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